DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #13

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Regarding the last phone call SS made, is it possible SS somehow slipped out of his restraints or somehow got the phone. I realize he was found deceased still bound but could he have been retied. I know its most likely impossible but if he realized their time was running out could he have made a move. Maybe getting the phone and hit the last number dialed before the killer quickly regained control.....I know crazy idea but it just popped in my head and decided to share.

I have wondered that too. Maybe DW had gone into PS room with the gas, SS makes his move, DW comes back with the bat and it's all over
NG says the voice mail telling her not to come to work on Thursday saved her life. But she had already made arrangements with SS to work at the dojo on Friday instead of at the house on Thursday.
The FBI man says he doesn't believe this was about the money and he mentioned a hired hit.

This is a story that was thrown out at the very beginning of all of this. And having followed many "breaking stories" as they happen (like many of you of course!) it seems like the very first things we hear often turn out to be the most accurate. Then the story takes off and all sorts of things get thrown around in the media...and then later, when the real story comes out - it often resembles those first few details. Not sure if anyone else has ever noticed this...

But this hired hit theory is very interesting to me. Not sure what it would be about...as it seemed the family was much loved...but people have strange reasons for doing things.

IMO - and many have noted the same thing - this is a very personal crime. This is not a robbery gone bad. This is not just some angry guy coming upon some family that he wants to get money from.
NG says the voice mail telling her not to come to work on Thursday saved her life. But she had already made arrangements with SS to work at the dojo on Friday instead of at the house on Thursday.
AND, she said she was working at another home in McLean when the fire broke out at Woodland.
This is a story that was thrown out at the very beginning of all of this. And having followed many "breaking stories" as they happen (like many of you of course!) it seems like the very first things we hear often turn out to be the most accurate. Then the story takes off and all sorts of things get thrown around in the media...and then later, when the real story comes out - it often resembles those first few details. Not sure if anyone else has ever noticed this...

But this hired hit theory is very interesting to me. Not sure what it would be about...as it seemed the family was much loved...but people have strange reasons for doing things.

IMO - and many have noted the same thing - this is a very personal crime. This is not a robbery gone bad. This is not just some angry guy coming upon some family that he wants to get money from.

If it was a hired hit, why spend the night? Increased risk for not much pay off IMO.
NG says the voice mail telling her not to come to work on Thursday saved her life. But she had already made arrangements with SS to work at the dojo on Friday instead of at the house on Thursday.

That really annoyed me. She was never supposed to be there so no, her ife wasn't saved.

But then this whole "God spared me...he saved my life" because I was running late and missed my plane that just crashed - or any of the other way too many things I have heard this statement.

It just crushes my soul knowing that there are many families who have an ultimate belief in God as well and they were not so lucky. So God saved that person, but allowed hundreds of others to die?

It really upsets me every single time I hear that. Sorry if that offends anyone, as that is not my intention. It is just something that really really really rubs me the wrong way!
If it was a hired hit, why spend the night? Increased risk for not much pay off IMO.

I agree. I didn't say it was a perfect theory. LOL!! In fact, that was originally my response to those who said it could be a hit. Preposterous, I said!!

But what we do know feels very personal to me. Not just some random crime. I could be wrong. I am not married to this theory.
All due respect to "FBI man." Hiring a guy like Wint with the long criminal record, DNA on file, and erratic behavior (plus possibly drinking problem; at very least, flip- out behavior when he drinks) KNOWN by all as truculent, hostile, no ice-man he, is just plain dumb. Maybe he came free. I wouldn't pay him. The FBI man is going on the forums and picking up the buzz. And I can tell you, he should consider the source. Whoever hired needs to demand his money back.
But, if you wanted to wipe out a family and exact revenge without any of it coming back to you, DW is the guy for the job. He is a loose cannon with his own grudge. He will make the victims and the survivors suffer. And, if he doesn't screw up and somehow gets away, then someone else will take him out. No one will wonder how he ends up dead on the streets of DC. He will just be another dead guy in PG County or NE DC. If he gets arrested, no one will believe him because of his violent crimminal history. JMO.
The FBI man says he doesn't believe this was about the money and he mentioned a hired hit.

That guy, I think his name is Brad Garrett, I'd take with a grain of salt. He said a few things that were not fact like one person couldn't have done this. That is his opinion, not fact. One person could indeed have done this. And he said he doesn't know why DW only asked for 40k. I doubt DW came up with the 40k amount. That's all SS could come up with. Yet this Brad Garrett makes it sound like 40k was the amount DW demanded.

