Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #13 *ARRESTS*

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Also wonder if LE might be looking at charges for anyone providing fake alibi's for FD.

Wouldn't that be obstruction charges?

Again, I wonder who the guy is in the recent pic of new truck at
Sturbridge. He looks Greek to me.
Do we know why and when David Griffin was apparently removed as a GAL? Docket:

Party/Appearance/ IV-D Authorized Filer Information

GAL for Minor Child

Appearance For: Family Superior Court Only File Date: 08/29/2017
GAL for Minor Child
Noticing both reference "GAL for Minor Child" rather than "Children". Is this just the tense used in court lingo (Singular 'child' covers any number of minor children, when there are plural 5 'children' in this case)? Or was this in regards to FD seriously picking on one of his sons, that the judge used as an example of his 'negative psychological impact' on minor children if left alone with them? All JMO, paraphrasing divorce court documents read previously. TIA!
I'm dying to know how FD is doing financially now. I know he isn't paying a mortgage on the house at 4 Jefferson Crossing and that JD's father's estate slapped liens on 2 properties (but I can't recall which 2). He isn't earning any money and is racking up attorney fees in many different courts across the board. If he is able to successfully sell a property I would imagine it would be at a loss. Just rambling but I do wonder how financially sound he really is.

Tell tale heart.

Also, I know it was NP who originally floated the information that JD was unhappy with her legal representation, FD repeated that theory in his interview. He said that JD began communicating with him more regularly. Do any of you believe that? Would that be the reason for the Wednesday night dinner at her residence? Trying to show the court some compliance and cooperation? If so, how do you think MT would react to FD and JD becoming more cordial with each other and attending a dinner at the house of JD? Interested to hear your thoughts. TIA

I speak from limited experience with friends and family:
Attorneys advise spouses seeking custody to be extremely nice, no yelling, no angry emails, texts or social media. They're instructed to look like choir boys on Facebook, erasing any distasteful posts.

It's all about the old saying of drawing more flies with honey...

Someone like Jennifer who once loved FD would want so much to believe he was cleaning up his act for their children's sake.

He is a player. We saw that for ourselves on TV.
He played her to get access to her father's money, to birth children for access to their trust funds. Of course he could play her to get an invitation to the kids' end of school celebration. He knew which buttons to push for sympathy.

Two years is a long time to be angry and anxious and a peaceful moment would be welcome for Jennifer.

I don't believe he had to break into her garage. I believe he walked up and said, "Hey, let's talk about how to make life good for our children," and she would have turned her back to lead him into the house for a cup of coffee.

Then her life ended.
(The rest of you are doing a good job of sleuthing what happened next.)
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I speak from limited experience with friends and family:
Attorneys advise spouses seeking custody to be extremely nice, no yelling, no angry emails, texts or social media. They're instructed to look like choir boys on Facebook, erasing any distasteful posts.

It's all about the old saying of drawing more flies with honey...

Someone like Jennifer who once loved FD would want so much to believe he was cleaning up his act for their children's sake.

He is a player. We saw that for ourselves on TV.
He played her to get access to her father's money, to birth children for access to their trust funds. Of course he could play her to get an invitation to the kids' end of school celebration. He knew which buttons to push for sympathy.

Two years is a long time to be angry and anxious and a peaceful moment would be welcome for Jennifer.

I don't believe he had to break into her garage. I believe he walked up and said, "Hey, let's talk about how to make life good for our children," and she would have turned her back to lead him into the house for a cup of coffee.

Then her life ended.
(The rest of you are doing a good job of sleuthing what happened next.)
Very plausible to me.
I hate to generalize, but I think in this particular GAL, it might be true that he may have a bias against women, or at least wives in a divorce situation. I am sure that FD was able to use his usual “charm offensive” to get what he wanted. I suspect that FD did, in fact, have regular private conversations with his kids, in Greek and in English, even though he wasn’t supposed to, under MM’s not so watchful eye. And it sounds to me that when FD told him that he didn’t want to go into the house, lest he leave some DNA in there (before JD’s disappearance), and then MM told FD he hoped he had a tight alibi after the disappearance, that these two were buddies (as men can sometimes be). Finally, there were the psychological documents that somehow found their way into FD’s hands...this is not the mark of a person who is trying hard to do things by the book; if JD wanted him replaced, she had a good reason.
Agree with your assessment of MM/GAL.

