Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #53

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@sds71 bbm sbm Thx for your post w quote and link. If article itself linked to his motion or brief, I missed it. Would like to read about these circumstances in other states where bracelet monitors were ruled C &U.
Anyone??? TiA.
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Every time I see another social media prayer extolling the virtues of an alleged criminal, I wonder how these supporters and their families will cope when all is said and done.

Five innocent children have already had their life paths forever impacted by the loss of their mother. The additional alleged acts of their father and subsequent loss of him add to their catastrophe. My heart hurts for them.

My heart also hurts for those other innocents who are also in the line of fire; other children who have absolutely nothing to do with the decisions and actions of adults who supposedly love them. I wonder if those in denial will ever start to think about them. Maybe the remaining actors should start thinking a little bit more about their own progeny, and those of their misled supporters.

With every passing day of more motions, more denials, more holier-than-though-sputterings, - there are more changes to every life associated with these people.
ALL the babies, all the sons and daughters, nieces and nephews...all of them will live forever shrouded in the fallout of their ‘loving’ family’s actions.

The selfishness is sickening.

MT is not a good case to try the constitutionality of GPS monitoring, IMO.
Monitoring is used for pre-trial (like MT) but also for parole and post-release community monitoring, for example with sex offenders who have completed their sentence but are still required to wear a monitor sometimes for the rest of their life (NC recent case-apparently 12 states require lifetime tracking for sex offenders).
Supreme Court narrows lifetime GPS tracking of sex offenders
Also for immigration purposes.

So MT isn’t really the poster child for constitutional violation, I mean I am not sure that her constitutional right to ride on a ski lift or to compete in masters waterskiing tournaments is really what the founding fathers had in mind...

Also, not sure if JS’s eighth amendment defense (excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishment) is the right way to go, it looks like the fourth amendment violation (search and seizure, privacy) have been more successful defenses, though certainly never in garden-variety cases such as MTs (at least that a cursory search turns up).

That JS can’t come up with anything else in his client’s defense speaks to the strength of the evidence against her. Clearly the Troconis clan decided on JS (and continues to bankroll futile motions from him) as a last resort for a character defense- MT as victim of an unfair system, rather than innocent of the crime itself. Is he trying to set up for a “time served” plea or something? It is not rocket science to assume the main goal is to keep MT from spending “one more day in jail” to use a famous quote...

IMO, Schoenhorn can't keep his argument on a path and that will only hurt him. So far he's thrown out: (please feel free to add any I may have missed)
  • Can't take her daughter for ice cream
  • MT is stuck in 1000 sq ft apt while FD lives in a mansion
  • Skin irritation
  • Cannot take a bath
  • Cannot go on a chairlift without skis
  • Cannot waterski
Incarceration IS the alternative if she can't appreciate the freedom she is allowed while facing the serious charges against her. PERIOD.
IMO, Schoenhorn can't keep his argument on a path and that will only hurt him. So far he's thrown out: (please feel free to add any I may have missed)
  • Can't take her daughter for ice cream
  • MT is stuck in 1000 sq ft apt while FD lives in a mansion
  • Skin irritation
  • Cannot take a bath
  • Cannot go on a chairlift without skis
  • Cannot waterski
Incarceration IS the alternative if she can't appreciate the freedom she is allowed while facing the serious charges against her. PERIOD.
  • Can’t meet with her attorney in super secret locations( which have nothing to do with any alleged crime) to prepare for her defense while her super secret location ( which have nothing to do with any alleged crime) is monitored.
  • Can’t go to her clients’ homes to show them little patches of fabrics for some unknown, undefinable job.
Was there anything about not being able to pose for ‘artsy’ photographs, or it interfering with a stirrup, or irritating the belly of a horse?? maybe those are up next...
Every time I see another social media prayer extolling the virtues of an alleged criminal, I wonder how these supporters and their families will cope when all is said and done.

Five innocent children have already had their life paths forever impacted by the loss of their mother. The additional alleged acts of their father and subsequent loss of him add to their catastrophe. My heart hurts for them.

My heart also hurts for those other innocents who are also in the line of fire; other children who have absolutely nothing to do with the decisions and actions of adults who supposedly love them. I wonder if those in denial will ever start to think about them. Maybe the remaining actors should start thinking a little bit more about their own progeny, and those of their misled supporters.

With every passing day of more motions, more denials, more holier-than-though-sputterings, - there are more changes to every life associated with these people.
ALL the babies, all the sons and daughters, nieces and nephews...all of them will live forever shrouded in the fallout of their ‘loving’ family’s actions.

The selfishness is sickening.

