Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #14 *ARRESTS*

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IMHO, FD did not have a lot of time to dispose of the body before JD was reported missing, and he knew the time would be short. He also needed to establish as much of an alibi as possible, because he also knew that it was no secret that he and his STBX were not on the best of terms. So he knew that the police would be asking him questions. Then there's Occam's Razor. I think his disposal plan was simple and I don't think he went to a lot of trouble. I am not familiar with the area, but from what I've Googled, there appears a lot of open space available, and lots of water as well. There appear to be many places to hide a body, IMHO. I would not rule out something as basic as a storage locker. I think what we are looking at is what poster @SteveP mentioned many threads ago: It just isn't that easy to find a body. MOO
Very true because so much is private property. John Robinson used barrels to store his victims on a farm he owned and in storage garages and it took decades to catch him and that was only because he got sloppy.

According to Pattis’ motion, Troconis was overheard on Sunday saying, “she loves Mr. Dulos,” and she does not believe he was involved in his wife’s disappearance.

“She feels badly that Mr. Dulos has been accused of foul play,” Troconis was overheard saying, according to Pattis’ motion.

Pattis said his client wants to speak to Troconis.

“Mr. Dulos would like to make contact with Ms. Troconis to thank her for her kind words,” Pattis wrote in his motion.

Wait !! Didn’t NP say that their is “no love lost” between FD and MT ? So which is it dude ?

NP, needs to reveal the source that over heard these statements, otherwise it is possibly made up by NP, fake news and reporting.
JD and EE switched trucks...JDs company probably has a car insurance policy which allows employees to drive business vehicles. EE would be covered. However, IMO I doubt EE’s insurance company would cover a person not listed on EE’s policy as insured. So JD would not be covered. If LE has EE’s truck, it may not be covered by insurance if it’s considered a ‘loss’....more loss for EE other then his job.
NP, needs to reveal the source that over heard these statements, otherwise it is possibly made up by NP, fake news and reporting.

I wonder whether NP was perhaps projecting; maybe dozing off during couch hour. So much to Dulos. So little time.

Must get tired of passing notes in class for Fotis.
I'm scared I'm breaking the rules. That's why I talk in code. The person who wrote the letter about FD is a scam. She works at a parking lot.

The parking lot where an attendant was punched by FD perhaps?

Or was that allegedly punched? Not one to besmirch character, as y'all know.

Youse guys, since we are 'in' Connecticut.

I'm scared I'm breaking the rules. That's why I talk in code. The person who wrote the letter about FD is a scam. She works at a parking lot.
Okay I see what you mean but she is also involved with water skiing in Greece.
Just so you know, I have little interest in her comments.
Kinda taken aback that she would think we would actually pay any attention.
IMO, a huge reach for NP and FD and rather insulting to think we would buy such nonsense. MOO.
Does anyone know what kind of work EE does exactly? Skilled tradesman (e.g., high-end carpenter) or general labor? Because I would think that unless you have someone doing truly unique work, you'd find someone more local to NC (even coming from Bridgeport, Norwalk, Stamford, Port Chester) to do regular work, given crazy traffic. To save me money and minimize his headaches, a guy who's done electrical work for me and who's based out of Stratford tries to find times when he can do multiple jobs in the area. And Stratford is only half the distance that the Hartford area is from New Canaan.
Unless, of course, FD has some kind of a special "arrangement" with EE, which is certainly probable.
EE could have also been a project manager
Does anyone know what kind of work EE does exactly? Skilled tradesman (e.g., high-end carpenter) or general labor? Because I would think that unless you have someone doing truly unique work, you'd find someone more local to NC (even coming from Bridgeport, Norwalk, Stamford, Port Chester) to do regular work, given crazy traffic. To save me money and minimize his headaches, a guy who's done electrical work for me and who's based out of Stratford tries to find times when he can do multiple jobs in the area. And Stratford is only half the distance that the Hartford area is from New Canaan.
Unless, of course, FD has some kind of a special "arrangement" with EE, which is certainly probable.
Just a guess but my bet would be some kind of finishing carpenter if he were working at Sturbridge. The house looks for the most part complete (except landscaping) so my bet is that EE was working on the final punch list items to get the CO. Just a guess as LE has released nothing about EE and what exactly he was doing at Sturbridge.
A storage locker would have been a good temporarily put the body until he had time to dispose......hmmm. hope they search out all the storage facilities. Definitely a cash transaction.
But I still think with all those properties he stored her at one and then came back and buried her in the woods....somewhere.....JMO

Everything had to be completed that Friday because he was planning to see his kids the next day and everything had to seem normal. Whatever he did took longer than he planned for so hopefully LE has a lot of evidence accidentally left behind.
Okay I see what you mean but she is also involved with water skiing in Greece.
Just so you know, I have little interest in her comments.
Kinda taken aback that she would think we would actually pay any attention.
IMO, a huge reach for NP and FD and rather insulting to think we would buy such nonsense. MOO.
Maybe it was written in a Greek and FD translated it for her.
LE says vehicle swap took place between 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm. This is listed at the beginning of every thread.

The record reflects the phone ping of 1:37 pm at Mountain Spring Road. I am not familiar with SB Road?

