Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2

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I'm afraid that I disagree with you Searchfortruth...I don't believe that KC was particularly "enamoured" with TL. He was just the "next one"...She seemed to be quite capable of trolling from one guy to the next and securing herself "doubles" (like Will) as required. I think it was her freedom to troll that was most important to her and as Caylee got older and her (KC's) expectations expanded, this became more and more difficult for her...I don't believe for a second that she was "in love" with anyone but herself!

I don't think she was in love and I agree she was very capable of moving from one boy to the next, but there does seem to be a lot of time focused on whoever the guy happens to be at the moment. I could be totally wrong about Tony being the key to this incident, not that it was EVER his fault, how was he to know what a maniac he was dealing with ? I sure would love to know what motive the state has in mind !
Thanks, I saw those comments. They are based on CA's comments (unless I missed something). It would be nice to know if LE proved CA's claim through the visitor logs, interviews with Mt. Dora staff, etc.
:idea: Tomorrow I'll look at the Mt. Dora peeps interviews to see if I can find any substantiation. :)

Ain't it grand! Sorry for butting in here because I'm sure everyone is on a different subject but I'm trying to keep my promise I made above.

I finally got around to looking into the Mt. Dora visits and the first thing I found is the interview with Karen A that was conducted July 22, 2008 (Official Docs thread, post #40 dtd. 9/23/08).

It begins like this:

KA: Yeah, I remember uhm, I worked three to eleven that day and the daughter was here visiting her dad with the grand baby.

She goes on to say she never saw the grand baby before.

She was playing with her, etc.

Then, "Um I think it was before supper. Because I came on at three. And it could be any way between after four, five o'clock . . . It could of been lunch too." :waitasec:

Does anyone know what the H they're talking about in this case?

I give up. These interviews are all a bunch of carp. Did I miss something major? How could we not have noticed that the first interview conducted up at Mt. Dora states times that don't match when CA was actually there? (thanks to all the peeps who are ping/toll savvy or we'd be up a creek w/o a paddle).

I have to go back to see if I find follow ups but this is rediculous.

This interview delt with Father's Day, June 15. No mention of June 8 here.
I don't think she was in love and I agree she was very capable of moving from one boy to the next, but there does seem to be a lot of time focused on whoever the guy happens to be at the moment. I could be totally wrong about Tony being the key to this incident, not that it was EVER his fault, how was he to know what a maniac he was dealing with ? I sure would love to know what motive the state has in mind !

The motivation (reason) to kill is as individual as the killer themselves.

As onlookers we often look for a reason or cause so that we can reassure ourselves that we can somehow prevent these things happening to us.

Sort of - if we can diagnose it - we can prevent it.

The reality is that a LOT of people are willing to kill others, many own guns for just this purpose, they intend to kill intruders. This isn't murder but it is killing.
It's late - past bedtime - but the 'what makes people kill?' question is going to be my point to ponder tonight.
Ain't it grand! Sorry for butting in here because I'm sure everyone is on a different subject but I'm trying to keep my promise I made above.

I finally got around to looking into the Mt. Dora visits and the first thing I found is the interview with Karen Angel that was conducted July 22, 2008 (Official Docs thread, post #40 dtd. 9/23/08).

It begins like this:

KA: Yeah, I remember uhm, I worked three to eleven that day and the daughter was here visiting her dad with the grand baby.

She goes on to say she never saw the grand baby before.

She was playing with her, etc.

Then, "Um I think it was before supper. Because I came on at three. And it could be any way between after four, five o'clock . . . It could of been lunch too." :waitasec:

Does anyone know what the H they're talking about in this case?

I give up. These interviews are all a bunch of carp. Did I miss something major? How could we not have noticed that the first interview conducted up at Mt. Dora states times that don't match when CA was actually there? (thanks to all the peeps who are ping/toll savvy or we'd be up a creek w/o a paddle).

I have to go back to see if I find follow ups but this is ridiculous.

This interview dealt with Father's Day, June 15. No mention of June 8 here.

