DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #7

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Do you mean, deliver a cut to someone in Chantilly? That's a possibility. He says he dropped off the $40k in the car in DC, but we know he's a, well, fibber. What's your thought?

I think he visited Chantilly to establish an explanation for why his DNA or other evidence may be found at the dojo. I think it is possible that SS was overtaken at the dojo and when it got dark, taken to his home in the trunk of his car, which is why they have now impounded the other three cars.

While Amy was at school picking up PS, DW put on the vest and knocked on the door. Vera would have been alone or just leaving.

I think there's a misunderstanding. My thought is that we're talking about the address given by DDW and others think it's about JW's address. Which person's address are we talking about?

DDW gave his sister's address as his own. Maybe he was staying there, I dunno.

I have no clue, nor do I need to know where any witness lives. JW is a witness, not a suspect. That may change, but until it's announced by LE that he's a POI, this only confuses me more. :confused: :bang: :scared:

Now about suspects and bad guys: hezzayeah I wanna know every little thing we can find out :D :dance: :rockon:

LE has publicly said the witness lied about several things. Once that happens, LE doesn't have to name you a suspect for you to know you ARE a suspect. Especially if your father is a retired cop and you know they've also interrogated your girlfriend.

IIRC, NG said she was to work at the dojo on Friday (instead of her usual day at the house on Thursday.) She was cleaning another client's house on the day of the murders/fire, as that's where grandmother S called her. This is all according to MSM/NG, so take with a grain of salt.

If NG was supposed to work at the S house on Thursday--and she claims she didn't see SS' message until Thursday--when did she arrange to be at that other client's house? Yet more grains of salt needed.

So sorry for your and your husbands terrible loss. Certainly you were in shock and trauma. At the time JW made the drop though he had no reason to be muddled as he did not know anything was wrong. However, could it be possible that once he did know that affected his memory?
Completely surmising, but (if he is innocent) he might have been doing something for the opening of the dojo as planned. Or (if he is not innocent) he would want to still appear that he was doing something for the opening of the dojo as planned. If NG is being accurate, it sounds like she might have been scheduled to work at the dojo that day as well. Makes sense that everyone was working toward the opening on May 15. Do you have another idea?

There could be an innocent explanation, like picking up something for the Dojo -- that hadn't really occurred to me, since I was thinking of him as a driver of SS, not as a general staff person who did whatever was needed. But since SS had his housekeeper there helping, maybe it was an all-hands-on-deck sort of thing.

I just sort of wondered if he was in Chantilly meeting up with someone at AIW after the money drop. It will be very interesting when/if the receipt is entered into evidence.
IIRC, NG said she was to work at the dojo on Friday (instead of her usual day at the house on Thursday.) She was cleaning another client's house on the day of the murders/fire, as that's where grandmother S called her. This is all according to MSM/NG, so take with a grain of salt.

I thought that NG was supposed to work at the SS house on Thursday, which is why she got texts and calls from AS making sure she wasn't coming to the house. Then, according to at least one article I read, NG found another job to do that day. I always thought it was curious that she managed to line up one of her other clients on such short notice.
I think Nate made some corrections on his article before re-posting it.

From JW Racing cached bio:
Most recently Jordan completed the Skip Barber 3 day racing course at Sebring International Raceway, in the MX-5 Miata cup cars, where he finished top of the class and now posses a SCCA Competition License.

RE: SCCA license, from their website:
Some Professional Racing Schools qualify for full or partial completion of Licensing requirements. Skip Barber Racing School, Bob Bondurant Racing School, Russell Racing School, and Bertil Roos School all offer courses which lead directly to SCCA Regional Competition Licenses. http://www.na-motorsports.com/Organizations/SCCA/Racing/CompetitionLicenses.html

From Skip Barber website:
Upon the successful completion of this school, drivers will be eligible for an SCCA regional competition license (SBRS will issue a letter of recommendation based on the driver’s performance at the school. The charge for the letter is $225.00) and/or Skip Barber Advanced Activities. http://skipbarber.com/three-day-racing-school/

Good find and thank you, I have worked the track during a couple Skip Barber events. Which if my memory serves me correctly Skip had a rental car fleet. As you can see, being a racer requires volumes of cash and there's very few sponsors at this level. I'm having difficulty reconciling the math with desires. From your link a 3-day Class with car and letter is approaching 4K and that's just the beginning. ouch
I've been thinking about DW's trip to Lowe's in Chantilly, Virginia on the day of the murders.

Didn't he live in or near Annapolis?

I only have the vaguest sense of where things are relative to one another, but I know those two locations aren't close to one another. Google maps puts them over an hour apart.

Why Chantilly?
Why of the 1000s of hardware stores, why one near the boss' Dojo and AIW's Virginia location?
If he wasn't working that day, why was he near his boss' place of business?

Why Chantilly? That's where the new dojo that they were preparing for the opening is.
There could be an innocent explanation, like picking up something for the Dojo -- that hadn't really occurred to me, since I was thinking of him as a driver of SS, not as a general staff person who did whatever was needed. But since SS had his housekeeper there helping, maybe it was an all-hands-on-deck sort of thing.

