Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #20

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Looks like the entire previously mentioned "albi" was a fabricated mess of lies. No KM and no Greece call! No Pattisville Alternative Theory and ability to account for FD AT ALL on the 24th.

FD in red truck caught on bus cam on Lapham Rd in NC! Brilliant!

Wonder when Pattis or his investigator realized it was all a pack of lies that they had heard from FD? Pattis must have been hugely steamed about seeing all this play out in technicolor today and MT putting FD on Albany and 80MS with cleanup operation in progress when she arrived.

Looks like they are simply going to try to discredit the 2 witnesses here.

So glad EE was on the ball here and saved the seats! I cannot imagine why FD simply didn't drive this truck into a lake someplace? Baffling choices made by FD here IMO on key pieces of evidence.

Just MOO but perhaps FD again thought he was the only one in the world who knew Suburban seats were interchangeable and he didn’t think they’d know she was missing so soon—plus everyone knew of his lake connections? He’s reminding me of Voldemort with this arrogance-fueled ignorance. MOO.
I noticed that too. Seems like a struggle to tell the truth. Maybe she fears what will happen when FD finds out what she's said.

I think she loves FD and didn’t want to betray him (and maybe didn’t want to admit to the stuff she did, because she didn’t want to be in trouble). But I really think Andrew Bowman had a couple of “come to Jesus” meetings with her, and told her to tell the truth, because it would be worse if she didn’t. He is a good lawyer and advocate, I think, and she is lucky to have hired him. She absolutely, positively did not want to cooperate against FD. I think if she could have fled before telling the truth, she would have.
Para 13 of the new warrant - how did her Porsche end up at his property on 5/31 yet blood was found on a vehicle parked in her garage ? Para 3 - so how did her car get from the garage at her home to his house? Wouldn’t they impound the car in her garage ? I’m confused

I haven’t finished reading but maybe through the seat-switching process? MOO.
Again, thank you, thank you, thank you! He is toast and she is a liar, who deserves everything that is coming her way! I gave her the benefit of the doubt; now I believe she was in on everything from the beginning! She KNEW, she KNEW! One word of warning to Jennifer could have stopped him and that is something MT will live with every single day of her sorry life! I hope she NEVER gets to see her daughter again once they lock her up for a very, very long time!

Her lawyer has to be sooo pi**ed at her right now. Like the truck keys, even after she assisted in destroying evidence of Jennifer's murder, she STILL had the keys to the truth and she bold faced LIED to LE. She's got some 'splaining to do, not that anyone ever believed that she was some poor, innocent, clueless girlfriend. She cast her lot with her murdering boyfriend and she should pay with years of imprisonment.

Now we also know why NP has started to go after the "hired help." That former EE's testimony is absolutely devastating to FD. The detailing without permission, the cleaning of 80 Mountain Spring (shout out to the kirby family for nailing that one!), the changing of the truck seats, the withholding of the keys, the explicit command by FD to lie to LE! Not only did FD murder his wife in cold-blood, he had no compunction to demand that others lie for him of even to set them up for the fall. He is subhuman.

As I am so fond of labeling criminal behavior, "The Alibi Script" brought a HUGE smile to my face! Heck, it might might make a good name for a book. Is Ann Rule around anymore? This type of brutal senseless murder is her forte. Sadly, a beautiful, kind, caring human being had to be brutally murdered by a soulless freak in order for it to be written. May he rot in h***.
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This is terrible. Disappointing. I am for free press, but foremost, responsible, diligent reporting. Done with the Hartford Courant. MOO. And their bleeping paywall. MOO. I will be directing my tips, comments and attention to the Connecticut Post, which is a Hearst company, and covers far more markets than HC. MOO.
Shaking my head.
I can already predict what he’s going to say:

“This DA continues to harass my client, piling on frivolous and unsupported charges. Fotis Dulos maintains his innocence in this witch-hunt, and he looks forward to his vindication in court.”