Good find! But at least she guessed right, it was before lunch!! Being that Cindy and Caylee had chili with Shirley around 1:00 to 2:00. I believe this time inconsistency was not picked up on earlier because we assumed they went to Shirley's later in the day, getting home closer to 5:30/6 rather than 3.

There are a couple possibilities, KA went to work early, KA worked the day shift not PM as she stated, Cindy and Caylee popped back in on their way out of town. If none of these pan out, KA didn't see Caylee that day (6/15) either but maybe saw another Caylee lookalike as they are apparently all over central FL!
Good find! But at least she guessed right, it was before lunch!! Being that Cindy and Caylee had chili with Shirley around 1:00 to 2:00. I believe this time inconsistency was not picked up on earlier because we assumed they went to Shirley's later in the day, getting home closer to 5:30/6 rather than 3.

There are a couple possibilities, KA went to work early, KA worked the day shift not PM as she stated, Cindy and Caylee popped back in on their way out of town. If none of these pan out, KA didn't see Caylee that day (6/15) either but maybe saw another Caylee lookalike as they are apparently all over central FL!

...this case has certainly been an education re: how reliable/unreliable peeps memories are, eh? I certainly can't fault them. It had been over a month since the event when LE was interviewing them, and the events were often just subtle details of everyday reason for Brian B. to remember his neighbor backed into the was a detail he was able to recall.

Anyone working on 6/14 details for "fight" possiblities to align?
for reference the "details emerge casey/cindy fight" part i thread is located here. Also worth noting per jbean's closing post on that thread that part i was closed due to some "personal attacks". Soo...hoping everyone can stay on their best behavior.

Maybe this'll be a short one, but, i thought it deserved a follow-up. Worked this out on the theories part 5 thread as it pertained to the tension between cindy & casey that may have been a key motivator for casey actions 6/16, and to begin a focused look at whether or not an overnight murder was plausible based on the information we have. Similar analysis done for the morning of 6/16 until casey left the house here if interested, but, perhaps ot for "the fight" discussion on this thread.

The following will be a re-read for some that encountered it on the theories or 6/15 ping thread. I edited it a bit here and re-posted it so it could be snipped/parsed for detailed q&a.

sunday, 6/15/08

@ ~9:12am cindy and caylee left for mt. Dora (see conway toll 9:27am - 15 mins to toll from g&c's per google maps)
per e-pass records here

@ ~9am casey left g&c's and arrived @ tony's ~9:15am.

@ ~2:48pm cindy & caylee returned home to hopespring. per e-pass records (and consistent w/ statements) (see matching conway toll @ 2:33pm + 15 mins to toll from g&c's per google maps).

@ 3:35pm cindy called casey's cell from the hopespring home phone. Casey let this call roll to vmail, and cindy left a 36 second vmail.

@ 3:45pm kyle called casey's cell phone and casey let this one roll to vmail also. At no time during this period did casey interact w/ her phone.

@ 5:06pm, w/o checking vmail, casey called g&c's hopespring home phone from her cell phone @ tony's apt. For a 3 minute conversation, or left a 3minute answering machine message.

...2 hours passed, w/ no activity on casey's cell...

@ 7:06pm casey began a text dialogue w/ tony while she was still near his apartment. The pings from this conversation indicate casey left tony's ~7:06pm.

@ 7:10pm casey already enroute & unprompted, called g&c's hopespring home phone for a 1 minute conversation or answering machine message.

@ 7:36pm casey arrived @ g&c's hopespring home.

...between 7:06pm and 9:26pm casey was engaged in a continuous texting conversation w/ tony (and a little w/ amy). The single greatest lapse between their texts was 11minutes @ 8:56 w/ most of them in the 2 minute range.

@ 9:26pm a period of cell inactivity lasting 39 minutes began (inactivity period i) . (imho, this seems to be a good candidate for "the fight")

@ 10:06pm casey ended the cell inactivity when she received a text from tony by placing a call to tony and talking w/ him for 10minutes (imho, this also would seem to be indicative of the fight having just taken place)

@ 10:25pm the heavy texting between casey and tony resumed for the balance of the night...with a 40minute break @ 11pm. "(inactivity period ii)

note: Whyamisointerested observed this second period of inactivity would've encompassed the time george likely returned home and perhaps casey spent a few minutes w/ him...being father's day... And apparently having not spent much time w/ him that day.

