Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #33

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We just started getting our temps taken On Friday. Inside the building. We were all reading like 96.something. I’m skeptical. But maybe those scanner ones read cool. Idk

Sister in Maui just texted me this. Maui hospital has a, triage tent outside the ER. Every employee is temperature checked in the parking lot prior to entry.
The United States now has the third highest number of COVID 19 cases in the world, after Italy and China.

please, everyone, just stay home if you can. Some of us have to get out and go to work, for example those of us who work in healthcare.
kali :[from previous thread]

My 89 yr old Mom got one for Christmas from us, last year. She begged us to take it back---she thought it was 'creepy' and she said she couldn't sleep with it in her apartment. lol


There are scientific research papers backing the success rates of the malaria drugs in combatting Corona Virus. Some were posted in last thread.

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

published by:
US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health

Virol J. 2005; 2: 69.
Published online 2005 Aug 22. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69
PMCID: PMC1232869
PMID: 16115318
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

Martin J Vincent,1 Eric Bergeron,2 Suzanne Benjannet,2 Bobbie R Erickson,1 Pierre E Rollin,1 Thomas G Ksiazek,1Nabil G Seidah,2 and Stuart T Nichol

[Those ^^ are research Scientists that published their scientific results. ]

Yes, this is what Dr. Fauchi and DT were having their own opposing viewpoints on. DT said "is", and Dr. Fauchi pointed out that it's only anecdotal, and no clinical studies have been done yet. Many things work in cell cultures, but not in the bodies at the dosages needed. Therefore, the studies are to be done is what Dr. Fauchi was saying.

As pointed out in the article you shared "Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture." in vitro (cell culture) and not in vivo (living humans). There have been NO scaled double blind human trials results that I've seen or heard of.

That may be the same disagreement here on the threads.

ETA: That said, there are recent small in vivo studies which give great hope, such as
Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19.pdf

and calls that the US get into gear with their trials for FDA approval as these state other countries are already using it

Delingpole: Studies Claim Malaria Drug Chloroquine Effective Against Coronavirus
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However, stores and farmer markets were bustling, and many people took advantage of the beautiful spring weather and rushed to the outdoors. At beaches and parks, not everyone heeded calls to practice social distancing, prompting Newsom to call them out.

“Those young people are still out there on the beaches thinking it's time to party. It's time to grow up, time to wake up,” he said at an evening news conference. “Time to recognize that it's not just about the old folks, it's about your impact on their lives. Don't be selfish.”

Governor calls on youth to take shelter-in-place seriously
I reached out to Musk for clarification on that topic and he replied that, “We have 250k N95 masks. Aiming to start distributing those to hospitals tomorrow night. Should have over 1000 ventilators by next week.”

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, an American oncologist and bioethicist who is senior fellow at the Center for American Progress as well as Vice Provost for Global Initiatives at the University of Pennsylvania and chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, said on MSNBC on Friday, March 20, that Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk told him it would probably take 8–10 weeks to get ventilator production started at his factories (he’s working on this at Tesla and SpaceX).

Elon Musk: Should Have 1000 Ventilators Next Week, + 250,000 N95 Masks For Hospitals Tomorrow — CleanTechnica Exclusive | CleanTechnica
The current coronavirus pandemic will end as well, despite how heavily it besieges us today. The only question is how. There are four possible ways:

If the coronavirus proves to be seasonal in temperate climates, meaning that new infections eventually decline on their own as the weather warms. But in this scenario, the coronavirus would return when cold weather returns – although we hope that by then our health system is better prepared to help those who fall severely ill to recover.

Through herd immunity, where a significant percentage of the population becomes infected, recovers and develops a natural immunity. The challenge is that reaching herd immunity will take a significant amount of time. While we wait, it’s possible that as many as 200,000 to 1.7 million Americans may die.

Development of a vaccine that would be made widely available. There are at least five vaccines currently in some phase of development, with one starting clinical trials just this week. That’s a promising development, but just the first phase of a lengthy process. Even in the best-case scenario, it will still be many months before a successful vaccine is available to the general public.

