Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #11 *ARRESTS*

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Digging more on the quickbooks fiasco which happened in March 2019. View attachment 191084

@Tink56 so this is what happened: In the GF vs FD lawsuit she requested to change the person who represents the Farber Estate and will of Hilliard Farber since she said she doesn’t know as much as the retired attorney John Schmitt did since he personally dealt with Hilliard’s business dealings and current attorney Mark Dean. Also because FD was using this lawsuit as a chance to harass her because he was angry about the divorce. She got both substitutes approved even though FD objected to the substitutes. They dragged that on for couple months up until 5/16/19 , 8 days before her death. Attached is them asking for quickbooks since February and FD Attorney Clifford dodges then.

Thank you, again. You are the champ in this area!
Lol. I want to laugh. It's true what they say: truth is stranger than fiction. What breaks my heart is, Jennifer was trying to tell the court all of this but the system protected him. Yes, I know they can't predict who will murder and who won't. And divorce is ugly and people lie and exaggerate. But please let this be a lesson to all judges hearing these cases. Dont become complacent. Listen to what she is telling you. And do what is right. I say this from the bottom of my heart and I have more in common with Jennifer than just her name and what I can bear to admit.

Jen, I'm so sorry. You would probably be shocked at how many of us have personal connections to these terrible events.

I include the WebSleuthers in my prayers for the victims we discuss because I know how much we do have in common.
Agree with your point. Keep thinking about this and why all the focus on MT. Even if MT provides an alibi will she have credibility with a jury? I'm not so sure. I think other evidence that is more concrete than MT will be required to get a jury comfortable. I wonder what most jurors would think of MT and could they ever get to the point where they would believe her or trust her testimony? I'm not so sure. She is not relatable to most folks IMO too which makes it difficult to trust or believe her and truly the more you learn about her background and life choices the less likable she may become to many jurors. Then you toss in the info about her mother being a felon and to me it possibly game over for MT creditability with a jury.

Just keep going back to those first early shots of FD and MT together with LE in Farmington at a time when LE and JD family was desparately seeking information and how the arrest warrant was quite clear on the point that NEITHER FD nor MT were cooperating with LE. It was as if both FD and MT well knew at that early time that this was no missing case. To me at least this early behavior from FD/MT is telling and so far as we know today nothing has changed about their level of cooperation. I think MT at best is 'damaged goods' as a witness and I have been surprised No Case Norm has been pursuing her so hard. I am not sure even a solid atty like Bowman can redeem MT in the eyes of any future jury but we shall see and maybe this 'no contact' order is his first step in attempting to make MT palatable to a jury. I'm not buying it but I would never be picked for that jury!
As much as we might hold our noses, we'll need Bowman to make MT something more than a loose woman who would help commit and/or cover up a young mother's murder.

We need for her to be believable. She'll still be an obnoxious witch but she'll be OUR obnoxious witch, right?
We are all whistling in the dark. We keep thinking about this case and poor JD and family. Like any minute we'll stumble on the missing piece, that locks FD up,or anyone else involved. Sometime we try to find the insane humorous, because it keeps us sane. All the while hoping for a miracle.
So right, spaz! The beautiful part is that the miracle already occurred - the crazy trip through Hartford captured for LE's viewing enjoyment. We really don't need a missing piece though every new one will be welcome! MOO
I went looking for something to make the case solid that LE has both FD and MT on Albany Ave with the trash bags and I found this tweet from local news reporter Fox61 Ashley Afonso (@AshleyAfonso):

Really good.
22 Jun

Commissioner Rovella also said they are still confident it was Fotis Dulos and Michelle Traconis in Albany Ave footage.