One thing he wanted to know that I agree with is why weren't those 5 people arrested with DW charged with aiding & abetting. I wish we knew why too!
It was never confirmed.
Wish i would document my source. Today read on line news story that call no responded to. No text or VM mentioned. More than a few stories have implied same. I'd think investigators found SS cell phone number popped up time-stamped 11:54 a.m. on JW's cell.
NG says the voice mail telling her not to come to work on Thursday saved her life. But she had already made arrangements with SS to work at the dojo on Friday instead of at the house on Thursday.

Exactly. There was no reason for AS to tell her not to come in. Yet one of many inconsistencies NG has told the media. She also was asked at the end what she wants to say to the daughters and she replied that she loved them. That tells me, the family isn't speaking with her.

I think the retired-FBI consultant is correct and the reason there have been no arrests is because LE is watching the every move of all these characters, analyzing their past phone data, etc. No way Wint acted alone.

NG, is the only person other than AS's friend who has been interviewed more than once. If other murderers might still be out there would you want to be so visible? It's crazy how NG seems to have no fear.
If it was a hired hit, why spend the night? Increased risk for not much pay off IMO.

Yes. Soon after this began on Wed DW has SS calling to arrange for money ASAP. Then the pizza delivery, calling NG to keep her away. A hit man could have beat them all to death by 8pm then leave in the dark no calls, no pizza , no flurry of calls Thursday.
DW wanted money
But, if you wanted to wipe out a family and exact revenge without any of it coming back to you, DW is the guy for the job. He is a loose cannon with his own grudge. He will make the victims and the survivors suffer. And, if he doesn't screw up and somehow gets away, then someone else will take him out. No one will wonder how he ends up dead on the streets of DC. He will just be another dead guy in PG County or NE DC. If he gets arrested, no one will believe him because of his violent crimminal history. JMO.

Fair enough. As someone else said doesn't have to be a pro hit. Could be an amateur putting out the hit. Risky, but then revenge is.
So how is it known SS wasn't restrained? News reports had all three adults duct taped to chairs when found. Now it's said that SS wasn't restrained. Was SS duct taped to a chair or not? Seems to me unless SS was not taped to a chair or otherwise bound, it would only be known that he wasn't bound at the time of the murders, but there's no way to know about the rest of the time they were held whether SS was or was not restrained. Was SS found taped to the chair or not?
I realize there are strong feelings on both sides of the "is JW involved” debate, and please forgive me for revisiting this, but IMO there is no way SS would have involved JW in any part of his financial dealings at all, not even with the dojo. SS was a savvy, smart, experienced man running a multimillion (billion??) dollar company. He may, for a time, have had JW do little odds and ends type errands, but someone with the wherewithal and professionalism of SS would not legitimately ask him to do anything of the sort that JW is claiming regarding the money. I don't trust or believe a thing of JW's version of their relationship or of his version of the events of those days. As far as hired hit, maybe JW did the hiring? The 20/20 show made mention of the fact that JW doesn't have a record. Neither did Jodi Arias.
That guy, I think his name is Brad Garrett, I'd take with a grain of salt. He said a few things that were not fact like one person couldn't have done this. That is his opinion, not fact. One person could indeed have done this. And he said he doesn't know why DW only asked for 40k. I doubt DW came up with the 40k amount. That's all SS could come up with. Yet this Brad Garrett makes it sound like 40k was the amount DW demanded.

One thing he wanted to know that I agree with is why weren't those 5 people arrested with DW charged with aiding & abetting. I wish we knew why too!

LE has stated in search warrants and charging documents that they believe more than one person besides Wint was involved. That is a fact contained in those legal documents and not just Garrett's opinion.

Garrett gave an explanation of why those people weren't arrested. He said LE often finds it more helpful if they don't take them into custody and instead watch them closely. He also doubted the $40,000 was the only motive and mentioned a hired hit. I value the professional opinion of a 30-year FBI agent.

I realize there are strong feelings on both sides of the "is JW involved” debate, and please forgive me for revisiting this, but IMO there is no way SS would have involved JW in any part of his financial dealings at all, not even with the dojo. SS was a savvy, smart, experienced man running a multimillion (billion??) dollar company. He may, for a time, have had JW do little odds and ends type errands, but someone with the wherewithal and professionalism of SS would not legitimately ask him to do anything of the sort that JW is claiming regarding the money. I don't trust or believe a thing of JW's version of their relationship or of his version of the events of those days. As far as hired hit, maybe JW did the hiring? The 20/20 show made mention of the fact that JW doesn't have a record. Neither did Jodi Arias.
YES! JMO. You got it! JMO.
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