Accelerated development of therapeutic drugs that treat infections and, depending on the drug, prevent further infection from occurring. One option in this scenario is an antiviral drug combination that targets the RNA at the center of the coronavirus responsible for the pandemic sweeping across the world today.

Dr. William Haseltine: Coronavirus pandemic could end in these ways – Maybe sooner than we expect | Fox News
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian military will start sending medical help to Italy from Sunday in order to help it battle the new coronavirus after receiving an order from President Vladimir Putin, Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Putin spoke to Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Saturday, the Kremlin said, saying the Russian leader had offered his support and help in the form of mobile disinfection vehicles and specialists to help the worst hit Italian regions.

The Russian Defense Ministry said military transport planes would deliver eight mobile brigades of military medics, special disinfection vehicles, and other medical equipment to Italy starting from Sunday.

Russian army to send coronavirus help to Italy after Putin phone call
HAVANA (Reuters) - Communist-run Cuba said it dispatched a brigade of doctors and nurses to Italy for the first time this weekend to help in the fight against the novel coronavirus at the request of the worst-affected region Lombardy.

The Caribbean island has sent its "armies of white robes" to disaster sites around the world largely in poor countries since its 1959 revolution. Its doctors were in the front lines in the fight against cholera in Haiti and against ebola in West Africa in the 2010s.

Yet with the 52-strong brigade, this is the first time Cuba has sent an emergency contingent to Italy, one of the world's richest countries, demonstrating the reach of its medical diplomacy.

Cuban doctors head to Italy battle coronavirus
What happens if you have a regular cold, cough,sore throat etc and THEN you get covid-19? have there been any cases where this has happened?
This is a really good question and one I’ve been thinking about myself.

The United States now has the third highest number of COVID 19 cases in the world, after Italy and China.

please, everyone, just stay home if you can. Some of us have to get out and go to work, for example those of us who work in healthcare.

This, this, this! I pray everyone - wherever in the world they are - will stay home whenever possible. I think it was our Mayor, Sadiq Khan, who said this morning that if you go out, you risk killing someone.
We all need to keep the great outdoors as safe as possible for those who have to go out.

Coronavirus: 'Fit and healthy' nurse, 36, fighting for life in intensive care

Mum-of-three Areema Nasreen, 36, is on a ventilator at Walsall Manor Hospital, being treated by her colleagues after being diagnosed with Covid-19. She had earlier developed a cough and fever

'Fit and healthy' nurse, 36, fighting for life after coronavirus diagnosis

I really hope this nurse survives and fully recovers. This is a huge problem.
Hanes clothing company is retrofitting factories to make masks to combat the aggressive spread of novel coronavirus, President Donald Trump announced at a press conference Saturday. The company later confirmed it was pairing with the government to make N95 masks for health care workers on the front line of fighting the disease.

Hanes expects to ramp up to production of 1.5 million masks weekly, and the consortium of companies it has joined, led by Parkdale Mills America, is expected to ramp up to production of 5 million to 6 million masks weekly using HanesBrands’ design and patterns, the company said in a statement.

"The company’s supply chain and product development experts created technical product specifications, including product chemistry, and samples of cotton masks in coordination with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that were approved by the FDA." Hanes said.

Hanes will start making masks for health care professionals treating coronavirus
(Reuters) - Countries can't simply lock down their societies to defeat coronavirus, the World Health Organization's top emergency expert said on Sunday, adding that public health measures are needed to avoid a resurgence of the virus later on.

"What we really need to focus on is finding those who are sick, those who have the virus, and isolate them, find their contacts and isolate them," Mike Ryan said in an interview on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show.

"The danger right now with the lockdowns ... if we don't put in place the strong public health measures now, when those movement restrictions and lockdowns are lifted, the danger is the disease will jump back up."

Lockdowns not enough to defeat coronavirus - WHO's Ryan
This is a great video explaining the virus, how it spreads and why we need to isolate. My apologies if it has been shared already.

Fabulous video for folks! Thanks, as I have not seen before, and even if i hadn't, gems like this are very worthy of reposting as I've missed so much on threads and had to jump forward as I assume many others have also.
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