Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #7

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I think it's very possible that someone in Crystal's family BELIEVED they would be helping her by taking the children. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that such a person(s) believed that Crystal would not be at risk of jail for the support issue if they made the children disappear. I say childREN because I do think it's possible the plan was to take both children.

Having said that does not mean that I believe Crystal knew about it in advance. If you watch some of the earliest interviews with her, she seems to take great pains to avoid saying negative things about Ron and Misty and the custody situation in general. The first time I heard Crystal say anything negative that raised suspicion about Ron/Misty was during an interview on NG. Nancy asked Crystal a question. Crystal started to answer....then Marie poked her and whispered something...and Crystal's tone changed. I think Marie absolutely despises Ron and could very well have some involvement in Haleigh's disappearance.

I don't think that the people behind Haleigh's disappearance had any idea that it would be such a "big deal". Once it gained so much attention, they have been stuck trying to figure out how to undo what they did.

All this, of course, is JMHO
Well, pictures and video are staged events, just one moment in time- Caylee Anthony looked loved and cared for too.

I see a HUGE difference between pictures of Caylee Anthony and HaLeigh Cummings.

I never saw Caylee Anthony with a grin from ear to ear looking like a carefree little girl. HaLeigh Cummings was the opposite. You can look at her pictures and know that was not a "smile for the camera". And many of the pictures we see of her are candid pictures.

We can agree to disagree, that's fine with me.

When I see HaLeigh Cummings, I see a little girl that is loved more than life.

Well, I haven't seen every photo of Caylee ever taken, but I stand my position that most people smile when they see a camera, or ham it up in front of a camera- its not concrete proof of a happy childhood.
I think it's very possible that someone in Crystal's family BELIEVED they would be helping her by taking the children. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that such a person(s) believed that Crystal would not be at risk of jail for the support issue if they made the children disappear. I say childREN because I do think it's possible the plan was to take both children.

Having said that does not mean that I believe Crystal knew about it in advance. If you watch some of the earliest interviews with her, she seems to take great pains to avoid saying negative things about Ron and Misty and the custody situation in general. The first time I heard Crystal say anything negative that raised suspicion about Ron/Misty was during an interview on NG. Nancy asked Crystal a question. Crystal started to answer....then Marie poked her and whispered something...and Crystal's tone changed. I think Marie absolutely despises Ron and could very well have some involvement in Haleigh's disappearance.

I don't think that the people behind Haleigh's disappearance had any idea that it would be such a "big deal". Once it gained so much attention, they have been stuck trying to figure out how to undo what they did.

All this, of course, is JMHO

I agree with you completely. I don't believe she was involved in the plan before HaLeigh was taken, and I also believe they thought they were helping her, and that it would not get as big as it did. I think their hatred of Ron was also a factor. I do think she has known since the early days afterward.
It was court ordered. Spin it as ugly as it can be spun, but it still doesn't change the fact that Crystal chose to not pay that support for sometime. By the way can you explain how $4100.00 went to $12,000.00 and what would you think if you where the donor and the amount owed tripled?
Hey I saw that wrinkled shirt Ron *advertiser censored* to plea for his child and the Haleigh T-shirts that he sports around realy tells me he is raking it in and living at GGS must be hard with all that money.

You have raised a good question when it comes to the child support. I wish I had the doc's handy to find out when the support payments started and what amount was said was due before Barbara paid for the arrears. I have always questioned why the amount went from $4100.00 to $12,000.00. Now, we don't know if or how Crystal paid her child support (cash, check, other), when she did or if she made other arrangements with Ron so that the kids would qualify for food stamps and Medicaid. That is a possibility and it could of back fired on her. Who knows, only Ron and Crystal know the truth about the support payments. But I think that looking into the amounts would give some something to do and try and figure out how the drastic change came about. :waitasec:Interesting.....
Pretty sure that money had to be paid to RC through County...not directly. I hope she had guidance on that.


It is still likely RC is on assistance and has been. Haleigh qualified for SSDI and I don't see him passing up on that.

The judge may have had the custody support money and the state support money combined and she was paying for half of the State costs for RC and kids. If he were to have ever retained a job that had benefits, her monthly payments may have been reduced. If she had a good job or marries, her payments increase.....MO.
I have one question, If Crystal was that far behind in child support, why did Ron wait that long to do anything about it? Why not do something in the first year ?

