CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #5

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Ok, I'm confused. Didn't her cell phone ping in IDAHO near her mother's area? Secondly, Mr. Boyfriend has been co-operative in the early investigation, but then so was Chris Watts. Ya gotta set your story somehow, especially if you have your baby...MOO, MOO, MOO.

Not near her mother. 9 hours south of her mom.
You know, I think that professions determine our attitude to cellphones. Some people don’t answer cellphones if they have clients. It might very well mean, they don’t answer the phone all day, till the late evening.

KB is a flight instructor. Meaning she either may not get a call in time, or not answer it if she is busy. It might apply to her relatives or close people as well. Or perhaps she does not like taking calls?

Shanann Watts was the opposite, and it helped the case immensely. She was a vendor, in touch with her clients and her group. She would take every call, because a call might mean, sales. She was also super organized and “on the clock”. Small wonder her not answering the calls on the morning of August 13th was so much out of character that her friend immediately called the police!

Not every person is as organized as SW. Most are not in sales. I think it might well be been KB’s style to not always answer the phone. (Busy or out of reach at work, tired single young mom at home). I think that sadly, this was the reason no one had noticed her absence until a week went by.

That’s true. Before #momlife (because hashtags are the topic of the hour), I basically worked in a very secure safe. Cell phone signals were completely blocked. Emails, and then texts were your best bet of reaching me, they would go through once I stepped out of the office/secure areas. I’d think plane based jobs would be similar.
I just saw the video of him in his red truck ignoring the reporter. I cannot believe how nasty he was to not even give a brief comment!

This can happen. I know that the reporters are people who, too, have families to feed, that they are doing their jobs. I would try to be polite. However, we, and the media, have a habit of tearing people apart with comments about “inappropriate” facial expressions, hidden smiles, shirts of wrong color, general cuteness or ugliness, and what not.

I don’t think Stanislavsky or Chaplin could pass muster today if they were interviewed. The press would criticize Stanislavsky for being “too theatrical”, and Chaplin, for “strange jerky movements” and inappropriate clothes.

(Especially after another high-profile case, and not so far away) - I don’t believe PF was nasty. I think he did not want to be ripped apart by the media, and by us, and for a good reason. Also, he might be protecting his daughter.

So, if there is a reason to suspect PF in foul play, it is something that the police would know. Whenever they say it, I am ready to criticize PF. But not yet. As of today, I have no idea about either KB’s relationship with PF, or her proximity to her biological family.
Another question.....the LE has Mr. Boyfriend's red truck and his residence. But nothing was said about his cell phone. Please tell me they took that too.
Yes, where I live Thanksgiving is a big day for restaurants, but you have to make reservations far in advance.
It doesn't sound like Kelsey had definite plans for dinner that day. I don't think she was included in her fiancees plans with his family at all. She didn't say anything to her mom about the father picking the child up that day to go to his families home. It does not sound like that was the original plan. She did not bring the child to him, as was originally stated. He went to her house to pick the child up. Maybe his going there was unexpected, and there was an argument. It's hard to imagine he would take the child and not include her in the dinner plans, especially if he knew she was going to be alone. I would really like to know what he tells LE about his reason for not including her.

Also in one of the mother's tv interviews, she said: "There was the possibility of going out to dinner." It sounded like a vague, not definite plan.

I agree that Kelsey could have told her mother white lies about her relationship and fronted having holiday plans that perhaps she really didn't have. Maybe that's making it harder to sort out some of the information and what's accurate or not.

But I believe there is one person who knows those answers, what happened, and where she is. And that he is not being forthcoming with information.

If she was his fiance, there should never have been an "exchange of custody". People who are engaged and have plans to be married celebrate together don't they?
If she asked about a recipe from her mom, she was cooking something.
If she was going out to dinner it doesn't sound like she was going out with him. If he was picking the baby up.
IMO they were no longer together.
Time will out it.

