Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2

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Do we know if Caylee was with Casey on the 8th when Cindy went to Mt. Dora ? I have looked for this info and can't find it...On the calendar, for June 8th, it says Casey and Caylee were at Ricardo's until mid morning (they spent the night there), so I would assume Caylee stayed with Casey for the day ??

I understand that Caylee was with Casey that day. Per Ric's interview.. he stated they were there till mid morning. Per Amy's interview...she started staying at Ric's on June 7th. Amy recalls that both Casey and Caylee stayed/visited there alot the first few days that she was there. Amy recalls having being teased about her sore nose she received from her accident on June 6th. Amy did not have a car at this time and I would assume Casey was driving her around.
CA felt she had just won a round with a knockout and the question of the fight got lost in the sparring that took place around the legitimacy of ZG being an issue. But CA did say "no" there was no fight on the 15th.

Well, I believe she said "She didn't fight with me" which leaves the door open that there was a fight, but with someone else. (But personally I think she was just lying about it, because that's not a crime, y'know..) :crazy:
Maybe in CA's dictionary where lying is not a crime-a fight is with your fists and hammers? Maybe she thinks she and KC only had a disagreement, a difference of opinions, a failure to communicate-NOT a fight!!:crazy:
Here is the link to where we heard that Cindy found out Casey was NOT working on May 25th but instead at the ABC clothes party. NG is talking to Ellie Jostad...
GRACE: Now -- Ellie Jostad joining us. Ellie, I want to clarify something that we have not yet reported. We`re showing photos of a party tot mom attended, called the "Anything but clothes" party. And you will observe tot mom dressed in, I`m sorry to say, the American flag. I`m sure the residents at Arlington National Cemetery are spinning in their graves right now.

But that aside, can`t this friend, this best friend, former best friend, testify to a confrontation between grandmother Cindy and tot mom over the night of this party?

JOSTAD: Yes. Yes, she can. Amy says -- Amy told detectives that Cindy Anthony told her that Casey had said, Mom, I`m going to be at work. Will you watch Caylee? Cindy agreed. Then later, Cindy Anthony found these pictures from the "Anything but clothes" party on Casey`s computer and confronted her with it, and said, Hey, you said that you were at work, huh? And showed her the photo.

GRACE: And so doesn`t grandmother Cindy actually print out the photos, according to this witness the defense for some reason wants to call, and holds the photo up and goes, You said you were working. What is this? Is that right, Ellie?

JOSTAD: That`s right. That`s exactly what she did.

However, I am still looking for the interview with Amy that states this...
Were all those texts from June 9 - 16th to and from AL ever released? :waitasec:
No problem, Bond. If she were on Colonial, then took Semoran, wouldn't she likely take either Curry or Pershing across? Plus tower 28.4691667 -81.2916667 is closer to Hoffner than the one in question. It isn't likely that it was overloaded with calls at that time of day.

IMHO, the exact route she took isn't all that important other than suggesting that she had a change of plans along the way (as speculation posted earlier).

At the risk of boring the bageezus outta everybody...sometimes when I'm drivin' late @ night and I have a few options to make that left turn...I'll just keep driving 'till I get a green-light/or flashing light so I don't hafta stop my lazy was 5AM...

Be interested if you come up w/ something.
Here is the link to where we heard that Cindy found out Casey was NOT working on May 25th but instead at the ABC clothes party. NG is talking to Ellie Jostad...
GRACE: Now -- Ellie Jostad joining us. Ellie, I want to clarify something that we have not yet reported. We`re showing photos of a party tot mom attended, called the "Anything but clothes" party. And you will observe tot mom dressed in, I`m sorry to say, the American flag. I`m sure the residents at Arlington National Cemetery are spinning in their graves right now.

But that aside, can`t this friend, this best friend, former best friend, testify to a confrontation between grandmother Cindy and tot mom over the night of this party?

JOSTAD: Yes. Yes, she can. Amy says -- Amy told detectives that Cindy Anthony told her that Casey had said, Mom, I`m going to be at work. Will you watch Caylee? Cindy agreed. Then later, Cindy Anthony found these pictures from the "Anything but clothes" party on Casey`s computer and confronted her with it, and said, Hey, you said that you were at work, huh? And showed her the photo.

GRACE: And so doesn`t grandmother Cindy actually print out the photos, according to this witness the defense for some reason wants to call, and holds the photo up and goes, You said you were working. What is this? Is that right, Ellie?

JOSTAD: That`s right. That`s exactly what she did.

