DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #8

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A Statement from the Amerit company that they are cooperating with the investigation has been posted several times.

The company statement makes sense if the driver was an employee.

The truck was not just filled with "new parts." It was filled with money orders, and cash presumably from this crime.

Lol. The back of the truck wasn't "filled with money orders and cash". LE found a wad of cash in one of the doors and ONE money order.

There were two guys sitting in the back of that truck with that money.

Wrong. 4 people were arrested with Wint: 2 men and 2 women. The driver and another man were in the front of the truck. The two women were with Wint in the car.

This wasnt just a nice guy whose family sedan had a flat....using the company truck to give a friend a lift.

He would use the company truck if he was still on the job.

It's logical to think they took the truck because they needed it.

The question is...why?

To go convert cash to money orders at different locations. I doubt the employee could go back to work to get his own car if he was on the job.
So your opinion is the W-3 is "under suspicion" by LE?

Since that awful Taconic Parkway crash, where the Aunt ended up killing all those children...I have called twice from the car while my husband was driving...to report someone I thought was "driving erratically" and possibly drunk. I don't want to be their victim, nor do I want anyone else to be.

It does not take a "photographic memory" to call in and say..."Hey, we are on mile number x of Highway *advertiser censored*....and there's a car out here weaving in and out, driving erratically, ...it's a ( description) driving it and the car is a (description.)"

Maybe that's how it went down. Maybe the call was not even connected to the crime...just the poor, scary driving. LE only says "erratic driving."

Personally, I think it's one of the "mistakes" LE referred to. And whether you think it is God, or karma...I think every one of these "people" will pay mightily. These things that help disclose their identities happened for a reason. I hope they are wetting their pants, waiting to be pulled in.


If I saw a sport car driving erratically and I looked over and saw a dude with a green vest on... I would remember! I would think what's this valet
Driving someone else's car so irresponsibility?...
Thank you. If they were driving erratically yes. It sounds like this witness looked to see if the person was drunk or something but again, idk.

To me, "driving erratically" means weaving in and out of traffic or speeding. Unless the eyewitness was also speeding and weaving in and out of traffic, I don't see how he could keep up with the Porsche to notice everything about the driver. It seems to me that W-3 deliberately tried to throw off LE by giving a false description of the driver.
How do you know if Facebook removes a page rather than the page owner? Do they put up a different notice? And why would Facebook remove someone's page? I thought they tried to stay out of "policing" pages, or they would be expected to monitor everyone's pages.

Also, if JW's page was cached on May 10th, stuff could have been added since then. The caches I see don't give all the "likes" in a category - just up to the four. One has to click on the category to get the entire list, so just because something doesn't show up on these cached pages, doesn't mean it wasn't on the live ones.

Yes. When FB removes a page, it shows a FB "sorry this page is unavailable". FB almost always removes murderers and other criminals pages. If you look up Jordan's page, it is just a blank white screen. And if you look at PS and AS pages, there is a blank spot where his page used to be.

ETA - the cached pages actually don't show likes at all. It shows favorites. And there is a whole list of them, and then you can click on "more" and it will show you the rest.
The fact that the driver was wearing a green neon vest, and torched Porsche was discovered at 5:30 with a "green neon vest" leaves little doubt.

Your memory would be that sharp but you mistake dreads for short, well-groomed hair. Lol. Ok.
To me, "driving erratically" means weaving in and out of traffic or speeding. Unless the eyewitness was also speeding and weaving in and out of traffic, I don't see how he could keep up with the Porsche to notice everything about the driver. It seems to me that W-3 deliberately tried to throw off LE by giving a false description of the driver.

W-3 got at least 2 things right, blue Porsche and green vest
I would if they were driving "erratically" and scaring me half to death. Add to that a very expensive unusual car. Then if I got home and saw the car in the news...I'd be dialing in a heartbeat.

But you would confuse dreads for short, well groomed hair? Even if the dreads are pulled back, I have never confused dreads for short hair.
Did JW...who seems hungry, ravenous even for media attention...shut down his Facebook on Sunday, May 10...just as the Murder week began? They were taken captive on May 13. Murdered on May 14. Suddenly he goes dark on social media????

Is that what "cached" a Facebook page means?

I'm sure someone will correct me, but that IS ANOTHER very strange coincidence.

NO! He didn't take his stuff down until after the murders, and even then, more has come down in the last few days. In fact, I don't see any of his original pages up (those that he controls).

Cached pages are just "screenshots" taken at some point that are still available in the big wide web, even after the live pages are taken down. Now, don't ask me how these "screenshots" are taken or stored - that's above my pay grade.
The company statement makes sense if the driver was an employee.

Lol. The back of the truck wasn't "filled with money orders and cash". LE found a wad of cash in one of the doors and ONE money order.

Wrong. 4 people were arrested with Wint: 2 men and 2 women. The driver and another man were in the front of the truck. The two women were with Wint in the car.

He would use the company truck if he was still on the job.

To go convert cash to money orders at different locations. I doubt the employee could go back to work to get his own car if he was on the job.

I thought it was 5 other people in the caravan? And if they had the car ... Why the Amerit truck? For that matter, why not a Uhaul ?
Man, I am so confused! Is W-3 the AIW employee or the telephone tipster about seeing the Porsche on Thursday afternoon?