In other words “yada, yada, yada.”
I did write to the Publisher on the last issue with the Psych report as I thought it warranted an internal look. Crickets from HC. I had always respected them as a news organization but the leaks in this case have put them into a 'special category' now in my mind. Just need to fact check them. MOO MOO MOO
Bless you. Bless you all! I’m so proud to know you all!
Me, too. This group is amazing!! This is the first WS case I've gotten involved in. I'm not from the East Coast but lived there for 4 years while in college (many moons ago!) & I come from a similar background as Jennifer ( minus the extreme wealth) which is why I think I've gotten so caught up (translation: obsessed) with her case. I just wanted to add my appreciation for everyone --- it's a pleasure to be able to exchange thoughts & ideas, toss out theories, share emotions etc. with such a smart, nice group :)
She withheld, lied, then cooperated.
Wow, just read the whole warrant. I previously gave her the benefit of the doubt because I have my own history of just going along with a narcissist for the sake of peace - but it is now so clear that she truly understood his full intentions and actions if she didn't in fact also endorse them - and was prepared to cover for him just expecting they were going to get away with it! I feel most sorry for her daughter as she clearly has no respect for the concept of motherhood.
Read about the buscam video in NC! Incredible and didn't know it existed! NCPD has pictures of Lapham over multiple times on the morning of the 24th! Amazing collection of photos IMO!
IMO this couldn't be more beautiful poetic justice for us locals, that even the school bus system we so dearly fund is giving back to a good cause! I am just waiting for other New Canaan Moms on social media to pick up and start celebrating but chuckling privately in the meantime :)
Me, too. This group is amazing!! This is the first WS case I've gotten involved in. I'm not from the East Coast but lived there for 4 years while in college (many moons ago!) & I come from a similar background as Jennifer ( minus the extreme wealth) which is why I think I've gotten so caught up (translation: obsessed) with her case. I just wanted to add my appreciation for everyone --- it's a pleasure to be able to exchange thoughts & ideas, toss out theories, share emotions etc. with such a smart, nice group :)
Welcome and you may find WS and sleuthing addictive !
Hurray! No alibi from her! Another Dulos lie! Didn't his lawyer refer to her alibi as being "airtight" or words to that effect? Liar, liar, pants on fire!
Now it's confirmed why Pattis was signaling to MT that she and I'm Not a Psychopath are on the same team, that he's going to love her for life.

She holds the club that's going to clobber him in court!

I can die happy.
What's up with FO's puppydog eyes for No Case?!
No Case Norm, "Shame on you!" to yet another reporter after she had the audacity to ask, "Where is Jennifer?"!

Why does he always feel compelled to treat female reporters this way? He has now done this at least 3 times and its always, "Shame on you"!

IMO today we saw a testy and agitated No Case Norm. He wouldn't talk about the charges and FD comment related to the 'exhausting process' and how his 'loves/misses his children'.

View attachment 202375
Wow, just read the whole warrant. I previously gave her the benefit of the doubt because I have my own history of just going along with a narcissist for the sake of peace - but it is now so clear that she truly understood his full intentions and actions if she didn't in fact also endorse them - and was prepared to cover for him just expecting they were going to get away with it! I feel most sorry for her daughter as she clearly has no respect for the concept of motherhood.
Yep, MT IMO was a puta de mierda to the bitter end! Just hope the baby daddy is paying attention and deals with custody arrangements proactively as MT is going to prison for a good long while IMO.

Not sure if her mother or Bowman convinced here to cooperate but reading the path she traveled with LE and non cooperation there can't be any love lost amongst the LE folks for HO IMO! HO simply jerked around LE for weeks according to the warrant.

FO + HO were a ride or die couple, until they weren't.

Makes sense he was lying in wait, knew how to get into garage unnoticed, but where was his vehicle? He takes her out with a knife, then has to have access to clean up materials, right? Some pieces of the puzzle are missing or did I miss something in the report?
Stating the obvious -- this new arrest affidavit is devastating. Just devastating.
Looks like the entire previously mentioned "alibi" was a fabricated mess of lies. No KM and no Greece call! No Pattisville Alternative Theory and ability to account for FD AT ALL on the 24th.

