Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #28

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I actually had to read this article twice to understand the substance of the HC argument against the Judge Blawie Gag order.

Then the light bulb went off.

Then I had a huge LAUGH! And then I simply kept on LAUGHING! And I've been laughing about this all afternoon.

Cry me a river for reporters/reposters that either don't have the skill or basic know how to actually do their jobs absent 'quotes' and 'tips' from 'insiders' to the JD Case. What a bunch of unskilled bush league whiners we see at the HC as they are losing the 'ratings game' in the JD and other cases simply due to the lack of skills of their so called 'investigative reporters/reposters'. So, rather than sharpening their game and actually doing some real investigative work they come up with the brilliant idea (possibly suggested by Atty P. over drinks in Hartford) to file an amicus brief.


IMO its all absolutely pathetic and a telling tribute to the sorry state of journalism IMO.

The HC wasn't on point IMO on the Dulos story because IMO it did zero work to actually delve into the story and spend the time reading documents to actually develop a narrative APART from the narrative supplied to them by Atty P. that was simply plunked down in their laps. IMO it was almost total reliance on 'tips' and 'leaks'. Great game if you can get it, but other papers manage to do just fine thank you!

I guess I would be mad too if things were working great in my little work scam as a reporter and I got a couple of tips a week from Atty P. and others and then pounded out an article or two and was able to make it home for a baseball or soccer game too, all without breaking a sweat. LIFE IS SWEET and SO SO EASY! So so much easier to complain to the courts to overturn a 'gag order' than actually do their jobs IMO.

What a bunch of whiney wimps! There is so much information available in the Dulos case that is typically not there in so many other cases happening in CT IMO. The idea that the reporters/reposters at the HC can't figure out a way forward amidst challenges to me at least simply shows them for what we knew them to be!

IMO its all quite sad that this is what 'journalism' has come to, reporters/reposters that cannot do their jobs the old fashioned way by doing research and developing leads and god forbid actually leaving their offices to chase down good ole leads and developing sources and actually doing something/anything other than what is repeated to them 'SOTTO VOCE' by the likes of Atty P. (who still doesn't have a case IMO no matter how many 'tips' he leaks to DA!) .

If we folks here at WS needed any further proof as to exactly 'how' the HC reporters/aka reposters such as Dave Altimari 'get' their scoops then this latest legal move to file an 'amicus brief' to the Appellate Court proves to me how exactly the HC 'reposters' actually do their jobs or IMO NOT!

I'm surprised that the HC got sucked into the 'overturn the gag order train' devised by Atty. P. who IMO is another 'professional - loosely defined at best' that simply doesn't want to do the hard and very real work in court of defending their client. Nope, Atty. P. seems to see himself as a some kind of closeted talk show host wannabe with a compulsive need to simply spew victim shaming untruths and other assorted untruths distributed indiscriminately to the press using an 'exclusive of the day' tactic to the likes DA at the HC and others.

Absolutely pathetic IMO. Only suggestion I have to the HC is work the story of JD going missing and possibly murdered the old fashioned way. The story is there for you if you want to work it. But I'm not so sure you all have the chops to work it unfortunately.

AAAWWWW @afitzy .
Don't hold back.
Tell us what you really think. :D
Ok, I just looked at the listing on Redfin .
I’m shocked she listed it at $375,000.

It’s a tiny 1 bedroom apartment ( 810 sq feet) that is outdated and kinda cheesy .
( I feel bad for saying that but, go look at it ).

Am I looking at the wrong listing ???
Can Someone else google it and see if you see what I see ..

The price tag must explain why it hasn’t
Yes you e got the right one, however that is prime beachfront real estate in Miami Beach fl. That is the prime area for real estate . It is surrounded by water . I have relatives living in Florida and friends in that area and that area is highly valued.
Ok, I just looked at the listing on Redfin .
I’m shocked she listed it at $375,000.

It’s a tiny 1 bedroom apartment ( 810 sq feet) that is outdated and kinda cheesy .
( I feel bad for saying that but, go look at it ).

Am I looking at the wrong listing ???
Can Someone else google it and see if you see what I see ..