The AIW employee is designated as "employee" in the affidavit. He is not W-3.
The company statement makes sense if the driver was an employee.

Lol. The back of the truck wasn't "filled with money orders and cash". LE found a wad of cash in one of the doors and ONE money order.

Wrong. 4 people were arrested with Wint: 2 men and 2 women. The driver and another man were in the front of the truck. The two women were with Wint in the car.

He would use the company truck if he was still on the job.

To go convert cash to money orders at different locations. I doubt the employee could go back to work to get his own car if he was on the job.


Five people were detained along with Wint.

Wint was the only one arrested. Amerit has said it is cooperating with police.

I thought it was 5 other people in the caravan? And if they had the car ... Why the Amerit truck? For that matter, why not a Uhaul ?

WASHINGTON — U.S. marshals and police tracked down and arrested a dangerous ex-convict and five others, bringing a sudden and safe ending to a multistate manhunt in the slayings of a wealthy Washington family and their housekeeper, authorities said Friday.

Man Arrested in Killing of Family, Housekeeper

00:00 / 01:27
The fugitive task force tracked Daron Dylon Wint to New York and back before they caught up with him late Thursday night in the parking lot of a Howard Johnson Express Inn in College Park, Maryland.

“We had overwhelming numbers and force,” Robert Fernandez, commander of the U.S. Marshal Service’s Capital Area Regional Fugitive Task Force, told The Associated Press on Friday. “They completely submitted immediately.”

Police have not detailed why Wint — a welder who once worked for Savvas Savopoulos’ American Iron Works company — would want to kill the executive, his wife Amy, their 10-year-old son Philip, and their housekeeper Veralicia Figueroa. Three of the four had been stabbed or bludgeoned before their mansion was set on fire on May 14.

Wint, 34, was arrested about 11 p.m. Thursday on charges of first-degree murder while armed, D.C. police and the Marshals Service said. He was expected to appear in D.C. Superior Court on Friday afternoon. Wint is the only person currently charged in the case and the only one of the arrested group expected to make a court appearance Friday.

“We believe he saw himself on the news and just took off,” Fernandez said, heading north at first.

Investigators narrowly missed Wint in New York’s Brooklyn borough Wednesday night before tracking him to the motel in Maryland, where they quickly realized he was probably in one of two vehicles in the parking lot. The car and a moving truck left together, and the team followed as they took a U-turn and a strange route, either getting lost or trying to shake them, Fernandez said.

A police helicopter joined the pursuit from above, and officers eventually got between the two vehicles in northeast Washington. Wint surrendered without a fight and showed little emotion as he, three other men and two women were taken into custody, Fernandez said: “He was stoic.”

Fernandez said he noticed a big wad of cash in the moving truck, but didn’t know how much was there. It was not clear whether that money might have been connected to the Savopoulos family. Fernandez said he did not know whether the group was carrying any weapons before local police took them into custody.

- See more at: http://www.chieftain.com/news/3622411-120/wint-savopoulos-police-wife#sthash.Z6yUQK3q.dpuf

This article and others say...5 others.

So you are saying you think it means something that they had to id and locate W1 also, and it isn't just the way they word the CD?

They didn't ID and locate anyone except W-3. All phone tipsters leave their names and addresses so they can be contacted by police, unless they are trying to hide something.
HHMMM...I am not sure I agree with that! You don't shut down your SM and not return any media calls if you are ravenous for media attention.

And I already explained that NO, it was not shut down on May 10th. That is just the day it was last cached by Google.

While so many have condemned this man for his photos of the SS family cars...he posted them on his FB. Where he was friends with AS and PS, and by extention, SS. If they had a problem with this I have no doubt they would have done something about it!!

Just because you have something on your FB, doesn't mean that anyone besides your friends are going to see it. He wasn't advertising this stuff. Until he was drawn into this crime by being the money drop man, no one including media had any idea who he was. Or that he was posting photos of his boss's cars!

You can post stuff on facebook so that only some friends can see it, everyone but some friends can see it, it's public (which these photos must have been, because since I'm not friends with JW and I could see them pre-shut down), it's public, except x, y, and z are blocked from seeing it, etc.

I think there's a good chance that AS and/or PS DID see the photos, and that is why I'm not convinced JW (if involved) was risking his job. I think he may have been a short-timer.
Your memory would be that sharp but you mistake dreads for short, well-groomed hair. Lol. Ok.

If they wanted to throw off the police, why would they mention the green vest? Which WAS in the burnt Porsche... That nobody new at that time?
JW has 21 videos on vimeo Under DriverGits. Last video was published 8 months ago and they go back 4 years
I've wondered the same thing and also whether that truck is how DW got to New York.

IIRC, MSM said he took a bus to NYC. Remember, this was right after the AMTrak crash, so I can't remember if trains were running at normal schedule yet. I don't have the link, but it shouldn't be hard to find.
To me, "driving erratically" means weaving in and out of traffic or speeding. Unless the eyewitness was also speeding and weaving in and out of traffic, I don't see how he could keep up with the Porsche to notice everything about the driver. It seems to me that W-3 deliberately tried to throw off LE by giving a false description of the driver.

The Porche was found with a green vest in it so how is that a false description?
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