FD in red truck caught on bus cam on Lapham Rd in NC! Brilliant!

Wonder when Pattis or his investigator realized it was all a pack of lies that they had heard from FD? Pattis must have been hugely steamed about seeing all this play out in technicolor today and MT putting FD on Albany and 80MS with cleanup operation in progress when she arrived.

Looks like they are simply going to try to discredit the 2 witnesses here.

So glad EE was on the ball here and saved the seats! I cannot imagine why FD simply didn't drive this truck into a lake someplace? Baffling choices made by FD here IMO on key pieces of evidence.

WOW. I was visiting in New Canaan a few weeks ago talking to the locals and word on the street was they had this guy by the .... and just waiting for the right time to jump on him.

So updated sequence is.
  • FD drives employees Tacoma Friday AM down the Merritt caught on service station video cams.
  • FD drops employee Tacoma on Lapham Road near trail where Suburban was found. Caught on school bus cams in both directions.
  • My call was FD walked through woods across Lapham to train tracks to Weed Street to Indian Waters Lane to the back of the house on Welles to wait for JD.
  • JD returned from dropping off the kids at New Canaan Country Day School.
  • FD was hiding and waiting for JD when she pulled into the garage. Initial thought it was rage induced for taking the kids away for the weekend but now looks to be premed.
  • FD seen driving away from Welles in JD Suburban.
  • FD transferred JD to employee Tacoma.
  • Was JD body in Tacoma for trip back to Avon and disposed of the body in Hartford area or did FD dump body in NC after dismembering at Sturbridge Hill?
IMO this couldn't be more beautiful poetic justice for us locals, that even the school bus system we so dearly fund is giving back to a good cause! I am just waiting for other New Canaan Moms on social media to pick up and start celebrating but chuckling privately in the meantime :)
YES! The very expensive yellow school busses that saved the day!
Marissa Alter (@MarissaAlter) on Twitter
Fotis Dulos’ attorney, Norm Pattis, sent me this statement regarding his client’s arrest. Pattis is attempting to downplay the new details that came out in the arrest warrant, but I think it’s pretty clear police are building their case towards a murder charge.
Pattis said “it sounds like the state is trying to convince itself that Fotis is responsible for Jennifer’s disappearance.”
When and if the state decides it can prove its case, we will welcome the chance to meet the case in open court,” he said. “The new warrant speaks of a lying lover and handyman with something to hide. When do we get the chance to question these folks?”
View attachment 202448

So MT is lying about FD, and EE has something to hide? Bull****! The only one with something to hide, is FD.
Makes sense he was lying in wait, knew how to get into garage unnoticed, but where was his vehicle? He takes her out with a knife, then has to have access to clean up materials, right? Some pieces of the puzzle are missing or did I miss something in the report?
Per the arrest affidavit -- the vehicle FD was using was parked on a turnoff on Lapham Rd, approx 100 feet from where JD's Chevy Suburban was found.
New booking photoView attachment 202387

JUST IN: here’s Fotis Dulos’ new mug shot. In the lengthy warrant for this new evidence tampering charge, police say they can place Dulos in New Canaan at the time his estranged wife disappeared. They also say her blood was found in the car Dulos was driving then.

Speed-reading isn’t easy at 3.30am! So many tired thoughts.
1. Michi still isn’t yet telling the whole truth and LE knows it.
2. There’s still more to play out in terms of who drove which car, and of course where they put her.
3. LE is waiting to see how Killer Dulos responds personally to the details MT gave up as per this AW. Waiting for him to pin it on her and learn more that way.
4. I wouldn’t be surprised if MT had the job of disposal (it would explain the smirk that accompanied FD’s infamous “I know what I did and I know what I did not do”.
5. Does FD have a glass eye? (See photo above)
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