I completely agree with you. And the heart-hurting part. Eloquently said.

Mentioned it a way back and maybe bears repeating(?) — familial denial/blind loyalty in the face of egregious behavior resulted in devastating consequences for my extended family, though not as dramatic as in this case. Two deaths.

Thank goodness I had a Mother who was courageous enough to say: “Yes, they are family. Yes, what they did is unacceptable, and consequences are consequences.” To deny, lie and obfuscate is to *pass on* the “sins of the fathers.”
off my lectern now, LOL! Y’all are wonderful.
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  • Can’t meet with her attorney in super secret locations( which have nothing to do with any alleged crime) to prepare for her defense while her super secret location ( which have nothing to do with any alleged crime) is monitored.
  • Can’t go to her clients’ homes to show them little patches of fabrics for some unknown, undefinable job.
Was there anything about not being able to pose for ‘artsy’ photographs, or it interfering with a stirrup, or irritating the belly of a horse?? maybe those are up next...

We might also add,
  • Being in Colorado does not interfere with her new job showing fabric swatches (some she designs?), but it does in CT.
  • Can't meet her daughter at airports without state permission.
  • Can't go to MA to work outdoor markets (play with Petu?).
  • Doesn't complicate meeting with her attorney while in Colorado but does in CT (does her attorney ski, too).
  • Flying back and forth from CT to CO is too complicated.
  • Her battery runs down, but CT bail says new batteries charge longer? (No outlets in Colorado?)
  • Forgot...early on, MT had no place to "workout" in the tiny apartment. FD had a whole gym.
Every time I see another social media prayer extolling the virtues of an alleged criminal, I wonder how these supporters and their families will cope when all is said and done.

Five innocent children have already had their life paths forever impacted by the loss of their mother. The additional alleged acts of their father and subsequent loss of him add to their catastrophe. My heart hurts for them.

My heart also hurts for those other innocents who are also in the line of fire; other children who have absolutely nothing to do with the decisions and actions of adults who supposedly love them. I wonder if those in denial will ever start to think about them. Maybe the remaining actors should start thinking a little bit more about their own progeny, and those of their misled supporters.

With every passing day of more motions, more denials, more holier-than-though-sputterings, - there are more changes to every life associated with these people.
ALL the babies, all the sons and daughters, nieces and nephews...all of them will live forever shrouded in the fallout of their ‘loving’ family’s actions.

The selfishness is sickening.

I guess the other option is to double down and shower your blind followers with adoration. Maybe that will fix everything the next generation will suffer; thinking their familia was loyal and true.

As @carolmaria points out, what is needed in the face of adversity is courage, the courage to be honest, but these people are not courageous. IMO They have shown themselves to be greedy, parasitic opportunists.

I wonder if any of them have ever read The Emperor’s New Clothes? It only takes one, one to have a backbone and start the cascade of choruses that should be pointing and asking real questions that reflect their supposed religious beliefs.

Sorry about being on my lectern. I am just SMH. Does anyone else find it extremely ironic that the major education of this clan is in psychology????
Wonder if they ever read “know thyself” and “surety brings ruin”. Maybe they could study those Greek thoughts after they bone up on a naked narcissist.

Would it be inappropriate to ask MT if the ankle monitor feels at all like a zip tie?

I suspect it does not.

Her sense of entitlement is as huge as it is grotesque.

Would it be inappropriate to ask MT if the ankle monitor feels at all like a zip tie?

I suspect it does not.

Her sense of entitlement is as huge as it is grotesque.

Right you are. Huge and grotesque.
And manipulative.
I’ve been trying to step back from the distortion of facts being fed by JS and the PR clan. It’s hard for me to completely filter out subtleties that have been leaking in. I always felt one of FDs weak points were his words- that there was more in what he was saying -almost a read between the lines thing.

With the Clan and JS,
they’ve been squeezing little “facts” in as explanations for MTs actions or reasons for motions. Take for example, why she needs her GPS removed. As @Morgan10028 listed about, there seems to be a never ending list of items, a throwing of pasta-on-the-wall like list, just to see if any stick. But also accompanying all of these reasons are little “facts” that we take as valid, ie that MT has a job, is going to stay in Co, wants to go on ski lift. ...etc.

We take those bits as accurate, but really, why should we? MT has lied before. Misdirected before. I think that is her weakness. We should go back and examine her words from this point of view.

So I keep thinking about the explanation offered for MT getting out of the car and scrubbing her hand in the dirt during the trash deposit. She said she was wiping off gum. I’ve read a lot of questions and disgust here ( and thought them myself), why in germ-ridden dirt? Why not on garbage being tossed? Couldn’t she find a napkin or such in the car?...