I just sort of wondered if he was in Chantilly meeting up with someone at AIW after the money drop. It will be very interesting when/if the receipt is entered into evidence.

His job was to drive and to run errands. They were preparing the new dojo for opening. It only makes sense if he was at Hardware store to buy things for the dojo to prepare it for opening.
I thought that NG was supposed to work at the SS house on Thursday, which is why she got texts and calls from AS making sure she wasn't coming to the house. Then, according to at least one article I read, NG found another job to do that day. I always thought it was curious that she managed to line up one of her other clients on such short notice.

I thought it was agreed NG was NOT supposed to clean on Thursday. Hence, the messages from AS were probably sent as a "help." None of the curious messages sent from the S's though were deciphered by their recipients.
"Originally Posted by Canaille. How do we know that JW was a welder?....photo on one of his social media accounts showing the back of someone welding in a car...."
bbm sbm

If I sew a collar button back on shirt, does that make me a Savile Row tailor? LOL.
Does sewing-on-button pic posted on SM make me a bespoke Savile Row tailor? LOL.

"Savile Row tailoring is traditional and modern, men and women's bespoke tailoring that takes place on Savile Row and neighbouring streets.... In 1846, Henry Poole, credited as being the "Founder of Savile Row",.... The term "bespoke" is understood to have originated in Savile Row when cloth for a suit was said to "be spoken for" by individual customers.[SUP][2][/SUP] The short street has been termed the "golden mile of tailoring", where customers have included Prince Charles, Jude Law, Winston Churchill, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Laurence Olivier, Duke Ellington, Lord Nelson and Napoleon III..."
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savile_Row_tailoring

The point about LW & DW being welders is not the welding or level of expertise. The point is they were both capable of dismantling and restructuring cars or knew people who did that (witness the rolling garage) and probably frequented places/people/groups that would be doing the same. For instance, if you need a part for something and somebody says - go see DW, man, he's got a ton of stuff. You go there. You trade a part for this a part for that. It's not the WELDING per se. It's the activities that they were doing that required an ability to weld. AND they both were familiar with that neighborhood. They easily could have known each other at least tangentially.
I really struggle thinking JW was involved with this. If he was a logically thinking young man, he could see this job really had perks and benefits. Even if it was a menial driving job (we don't know salary though, so maybe not menial at all), he was associated with the racing world, would probably/maybe get to travel to races with SS/PS and be exposed to a new world of the rich. He doesn't have a criminal background. He does seem very immature though (posting pics of the money) and the lying certainly does seem curious.
I wonder why he deleted all of his SM? He deleted them before he was named in the fox 5 report. That doesn't sit weird with some of you?
I wonder why he deleted all of his SM? He deleted them before he was named in the fox 5 report. That doesn't sit weird with some of you?

For someone who seemed to love to draw attention to himself, it does seem odd to eliminate his internet footprint, but if he has a lawyer maybe that's what was recommended.
I wonder why he deleted all of his SM? He deleted them before he was named in the fox 5 report. That doesn't sit weird with some of you?

Yes, especially since he created multiple websites and racing pages and used social media to promote himself. His gf, though, being director of social media at Autobahn Speedracing where they both worked, may have helped him to do it. She might be more aware of the scouring that would go on once people connected him with the Savopoulos family. But if he's innocent, it would not have hurt him any, only brought publicity. So yes. I wonder.
I wonder why he deleted all of his SM? He deleted them before he was named in the fox 5 report. That doesn't sit weird with some of you?

I'm not surprised in the least bit - especially if the SM is what started this all off (which I don't think is too far fetched). He could have been instructed by anyone to do so or maybe was smart enough to realize how scrutinized it would be - and suspicious it would look (the obsession he had with SS cars). Who knows.
I wonder why he deleted all of his SM? He deleted them before he was named in the fox 5 report. That doesn't sit weird with some of you?

That's not accurate. Not all of it is deleted.
So, for the thinkers on here who don't find anything suspicious about DW's given address and the various addresses of a close relative to LW being virtually in the same block, I have a question.

If you were a detective with LE working on this case, would you just not bother looking into that? Isn't that the sort of thing that blows cases wide open? I think they are probably all over it, and if there's something there, they will find it. They sure are being quiet btw, aren't they?
That's how you choose to see it :)

But, I think if SS was going to give him a pity job, he give him a job at AIW where he wouldn't have to see him every day. I think SS was a nice guy and wanted to personally help him. That doesn't equate to pity, lol!

I choose to see it as JW asked SS for a job, SS liked him and trusted him enough to create a position for him as his driver and PA. SS wanted to help him and this was a way he could do it immediately. For those reasons, I choose to believe JW would never have considered jeopardizing his relationship with SS because if you want to be purely crass, SS could have turned out to be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for JW. Of course, JW could be a complete sociopath and go for the immediate gratification of extortion. I don't know.

With JW having been fired from his prior job (for reasons we don't know), it could mean he would jeopardize his relationship with his employer. Actually I think with Autobahn firing their first employee I think it would lean to JW doing that with an employer compared to an average person.
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