Kesley's mom (CB) has stated on the official fb page that KB had plans to go to dinner with PF (I don't know where to find it but I'm sure PommyMommy has quoted it several times). CB was not as direct in her media interviews, however. I think we might be looking at the reason for the baby being picked up in the afternoon all wrong. I wonder if the plan was to go to dinner with PF-- but without the baby? CB has never mentioned they were going to take baby K with them as far as I have seen. PF could have picked up the baby in the afternoon in order to take her home for his mom to watch. That would also give KB time to change clothes and do her hair and make-up. Maybe the plan was a romantic evening, just the two of them? With KB's work schedule, they might not get to do that very often. Maybe when CB said "There was the possibility of going out to dinner" she meant-- going out to dinner was possible for them on this particular evening. Or maybe she was hinting at something more-- Could KB have been expecting PF to finally set a date for their wedding? Could she have been expecting big news or an important development that evening? Or maybe the plan was PF was going to surprise KB with where they were going--perhaps that would be why CB might not know specifics of the restaurant or the exact plans KB had with PF. IDK, but I'm trying to piece together what we know in a way that makes sense. MOO.
He never reported her missing, her mother reported that 10 days after she was last seen.
On what day did she speak to the fiance when he told her about the text on the 25th? Didn't she report her missing right after that? So apparently she didn't know that her daughter was supposedly away and had not been to work? At what point did she realize that? What was the date she was reported missing?
Catching up again.
Watched the press conference and followed the thread afterwards. A few thoughts.

One thing that upsets me is there were earlier reports earlier in the week that he was being "cooperative" with LE. IMO that was absolutely not true because from the press conference and from my interpretation of it he has not been very cooperative with LE at all. And is still not being very cooperative.

An innocent cooperating person that cared one bit about a missing person who they had a child with would march into investigators offices and start to answer whatever questions are necessary.

Another thing that upsets me is Kelsey's Mom still has not been able to see or hold the baby. That is just down right cruel to not let a scared concerned mother see or hold the child of her missing daughter.

The good news is it appears that LE is in full force now with trying to get to the bottom of what happened and I am happy to see the resources being poured onto the case. I hope they are able to make good progress very soon.

One thought that I keep coming back to is the ping in Idaho. I have to wonder if that wasnt a critical error by the perp and somehow the phone got turned on when it was not supposed to. I am just guessing that the texts on that same day may have come from a more local Colorado location from the phone and somehow later that day/evening an error was made when the phone got turned on in Idaho.

If I was LE I would be having search teams in Idaho around any known places that she would have known about or visited. And I would be grilling any records or witnesses from the regional airports to see if there were unscheduled flights that day. Along with trying to get camera footage on the highway leading to Idaho from that day. Maybe some store has a longer stored Video system that can recover footage going way back. Like maybe traffic cameras or something. I would be interested in seeing if a certain vehicle was on that highway between Idaho and Woodland Park.
It is more than a 12 hour drive to Gooding, ID from the Woodland Park/Florissant area. That is just driving not counting any stops for gas, eating, or bathroom purposes. The ping in Gooding was at 5:13pm so the only way it would be possible for the texts to be sent from Colorado and then have that phone ping in Gooding is if the texts were sent around 5:00am or thereabouts. I am reasonably confident that didn't happen (at least not from the same phone).
On what day did she speak to the fiance when he told her about the text on the 25th? Didn't she report her missing right after that? So apparently she didn't know that her daughter was supposedly away and had not been to work? At what point did she realize that? What was the date she was reported missing?
Kelsey's mother called Patrick on December 2nd. After speaking with Patrick she then reported Kelsey missing.
Kesley's mom (CB) has stated on the official fb page that KB had plans to go to dinner with PF (I don't know where to find it but I'm sure PommyMommy has quoted it several times). CB was not as direct in her media interviews, however. I think we might be looking at the reason for the baby being picked up in the afternoon all wrong. I wonder if the plan was to go to dinner with PF-- but without the baby? CB has never mentioned they were going to take baby K with them as far as I have seen. PF could have picked up the baby in the afternoon in order to take her home for his mom to watch. That would also give KB time to change clothes and do her hair and make-up. Maybe the plan was a romantic evening, just the two of them? With KB's work schedule, they might not get to do that very often. Maybe when CB said "There was the possibility of going out to dinner" she meant-- going out to dinner was possible for them on this particular evening. Or maybe she was hinting at something more-- Could KB have been expecting PF to finally set a date for their wedding? Could she have been expecting big news or an important development that evening? Or maybe the plan was PF was going to surprise KB with where they were going--perhaps that would be why CB might not know specifics of the restaurant or the exact plans KB had with PF. IDK, but I'm trying to piece together what we know in a way that makes sense. MOO.
The admin and CB comments from Missing Mother - Kelsey Berreth facebook page - On December 6 post at 10:25 a.m. - were:

"I spoke with her a couple of times that morning. Going out for dinner was in the plan. We know she had picked up a few things at Safeway.