@ 11:44pm casey called tony for an 80-minute marathon phone call.

Some other things to consider...

  • iirc, george was @ work 6/15pm...based on his work schedule he would've been gone or in the process of leaving about the time cindy & caylee returned to hopespring that afternoon.
  • it has been speculated based on casey's photobucket activity timing (thanks jwg), as well as casey's cell call durations during this timeframe each day, caylee's naptime was typically 1-3pm. Since caylee was @ shirley's, etc. During her normal naptime, caylee likely fell asleep in her carseat on the ride back to hopespring (speculation).
  • cindy did not fire off several calls to casey to come home. She simply left a vmail. Even when casey didn't respond there were no add'l calls from cindy. So, fwiw, it doesn't appear cindy was anxious/upset w/ casey about not coming home immediately @ this point.
  • casey was casual about coming home. She may have seen the missed call# and known about being called from hopespring, but, she didn't check her vmail. She simply did her own thing for another couple of hours and called when she was on her way home.
  • there appears to be an opportunity for cindy & caylee to have gone for a swim after arriving @ hopespring after caylee, perhaps, finished her nap. Recall they had eaten @ shirley's. Dunno if they needed to eat again.
  • by 9:26pm a tired caylee should've already been in bed asleep. Iirc, c&g have indicated caylee typically co-slept w/ casey in her room. with george @ work still, and lee nowhere around, this would've given the rest of the house to cindy & casey to have it out. By this time in the evening it would also seem to be quiet enough in the neighborhood that a shouting match would've been overheard...esp. If they carried it out into the backyard.
  • this scenario would have casey going into her bedroom (closing the door presumably) with caylee already asleep after "the fight" if it indeed occurred @ 9:26-10:06pm, perhaps coming out for some time w/ george after he came home from work. Cindy likely went to bed after a long day - having to goto work on monday morning.

hoping this paints a clearer picture of the day & the circumstances to support productive discussion regarding "the fight".

just curious but when did casey upload the pics onto her computer from mt dora. Didnt cindy say kc did the same day they visited???
Thanks, OLG. Nice of you to offer :) Just finished the weather info above, but, you might wanna 2x check me...

Yes - you've essentially captured it. Not so much that Casey bailed in May...but, trying to establish a clearer picture of when the fights may have occurred so as to determine what they might have been about and if perhaps the first fight was the bigger of the two.

One reason for trying to nail this better is that it helps support/detract from pre-meditation or the degree of it. For example...if THE bigger fight was the first one...then things just kept escalating and Casey may have started planning/plotting vs. the bigger fight being the second one...and things taking more of a crime-of-passion turn, IYKWIM.

We've taken a detailed look @ 6/15. Devon turned us on to what looked like a terrific indication that the big fight was 6/7 owing to Casey showing up @ Ricardo's w/ Caylee @ 11PM. But, after we sleuthed it out (esp. w/ Muzikman pointing out the EPass records had G&C not getting home from the beach until AFTER Casey had left the house that afternoon)...well...6/7 not so much.

Some nice focus on neighbor Jean C's accounts of 2 incidents...both on weekends...both on days when she was doing outdoor activities that would've required nice weather.

...hope that helps.

FWIW...I think I started this thread suggesting the latter fight might've been Sunday, 6/15 ~9:30PM. Now...based on Jean's account I'd hafta say it either happened @ 9AM that morning as Casey and Cindy were in the driveway about to go their separate ways...or Saturday 6/14. Also not to say that there wasn't one Sunday idea...just sayin' that it wouldn't be one to line up w/ Jean's account.

