Deaths of Male College Students-General Discussion #2

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A snippet from a letter regarding an observation someone made of the monks that were supposed to be on restriction because of the sex abuse case fallout, during a visit in (2004?). It seems no one was monitoring and insuring those restrictions were being followed:

30 September 2007
St. John's Troubled Abbey
Dialogue # 15
The last time I was on the campus was three years ago, during the summer. I strolled the campus without any particular goal except to see the new additions and renew pleasant old memories. My path crossed with six monks. Five of them where men who had been alleged sexual abusers and I knew they were on “restriction.” Two were accompanying groups that I presumed were visitors. Two were around the Guest master’s office located in the vestibule of the old church. The other was just crossing campus. None spoke with me. A victim of abuse had reported to me that one of the priests giving tours had propositioned him several months before in the campus Pub. So much for a program of supervision and restriction. The one monk who spoke to me is an old friend sweating on a work gang taking out an old concrete walkway. Ora et Labora: an authentic expression of old St. John’s.
Something else interesting Sinsinawa Moound is where the nuns have a retreat center. the perps have something against religion.
LOL Yes, I am thinking this group isn't very religious for some reason.

ETA: Sorry...I had to say it. :) LOL
There's definitely anger/hatred of males.
I was thinking in terms of Chris Jenkins only having a teaspoon or so of water in his lungs. Then I wondered how much water was in the other Vic's lungs? Then I wondered if that water was tested against the water in the river/pond the vics were found in to be sure that was where they drowned?
My guess is they did not test it. There were a lot of things that should have been covered in his autopsy which were not. It is curious that there was only a teaspoon of water in his lungs with everything I have been reading on the subject.
You know even before I happened upon this site, I wondered how come so many young men were ending up in the Hudson River (NY). First, you'd hear they were missing...the next thing you knew they were the latest "floater' (forgive me). It got to the point that I just grew to expect it. These guys weren't being "rolled" (for cash, jewelry, etc.) they were being abducted and tossed.
So Suzi where are you going with all the talk of the Monastery? Are you thinking that a gang of monks are responsible?
In 8 feet of water, a teaspoon? That's enough to kill you? I realize I know so little about drowning.
Hello all. I'm new here and have been reading or 'trolling' I believe it's called. I saw someone on a recent posting ask about a drowning in PA possibly connected. Here's where I found it.

Welcome! From your link:

On a hunch, Willoughby asked his detectives to take another look behind Bootleggers.
"When they went down into the area where we thought he went into the water, they noticed the graffiti and they noticed this smiley face painted on the wall," said Willoughby.
It's a smiley face with a crown on its head.
It's on the wall of the bar under the party deck, just 30 feet from the creek.
Detective Willoughby called Tommy's mom who had also seen the news report.
"When he told me about the smiley face, it just gave me chills," she said.
The New York detectives believe there's more than one killer, perhaps a gang, since all of the smiley faces are painted differently.
Detective Willoughby has sent them pictures of the smiley face found near Ridley Creek.
He also contacted the FBI, even though they've looked at the other cases and dismissed the possibility of a link.
"I just think we need to look a little further into this case," Willoughby said.
So Suzi where are you going with all the talk of the Monastery? Are you thinking that a gang of monks are responsible?

I'm not sure a gang of anyone has anything to do with these cases. We could be looking at several different serial killers.

I'm basically trying to track down why Chris Jenkins would have been the subject of a search at St. John's Monastery at all. He has no connection to St John's that I know of, especially the monestary. In the process I'm finding all kinds of info. IMO, the monastery and the monks need to be looked at closer.
Hello all. I'm new here and have been reading or 'trolling' I believe it's called. I saw someone on a recent posting ask about a drowning in PA possibly connected. Here's where I found it.
Welcome to WS, Armchairsleuth!! Great first post! I will include those photos on the photo thread and put his name on the PA list.

At least, their PD is going to look for answers and are not swayed by the FBI's attitude on it. It does sound as if it could be connected, but even if it isn't...someone still needs to take a serious look at Tommy's case.
Suzi~ Are the monks related to all the different areas where we believe these men were murdered in different parts of the country? Have you checked out that relationship?
Hello all. I'm new here and have been reading or 'trolling' I believe it's called. I saw someone on a recent posting ask about a drowning in PA possibly connected. Here's where I found it.

Wow thank you..atleast this officer immediately noticed a pattern . He has called the FBI nad the the detectives.

That creek looked very shallow too. Like if you could stand up you could easily walk out..unless you were drugged and held down.
Thanks for the welcome. I'm trying to figure out how to get around here. When I first heard this story on the news it took several times of it running before I really paid attention. What really caught my interest was why the FBI would dismiss any notion of a possible seriel killer(s). I didn't go threw FBI training (thus my name....), but even I can see there MAY be a connection to each of them.
Suzi~ Are the monks related to all the different areas where we believe these men were murdered in different parts of the country? Have you checked out that relationship?

There are monastic groups all over the U.S. I haven't started searching anything geographic yet.
Hello all. I'm new here and have been reading or 'trolling' I believe it's called. I saw someone on a recent posting ask about a drowning in PA possibly connected. Here's where I found it.
From the above link:
None of the other cases appear to be robberies. The only thing missing, usually, is the victim's cell phone. Tommy was found with his wallet in his pocket. The only thing missing -- his cell phone.
Does anyone know if other victims were missing their cell phones when they were found? If so, hopefully LE has contacted the teclos to tag the sims.
Suzi Q, I think this what you are looking for.

"We absolutely believe they are connected. With Interstate 94 there -- they are the same in height, weight, all active on campus, there is something there. We spoke with the parents of the other ones and that's how we found out about all --the similarities they are high achievers, heights and weights -- they are all very similar."
-- Josh Guimond's father, Brian Guimond

Scott's parents and Josh's parents spoke to each other, thought there were links and started pursuing that idea. That's why I think they took tracker dogs there for both Josh and also Chris.
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