Deaths of Male College Students-General Discussion #5

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Secondly Fran, so did most of the people and resources SL quotes or refers to frequently, so it is a moot point for all of us, and frankly, if I were SL, I do not think I would be so glib as to throw those types of comments around about the TV station or the detectives- you never know who's on here :gavel:

Now you're threatening me? Intelligient people are interested to learn that hypothermia can numb and cripple arms and legs in a matter of minutes because they realize that trying to link 40 cases; might have hindered a few cases that were actual murders. Intelligient people also understood where I'm going with my posts and understand I might be exactly right about both KTSP and Gannon. By linking 40 cases it destroys the possibility of solving a couple drownings that might be murders. Get it yet?
Please fight the desire, girls! It isn't worth it!! (Holding the fence post very tightly and waving it around :viking:)

Now where were we?! Let's get back on task here!!!

Is there any word on the Thom guy, Blink?! I think it is interesting that he was just a blip on the radar screen for two seconds, but he tried to abduct a man!
Please fight the desire, girls! It isn't worth it!! (Holding the fence post very tightly and waving it around :viking:)

Now where were we?! Let's get back on task here!!!

Is there any word on the Thom guy, Blink?! I think it is interesting that he was just a blip on the radar screen for two seconds, but he tried to abduct a man!

Yeah, Yeah, anyway.....
No nothing since the June 2 prelim, which I cannot confirm happened- The second that guy was arrested it rang connection for me, and then nothing. I'll inquire more when I get a chance, I think he tossed his "devices" out of the car before he was caught.
Again, your missing info, Szostak went missing, and his phone was found (sans fingerprints, fyi)at the scene of a stolen vehicle which police initially suspected him in and later recanted. There was never an arrest or POI in that case, consequently. Additionally, Josh was seen on a street cam after leaving the bar with a different "clothing arrangement" than he was found in, you can check his thread for more specifics. This is what I am saying, if you took the time to review these cases on an individual basis as we have, you would see the facts of them do not support "accidents, or drunk-induced hypothermia."

Again, I'm not missing any info. I said Szostak was initially said to have had about $400 on him when he went out on the night he died. It was his father who first reported this to the Albany Time Union. He was found with $28 in his wallet. So as I said; if the initial reports by his father were accurate and he had $400 on him; then he might have been the victim of a robbery and a murder. I know every detail of the Szostak case and I mentioned 1 of them. I said nothing about any other detail, so you make no sense in bringing up other details that didn't relate to my point, which is that Szostak and possibly Nick Garza, could have both been robbed and murdered. You and SS have such a clear agenda here to prove that a serial murderer is out there; while others here who disagree with me; are open minded and at least consider all angles. I would be interested in knowing if Nick Garza had a lot of money on him. His wallet was never recovered. As to your other point; you are 100% wrong. In fact you couldn't have it more backwards. Almost every case, when looked at from an individual basis; clearly appears to be a death that is caused from a cold water accidental drowning. That's why people want to change the way drownings are investigated.

Maybe someone who has the time can find some links to the Garza and Szostak case. They wee both dj's, lived 3 hours apart, disappeared 6 weeks apart and both might have been robbed
Yeah, Yeah, anyway.....
No nothing since the June 2 prelim, which I cannot confirm happened- The second that guy was arrested it rang connection for me, and then nothing. I'll inquire more when I get a chance, I think he tossed his "devices" out of the car before he was caught.
I agree as I got the same feeling about him. Yes, please check up on that one. I would like to know much more about that situation. He had a plan and I want to know what it was!

Thanks, by the way! You are a trooper!! :blowkiss: Use your intellect and resolve. This too shall pass. LOL
I agree as I got the same feeling about him. Yes, please check up on that one. I would like to know much more about that situation. He had a plan and I want to know what it was!

Thanks, by the way! You are a trooper!! :blowkiss: Use your intellect and resolve. This too shall pass. LOL

Peace was on it over the Holiday, but could not find anything new, oddly, the name of the attempted victim was never published which I thought odd. There was no sex assault and he was of age- any thoughts on that?
No, unless he refused to press charges for some reason. Wish we knew someone from there!!

I wonder what the Journalism class would be willing to find out for us?! Or the kids taking Forensics or Criminal Justice classes?!
No, unless he refused to press charges for some reason. Wish we knew someone from there!!