...also forgot to mention the brief OT trip to see Hopespring Side Story contributing to the overall delinquency of the thread :bang:

LOL thanks for that Hopespring story!
I'm afraid that I disagree with you Searchfortruth...I don't believe that KC was particularly "enamoured" with TL. He was just the "next one"...She seemed to be quite capable of trolling from one guy to the next and securing herself "doubles" (like Will) as required. I think it was her freedom to troll that was most important to her and as Caylee got older and her (KC's) expectations expanded, this became more and more difficult for her...I don't believe for a second that she was "in love" with anyone but herself!


i agree pink panther, and i'll venture to say that many, if not all, of us have known someone like this. w/EVERY new guy it's:

  • he's the only one
  • he's the one i've been waiting for
  • i've never felt so deeply for anyone so fast
  • i feel a connection to him that i can't even explain
  • it's like none of the others mattered and i was just waiting for him to come along
  • i feel like i've known him forever
  • this is meant to be

of course we've heard this about everyone she ever met and we'll be hearing it again in two months when she meets someone new.
Thanks, beach. :wave: I've been workin' on Tony's cell pings offline and they've been a real me go check the summary from BeanE I was right back...

ETA: FWIW, Here's the summary post I have been referencing. I should have checked the case calendar...but quite frankly...I'm toast. Please consider givin' BeanE a shout if you think somethin' isn't quite right. Just to see if the source info is coming from different know...the truth tends to repeat'm sure it'll all line up :rolleyes:

Hey Bond :blowkiss:

I listened several times to get it right. I was, however, driving spikes in my skull while listening, so if anyone wants to go listen to the *entire* interview to confirm (or deny), it would be appreciated. I'm just not up to listening to it again right now. Sorry :( I could listen again next week to double check if I'm feeling better.
Sunday, June 1st
Arrives home and pings at 3:16 AM from the night before with Tony at Arden Villages. Casey gets some sleep (4 hours) Gets up and leaves early , pings near to at Tony’s,leaves Caylee with mom while she spends the day with Tony at a BBQ. Caylee was with her grandmother this day. Casey was in and out all week.

AHuzienga July 16 interview

“…her parents were there more than the nanny was.. nine times out of ten or well maybe like four out of five she would talk about having to get her parents to look after her.”

Cindy’s Aug 1st audio interview: Minute mark 20:40.

“Cindy states she had Caylee most days the first week of June. Casey was in and out. They went swimming, shopping at Publix at Lee Vista and did yard work. Played, watched movies, Caylee has a life vest that she used in the pool. These were put on while they were in the screened porch.” “Was going to Fort Meyers.. dad was not doing well so she decided to stay close to home.”
7:25 AM - Casey receives a text from Tony R and by this time she is pinging near Tony L’s apt.
7:29 AM - She calls Tony
7:44 AM- Cindy or Anthony home calls Casey
7:44 AM- Casey VM
7:50 AM- Tony R sends another text while she is at Tony Lazzaro’s
8:16 AM- Casey texts her mother Cindy
8:17 AM- Cindy texts her mother back
8:18 AM- Casey calls her mother 2 min duration
No cell activity again till…. 12:14 PM
During the 4 hours of no activity it would be easy to surmise some sexual activity per:
Tony Lazarro interview July 22nd with Det. Edwards
This is the first time we became intimate.

Did she not go to Tony’s but shopping in the area, go home.. fight with her mom and then go to Tony’s? There was 4 HOURS of NO Cell activity so we can not say she was at Tony’s during this time.