However, I am still looking for the interview with Amy that states this...
Amy's interview where the conversation with Cindy, about the party and Casey not working, starts at the end of page 1058.
JOSTAD: Yes. Yes, she can. Amy says -- Amy told detectives that Cindy Anthony told her that Casey had said, Mom, I`m going to be at work. Will you watch Caylee? Cindy agreed. Then later, Cindy Anthony found these pictures from the "Anything but clothes" party on Casey`s computer and confronted her with it, and said, Hey, you said that you were at work, huh? And showed her the photo.

GRACE: And so doesn`t grandmother Cindy actually print out the photos, according to this witness the defense for some reason wants to call, and holds the photo up and goes, You said you were working. What is this? Is that right, Ellie?

Nice work, IBY!! :clap: Thanks! I just didn't trust my memory on that one.

Since Cindy didn't have access to the laptop post 6/16...and the ABC party was 5/25'ish, IIRC, Memorial Day weekend. That certainly narrows down the timing for when the 'gotcha' w/ the ABC pic happened.
Maybe in CA's dictionary where lying is not a crime-a fight is with your fists and hammers? Maybe she thinks she and KC only had a disagreement, a difference of opinions, a failure to communicate-NOT a fight!!:crazy:

haha.. yup, that sounds about right in that backwords way.
Maybe in CA's dictionary where lying is not a crime-a fight is with your fists and hammers? Maybe she thinks she and KC only had a disagreement, a difference of opinions, a failure to communicate-NOT a fight!!:crazy:

But what's funny is the way CA has described the night of the 15th as pleasant with Cindy and Caylee swimming, Casey being warned when she considered joining them that they were getting out and it being too cold, and wrapping up the evening with good-mother Cindy tucking both "girls" into bed.

I can smell the apple pie warming on the window sill from here...oh no, it's a bag of rotten pizza.
I was one of those that thought there had to be a knock down drag out fight on the 15th, am starting to open up to the possibility that it might not have been just one event that lead to Caylee's death, but quite a few. Just by looking at the number of hours Casey spent on the phone, as a mother of twenty year old daughter's, I can say with certainty there would be some fights going on in my house, if I had that to put up with. As far as Cindy's denial of any turmoil in her house, it reminds me of the saying, "the lady doth protest too much". I think Cindy knows were she to come clean about all of the arguments, it would provide motive for the state...she's got it figured out and knows exactly why Caylee died, IMO.

spot on with the "the lady doth protest too much" idea.

You know how they say "the truth is not in what's said, but rather in what's not said"? Well, it appears the truth lies in what Cindy denies :biggrin:
Maybe in CA's dictionary where lying is not a crime-a fight is with your fists and hammers? Maybe she thinks she and KC only had a disagreement, a difference of opinions, a failure to communicate-NOT a fight!!:crazy:

You forgot baseball bats and garden hoses.
Do we know if Caylee was with Casey on the 8th when Cindy went to Mt. Dora ? I have looked for this info and can't find it...On the calendar, for June 8th, it says Casey and Caylee were at Ricardo's until mid morning (they spent the night there), so I would assume Caylee stayed with Casey for the day ??

I understand that Caylee was with Casey that day. Per Ric's interview.. he stated they were there till mid morning. Per Amy's interview...she started staying at Ric's on June 7th. Amy recalls that both Casey and Caylee stayed/visited there alot the first few days that she was there. Amy recalls having being teased about her sore nose she received from her accident on June 6th. Amy did not have a car at this time and I would assume Casey was driving her around.

In addition to what ibyounr said, in CA's August 1 audio interview she explains that one of the reasons she wanted to go back to Mt. Dora the next week (6/15) was to take Caylee because she hadn't been there to see her parents in several weeks.
spot on with the "the lady doth protest too much" idea.

You know how they say "the truth is not in what's said, but rather in what's not said"? Well, it appears the truth lies in what Cindy denies :biggrin:

Bold by me.

Well said my friend.

In the depo her behavior was such an obvious truth barometer. The closer to the truth the questions were the angrier Cindy got and the harder she chomped her gum. You could tell when it was getting close to the bone. It's no surprise that the worst Cindy explosion was reserved for questions about the issue of a fight. Deep down she thinks that the fight may have set Casey off and she feels responsible.
I don't know if this has been brought up in the thread but thought I would post it anyways. Here is the interview of the neighbor who heard 2 arguments of KC and CA. I thought it was interesting to note that KC jogged.., Jean-0915.pdf

This interview is confusing - figure the odds!

First off, is JC a man or woman? Transcript says "Mr." Jean in two places.

Second, pg. 2 line 13/14, JC states "her mom got in her car and drove away." Later JC says her car is the pontiac and YM says KC drove away.

Third, pg. 1 line 10, JC says "and the time after that, or I think no, before that, I was outside . . ."

So did the jogging time come first? No, second, because he says the above.