The price tag must explain why it hasn’t
Lots of seniors and retirees going there
Yes, it looks to be overpriced for the market and the building. Building looks to be mainly 1Brs of similar size which most likely means mostly rental properties and held by 'investors'. Wonder how many people actually live in the building too? My guess is not many. MOO
They ha e to have a certain percentage of owners vs. investors
I like your logical thinking, but I really don’t think he has to be smarter than all of us to have hidden her away. He just had to have planned it out better than Scott Peterson. And-I think he planned Jennifer’s death for a long while. He just got stupid by bringing phones on the “Trash Can Odyssey of Stupidity”, and not thinking about all of the cameras everywhere, and unlucky because EE wouldn’t let him keep the red truck. I am certain that FD would have swapped those seats out of his truck without asking him in a heartbeat, and gotten rid of the ones he took out. I mean, who wouldn’t want fancy Porsche seats in their crummy truck, after all (FD thinks)? She could be literally anywhere within a certain radius that wouldn’t have stretched the timeframe. Honestly, I still think she ended up at MIRA, and was incinerated (I’m so sorry to say it!). Those two are diabolical subhumans.

By , the time they were in Hartford dumping evidence , the coast was clear .

Neither seemed frantic .

I’m going to humbly disagree with you for (arguments sake) about FD.
For now ...

To defy getting caught , to be able to dispose of a body in plain sight , outwit an entire team of LE officers, cadaver dogs , drones , divers, Sleuths , neighbors, PI’s.. takes somewhat of an analytical mind .

This was his 1st rodeo ,
he wasn’t a gun for hire and knew how to murder someone .

Maybe , he’s not (quote unquote) smart
since he missed a few details but , he sure is slippery as a snake .
I have been waiting to hear that he has betrayed her. Of course, he couldn’t let her know, because then, as the woman scorned, she would immediately pick up the phone and tell them everything she hasn’t told them yet. I don’t doubt that he would-but is he being watched too closely to have done so yet? I wonder.
Ok fine ,
You are probably right .

So, hmmm . We know LE has scoured every nook and cranny .

ala Patrick Frazee - nope neighbors would have called fire dept , complained about smoke .

Dumped in an oil tank:
ala Chris Watts - Nope , no access .

Septic Tank : Ruled out.

Loud clang coming from Sturbridge : mystery

Poison Ivy : I think obtained on FD’s way into JD’s house . He didn’t wear some type of body Coverall , boots or gloves , probably wearing shorts to look like he was out for a run .

Might have a planted a weapon , change of clothes somewhere in side yard after b’day celebration.

Put body in Raptor Then what...

There just doesn’t seem To be that many locations to dispose of a body in such a short timeframe by 1 or 2 amateurs that still remain undetected .

How the heck is he/ they smarter than
all of us .. WTF

I don't believe FD is smarter than all of us! IME people that believe they are the 'smartest in the room' rarely are and the brilliance for us is that we have two such 'smarty pants' folks hooked up together in the form of Atty. P. and FD. Its a match made to implode and so we just have to sit and wait as it will eventually go up in flames IMO! It just might take longer than most of us have the patience to watch unfortunately!

IMO they will eventually implode in failure but sadly we will be forced to watch it play out in foolish motions, blustering courtroom antics based on zero substance, rudeness/lack of civility, ill advised PR moves such as speaking to the Greek press or doing 'live' scripted interviews etc. I mean how many bar violations has Atty P. racked up thus far in this case before something gets done by a Judge somewhere? Judge Heller did zero IMO to publicly spank Pattis and she did not report him to the CT Bar for releasing a sealed psych report and continue to speak about it publicly so far as I am aware. That situation told me everything I need to know about Judge Heller and while it made me sad that this goes on in CT, I'm a realist and figure its par for the course amongst Family Court Judges in CT that want to stay a part of the system based on cronyism.

IMO the Pattis/FD show is total train wreck and sadly sometimes its hard to look away but it becomes simple to look away and not pay it any attention when you realise its pure fabricated nonsense as the Atty P. case (such as a it is) is sitting on pillars of sand! IMO there is little to no substance to any of the 'alternative theories' put forward by Atty P. and right now his performance to date pretty much looks like a garbage segment on SNL that is tossed out by the Producers because, "it simply makes no sense and it isn't even funny" and they say this after they bemoan rehearsing the segment 3 times!