12:14 PM pings at Tony's AH- Incoming Text (I think this text happened on 12:14 Am on June 1st because it fits better.)
“I may be home tom. Will isn’t calling me back. Are you guys going out tom night”?
12:51 PM VM
12:51 PM Ric - No Location – He must be leaving a VM
Casey cell phone did not show activity for 30 minutes between 12:14 when Amy sent a text and 12:54 when Rick called and a VM was left.
Tony Lazarro interview July 22nd with Det. Edwards
"They went to Ryan Lopez,a friend’s BBQ at Pegasus Connection, off of Alafaya and University. They drove Casey’s car because Tony’s car was still in the shop. They hung out there most of the day and then headed back to his place."
2:54 PM VM - 1 min - No location
2:54 PM Anthony Home –Incoming Call. VM left. Received text regarding VM message left.
2:55 PM Voicemail text – Pings at University and Alafaya Trail Cell tower location: 11555 Walden Woods Dr/ Orlando/ FL/ 32826 This is near Ryan Lopez's
While still at Ryan Lopez’s BBQ and after Cindy leaves a VM for Casey. Casey calls Jesse Grund.
3:05 PM Casey calls Jesse Grund. No answer. Casey leaves a voicemail message.15 seconds later. Casey tries calling Jesse Grund again.
4:29 PM Anthony Home calls Casey again. Cindy leaves a message. VM notification text received.
5:16 PM Casey calls the Anthony Home and talks for 1 minute. She is still in the area of Alafaya and University.
6:20 PM Casey replies to Amy’s 12:14 PM text:
"Not sure if I'm going out. I’ll be with Tony during the day. I really like this kid! Can’t wait to see you."

Back at Tony’s Apt after a long afternoon BBQ’ing at Ryan’s.

Evening of June 1st… Caylee is with Grandma, Casey is with Tony. Amy, Troy and Ric.. all think she is coming out to the Rock Star Karaoke. She doesn’t show, Ric texts her.

Amy Huzienga July 23rd interview regarding June 1st.

“ …came back from Tallahassee and dropped her stuff off and went to go meet them at Rock Star Karokee at Voyage…fairly certain Casey was with Tony that night.. not a hundred percent.”

Ric Morales interview July 25th with Det Edwards Page 8
“recalls going to Rock Star Karaoke with Amy, Troy and JP. The karaoke is at the Voyage as well.
8:13 PM Casey checks VM and receives a text from Ric
8:14 PM Ric texts Casey while she is still at Tony’s

Tony Lazarro interview July 22nd with Det. Edwards
“They first became intimate. Tony states that Casey left his apartment late evening or early evening. Casey did not stay the night.”8:51 PM Anthony home calls Casey Casey lets it roll to VM
“When Casey’s mom would call she would step out of the apt. She had a special ringtone for her mother’s call.”

Casey has left Tony’s at this point or has gone outside, as she begins to call her mom, and check in with Ric. She tries Cindy three times. Cindy may not be answering as she may have been putting Caylee to bed.
9:17 PM Casey calls the Anthony home. She tries again a minute later.
9:18 PM Casey texts Ric
9:19 PM Casey calls Cindy’s cell. She tries again in 22 seconds.
9:20 PM Ric texts Casey back.
9:21 PM Casey calls Cindy’s cell
9:23 PM Casey calls Tony L as her pings are 2 mi south and calls him again in 34 secs
9:24 PM Casey calls Ric and talks to him for 4 minutes her cell pings further south 2 mi SW of Tony L
9:28 PM Casey calls Tony L and does not connect - No location of cell tower
9:29 PM Casey calls Tony L and does not connect 20 secs later Tony returns Casey’s call
9:29 PM Tony calls and does not connect

Casey’s cell is pinging near Tony’s apt… but yet they are calling each other…..

9:31 PM Casey calls Tony does not connect. Cell towers still have her near or at Tony’s apt.

Casey’s cell is not in use for 2 1/2 hrs and shows no activity until 12:08 AM, June 2nd. Ping has her at Tony’s.

This is not consistent with Tony that she left early evening. Lack of cell activity could indicate she went and picked up a movie and he stayed at the apt? Did she go get food? Were they watching movies for 2.5 hours or having a sexual encounters?

12:08 AM June 2nd middle of the night....
Casey cell shows activity at Tony’s but within 4 minutes it shows her leaving and heading south.
12:12 AM Casey texts Amy H no record of what she said….
12:12 AM Amy texts Casey (I think this text occurs also 2 minutes before the last on May 31st/June 1st) Amy was out of town and wanting Casey to go out with the boys on June 1st.)
“On my way home. I’ll be out with the boys if you anything else going. Limping, but out.”
12:12 AM Casey calls an unidentified number
12:16 AM Casey calls Jesse Grund and talks for 10 minutes
Casey arrives at the Anthony homestead.