With magical misdirection, she managed to change the focus of her action from “what was she doing” to “why” was she doing “what she claimed”.

IMO MT could have been very carefully, with pre-thought and awareness, wiping a gummy substance off her hand without leaving any fingerprints or DNA on anything.
Good. This is ridiculous. IMO. They have no shame.
Shameless indeed that even after Judge Blawie and the Prosecutor presented alternatives for the defense to research (i.e., wrist GPS if available in CT), JLS had the nerve to file the motion for the appellate court. More shameful that he proposes a defendant charged with conspiracy to commit murder should be free of any form of court-ordered GPS monitor.
I’m so sorry, @sleuth66, for not giving you proper credit earlier! @sds71 hilariously pointed out the error of my ways! Lol! So:

“Whoa! Thank you so much, @sleuth66, for pointing these out! The first word made me laugh while the second made me smile, smile, SMILE! Thank you!!! MOO!”
No worries, anything to make us smile these days is all good!
I'm just here to promote justice for Jennifer, no credit needed.
Right you are. Huge and grotesque.
And manipulative.
I’ve been trying to step back from the distortion of facts being fed by JS and the PR clan. It’s hard for me to completely filter out subtleties that have been leaking in. I always felt one of FDs weak points were his words- that there was more in what he was saying -almost a read between the lines thing.

With the Clan and JS,
they’ve been squeezing little “facts” in as explanations for MTs actions or reasons for motions. Take for example, why she needs her GPS removed. As @Morgan10028 listed about, there seems to be a never ending list of items, a throwing of pasta-on-the-wall like list, just to see if any stick. But also accompanying all of these reasons are little “facts” that we take as valid, ie that MT has a job, is going to stay in Co, wants to go on ski lift. ...etc.

We take those bits as accurate, but really, why should we? MT has lied before. Misdirected before. I think that is her weakness. We should go back and examine her words from this point of view.

So I keep thinking about the explanation offered for MT getting out of the car and scrubbing her hand in the dirt during the trash deposit. She said she was wiping off gum. I’ve read a lot of questions and disgust here ( and thought them myself), why in germ-ridden dirt? Why not on garbage being tossed? Couldn’t she find a napkin or such in the car?...

With magical misdirection, she managed to change the focus of her action from “what was she doing” to “why” was she doing “what she claimed”.

IMO MT could have been very carefully, with pre-thought and awareness, wiping a gummy substance off her hand without leaving any fingerprints or DNA on anything.
Yes. JS has didtorted facts. (Distorted facts...backspace has died)
Lots of pasta thrown up against the wall.
How long will the judges allow this?
Can they rein this frivoloty /frivolity in?
Ongoing waste of the courts time?
Operative word is that MT has lied. At .least Three times that have been documented.
Always curious about her leaning out of the car?
Did she actually tell LE that she was cleaning gum from her hand? Or, is this just speculation?
Not sure I ever read that in AWs?
Yes. JS has didtorted facts. (Distorted facts...backspace has died)
Lots of pasta thrown up against the wall.
How long will the judges allow this?
Can they rein this frivoloty /frivolity in?
Ongoing waste of the courts time?
Operative word is that MT has lied. At .least Three times that have been documented.
Always curious about her leaning out of the car?
Did she actually tell LE that she was cleaning gum from her hand? Or, is this just speculation?
Not sure I ever read that in AWs?
How long will the judges allow this?
A petition is certainly the defendant's constitutional right.
However, as the Appellate Order states, the review is granted BUT the relief requested is denied.
At least this time, JLS followed procedure and waited for the request/relief to be denied in Blawie's court before he sought relief in Appellate court!

How long will the judges allow this?
A petition is certainly the defendant's constitutional right.
However, as the Appellate Order states, the review is granted BUT the relief requested is denied.
At least this time, JLS followed procedure and waited for the request/relief to be denied in Blawie's court before he sought relief in Appellate court!

Is there a limit to petitions?
Can it just go on ad nausea?
Is there a limit to petitions?
Can it just go on ad nausea?

Well, not exactly.

The appellate court's task is to determine whether or not the law was applied correctly in the trial court. ...

In this situation, JLS has filed multiple motions in the Superior Court, requesting changes/deletions specifically to MT's non-financial bond conditions.

Since JLS is unhappy that that Judge Blawie has not agreed to any of his requests, he's simply exercising his option/right to seek a second opinion, if you will, from the CT appellate.

JLS is hoping that the appellate will side with him and/or his interpretation of the law, and grant him the relief he requests.

Hope this helps @citygirl.
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