The thing is that GAL income (they can bill $300-$400/hr no problem) greases the skids of the Family Law money train in CT.

Judge Heller is now in a tough spot that she has to do something (Family Court judges don't like to rock the boat in terms of money making professionals on their cases in general in CT) as GAL Meehan has been reported previously by JD and now we have the messy situation of what appears to be preferential treatment by GAL Meehan to FD prior atty on the psych report.

In my mind its clear that GAL Meehan has to be removed by the Court but I'm not so sure that Judge Heller will do anything as her case is under a microscope, she doesn't appear to be a risk taker or boat rocker IMO and she doesn't seem too concerned that her court is being perceived as a circus by the outside world. Further, due to the absent JD Judge Heller might not want to introduce a new GAL to the case and the children. IDK, just speculation.

IMO what GAL Meehan did on the psych report was reprehensible and contrary to court order as was what Pattis did with the report once he got a copy from FD. If Judge Heller does nothing than it seems like whatever level of respect exists for her and her courtroom would simply fly out the window IMO.

I would love to see both Meehan and Pattis excused from the case but my best guess (and best hope!) is that Meehan will be replaced and Pattis will be fined/censured. While I'd like to hope for the best with Family Court I'm not optimistic the Judge Heller will do any proactive in clearing the decks of attorneys that don't follow the rules. Will wait and watch.
Agree with your assessment of MM/GAL.

The thing is that GAL income (they can bill $300-$400/hr no problem) greases the skids of the Family Law money train in CT.

Judge Heller is now in a tough spot that she has to do something (Family Court judges don't like to rock the boat in terms of money making professionals on their cases in general in CT) as GAL Meehan has been reported previously by JD and now we have the messy situation of what appears to be preferential treatment by GAL Meehan to FD prior atty on the psych report.

In my mind its clear that GAL Meehan has to be removed by the Court but I'm not so sure that Judge Heller will do anything as her case is under a microscope, she doesn't appear to be a risk taker or boat rocker IMO and she doesn't seem too concerned that her court is being perceived as a circus by the outside world. Further, due to the absent JD Judge Heller might not want to introduce a new GAL to the case and the children. IDK, just speculation.

IMO what GAL Meehan did on the psych report was reprehensible and contrary to court order as was what Pattis did with the report once he got a copy from FD. If Judge Heller does nothing than it seems like whatever level of respect exists for her and her courtroom would simply fly out the window IMO.

I would love to see both Meehan and Pattis excused from the case but my best guess (and best hope!) is that Meehan will be replaced and Pattis will be fined/censured. While I'd like to hope for the best with Family Court I'm not optimistic the Judge Heller will do any proactive in clearing the decks of attorneys that don't follow the rules. Will wait and watch.
This is very scary to me. I can only imagine what JD was dealing with.
Agree with your assessment of MM/GAL.

The thing is that GAL income (they can bill $300-$400/hr no problem) greases the skids of the Family Law money train in CT.

Judge Heller is now in a tough spot that she has to do something (Family Court judges don't like to rock the boat in terms of money making professionals on their cases in general in CT) as GAL Meehan has been reported previously by JD and now we have the messy situation of what appears to be preferential treatment by GAL Meehan to FD prior atty on the psych report.

In my mind its clear that GAL Meehan has to be removed by the Court but I'm not so sure that Judge Heller will do anything as her case is under a microscope, she doesn't appear to be a risk taker or boat rocker IMO and she doesn't seem too concerned that her court is being perceived as a circus by the outside world. Further, due to the absent JD Judge Heller might not want to introduce a new GAL to the case and the children. IDK, just speculation.