I wonder what the Journalism class would be willing to find out for us?! Or the kids taking Forensics or Criminal Justice classes?!

Indi does, but have not heard from him at all.
Fran, the only thing a bit compelling that I see outside of the Chris Jenkins case; that might have some relevance; is that the initial reports on Josh Szostak was that he had over $400 on him when he went out the night he died, but just $28 when he was found; and that Nick Garza'a wallet was never found. Szostak also had a gold chain that was missing when he was found. Still; I'm open minded and if both those reports are accurate about both Garza's wallet being missing and Szostak having $400 and a gold chain missing; then for me personally; I would consider the slim possibility that maybe the same person robbed and killed both Szostak and Garza. Only 6 weeks and 3 hours separated their disappearances. For me though; this is a slim longshot because why rob Szostak and leave him with $28?
Where did you see that Nick's wallet wasn't found? I'd be interested in seeing that as this was what was reported:

A spokesperson for the Middlebury Police Department says the body was wearing pants and in those pants they found a wallet with Garza's ID in it.
Where did you see that Nick's wallet wasn't found? I'd be interested in seeing that as this was what was reported:

A spokesperson for the Middlebury Police Department says the body was wearing pants and in those pants they found a wallet with Garza's ID in it.


RR- that is exactly right, but I was not about to correct SL on his "facts" yet again. I guess the robbery scenario is a bust.

I know, Perhaps there IS something we have NOT considered?

Maybe their wallets are made of some sort of atomic goo which turns into a 100 lb. icepack, dragging them to the bottom the river,but not before partially freezing them, which would support SL hypothermia theory.
See- I do have an open mind.

Come on already. I really want to respect all of those who have taken the time to research these cases, know the facts, and participate towards a resolution.
I do like the atomic goo theory. LOL

As long as all we do on this thread is argue with a fence post, people are going to shy away from here as they have done. It does get very tiresome. I know I stopped posting on this thread for that reason.

Attention seekers will always find a way to turn the discussions towards themselves even if it means saying things they know are not true to do so. guys are so easily manipulated!
I do like the atomic goo theory. LOL

As long as all we do on this thread is argue with a fence post, people are going to shy away from here as they have done. It does get very tiresome. I know I stopped posting on this thread for that reason.

Attention seekers will always find a way to turn the discussions towards themselves even if it means saying things they know are not true to do so. guys are so easily manipulated!

Ok SS, sometimes that is true, but we agree that that crap alienates people and I guess I keep hoping that message gets through. Tiresome is an understatement, it seems like we all sync up again and then..
Enough said, back to task
The message isn't going to get through because some aren't interested in the cases. They are only interested in derailing things. One question which comes to my mind is why? Why would someone want to do that? Are we getting far too close in our own investigation?

After reading the affidavits on Lanphear, I believe he could have something to do with these cases and a few more! There were too many chains, padlocks, etc. for those two men he abducted. (I wrote more about this on their thread, btw) The 6 point Wisconsin LE badge would go a long way in the theory that it would be easy for someone impersonating an officer to take a young male into "custody". Also, there are other things which really would fit with a number of these cases (including the young men who have not been found).

The reference (the clipping) to Brittany Zimmermann also puts him on my radar for the women abducted and murdered in the Madison area which were just discussing here earlier.
RR- that is exactly right, but I was not about to correct SL on his "facts" yet again. I guess the robbery scenario is a bust.

I know, Perhaps there IS something we have NOT considered?

Maybe their wallets are made of some sort of atomic goo which turns into a 100 lb. icepack, dragging them to the bottom the river,but not before partially freezing them, which would support SL hypothermia theory.
See- I do have an open mind.

Come on already. I really want to respect all of those who have taken the time to research these cases, know the facts, and participate towards a resolution.
I couldn't help myself...sorry!

Do like the "goo" theory myself.
One question which comes to my mind is why? Why would someone want to do that? Are we getting far too close in our own investigation?

You know SS, I gave that a lot of thought yesterday. We're here to discuss these cases. If you don't believe there is anything to them, then fine. I can appreciate that...move on. I don't need to be "convinced" of anything...or convinced "out" of anything. I want to be able to explore these MPs. If someone doesn't think there is any point then there is a big "why?".