For the fight to have been on the 1st. Casey would have had to leave the house in the morning. Ping near Tony's.. shopping? How would she explain to her mom she was working that early on a Sunday morning?

She would have had to come back home around 8:30 with no cell activity. She could have fought with her mom and then left and arrived at Tony's by 12:14... then went to the party.
Hey Bond :blowkiss:

I listened several times to get it right. I was, however, driving spikes in my skull while listening, so if anyone wants to go listen to the *entire* interview to confirm (or deny), it would be appreciated. I'm just not up to listening to it again right now. Sorry :( I could listen again next week to double check if I'm feeling better.

I have listened to the interview...
By the 28.29 minute mark.. she irons it all out and this is the final result...

May 30th - Cindy goes to Mt Dora and stays the night with her mom. Casey and Caylee stay at Ricardo's. This is NOT the night Casey leaves and takes Caylee home in the middle of the night. Det Edwards assumed it was this timeframe even tho' Ricardo stated while we were still dating... they stopped "dating" mid -April.

May 31st - Cindy arrives home from Mt Dora. She believes she had Caylee that night. IMO, she thinks Casey is working that night... and instead she is at the Arden village party with Tony. This is the party where she introduces JG to Tony.
Monday, June 2nd

Casey and Caylee at home until 10:06 AM with Cindy until Casey and Caylee leave to go to Tony's.
"Tony states that he did not have school this week and Casey came over to his apt on June 2nd with Caylee. He has pictures of Casey and Caylee on his cell phone from this date. This is the first time he has seen Caylee. She brought over food for her and Caylee to eat. He did not feel real well. Relaxing at the place. She was reading Caylee books. Then they went down to the pool. Then they left around 5:30 -6:30.”
4:52 PM - Tony takes a pic of Caylee at the pool.
6:40 Casey call the Anthony home and talks for 7 minutes.
6:54 PM Casey and Caylee are home.
After midnite...
Huge text fest between Tony/Casey and Casey/Ric Ric finds out Casey kissed Tony... text fight??[/B]

Tuesday, June 3 Casey cell has no activity for 7 hours. She is at home with her mom and Caylee. Hangs close to home this day. She sets up Yahoo and MySpace to message her.. noticeable after this date she starts to recieve these automated texts.
3:02-3:34 no cell activity.. must be preparing to leave.
4:52 pm Casey pings near Ric and Amy's - also in this vicinity is the Colonial Plaza. She must be shopping.... Plaza(03-09-09)--(Get Original).pdf

5:03 PM Casey and Amy start texting...
5:06 PM Casey texts Amy
“So I found the perfect place for us to stock up on essentials for really cheap!”
5:06 PM Amy replies to Casey
“Sweet, where? And are you out of town now? I feel like I haven’t see you in forever!”
5:06 PM Casey text to Amy
“I'm still in town. Taking my mom out to dinner. And the place is a huge dollar store on 50 by the boys house. It’s pretty great. You coming out to Jukebox tomorrow night?”
5:08 PM Amy to Casey
"Of course. Troy’s bday! I have to close but I’ll be there after.”
5:09 PM Casey to Amy
5:09 PM Amy to Casey
“You are, yes?”
5:17 PM Casey receives some automated text msgs and there is movement from the area.
6:05 PM Casey is now south of Ric and Amy’s on Semoran and near the Anthony home.
6:15 PM Casey pings near north on Semoran Blvd 3 mi N or Anthony Home.
6:26 PM Casey is now pinging near or at the Anthony home
Casey stays home the rest of the evening on June 3rd. She receives a number of automated texts which indicates she is on the computer and replies on her Yahoo and Facebook are also being sent to her phone.

June 4th After 6 hours of sleep and a very long call at 1 Am with Tony...
Casey wakes up at the Anthony home. For about 45 minutes she is sending and receiving texts to herself..
7:18 – 7:57 AM Casey sends and receives texts to herself.
8:07 – 9:16 AM 68 minute break in phone usage.
Caylee has probably awaken and is being fed and clothed.
10:32 AM Casey texts Tony while at home with Caylee and her mom
They continue texting back and forth until
11:03 AM Facebook alert
48 minute break.. Time to feed Caylee and put her down for a nap?
11:51 AM Casey calls Tony and talks for 16 minutes.
12:09 PM- 12:44 PM Casey has a lot of incoming Yahoo messages.