Atty P. has zero IMO to base a case upon and so is fighting to the death to lift the 'gag order' because he simply sees no other way through dark clouds and fog surrounding his client other than talking endlessly to the Press. Atty. P and FD can't even get on the same page about MT as one day she is the 'lying lover' and the next 'we have hope that she will tell the truth'. If they are both waiting for an avowed and proven liar like amoral MT to 'wake up and smell the coffee' and tell the truth then I've got a long bridge over San Franciso Bay to sell them (great price BTW!).

I do believe that someone will eventually write a law school case about this sorry situation with Atty. P and FD and title it, "How NOT to defend a client" or perhaps "How to defend a client and lose brilliantly"!

Relative to the murder of JD, IMO FD did what he usually does which is put a plan in place (to do away with JD) and executed it. I am very curious about how long FD and MT took to actually create their plan? My guess is FD took his time and realised that timing would be critical. I can just imagine a clown atty like KM telling FD, "Fotis, they will never convict you of murder if they can't find the body"! So, FD being FD no doubt came up with some crazy way to hide the body of JD. Will LE find the body of JD? IDK. But my guess is that they might have found parts of it and have amassed enough blood evidence through a lot of good old fashioned police work to prove that she was murdered by FD and MT, and possibly other/s.

Now I get why Mama A. ponied up the $500k bond - was the Florida condo anticipated to be used as collateral to bail MT out of high risk financial shell games that began in 2016 or prior? Bet DA Colangelo is partnering with the United State's Attorneys Office DOJ Major Crimes Unit on this one. Funny, a satire about a family of grifters won the 2019 Palme D'Or at Cannes. It's called Parasite. Speaking of which, IMO, FD is going into overdrive to deliver on his barter agreement with NP (and by extension, quid quo pro with DA). No cash offers except from a no name foreign paper. IMO, FD is spending his free time on Craig's List. MOO.
HaHa! A family of grifters just like the movie Parasite (brilliant movie BTW!) led by Mama A! I actually think that if the Mama A. crew needs a money making idea perhaps they could do a remake of Parasite set in Caracas! I'd buy a ticket for that movie or perhaps move the movie to Argentina and drape the set in hides from Patagonia Styles and watch the PETA folks go NUTS!

Issue is that I'm not sure the pockets of the Mama A./Papa Dr. and the proceeds from the Miami Beach condo or even the Vail condo will be sufficient to cover MT for any eventual murder charges IMO! I'm not even sure it will cover her for the 2 present charges of hindering/tampering! Atty B. isn't inexpensive and I'm not sure he will stay around much longer to be a bit player in the Mama A. grifter express train IMO!

I am convinced that GF will not rest until justice is served and if the State of CT cannot extract justice then off to Civil Court all the parties will go and at that point I wouldn't be surprised to see both MT and FD with public defenders. Atty P. might surprise us all and stick around a bit longer than expected but IMO as soon as the 'green isn't flowing' then Atty P. hits the road.

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I don't believe FD is smarter than all of us! IME people that believe they are the 'smartest in the room' rarely are and the brilliance for us is that we have two such 'smarty pants' folks hooked up together in the form of Atty. P. and FD. Its a match made to implode and so we just have to sit and wait as it will eventually go up in flames IMO! It just might take longer than most of us have the patience to watch unfortunately!

IMO they will eventually implode in failure but sadly we will be forced to watch it play out in foolish motions, blustering courtroom antics based on zero substance, rudeness/lack of civility, ill advised PR moves such as speaking to the Greek press or doing 'live' scripted interviews etc. I mean how many bar violations has Atty P. racked up thus far in this case before something gets done by a Judge somewhere? Judge Heller did zero IMO to publicly spank Pattis and she did not report him to the CT Bar for releasing a sealed psych report and continue to speak about it publicly so far as I am aware. That situation told me everything I need to know about Judge Heller and while it made me sad that this goes on in CT, I'm a realist and figure its par for the course amongst Family Court Judges in CT that want to stay a part of the system based on cronyism.

IMO the Pattis/FD show is total train wreck and sadly sometimes its hard to look away but it becomes simple to look away and not pay it any attention when you realise its pure fabricated nonsense as the Atty P. case (such as a it is) is sitting on pillars of sand! IMO there is little to no substance to any of the 'alternative theories' put forward by Atty P. and right now his performance to date pretty much looks like a garbage segment on SNL that is tossed out by the Producers because, "it simply makes no sense and it isn't even funny" and they say this after they bemoan rehearsing the segment 3 times!