Was Ron receiving assistance for the children from Social Services? I suspect that he was, which could explain why he really didn't want to mess that up by actually working. It would also explain why he wasn't chasing down child suppport from Crystal. Maybe the SS check was more that he would have received in child support so he purposely did not pursue the child support. In the court documents Ron and/or Crystal had to at least maintain Medicaid for the children. It is a known fact that once some parents are dependant upon help from SS they no longer search or keep jobs long enough to interfer with the monthly check. When he started working at PDM the ball started rolling toward collecting the child support from Crystal since his paycheck would impact the check received from SS. There are many times when a mother and father agree to just let the system pay for the children as well as covering health benefits, then along comes a new girlfriend and she finds out that he is not pursuing the child support fast enough and immediately pushes him to action. This take also explains why he wasn't so interested in collecting the child support prior to the new girlfriend and getting the job at PDM. That's my take on it.
IMO the amount owed was always the 12,000 figure which Crystal would of been fully aware of, the 4,100 figure was just thrown out in the public based on the assumption that Crystal had not paid support since the baby was born, when in reality the records were checked Crystal had never paid support. IMO there is no way to spin this, Crystal did not pay RC cash and he did not just report it Crystal would of been screaming from the roof tops that she had given RC money. The original court documents clearly state when, where and amount of child support Crystal was to pay. There appears that there never was a modification of support requested as the original court documents stipulate that if RC was to put the children in childcare or obtain private health insurance Crystals support payments would of been increased.

This is one issue that seems pretty black and white to me, Crystal was ordered to pay child support, she did not pay child support, a donor stepped up and paid all the back child support. JMO

It was court ordered. Spin it as ugly as it can be spun, but it still doesn't change the fact that Crystal chose to not pay that support for sometime. By the way can you explain how $4100.00 went to $12,000.00 and what would you think if you where the donor and the amount owed tripled?
Hey I saw that wrinkled shirt Ron *advertiser censored* to plea for his child and the Haleigh T-shirts that he sports around realy tells me he is raking it in and living at GGS must be hard with all that money.
I am of the opinion that someone else's opinion should not be ridiculed. I question texasmommy as to her theory and agreed that there is a slim chance that a relative other than Crystal might have been involved in the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings. Truth is no-one was cleared but the AC man and I find that in itself highly suspect.

Ronald and Crystal both appear to be grieving parents to me...but that is just my opinion and I don't care if anyone else agree's. Quite frankly there are many scenario's that might have occurred in the hours in question on the night Haleigh went missing. Quite frankly I ENJOY reading about others theories and thoughts and I further enjoy having someone quote my post and give me a counter post. That is why we are members here. If people are getting offended perhaps a unilateral forum would be more to a persons liking. What really warms my heart is that people have developed deep protective feelings for Haleigh and both sides of her family. That is a wonderful thing.
Pretty sure that money had to be paid to RC through County...not directly. I hope she had guidance on that.


It is still likely RC is on assistance and has been. Haleigh qualified for SSDI and I don't see him passing up on that.

The judge may have had the custody support money and the state support money combined and she was paying for half of the State costs for RC and kids. If he were to have ever retained a job that had benefits, her monthly payments may have been reduced. If she had a good job or marries, her payments increase.....MO.

Haleigh would not qualify for SSDI, it would be SSI which is a completely different program. SSI does go by the parents income, but I really doubt either Ron or Crystal made enough money to require repayment of any money they may have sent her. I have a friend on it who's parents made VERY GOOD MONEY (good enough to build a new custom home in a gated community and have a new car for each parent every year or two) and he STILL qualified for the full amount allowed and his parents never had to repay any of that money. I don't want to sound mean when I say this, but Putnam County doesn't seem like an affluent area and I doubt very seriously ANYONE in the area made as much money as my friends parents.

If you want more info on SSI see for more info. I would also be happy to answer any questions you might have, since I also receive SSI.
Pretty sure that money had to be paid to RC through County...not directly. I hope she had guidance on that.


It is still likely RC is on assistance and has been. Haleigh qualified for SSDI and I don't see him passing up on that.

The judge may have had the custody support money and the state support money combined and she was paying for half of the State costs for RC and kids. If he were to have ever retained a job that had benefits, her monthly payments may have been reduced. If she had a good job or marries, her payments increase.....MO.

First I'd like to say that it's extremely difficult to have this discussion - Crystal/Child support - without considering (speculating) possible misc. circumstances such these mentioned above - In doing so Ronald's financial circumstances/situation do play a significant role, IMO, in the discussion - With that said, I will likely be reminded that this is the "Crystal" thread and not the RC thread regarding my following question(s) but honestly I don't know how we can discuss the child support issue without considering both Crystal & RC's financial circumstances, i.e, employment, earnings, public assistance . . .