According to LE's timeline at the beginning of this thread, IMO, the vehicle exchange took place at 17:21 (5:21 pm), which fits within LE's approximation.

IMO, at 3:38 pm, FD left EE's truck at 80 MS and Walked home, arriving at 4:17 pm at 4JC.

Google maps confirms that those two homes could be walked in 40 minutes and FD walked it in 39 minutes, according to the phone pings.

IMO, EE picked up FD from 4JC and they traveled together, arriving at 80 MS at 5:21 pm for the vehicle exchange.

IMO, FD left EE's Red Truck at 80 MS and walked home, so that FD could mislead EE into thinking that the Red Truck had Never left 80 MS that Friday.

FD's phone then arrives back at 4JC at 5:34 pm.

Google maps denotes that the round trip takes 10 minutes and IMO, the additional 3 minutes was used to load the 30+ trash bags into FD's Ford Raptor.

IMO, and Only IMO, FD had EE load the bags onto FD's Ford Raptor, so that EE's fingerprints would be all over the bags.

IMO, FD was Setting Up EE as the main plan or as the backup plan and therefore FD Needed EE's fingerprints On those bags.

IMO, FD held onto the altered license plates and 30+ trash bags for 10+ hours, just so that FD could Set Up EE.

IMO, and Only IMO, EE lives near the more than 4 mile stretch of Albany Avenue in the Hartford Area, where FD's 'Trash Bin Odyssey of Stupidity Date Night' occurred with MT on that Friday.

IMO, FD wanted the altered license plates found, to fit into his plan of setting up EE.

FD could have just taken the altering tape off the plates and put the plates back where FD had them stored or just thrown them away in any trash receptacle earlier in the day.

IMO, there is No Way that FD planned to return for the plates when there were literally hundreds of other locations better suited for retrieval.

Once the Fedex package was in the storm drain, it could very easily wash up Anywhere and IMO, that is exactly what FD wanted to happen.

IMO, FD left the altering tape on the plates as part of his ploy.

IMO, FD placed the altered plates on EE's Red Truck that Friday, so that FD could 'reasonably' use the Red Truck 'undetected' as being EE's Red Truck.

FD needed to make sure that the Red Truck could not be identified while in NC so that FD could reasonably mislead EE into thinking that FD did Not drive EE's Red Truck that Friday.

IMO, FD Needed EE to think that EE's red truck Never left 80 MS that Friday.

The ONE big question?

Why would FD hold onto 30+ bags and two altered vehicle plates, for 10+ Hours???????

IMO and Only IMO, FD was setting up EE.

IMO, FD's extremely altered hair cut could have been done to look more like EE.

I am SO Glad that EE immediately retained a top notch attorney and I am SO Glad that LE has stated that EE is Not a suspect.

So far, CT’s theory makes the most sense to me, but then what the heck do I know?? I’m still stuck on my flow charts and this hypothesis doesn’t hit any snags. From the beginning, the license plates have screamed out the most information to me, mainly that FD wanted them found intact, with the tape adhered. Like CT, I keep going back to examine the deliberateness of each of FDs actions.
CT’s theory covers the deliberate, garbage dump well. Thinking of JDs car left at the park. Also happened for a precise reason, wouldn’t it have been easier to pull it in garage and slam door shut? But FD wanted to redirect attention of the crime from possibly the house, to the park. A kind of “look over here!!!” So I’ve been thinking, where didn’t he want you to look.
Part Occam’s razor and part the narcissistic controlling attitude of FD, I think the answer is very simple and holds a message. IMO , and like most of you here, I believe the entire crime was preplanned. The degree of blood shed seems to be unexpected, but disposal of the body was not, IMO it was prepared and easy and meaningful. No planes or other jumping through hoops
I’ve been following the discussion of properties owned by FoRe. I think one of those would be too obvious. Could the answer be in a property that meant something to JD? One she wanted and he didn’t? A source of an argument? A park she loved? Those who knew and loved JD might know. I believe this man thrives on gleeful secrets that fuel his narcissism.
I simply cannot get the picture out of my head of him wearing that Old Avon Farms Skiers shirt after he was released. He was telling everyone that his children would ski again because HE wanted them to and Jennifer could do nothing about it. I really think properties or homes that meant something to Jennifer should be considered.
The Hellenic Water Ski person statement got released by FD’s “divorce attorneys” according to the MSM piece. If the person observed & interacted with FD and all five kids so much over the three years at issue in the statement that the person observed FD putting the five kids to sleep <gasp>, feeding them, never injuring them, training them gently, being Mr. Wonderful obvious to folks not just at the competitions in Greece but also globally and over the entire galaxy, perhaps beyond, this is super weird, creepy, and nonprofessional IMO because the youngest would have been about two years old at the time of the speaker/writer’s first observation. Why was a two year old being trained to waterski? Why would the ski council person from Greece be observing FD putting all five of his kids to sleep and caring for them (single handedly I’m sure because once you find that one-armed man, then you’ve found the real killer) over a three year period of state, national, and international, competitions? Conflict of interest anyone?

Guessing once again language translation services ever so graciously provided free of charge by FD.

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