Atty P. has zero IMO to base a case upon and so is fighting to the death to lift the 'gag order' because he simply sees no other way through dark clouds and fog surrounding his client other than talking endlessly to the Press. Atty. P and FD can't even get on the same page about MT as one day she is the 'lying lover' and the next 'we have hope that she will tell the truth'. If they are both waiting for an avowed and proven liar like amoral MT to 'wake up and smell the coffee' and tell the truth then I've got a long bridge over San Franciso Bay to sell them (great price BTW!).

I do believe that someone will eventually write a law school case about this sorry situation with Atty. P and FD and title it, "How NOT to defend a client" or perhaps "How to defend a client and lose brilliantly"!

Relative to the murder of JD, IMO FD did what he usually does which is put a plan in place (to do away with JD) and executed it. I am very curious about how long FD and MT took to actually create their plan? My guess is FD took his time and realised that timing would be critical. I can just imagine a clown atty like KM telling FD, "Fotis, they will never convict you of murder if they can't find the body"! So, FD being FD no doubt came up with some crazy way to hide the body of JD. Will LE find the body of JD? IDK. But my guess is that they might have found parts of it and have amassed enough blood evidence through a lot of good old fashioned police work to prove that she was murdered by FD and MT, and possibly other/s.


Don’t forget to Stir in FD’s latest quote :
“ I miss Michelle and her daughter”.

FD has been steadfast in his adoration of MT. It’s only been NP that has thrown her under the bus .
Translastion of the Greek article for those interested.....

See the warrant for the arrest of the charismatic skier who married the rich, Jennifer Farber and is now considered a prime suspect in the disappearance of the - Fotis Ντούλος speaks exclusively in the "THEME" for the high-profile case

The weather this time of year in Connecticut is still reminiscent of summer, but this is the last thing that concerns Fotis Dolo. His alleged involvement in the disappearance of Jennifer Farber's former wife since last May marked a total reversal in the life of the Greek businessman. The recent arrest by the Police may have lasted just 24 hours, but it was enough to cause the analog noise and in Greece.

Born of a wealthy family and a particularly charming young man in the mid - '80s, Fotis Doulos loved water skiing and left Hatzigiani Mexi in "Hilton" to descend to The "Star" and indulge in his favorite sport. His life seemed perfect when he went to America to study, first Columbia and then Brown before moving to New York, where he worked at Ernst & Young, one of the most well-known Chartered Accountants companies in the world. Was making very good money and had the opportunity in the summer to water-skiing in the Hamptons, and in winter descending the snowy slopes of Aspen, Colorado. Where one night he saw his old classmate Jennifer Farber again, a beautiful woman he was meant to walk with for 12 years. Their divorce was not easy, let alone by the time the former couple had acquired five children, two times twins (two boys and boy - girl and then another daughter), which were found unintentionally in the throes of a hard separation.

On 24 May, Fotis ' ex-wife, who lived with the children in Nea Canaan, in an impressive house that he had rented, was last seen alive. From that day began the nightmare of the Greek businessman, whom the authorities investigating the case consider directly involved.

The arrest warrant that publishes the "theme" contains elements and interpretations that find Fotis Dolo and his lawyer strongly opposed. The avid skier, having paid bail of $ 500,000, he returned to the mansion where he lived with his ex-wife and their children in Connecticut, then everything in his life seemed a nice fairy tale. He hasn't seen his kids since May 24. While in fact because of the divorce, the court had forbidden them to leave the State of Connecticut, they went with their nanny in New York city.

Their mother had arranged for him to be examined by a dentist and then I'll meet you there to return in New Canaan, something that eventually never happened.

Since that afternoon they have been living with their grandmother Gloria-Jennifer's father Hilliard Farber, vice president at Chase Manhattan Bank, passed away two years ago - and Fotis Dulos has not seen them and has not spoken to them. At the same time Jennifer Farber is presumed dead by her relatives, while police investigations into her discovery have not yielded any results in this thriller that has been unfolding for the past five months.