26 minute break
Casey is home with Caylee and her mother (unless Cindy has gone shopping without them…)
1:09 PM Chris Stutz texts Casey
1:10 PM– 2:39 PM Casey is texting Chris Stutz, receiving Yahoo message and Facebook alerts.
2:42 PM Tony calls Casey 40 minute break this would be about the time Caylee is waking up
3:23 PM Tony calls Casey
3:28 PM Tony calls Casey
3:43 Casey calls the Anthony Home for 1 minute… she is traveling north….
Caylee is staying with Grandma…. Per her Audio interview on Aug 1st. Cindy believes Casey is going to work.
3:57 PM Casey pings at or near Tony’s apt until 10:24 PM
4:57 PM Casey texts Amy
“Oh, most definitely.”
5:16 PM Amy texts Casey
“I have my tickets girlie! Yay! Now it’s down to you and Troy.”
5:38 PM Casey texts C Stutz (this is while she is at Tony’s apt)
5:49 PM Casey texts Amy
“Done deal”
5:50 PM Casey sends text to Yahoo msg….
6:03 PM Chris S texts Casey
6:27 PM Casey texts Amy
“So I'm not going to lie.. Tony is pretty incredible. I can’t wait to talk to you tonight!”
June 4th Troy’s party at the Voyage…. Later that night…

Tony Lazarro interview July 22nd with Det. Edwards Pg 18
“…that one for Troy’s Birthday…went with Clint and Maria to Voyage on Pine St. She did not stay overnite…Casey had to leave, she said her mother was not allowing her to stay over. Her mom had the baby.
Amy Huzienga July 23rd interview June 4th Pg 10

“Casey comes with Tony and a couple friends … …they were there a very short time while I was there.

6:39 PM Amy texts Casey
“Me either. I am closing so I’ll be there when I can be.”
79 minute break…. Time for some bedroom time with Tony?
7:58 PM MySpace msg (does not require interaction w/ Casey
7:59 PM Troy Brown calls Casey
8:05 PM Casey calls Troy
8:06 PM Troy calls Casey
47 minutes later….
8:53 PM Casey texts Amy
“Sounds good love!”
9:13 PM Amy and Casey text
“How many ppl are in the cab there? I may try to get a ride so I come back with you all.”
9:22 PM Chris texts Casey
45 minute later
10:06 PM Ric texts Casey
10:07 PM Casey texts Ric
10:13 PM Rick texts Casey
10:24 PM Casey texts Troy… Tony, Clint and Maria have arrived at Voyage….until the ping back at Tony’s at
1:25 AM June 4th/June 5th… middle of the night
1:26 AM Ric calls Casey leaves VM
1:27 AM Ric calls Casey
1:35 AM Casey calls VM
1:35 AM Ric calls Casey
1:48 AM Ric calls Casey
2:04 AM Ric calls Casey
2:25 AM Casey calls VM
2:25 AM Anthony home calls Casey
2:40 AM Anthony home calls Casey
2:58 AM Anthony home calls Casey
3:10 AM Casey calls the Anthony home 1 minute
3:14 AM Casey calls Ric (she is now leaving Tony’s )
3:15 AM Casey calls Tony talks 10 min
3:27 AM Casey calls Ric
3:58 AM Casey texts Troy Brown Casey is now home
3:59 AM Casey texts Tony
Casey gets 3 hours of sleep….ZZZZZ

On June 4th in the middle of the night... Cindy calls Casey 3 times...
Let the burning anger begin....
After 6 hours of sleep and a very long call at 1 Am with Tony...
Casey wakes up at the Anthony home. For about 45 minutes she is sending and receiving texts to herself..
7:18 – 7:57 Casey sends and receives texts to herself.

Wow. Great job. You said above Casey texts herself. Why was she texting herself?
Wow. Great job. You said above Casey texts herself. Why was she texting herself?

