GUILTY FL - Five teens for video beating of 16yo girl, Highland City, 2008

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Their families want to defend their actions as those of mere teenagers that shouldn't be tried as adults. Well as a teenager, I don't think I could have stood by and watched something like that go down. It would have made me ill.
Here's a myspace support page:

Also, some kid on a message board posted this:

>>>my social psychology teacher who's also a lawyer told me that victoria wrote on myspace about her boyfriend cheating on her with one of her friends. that friend got angry and gathered a bunch of people to beat her up. Victoria was right though. it was true that the boyfriend was cheating on her with one of her friends.<<<

wow. if this is true, i wonder what the boyfriend's reaction to all this is !!!
female..they have already identitifed who it was, but it escapes me right now. She said it several times.

Thanks JBean. I was just about to listen again and the kids came barreling in the door.

I will try and listen again tonight, I'm almost positive I heard a male comment or two.
Thanks JBean. I was just about to listen again and the kids came barreling in the door.

I will try and listen again tonight, I'm almost positive I heard a male comment or two.
the problem is there are so many copies of it out now, I don't know where that original *raw* version is anymore. I can't stand to watch it again so I don;t even want to look for it.
I had to delete my other post and start over. Do you mean closer to the truth?

ETA: Try talking to a principal who's own kid goes to that school and is victimizing your daughter. That meeting didn't go well at all.

Yes sorry just caught that i am working on a house i just brought inbetween catching up on here
could not be closer to the truth yes
duh i feel real stupid after reading it lots of misspelling laptop pf my daughter's and being blind does not mix well plus my lighting situation right now
Yes sorry just caught that i am working on a house i just brought inbetween catching up on here
could not be closer to the truth yes
duh i feel real stupid after reading it lots of misspelling laptop pf my daughter's and being blind does not mix well plus my lighting situation right now

I understand, I just got through remodeling a basement single handed. No apology needed! I just wanted to clarify. Lol, Don't point out my typos and I won't point out yours! :blowkiss:

ETA: I'm pretty sure I'm the queen of typos and mispellings.
I want to puke,everytime I see those blows & that Garcia woman, who clearly has the brain, mothering skills & morals of a slug... speak!:eek: I think we should organize some way of keeping this alive in the public eyes... Education facilities, Churches, any groups who can teach some morality , judgement,decency & respect for God should be provided with the tape,the ten commandments, the punishments for these crimes.
The editorial pages should keep thoughtful commentaries on this tradegy. We should also start a public support fund for Victoria ,for her physical healing & emotional & mental welfare & her future education.
Gloria Allread should be informed of the indignation all decent people feel so she can use this in her court case.

This country is losing on so many fronts especially when, the gutter mentality & lack of brains & moral values ,take over.
this is why I am confused about Shumaker. I have read this from the beginning:

>>Schumaker, who was originally charged as an adult, had posted bail for charges of false imprisonment and felony battery and was released April 4 from Polk County Jail.<<

But then he was the only one still in and now he has bonded out. Did they pick him a second time?

Yes, I think they added kidnaping.
Yes, I think they added kidnaping.
oh the boys charges? I knew they added it to the girls I wasn't clear on the boys I guess..thank you!

also..I mentioned this ealrier and this is going to be one of the most damning issues in the future. They will never ecape this when job hunting or trying to get into college:
Why 8 Cyber-Bullying Teens Are Already Sentenced to a Life of Reputation Incarceration
<<But, the web never forgets….ever!
Sure, they might be able to build some positive content–a blog, social networking profile, etc–and try to suppress any mention of the incident, but it’s likely a future employer, potential mate, bank, or investor, will one day ask the dreaded question:
“Tell me about the 2008 incident where you were accused of kidnapping and battery?”>>
I don't know about the other boy but, I remember reading yesterday that Schumaker was rearrested and his father gave him a hug as he was taken away.
Here is a pretty good synopsis:

According to reports published late last week in the Lakeland-area newspaper The Ledger, and to Polk County Sheriff's Office affidavits, Mulberry High School cheerleader and honor student Victoria Lindsay had fought with her mother and was temporarily staying with her friend Mercades Nichols, 17, at Nichols' grandmother's house. On the evening of March 30, Lindsay entered the house, and Nichols and 17-year-old Brittini Hardcastle began to threaten her. Fourteen-year-old April Cooper struck Lindsay in the face and slammed her head into a bedroom wall, knocking her unconscious. Lindsay awoke on the living room couch(added by Jbean this is around where the video starts), surrounded by Nichols, Hardcastle, Cooper, and three other girls, 17-year-old Britney Mayes, 16-year-old Cara Murphy and 15-year-old Kayla Hassell. Lindsay's complaint also alleges that she was held down and prevented from escaping as the girls took turns beating her while they videotaped the incident, statements supported in the video obtained by law enforcement.
Two male neighbors of Nichols, 17-year-old Zachary Ashley and 18-year-old Stephen Schumaker, are accused of acting as lookouts during the 30-minute assault.
Three of the girls then allegedly used Nichols' grandmother's car to drive Lindsay to another friend's house, and threatened that if she went to police the next beating would be worse. Lindsay was taken by ambulance to the hospital, where she was treated for a concussion, damage to her left eye and ear, and &#8220;numerous bruises.&#8221;

snipped and added:
According to the sheriff's office and The Ledger, Lindsay had posted insults against the other girls on her MySpace page. Nichols' mother stated that Lindsay taunted the other girls and told them they were too afraid to fight her. Sheriff Grady Judd described it as &#8220;trash talking.&#8221; But by the time authorities accessed Lindsay's MySpace page, any such remarks had been deleted. Lindsay's parents stated that in the past their daughter's MySpace page had been hacked by another person posting false comments.>>

I just read a report where the sheriff said the beating on the subsequent tapes gets even worse that what we have seen.
Last accused teen bonds out of jail

BARTOW &#8211; Authorities say the last of the eight teens charged in now infamous videotaped attack on a 16-year-old girl has now bonded out of the Polk County Jail.

From the above link:
Though the teens have been released, the judge in the case put some tough restrictions on them while they're out on bail. They are on house arrest, and are only allowed to leave their homes for court or school, and must return by 7:00 p.m.
From the above link:
Though the teens have been released, the judge in the case put some tough restrictions on them while they're out on bail. They are on house arrest, and are only allowed to leave their homes for court or school, and must return by 7:00 p.m.
they are on house arrest philamena and they have strict rules as to where and what they can and cannot do. The court must be able to get hold of them at home any time and if they can't they best be at school or court. Sometimes they have to get advance approval to leave and notify the court where they are going because they can only go to one of 2 places.

Top row, from left) April Cooper, Brittini Hardcastle, Kayla Hassell,
Britney Mayes, (Borrom row, from left) Cara Murphy, Mercades Nichols,
Zachary Ashley and Stephen Schumaker
they are on house arrest philamena and they have strict rules as to where and what they can and cannot do. The court must be able to get hold of them at home any time and if they can't they best be at school or court. Sometimes they have to get advance approval to leave and notify the court where they are going because they can only go to one of 2 places.

Thanks for the explanation JBean. I was afraid that they could go to the mall or somewhere else to hang out. :eek:
I remembered it was reported today that they have been withdrawn from their school.

JBean, since they're under house arrest, they can't just casually walk around the neighborhood right?

Do you know when their court date is?
Their families want to defend their actions as those of mere teenagers that shouldn't be tried as adults. Well as a teenager, I don't think I could have stood by and watched something like that go down. It would have made me ill.

I said almost the exact same thing a while back, I can't believe NONE of these girls did something after Victoria first got knocked out:eek: what if she needed 911, what if she was about to die? None of them panic realizing that things have gone too far? That is just soooo cold. And then to joke around while in the police car? Holy smokes these girls deserve harsh punishmnet!!:furious:


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