Elements, contradictions and interpretations

With regard to the warrant for the arrest of Fotis Dulou, each party gives its own interpretation of the elements incorporated in its 40 pages. The police are convinced that the Greek businessman falsified or destroyed evidence and evidence, which he does not accept.

On the contrary, both the lawyer and himself, find that in its pages there are many things that create at least contradictions, such as the phrase "possible bloodstains", ie. possible blood spatter found on the seat of a pick up Toyota allegedly used by Dulos. So far they have not been informed whether what probably looks like blood was tested for blood, what type of blood it is and, most importantly, whether it belongs to his ex-wife. They have the same objections to the blood stains found in the garage, since it's not specified in the warrant whether they were examined and to whom they belong. On the other hand, no one knows what Dulos has to say about the red Toyota route and the bags he was flying, as well as the plates found in a sewer, since so far he hasn't spoken.

What is not mentioned in the warrant is that on May 21, when Constantine's son had his name day, Jennifer Farber invited Fotis dulo to her house to say Happy Birthday to the child. The latter bought a cake and spent some hours with the children by playing with them before she comes in the house while they all ate together. Later the police talked about his DNA at Jennifer's house, which makes perfect sense to him after eating cake, drinking water and using utensils and cutlery.

With regard to the first call by the Police, he went with all the good mood to testify about the disappearance of his ex-wife, his lawyer, however, prevent him from such a move, given the experience that in America the Police sometimes use specific interrogation methods that target directly with the people they suspect.

Last Wednesday, Michelle Troconis appeared in court with tears in her eyes to hear the latest charge in the missing Jennifer case. She is the woman with whom Fotis Dulos is-at least until recently-having an affair and who allegedly testified the third time she was called to lie.The Greek businessman believes that the authorities forced Michelle to say what he said, while Norm Patis ' lawyer called Trokonis last Wednesday a "lying mistress" and the next day it became known that the Farmington Home mansion, where the former couple lived with their five children and which had been sold by dulo for a price of over $ 4,000,000, is being withdrawn from the market.

According to NBC Connecticut, the testimony of the Farber family lawyer and the lawsuit filed by Farber Estate against Dulu played a role in withdrawing the property from the real estate market. The Greek businessman continues to declare his innocence in the disappearance of his ex-wife, with the defense standing on the testimony of the man who changed the seats to pick up. The latter argued in his testimony that Dulos was obsessed with changing them and forced him to do so, which made him suspect and not throw away the seats afterwards.

The Greek, on the other hand, strongly denies that he pushed this employee and is sure that something else made a man who is an immigrant in the USA to testify what he testified. His trial has not yet been determined, but in this particular case what matters most is that so far Jennifer's body has not been discovered.

If she's not found so that she can be examined and unshakable evidence can be found that incriminates her ex-husband, she'll hardly be charged with murder. People who have lived for years talk about a very good child and a wonderful father, a man who pursued his dreams and achieved a lot. One of them set up his own construction company together with his sister Rena, who is an architect starting with lending from the banks.

His late father-in-law helped him with a deposit of $ 1,000,000 which was returned to him after the houses were being built and sold immediately. His life with Jennifer was idyllic until the birth of their fifth child in 2011, when they gradually began to move away from each other.

Who was it? The answer is difficult and the truth known only to those directly involved, though, as it is usually called, in a breakup it's always both. In the case of Fotis and Jennifer, the separation developed into a heated argument and a heated or heated argument. Only the mysterious disappearance of Farber last May opened the floodgates for the champion of water skiing who insists on his innocence. On the contrary, the authorities have named him the prime suspect and it remains to be seen what the outcome of a case which, like the coins, has two sides.

"I hope Jennifer is alive»

Our conversation started from how difficult the days and nights of the Greek businessman in prison were

"The Guardians and those responsible were kind and fair to me, when I never felt threatened. I was in solitary for nine days in a cell 2x3 and I thank God I'm not claustrophobic," those are his first words.

"The days were suddenly long and lonely, so I tried to read and think too much. I even created differential equations and tried to solve them in order to keep my mind alert", stresses the champion of water skiing and continues: "I had very short communication with the outside world and did not know what was going on. Since Norm patis and his team took over the case, things changed after they visited me and together we prepared a plan for the case".