IMO what GAL Meehan did on the psych report was reprehensible and contrary to court order as was what Pattis did with the report once he got a copy from FD. If Judge Heller does nothing than it seems like whatever level of respect exists for her and her courtroom would simply fly out the window IMO.

I would love to see both Meehan and Pattis excused from the case but my best guess (and best hope!) is that Meehan will be replaced and Pattis will be fined/censured. While I'd like to hope for the best with Family Court I'm not optimistic the Judge Heller will do any proactive in clearing the decks of attorneys that don't follow the rules. Will wait and watch.
Really appreciate this input as someone without a clue on the outside looking in. So many layers to the onion.
Interesting-I saw a reference in Brown’s classnotes, which said Jennifer and Fotis married on February 5th, and I assume it was 2005. Why did we think they married within a month of his divorce from the former, luckier Mrs. Dulos?
I have been searching to no avail.
So, as you are driving around the border area there are many of these markers to indicate the state (NY/CT) and this one dates to the 1900s. They are virtually impossible to see at night but during the day they are clearly visible and they take different forms (some are simple signs that are small). The marker in the picture below was on a side street off of RT 123.

As other pointed out the other day its possible that one side of a road can be in NYS and another side in CT and the roads wind and twist. But the main roads (123 and 124) coming into CT from Ridgefield, CT (Rt 53) and Pound Ridge, NY are clearly marked. fullsizeoutput_1b5.jpeg
So, as you are driving around the border area there are many of these markers to indicate the state (NY/CT) and this one dates to the 1900s. They are virtually impossible to see at night but during the day they are clearly visible and they take different forms (some are simple signs that are small). The marker in the picture below was on a side street off of RT 123.

As other pointed out the other day its possible that one side of a road can be in NYS and another side in CT and the roads wind and twist. But the main roads (123 and 124) coming into CT from Ridgefield, CT (Rt 53) and Pound Ridge, NY are clearly marked. View attachment 192139
And who would notice that? I think he entered into the area for a minimal amount of time and it has no bearing on anything. JMO.
So no signs saying NY?
Sorry, have been having tech issues. Yes, there is a NYS sign and a CT sign on either side of the road going in both directions on Rt. 123. Just fixed the NYS large sign picture. Sorry for confusion. Will dump all my photos into a dropbox over the next few days once I'm done taking all the photos. This should make it easier to view vs. individual photos.
I hate to generalize, but I think in this particular GAL, it might be true that he may have a bias against women, or at least wives in a divorce situation. I am sure that FD was able to use his usual “charm offensive” to get what he wanted. I suspect that FD did, in fact, have regular private conversations with his kids, in Greek and in English, even though he wasn’t supposed to, under MM’s not so watchful eye. And it sounds to me that when FD told him that he didn’t want to go into the house, lest he leave some DNA in there (before JD’s disappearance), and then MM told FD he hoped he had a tight alibi after the disappearance, that these two were buddies (as men can sometimes be). Finally, there were the psychological documents that somehow found their way into FD’s hands...this is not the mark of a person who is trying hard to do things by the book; if JD wanted him replaced, she had a good reason.
There hasn't been any confirmation by LE or MSM that the family's GAL, MM, was the person who physically was present for FD's visitations with the children -- rather, the GAL is an attorney working on legal behalf of the children's interest in court:
Guardian ad litem programs
And who would notice that? I think he entered into the area for a minimal amount of time and it has no bearing on anything. JMO.
I don't disagee with you but people not familiar with the area didn't really understand how the situation looked and I was trying to show the situation to those that are unfamilar. If you think its confusing I can simply delete the pictures. No issues.
And who would notice that? I think he entered into the area for a minimal amount of time and it has no bearing on anything. JMO.
IMO most people would notice it (passing a sign saying you're leaving one state and entering the next), especially while wearing a court-ordered GPS monitor and being under court-ordered conditions of release on bail for multiple felonies to not leave the state.
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