Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #63

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I just posted WHO mask guidance.

He recaps the old stuff the gives the new stuff. It doesn't say everybody to wear masks but if there is community spread, (nothing in my community) over 60, underlying conditions any age and if you cannot social distance. That's my reading of it anyway.

Thanks for posting WHO mask guidance @tresir2012. In the U.S. our CDC mask guidance is that everyone wear a mask in public:

However, the CDC still recommends that everyone in public should wear a mask. The U.S. agency said that scientific evidence suggests that masks help curb the spread from people who are asymptomatic.

World Health Organization, CDC disagree on mask use in public
Thanks for posting WHO mask guidance @tresir2012. In the U.S. our CDC mask guidance is that everyone wear a mask in public:

However, the CDC still recommends that everyone in public should wear a mask. The U.S. agency said that scientific evidence suggests that masks help curb the spread from people who are asymptomatic.

World Health Organization, CDC disagree on mask use in public

My Governor stated masks are mandatory. If I sue because I refuse, I am almost positive I won’t win in court using WHO as a defense. :rolleyes:
A number of Dallas Cowboys players now have the virus. They won’t need to report now until mid July. Without the cancellation, they would have started practice next week.

Report: Ezekiel Elliott among multiple Cowboys, Texans players to test positive for COVID-19

I think the Cowboys are having some serious issues with this virus.

I wonder if that has to do with any congregating they did a few weeks ago? Or friends or family?

Apparently, for Soccer right now, the players, staff are under very strict quarantine. They are playing in Europe, I have been watching a few games. Odd, no fans.
No, v rare. 31 degrees here today (unusual to be that high) and I'm meltingggggggg

The Arctic reached 100.4F yesterday - the hottest ever recorded and perhaps the hottest northern hemisphere day in thousands of years. In fact, geologists and climate scientists think it's probably an 800,000 year high - perhaps even longer than that.

It's actually alarmed Russia - long story - but permafrost is melting and my own fears are of what lies beyond, buried in the peat. Russia tries to keep quiet about it, but if you google that recent oil spill in Russia and see why it happened and what that oil was fueling, it's an interesting read. While sweltering.

I'm guessing not many in UK have A/C (it's the same where I live - supposedly we get coastal breezes, but it's really only people right on the beach who get the benefit of much cooling).

It's gonna be a long, hot summer on top of everything else. I feel your pain - hope you all get some relief soon.
Is it also humid? Or relatively dry air? We have temps like that and higher in NC often in the summer, AND usually high humidity along with the heat. Not pleasant.

It is really humid and sticky in the UK today. I am pretty good at enduring hot weather (but get cold easily) and would normally welcome 30 degrees, but it's been horrible today. Proper sweaty weather, lucky I didn't have to go anywhere!! :D

Much as we have loved this 3 month 'heatwave' it has not helped keep people safely at home, hence all the crowded beach pics. Brits are a bit daft (polite version) when it comes to a little peep of sunshine. Those beach-goers will be sunburned to hell this evening; let's hope that's the only ailment they picked up today.
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Orange County, CA Update:

1. June 25 - 506 New Cases

2. June 21 - 430 New Cases

3. June 20 - 402 New Cases

4. June 24 - 354 New Cases

And so it seems, OC will systematically undermine their own local economy by keeping Disneyland closed.

Those beach businesses are almost entirely dependent on Disneyland for their large number of tourists. I don't know about you, but most Southern Californians go to the closest beach, take a picnic, and don't typically hang out in bars near the beach at night. Some 40 million Americans and 7 million international visitors from outside OC came through SoCal last year, with a huge proportion of those bound for Disney at some point in their visit. California Adventure by itself had about 10 million visitors. Disneyland of course had more (park doesn't often release figures).

One of the big groups who flock to OC beach hotels is Australians, who often come to SoCal for 3-4 weeks. Disney has had entire packages for this experience.

People traveling up and down the California coast from ever-popular San Diego to San Francisco stop in some OC beach towns - but people won't be stopping at restaurants at much in the Days of Covid.