Greek American Fotis Dulos gives his version of what happened. She hopes Jennifer is still alive, however utopian that may sound to a lot of people, five months after the day she went missing

Ask if they have ever thought of himself in the orange uniform of a prisoner and his answer is immediate: "I never imagined myself in prison, and, to be precise, I pinched myself to be sure that I didn't see a bad dream".

The answer to what was missing during the period of remanding is to be expected for a man who, until last May, he never imagined the adventure that waited for him: "I missed my children, Michelle, the day-to-day contacts with partners and friends, but most of all I missed my freedom, obviously the most important value in our life, which I thought was a given up until that time".

I am referring to his marriage that seemed happy until 2016, with five children and a comfortable life, where everything seemed to run perfectly, but he has another opinion.

"My marriage hasn't been so happy since 2010. Jennifer started gradually taking me out of her life and becoming more and more distant, a hermit. I tried persistently to reach her and figure out what was going on, but I never felt better. I'm sorry to say it, but Jennifer suffered from serious psychological problems, which I didn't realize directly, and I don't want to elaborate any further on the subject. I put it aside because I was in love with her and focused on other things that make our lives beautiful. Our children grew up beautiful, my work was excellent and I tried to enjoy life despite the fact that in my marriage I was no longer happy".

When their children began to notice that their parents were basically like two partners and not two in love, Fotis Dulos decided to take the first step.
"After a long time I decided that if this situation continued Jennifer and I would not be honest with ourselves, with our children and of course with each other. So I asked her to break up in December 2016".

I'm asking him how his ex-wife dealt with his divorce application. "We had a civilized conversation and Jennifer asked me to try and save our marriage, but my heart was no longer there. I wanted us to be best parents for our kids, best friends and support each other, but not be together. Technically, we haven't had a relationship in over six years, and I didn't think that would change. At that point, my contact with Jennifer was focused around the children, and there were no private moments or psychic connections. I knew this required a process for all of us that took time, but for me the decision was made".

I'm asking for his version.

"No, we didn't fight often, hardly at all. Jennifer and I are calm characters. In March 2018, I told her I had feelings for Michelle.p. Trokonis) and that we could no longer be married. We had long conversations, all on a civilized level. We decided to dissolve our marriage amicably and we agreed that the children would learn after the end of the school year".
According to him, the children had realized that their parents had been removed: "As I said, the kids had it figured out, so, as we agreed, we talked to them at the beginning of the summer and they accepted it very well. Peter said this was for the good of everyone and we told them about Michelle and Nicole.p.: his partner's daughter from another marriage) and my moving to Connecticut. The kids were really excited because they really liked Michelle and her daughter".

The conversation inevitably comes to Jennifer's disappearance and I ask that she make a comment:

"I can't explain it. I hope and pray the police find her. I hope she's alive".
I'm asking him if he thinks she's dead.

"I am very troubled by her disappearance, so what I believe is not so important. I say again, I hope she's alive".

His view of Michelle Troconis after her third testimony has not changed, as some would expect: "my heart is with her. Michelle is experiencing incredible pressure. I know her, I love her and I'm sure she'll tell the truth eventually".

He sounds cool when he talks about what he's going through right now: "I'm trying to be strong. I pray for Jennifer and my children, Michelle and her daughter, and I try to be grateful for the family and friends I have every day. The only thing that makes me really sad, is that due to a judicial decision, I have almost five months to talk to them and see them".

There are people who sympathise in these difficult times? "For me, my family, my friends, classmates from high School, my colleagues at work, and people I'd never met, who approached me and told me that they support me in all that I experience and that they believe me".

Our conversation ends by asking him what he wants to say to Greek friends and acquaintances who read what is written about him in the press.
"My friends and acquaintances in Greece know who I am. I don't have to say much to them".
Ames me want to vomit
I did a brief sale comparison and believe it or not, it is not that overprices. Sales ranged in the $365,000-$405,000 range. NOTE: Michelle Quit Claimed this property to her mother and sister in 2016.
I reviewed the assessors website and it still listed her as the owner
AAAWWWW @afitzy .
Don't hold back.
Tell us what you really think. :D
Was there ever any doubt?