In the cell phone file that I am working off of... it says incoming text Casey Anthony from outgoing Casey Anthony....

I do not know what it means exactly,. .. Maybe bond and jwg know...
Super job, IByoungr!!

Re: June 4th party at Voyage, are those the pictures from the professional party pic taker we have seen before (can't remember the photographer but a link was posted a while back).

Anyway, it's interesting to see Ric calling KC like crazy after Voyage. If you look closely at the pictures you can see Ric sulking in the background and all the players are there -- Amy, Troy, JPC.....and KC and TonE.

Maybe Ric was hyper calling KC because that was the first time Ric and TonE met??

Thanks for all of your hard work. It is so informative to read her days in the format that you write them!
In the cell phone file that I am working off of... it says incoming text Casey Anthony from outgoing Casey Anthony....

I do not know what it means exactly,. .. Maybe bond and jwg know...

First - terrific work, IBY. Appreciate how much time you put in pulling all that together. I'm looking forward to digesting it later.

Second - specific to this texting. I checked it out, and yes, it does appear to me that Casey was indeed texting herself. There are only two instances of any significance where Casey does this self-texting. The first one was actually on 6/3 ~8:20AM and the second on 6/4 ~7:30 as you highlighted. Pure speculation...but I'd be willing to bet your paycheck that Casey was giving Cindy the illusion that her boss was texting her to say that he needed Casey to work....recall that Cindy was on vacation...hence, Casey giving herself a hall-pass of sorts :rolleyes:

It could have also somehow been part of her setting up the Yahoo & MySpace alerts...dunno for certain.
First - terrific work, IBY. Appreciate how much time you put in pulling all that together. I'm looking forward to digesting it later.

Second - specific to this texting. I checked it out, and yes, it does appear to me that Casey was indeed texting herself. There are only two instances of any significance where Casey does this self-texting. The first one was actually on 6/3 ~8:20AM and the second on 6/4 ~7:30 as you highlighted. Pure speculation...but I'd be willing to bet your paycheck that Casey was giving Cindy the illusion that her boss was texting her to say that he needed Casey to work....recall that Cindy was on vacation...hence, Casey giving herself a hall-pass of sorts :rolleyes:

It could have also somehow been part of her setting up the Yahoo & MySpace alerts...dunno for certain.

Thank you for your compliments....:blowkiss: I just have to see all in the play by play... I have June 5th and 6th done... Almost started on the 7th.....

ITA, that Casey was texting herself that morning.. while they were eating breakfast.. so she could say.. "Oh durn it mom, boss is texting me..." guess I have to go into work.....
First - terrific work, IBY. Appreciate how much time you put in pulling all that together. I'm looking forward to digesting it later.

Second - specific to this texting. I checked it out, and yes, it does appear to me that Casey was indeed texting herself. There are only two instances of any significance where Casey does this self-texting. The first one was actually on 6/3 ~8:20AM and the second on 6/4 ~7:30 as you highlighted. Pure speculation...but I'd be willing to bet your paycheck that Casey was giving Cindy the illusion that her boss was texting her to say that he needed Casey to work....recall that Cindy was on vacation...hence, Casey giving herself a hall-pass of sorts :rolleyes:

It could have also somehow been part of her setting up the Yahoo & MySpace alerts...dunno for certain.

FWIW, in addition to the above, she does this a couple of times on the afternoon of 6/4, once the morning of 6/15 (again, probably in CA's presence), and then very late on 6/30.

I suppose they could be nothing more than "memo to self" messages, but I think creating an illusion of something happening is more KC's style.
FWIW, in addition to the above, she does this a couple of times on the afternoon of 6/4, once the morning of 6/15 (again, probably in CA's presence), and then very late on 6/30.

I suppose they could be nothing more than "memo to self" messages, but I think creating an illusion of something happening is more KC's style.

you don't get to read the text? That chicks a freak.. texting herself *shaking head* That's like what cheating spouses do.. here she is a grown woman with a child and she's texting herself and emaling herself.
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