Their only hope of getting their jobs back and keeping them was to decrease CoVid cases so that Disneyland, Knotts, California Adventure, Medieval Times, that Wolf themed Water Park Hotel thingie and Legoland could all open (along with the attractions in San Diego).

Magic Mountain won't care as much about human health and safety, look for it to open sooner than the others and try to make bank off of packing their park to its limits. Santa Clarita area isn't exactly CoVid-free, but it isn't its own county and doesn't get the constant poor PR that OC is getting.
“Even though everyone did their best to stay socially distant, Barbosa said it wasn't enough.”
The pictures and video in the article clearly show that to be a lie.

Must have been a damn important birthday to risk your entire family and put Dad in ICU on life support.


Barbosa, an EMT, and his wife, a doctor, did not attend the party because they did not think it was safe. Turned out they were right. Barbosa's sister, a cancer patient, attended but reportedly stayed distanced outside on a porch, and his mother reportedly stopped by to drop something off. But they both got it, and then his Mom transmitted it to his Dad...
This is the June 5th WHO guidance on masks. If there is anything later than this please post it.

WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 5 June 2020

Today WHO is publishing updated guidance on the use of masks for control of COVID-19.

This guidance is based on evolving evidence, and provides updated advice on who should wear a mask, when it should be worn and what it should be made of.

WHO has developed this guidance through a careful review of all available evidence, and extensive consultation with international experts and civil society groups.

I wish to be very clear that the guidance we are publishing today is an update of what we have been saying for months: that masks should only ever be used as part of a comprehensive strategy in the fight against COVID.

Masks on their own will not protect you from COVID-19.

Here is what has not changed:

WHO continues to recommend that people who are sick with symptoms of COVID-19 should remain at home, and should consult their health care provider.

People confirmed to have COVID-19 should be isolated and cared for in a health facility and their contacts should be quarantined.

If it is absolutely necessary for a sick person or a contact to leave the house, they should wear a medical mask.

WHO continues to advise that people caring for an infected person at home should wear a medical mask while they are in the same room as the sick person.

And WHO continues to advise that health workers use medical masks and other protective equipment when dealing with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients.

Here is what’s new:

In areas with widespread transmission, WHO advises medical masks for all people working in clinical areas of a health facility, not only workers dealing with patients with COVID-19.

That means, for example, that when a doctor is doing a ward round on the cardiology or palliative care units where there are no confirmed COVID-19 patients, they should still wear a medical mask.

Second, in areas with community transmission, we advise that people aged 60 years or over, or those with underlying conditions, should wear a medical mask in situations where physical distancing is not possible.

Third, WHO has also updated its guidance on the use of masks by the general public in areas with community transmission.

In light of evolving evidence, WHO advises that governments should encourage the general public to wear masks where there is widespread transmission and physical distancing is difficult, such as on public transport, in shops or in other confined or crowded environments.

Our updated guidance contains new information on the composition of fabric masks, based on academic research requested by WHO.

Based on this new research, WHO advises that fabric masks should consist of at least three layers of different material. Details of which materials we recommend for each layer are in the guidelines.

We also provide guidance on how to wash and maintain a fabric mask.

Our guidance also explains how to use a mask safely.

People can potentially infect themselves if they use contaminated hands to adjust a mask, or to repeatedly take it off and put it on, without cleaning hands in between.

Masks can also create a false sense of security, leading people to neglect measures such as hand hygiene and physical distancing.

I cannot say this clearly enough: masks alone will not protect you from COVID-19.

Masks are not a replacement for physical distancing, hand hygiene and other public health measures.

Masks are only of benefit as part of a comprehensive approach in the fight against COVID-19.

The cornerstone of the response in every country must be to find, isolate, test and care for every case, and to trace and quarantine every contact.

That is what we know works. That is every country’s best defense against COVID-19.

WHO will continue to provide the world with advice based on the most up-to-date evidence, as part of our commitment to serving the world with science, solutions and solidarity.

This seems to be the latest WHO guidance.
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