Whole situation has become a farce IMO between the press and the courts and I am having a hard time containing myself to see if anything is done about the gag order by the Appellate Judges. The situation has become such a joke IMO that I would welcome the Appellate Judges not only supporting the Judge Blawie gag order but imposing an absolute record seal and eliminating all cameras and phones in the courtroom! My guess is if this happened Atty. P would file his notice of removal from the case the NEXT DAY! The Atty P. blustering in the the last FD court appearance almost played like a detergent ad on daytime TV as he was simply 'advertising' for his 'upcoming motion' on the gag order. Yawn.....

I would also very much welcome punishment of ANY kind including a fine of a $1 or loss of licence to practice for Atty. P. for the sorry situation in the Jones case for which he will be reviewed. Show us poor people that there are consequences for poor/stupid decisions by legal professionals in the St. of CT PLEASE - PRETTY PLEASE!

I've been waiting and waiting for some solid and real defending and unfortunately what we have seen is simply 'fluff and feathers' and how 'low can you go' and its all been so disappointing! But I guess also what we have seen from the defence is a reflection of the cards they have been dealt in this case too.

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I just keep thinking about the FD 'interview' with the Greek press. What was so brilliant about the entire interview was that it could actually be Exhibits A-Z to demonstrate to the Appellate Judges precisely why a 'gag order' is so very much needed in this case.

I can actually picture Atty. P and FD figuring out precisely how many provisions of the 'gag order' and 'no contact order' they managed to violate by just doing one or 2 articles.

The entire situation with the 'gag order appeal' was so ridiculous that I stupidly sat down and went through the Greek articles and stacked up the FD statements against the Judge Blawie 'gag order' and cited exactly which provisions were violated. It made me feel better but it makes for boring chat. But I do have to say that if Atty. P. thinks that people aren't reading the documents then he IMO is absolutely incorrect. The Press might not be reading but others here are reading!

What I found absolutely hilarious was that the DM read the Judge Blawie 'gag order' and EVEN THEY (or their barristers IDK) saw through the Pattisville sham statements to the US Press. We saw a couple of reporters in the US question the typical Atty. P. bluster but why did we not see one paper write an article taking down what Atty P. said as the BS that it absolutely was IMO? Again, so disappointing but typical of the situation.

I was just writing that, lol!

ITA. Favor for a favor...

Could there be money involved?

How about investigating? What does that look like? Reading the court documents, that’s where the facts are. That’s where your story is. Piece it together.
They should be reporting facts and quotes, and objectively.
There’s an opportunity for a spotlight on DV as well, the silent epidemic among the wealthy in CT? I’d be curious to know. (Not to take away attention from the victim here, but look what’s been going on and look what resulted.) That lawyer’s wife who was fearful for her life...where is she? Where is he?
There are a lot of story ideas, that news room should be buzzing.
Ames me want to vomit

I reviewed the assessors website and it still listed her as the owner
I reviewed the Miami dace assessors website and it still lists her as owner

MT can list it at whatever price she wants but, it hasn’t sold .
Why ?
Nothing has been updated .
Time capsule from the year it was built .

Is she as stubborn as FD and won’t drop the price .

Yeesh . They must have the same broker .
Could there be money involved?

How about investigating? What does that look like? Reading the court documents, that’s where the facts are. That’s where your story is. Piece it together.
They should be reporting facts and quotes, and objectively.
There’s an opportunity for a spotlight on DV as well, the silent epidemic among the wealthy in CT? I’d be curious to know. (Not to take away attention from the victim here, but look what’s been going on and look what resulted.) That lawyer’s wife who was fearful for her life...where is she? Where is he?
There are a lot of story ideas, that news room should be buzzing.

Could there be money involved?

How about investigating? What does that look like? Reading the court documents, that’s where the facts are. That’s where your story is. Piece it together.
They should be reporting facts and quotes, and objectively.
There’s an opportunity for a spotlight on DV as well, the silent epidemic among the wealthy in CT? I’d be curious to know. (Not to take away attention from the victim here, but look what’s been going on and look what resulted.) That lawyer’s wife who was fearful for her life...where is she? Where is he?
There are a lot of story ideas, that news room should be buzzing.

Good point !
It’s a Dominick Dunne novel waiting to get written .
One of these reporters could write a
treatment get a book deal or series on
Netflix .
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