Have you read the thread on the two men from Wisconsin that were abducted and looked at those affidavits?! Wow! Could be the break we are waiting for. We have to wait on DNA tests to come back to see if there are further clues in that creep's house.
The message isn't going to get through because some aren't interested in the cases. They are only interested in derailing things. One question which comes to my mind is why? Why would someone want to do that? Are we getting far too close in our own investigation?

After reading the affidavits on Lanphear, I believe he could have something to do with these cases and a few more! There were too many chains, padlocks, etc. for those two men he abducted. (I wrote more about this on their thread, btw) The 6 point Wisconsin LE badge would go a long way in the theory that it would be easy for someone impersonating an officer to take a young male into "custody". Also, there are other things which really would fit with a number of these cases (including the young men who have not been found).

The reference (the clipping) to Brittany Zimmerman also puts him on my radar for the women abducted and murdered in the Madison area which were just discussing here earlier.

Duly noted and I concur.

Re: Lanphear, still thinking his connection is possible for other cases, but imo, limited to those not found, I agree. (posted on that thread as well)

The badge (sherriffs) was not surprising,but what I would LOVE for Le to do is put out a bulletin requesting anyone that ran into Lanphear, who he may have attempted to "arrest" but they didn't fall for it, to come forward-this activity could provide useful info as to his patterns and preferred vics.

Going out on a limb here, but I hate to say I agree with the possibility of the 2 female vics, Brittany and Kelly; as well as possibly young teenage boys; but I think he kills them differently, and for different reasons, one of which is by opportunity, he wastes none and it is less about the sex motivation as it is the sexual arousal he gets from the fear AND the nurturing- this guy was abandoned, I'm sure of it.
One question which comes to my mind is why? Why would someone want to do that? Are we getting far too close in our own investigation?

You know SS, I gave that a lot of thought yesterday. We're here to discuss these cases. If you don't believe there is anything to them, then fine. I can appreciate that...move on. I don't need to be "convinced" of anything...or convinced "out" of anything. I want to be able to explore these MPs. If someone doesn't think there is any point then there is a big "why?".

I can answer the question as to how many times I have posted on threads I do not care about or felt I could not contribute to it's progress- ZERO
Duly noted and I concur.

Re: Lanphear, still thinking his connection is possible for other cases, but imo, limited to those not found, I agree. (posted on that thread as well)

The badge (sherriffs) was not surprising,but what I would LOVE for Le to do is put out a bulletin requesting anyone that ran into Lanphear, who he may have attempted to "arrest" but they didn't fall for it, to come forward-this activity could provide useful info as to his patterns and preferred vics.

Going out on a limb here, but I hate to say I agree with the possibility of the 2 female vics, Brittany and Kelly; as well as possibly young teenage boys; but I think he kills them differently, and for different reasons, one of which is by opportunity, he wastes none and it is less about the sex motivation as it is the sexual arousal he gets from the fear AND the nurturing- this guy was abandoned, I'm sure of it.
It would explain the various ways the other women were killed. I have to believe tho that Kelly Nolan was stabbed to death (LE said they knew she was gone from a far distance). We know Zimmermann was. There were several others stabbed and one survived, but no one was caught and no sketch was ever done. While they didn't release sexual assault info on Kelly...I do know most of the other women were too far gone to tell if an assault occurred. A couple were burned, too.

Abandoned, huh? Where does an abandoned man find others like himself? We know he did the bar scene as he was recognized as "Eddie". The music? I wonder if there was a band there on the night he abducted him?
It would explain the various ways the other women were killed. I have to believe tho that Kelly Nolan was stabbed to death (LE said they knew she was gone from a far distance). We know Zimmerman was. There were several others stabbed and one survived, but no one was caught and no sketch was ever done. While they didn't release sexual assault info on Kelly...I do know most of the other women were too far gone to tell if an assault occurred. A couple were burned, too.

Abandoned, huh? Where does an abandoned man find others like himself? We know he did the bar scene as he was recognized as "Eddie". The music? I wonder if there was a band there on the night he abducted him?

I think his profile makes him a loner, predator-absolutely, killer, most definately. Perhaps the key to EL is in his mistake, he felt compassion and left for cigs- big risk it would seem- WHY? I was speaking to a colleague earlier and his response was the connection is that the killers are without souls, evil if you will, and those of us with them sense that and we connect them subconsciously, fwiw.
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