Sad that the Commissioner got so little coverage as the media was fixated on 'Gone Girl' vs the trashbin odyssey? Pattis has only mentioned the trashbin odyssey a couple of times as he has spent most of his time in the press victim bashing, reaching out to MT, researching what is going on with MT and introducing the concept of revenge suicide to the press and public of CT.
Digging more on the quickbooks fiasco which happened in March 2019. View attachment 191084

@Tink56 so this is what happened: In the GF vs FD lawsuit she requested to change the person who represents the Farber Estate and will of Hilliard Farber since she said she doesn’t know as much as the retired attorney John Schmitt did since he personally dealt with Hilliard’s business dealings and current attorney Mark Dean. Also because FD was using this lawsuit as a chance to harass her because he was angry about the divorce. She got both substitutes approved even though FD objected to the substitutes. They dragged that on for couple months up until 5/16/19 , 8 days before her death. Attached is them asking for quickbooks since February and FD Attorney Clifford dodges then.
FD jerking around his own attorneys!
Here’s some food for thought, from the NHR article today:

“According to Pattis, Fotis Dulos’ prior lawyer in the divorce, Michael Rose, says Fotis Dulos stole the document from him. Pattis says Rose left the document at Fotis Dulos’ house.”

If what Pattis says Rose says is true, it appears that Michael Rose did make house calls with FD. (A big “if” I know, but Meehan/GAL claims he has affidavit from Rose about how FD got evaluation).

So then it would be possible that FD met with MR at 4JC early 5/24 am (I think it was reported on here 7am, maybe Pattis floated that at some point? Can’t find citation for that time but that’s my recollection).

MT likely had to go out to do school drop off that morning (school starts 8:15am) so if that meeting was at 4JC at 7am, FD was likely still home when she left. Then it was reported MT returned purse to friend at 9:15am, and then another friend visit in Simsbury, until 11:30am. So maybe MT got back to 4JC around 12N earliest (or certainly by 1:37pm when FD phone pings there). And maybe, FD was there when she got back. So it seemed like he’d been there all along and he likely said or did something to imply that to her at the time.

From the beginning when I heard about FD’s early am 5/24 meeting with attorney alibi, I couldn’t help but wonder if something in that meeting set him off where FD knew he was cornered and he was going to be forced to account for his business improprieties in court the next week and lose it all. Remember that there was a court date the following Wed. I believe about FD not being truthful with Fore Group finances, so would make sense that FD was meeting with attorney Friday to prep for that.
Also MR is a business/employment attorney not matrimonial, kind of odd in a divorce hearing but maybe also makes sense given that FD business earnings and reporting were center of case at the moment.

So maybe FD got freaked out by their discussion in the early morning meeting that he was cornered, no way out of the mess, etc. Maybe FD said something in that meeting that in retrospect, creates conflict of interest for MR to serve as his attorney, why he asked to be taken off the case? (NP has an interesting blog post on his business site about a time when NP asked to be taken off a case- client made suggestion that would make him complicit. Worth a read...)

So a 7am meeting at 4JC ending around 8am would get FD down to NC right around 9:30am or so when JD was just leaving for her 11am NYC appointment. A chance encounter in the garage as she was leaving, a fit of rage, a serious physical assault, a quick cleanup and quick thinking, drop the car at Waveny to keep them off my trail, a run back to Welles Lane, and he’s on his way out of NC by 10:30/11am, back at 4JC 12-1:30pm for lunch with MT and to turn his phone back on. 1-1.5 hours in NC is plenty of time for all that to happen, he wouldn't be standing around twiddling his thumbs after all would he, and even with hills a runner like FD could make it back from Waveny in less than 30 minutes, even shorter if the adrenaline was pumping and he knew he had to get out of there quick.

And in such a scenario the body is, where? With FD in the borrowed truck to later end up at MIRA? Ditched along the way back, maybe on a “shortcut” that takes him out of CT and into NY for “just a few minutes” on a “country road”? That conveniently happens to pass by a reservoir?? (There are more than one). Add a few minutes onto the trip if needed for ditching the body and of course using WAZE to get back on track...

And the doctored license plates? Used,not necessarily on the way back from NC if it was indeed a fit of rage, but later that afternoon on the borrowed pickup he realized needed to be washed before he returned it, but didn’t want traced to his employee who would say, heck no I wasn’t at any car wash that afternoon, I was in NC in the Raptor...?

Is this just my imagination running wild, or might this be plausible chain of events? All this is hypothesis of the moment, of course, pending actual facts and witnesses.
So many scenarios, so much time, waiting, hoping, to hear what LE has on him...