So the drive away in the car(KC or CA?) time was the first time and the jog away was the second? Interviews with the police should make sense imo. I would hope they would clarify the conflicts. There is no credibility to the interviews if you ask me.

So we know a woman/man named Jean claims to of heard two KC yellings at CA outside the home but we don't know when (JC would not commit to the month of June), we don't know in what order and I'm still confused as to why JC first states that CA drove away (pg. 2 line 13/14).

I'm beginning to wonder if anyone who is questioned regarding this case can tell a straight forward account of anything. :confused:
It seems like after June 10, Casey tried to do better. She was home on June 10 by 4:39 p.m. and stayed there. She took Caylee to the mall with Tony the next day.

June 11, Casey was home by 8:22 and stayed until the next day.

June 12, Casey ran over to AL's at 1:31 p.m., but was home by 6:13 p.m.

THEN, on June 13, Casey backslides. Cindy has to call to get Casey home by 3:46 a.m. June 14.

On father's day, Casey heads for Tony's by 9:15. She doesn't get home until 7:36 and is texting and talking on the phone every single second.

I think Cindy was fuming over Casey's disrespect, how she was disrupting the household tromping in and out in a.m. hours when George and Cindy were trying to sleep. Plus she was helping herself to Cindy's credit cards. And maybe even on the drive to Mr. Dora, CAylee told grandma that Zanny with the drums (RM) was a boy.

I think there were fights on both June 8 AND June 15.


I listened to all five parts of CA's interview today (linked above) and CA told Yuri (he asked her) that she NEVER called KC home in the middle of the night from "Zanny's" or anywhere. I think in one of JWG's posts he says CA called KC three times at around three AMish (June 7th I think). It is unbelievable how many lies roll off that woman's tongue and she doesn't bat an eyelash.
I have a couple degrees in psych, and am a psych nurse. Here's one of my theories. Tight control on a child with behavioral problems takes some of the focus off a problematic marriage. The family dysfunctions start to come to the fore when the kid grows up and the parents start losing control. Then, attention turns back to the marital problems.

I think KC's problems are the family focus. But, with her in jail, and out of the house, the marital problems are also surfacing.

Prediction-- divorce, after all of this shakes down.

I've thought that's the way their marriage was heading for some time. From SP's emails, it would appear that the marital problems were ongoing, prior to Caylee's death.
I listened to all five parts of CA's interview today (linked above) and CA told Yuri (he asked her) that she NEVER called KC home in the middle of the night from "Zanny's" or anywhere. I think in one of JWG's posts he says CA called KC three times at around three AMish (June 7th I think). It is unbelievable how many lies roll off that woman's tongue and she doesn't bat an eyelash.

I caught that, too! Stuck out like a big ol red flag. ;)

I was like...HUH?!?
You forgot baseball bats and garden hoses.

Apparently we've been on the wrong path all along 'bout "the fight".

LP just gave the scoop on NG that surveil video from the neighbor's security camera caught it all on tape. It wasn't Cindy & Casey... :eek:

Some stills captured from the tape and sent to me by LP....he coined it, "Hopespring Side Story"...which seems to kinda fit, IMHO.

HEEEEEERE's how it really went down [according to LP] :rolleyes:

First things got a little heated when 'Cardo and some of Tony's friends got into a bit of an altercation during a game of pick-up in the Anthony's driveway...


...someone shouted a slur...told 'Cardo to stay in Puerto Rico instead of coming back 7/15...then it got ugly...somethin' 'bout 'Cardo's hair...and things escalated ...:mad:


...dancing ensued and...THAT'S when all hellbrokeloose. :furious:


Apparently Tony wasn't fast enough to escape the lightning speed of 'Cardo's jazz hands...and he fell to the driveway...slumping against the Pontiac.

Casey immediately jogged to his side lamenting, "Tony, Tony! TONY!!! " - dragged him outta the way - and hurled insults @ Cindy as she sped away from the scene...exclaiming it was HER fault for wearin' the flag :usa:...and tellin' 'Cardo she couldn't goto PR with him 'cause she just wanted to be... [you guessed it] ..."IN A-MER-I-CA! "


LP said the surveil video ran out as Kio entered the scene...and insisted, "Ze-nai-da...I just met a girl named Ze-nai-da...! "

[My apologies. I simply had no choice. gardenhart started it. :bang:]
I've thought that's the way their marriage was heading for some time. From SP's emails, it would appear that the marital problems were ongoing, prior to Caylee's death.

Somewhere, (I *think* while listening to CA's 2 hr., 19min Aug. 1st audio interview) Cindy says that she and George were seperated for 6 months prior to Caylee's birth. I believe it was from Dec. '04 - June '05.
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