IIRC RC worked at one time for - or on the side - cutting trees. Does anyone know who he worked for? Was it his family member who owns/operates Kxxxxxx Bxxxxxx's (Sykes) "lawn and tree care service" in Welaka? The reason that I ask is because I knew of an individual who recieved SSDI, yet he worked for a family member, was paid cash, never claiming those earnings
($2000 monthly!!!). IF (speculating here) this was the case with RC, it could be the reason that he didn't want to rock the boat and bring any extra attention onto himself by the state. Just speculating . . .

LOL who is right and who is wrong? inacurate media sources are so frustrating and misleading. I give. The consenses is Ron and Misty did it with the dirty blanket in the master bedroom. Did I get it right?
First I'd like to say that it's extremely difficult to have this discussion - Crystal/Child support - without considering (speculating) possible misc. circumstances such these mentioned above - In doing so Ronald's financial circumstances/situation do play a significant role, IMO, in the discussion - With that said, I will likely be reminded that this is the "Crystal" thread and not the RC thread regarding my following question(s) but honestly I don't know how we can discuss the child support issue without considering both Crystal & RC's financial circumstances, i.e, employment, earnings, public assistance . . .

IIRC RC worked at one time for - or on the side - cutting trees. Does anyone know who he worked for? Was it his family member who owns/operates Kxxxxxx Bxxxxxx's (Sykes) "lawn and tree care service" in Welaka? The reason that I ask is because I knew of an individual who recieved SSDI, yet he worked for a family member, was paid cash, never claiming those earnings
($2000 monthly!!!). IF (speculating here) this was the case with RC, it could be the reason that he didn't want to rock the boat and bring any extra attention onto himself by the state. Just speculating . . .


IIRC, it was the aunt you mentioned. She also was his witness to the marriage.
Well, pictures and video are staged events, just one moment in time- Caylee Anthony looked loved and cared for too.
There is no comparison to the staged photos of Caylee and the obviously candid photos and videos of Haleigh during various activities at play. Haleigh appears to be a very loved, healthy, and happy child in every one of the images I have seen of her. Her happiness seems very genuine. We can see her eyes twinkling with joy.

IIRC, the majority of these photos came from her father and grandmother who recorded simple every day moments with the children and not just major events such as Birthdays and Christmas. Crystal appeared not to have many photos of her children.
There is no comparison to the staged photos of Caylee and the obviously candid photos and videos of Haleigh during various activities at play. Haleigh appears to be a very loved, healthy, and happy child in every one of the images I have seen of her. Her happiness seems very genuine. We can see her eyes twinkling with joy.

IIRC, the majority of these photos came from her father and grandmother who recorded simple every day moments with the children and not just major events such as Birthdays and Christmas. Crystal appeared not to have many photos of her children.

Well, I refuse to go tit for tat over pictures, nor would I feel comfortable suggesting Crystal must not love her kids because she may not have tons of photos, had she that would remind me of all the pictures Casey took of Caylee and we all know how that ended up-

Photos are not an indication of anything but a second in time, and thats all I will say about that-
Probably because he had just started making an "honest" living, so he would be able to show the court he had a real job finally, so that if he went after support prior to having employment, and he couldn't prove he had a job, I think he knew more than likely Crystal would get the kids, because he only got custody because he had a job.


I believe the Judge awarded Ron custody of his 2 children not only because he was employed but because Ron said he would be receiving help from his mother, TN. Can't remember if Ron was living with his mother at this time but this point was instrumental in the Judge's decision.
No. You missed the parts where Ronald killed her before he went to work for "8 hours", Misty left the children unattended to do drugs, Teresa and GGS conspired to cover it all up, Ronald mistakenly married Misty in order to make her talk, and Crystal should be "Mother Of The Year". :rolleyes:

Well, I am an earnest believer in 2... maybe three out of 5, but I'll leave the last one up to interpretation.
Well, I refuse to go tit for tat over pictures, nor would I feel comfortable suggesting Crystal must not love her kids because she may not have tons of photos, had she that would remind me of all the pictures Casey took of Caylee and we all know how that ended up-

Photos are not an indication of anything but a second in time, and thats all I will say about that-
Those are staged to make Caylee appear to be loved and adored, imo. We do know how that ended up.

Photos of children are a second in time which you will never get back and why most parents and grandparents choose to take them, imo. It does bother me that Crystal did not have an abundance of photos of the children since she was only with them a limited time each month. Most mothers would want photos of their children to have while they were away and missing them, imo.
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