Lawyer: ‘Michelle knows’ where Fotis was when Jennifer Dulos disappeared
Does your theory imply that MT may have know nothing about FD plan to kill JD? How do you explain the garbage run with MT? Is MT aware at this point what FD is dumping, and why he has 30 trash bags?
ITA! do they work? How can MT be in two places at one time? We know from NPs early attempts to establish an alibi for MT that she was “not” in New Canaan on the morning JD disappeared. Nowhere near it. And that according to NP, FD had some really important phone calls on the morning of the 24th and I guess was just hanging around in his cargo shorts in Farmington. and well the whole causing JDs disappearance and her multiple blood stains in her garage couldn’t be caused by FD, bc there was no time for him to do all of that.

How would MT know where precisely FD was if she wasn’t physically present with him? This is an awfully good question. Because we know FD lies. How can she possibly account for his whereabouts when she is on an important mission to deliver a purse and meet a another friend?

JMO, as always, but if we go with MT was mostly clueless, it was probably pretty frightening for her to learn that NP/FD want her to establish his alibi. Or better yet she’s not entirely clueless and can only corroborate his alibi by incriminating herself.

I think her best defense is to plead as clueless as is humanly possible and say she found out later but she was too scared of FD to tell police what happened. She goes that route and NP and FD are stuck on an alibi island all on their own. Which to be honest is what I really want. Then LE comes in with all their CCTV/eye witness/whatever else they have that flat out proves beyond a shadow of a doubt he was in NC on the 24th.

Why is his alibi such a concern for NP if JD disappeared or revenge suicided herself? Why is it important to have MT, who right now is not wanting to spend any more time in jail than FD, fall on some kind of sword to establish an alibi for FD? The only reason for MT do so is because it’s her best interests. I do not think it is in her best interests to establish an alibi for him at all. What they probably really want is for her to say she saw him at home before she went on her errands and then saw him upon returning home? That’s assuming said errands existed.

What if he was gone to NC before she left on her errands? What if he wasn’t there when she returned? What if she went with him to NC? These are all questions we have. But if she wasn’t in NC at all and this can be confirmed, no matter what she knew or knows, it is not in her best interests for her to say she was with FD when she was not. JMO.
Alibi Island has me laughing out loud :D
I have been reading all of this thread, trying to catch up and becoming only more confused by what is going on particularly with NP as a defense attorney.
If FD has told him "yes, I did it" and gives him all of the details, what is a defense attorney to do with this information?
Is his role to move through the legal process, protecting his client's rights under the law until the prosecutor presents the case and he rebuts and the jury decides? OR is he supposed to do whatever is necessary to get his client off, still knowing that FD did in fact kill her and dispose of her body.
I don't consider that a distinction without a difference. Or, to say another way, they are not the same to me.
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Good Morning, Websleuthers! It is early, so I hope I am able to coherently express my thoughts...
I wish LE would throw us a bone, even if it was a tiny one. I truly believe they have so much lined up against him:
  • If there was video footage of him returning home after the garbage run, surely there was video from earlier in the day, which would track his movements.
  • We haven't heard anything about morning phone records, but LE must be in possession of them.
  • There has been discussion of the timeline being too tight, especially due to Memorial Day traffic. If he did not have any afternoon appointments, though, it did not matter when he returned. 1:37 may be just the way it worked out (even though I am not convinced he was actually with his phone at that time, but that is a whole other scenario...). He could have arrived home at 2:00, or 3:00 and it wouldn't have mattered, so I am inclined to think he had just the right amount of time.
  • LE searched the MIRA facility for a VERY long time. The only possible explanation for this (IMO) is that they had credible reason to continue on with this search day after day. I believe they found something.
  • Obviously, something is up with the way NP seems to only talk about MT, who is not even his client. Everything that is coming out of his mouth is nonsense; there is (undoubtedly) a reason for this.
I think when the other shoe drops, it is going to be with a resounding thud! I just hope it is soon; I am obsessed with this case and can only hope JD's beautiful family has closure soon.
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