"She was going out to dinner with her fiance and daughter. She didn't say where."

In CB's media interview, I believe she simply said, "Going out to dinner was a possibility."
On what day did she speak to the fiance when he told her about the text on the 25th? Didn't she report her missing right after that? So apparently she didn't know that her daughter was supposedly away and had not been to work? At what point did she realize that? What was the date she was reported missing?
I think that CB rang PF on the 25th Nov. He may have told her that KB had sent her employer a text saying that she was taking the week off. I assume that her mother tried to reach her in that week and when she couldn't she reported her missing on 2nd Dec.
That is how I understand it.
Are any verified attorneys here criminal defense attorneys? I’m curious, that if someone came to you because their significant other / their child’s parent went missing (as a precaution), what would be the typical overall strategy of advising? Would you generally tell your client to not talk to police, even if innocent? Or would you only do that if you were setting up for a murder defense or the like? I know denying polygraphs is usually normal, but what else?
Well, I don't specialize in criminal law, but I do a fair amount. If such a client came to me and retained my services, my first instructions would be to not talk to LE (or anybody) about the case until we can get together to fully discuss things. Then we would have a long discussion about the case to decide where we want to go. But what happens from there would vary from case to case based upon a lot of factors. If the client expresses a desire to really help the investigation and it seems he has relevant info, we would schedule a meeting with law enforcement. But that interview will be on my terms. If the client is scared, threatened, emotionally weak or otherwise overly nervous or unstable, there will be no interview. I would never consent to a client agreeing to a polygraph exam, unless its one that I have arranged for defense purposes only.
It is more than a 12 hour drive to Gooding, ID from the Woodland Park/Florissant area. That is just driving not counting any stops for gas, eating, or bathroom purposes. The ping in Gooding was at 5:13pm so the only way it would be possible for the texts to be sent from Colorado and then have that phone ping in Gooding is if the texts were sent around 5:00am or thereabouts. I am reasonably confident that didn't happen (at least not from the same phone).

Unless it was flown over there by plane. Remember she is a pilot and I have to wonder if her fiance had piloting experience or maybe he knew someone with a small plane.
On what day did she speak to the fiance when he told her about the text on the 25th? Didn't she report her missing right after that? So apparently she didn't know that her daughter was supposedly away and had not been to work? At what point did she realize that? What was the date she was reported missing?
It sounded like she reached out to the fiance on December 2, but I don't know that it has ever been 100% clarified that was definitely the "reach out" date. On December 2, it sounds like she realized and had confirmation that NO ONE had heard from Kelsey, and at that point realized no one had seen Kelsey since November 22. And immediately called police.
1. I wouldnt talk either because 2. Innocent people Do get arrested and he knows he’ll be the prime suspect 3. Just moo that picking apart whether he was arrogant or ?? isn’t getting anywhere 4. How long do police wait before an adult becomes a ‘missing person’ and 5. After Susan Powell the LE had better be damn sure; that was a disaster. (Not saying it isn’t likely that PF was involved - just responding to other posts). All MOO.
It is more than a 12 hour drive to Gooding, ID from the Woodland Park/Florissant area. That is just driving not counting any stops for gas, eating, or bathroom purposes. The ping in Gooding was at 5:13pm so the only way it would be possible for the texts to be sent from Colorado and then have that phone ping in Gooding is if the texts were sent around 5:00am or thereabouts. I am reasonably confident that didn't happen (at least not from the same phone).
I'm not sure I'm following the logic. If you send a msg at 5:13pm, it's received at 5:13pm, why would it need to have been sent at 5:00am?
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