GUILTY FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen #20

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Has this call been posted? CA discusses WA's route the day of the murder and how illogical it was. Why go to a liquor store that far away when there are 5 closer? Why take such an indirect route? And what are the chances of her driving past DM's house 1 hour after the murder? He says 1:10'000 and pretty much agrees it's too much of a coincidence that she showed up at the crime scene. "She had to have had prior knowledge". And DA agrees with him. "If she showed up at that place, at that time, then she's guilty."

I haven't listened to the whole call but he knows he's being recorded. I can only think that he's pissed at Wendi for doing such a stupid thing as driving to Trescott, and the recorded call is his way of letting Wendi know how he feels about it. Meanwhile, you have Donna reading Wendi's purported text/email in which she says that she's not responsible for Charlie's situation.... Very messy and skirting the lines of saying you think someone is guilty IMO... JMO.
I haven't listened to the whole call but he knows he's being recorded. I can only think that he's pissed at Wendi for doing such a stupid thing as driving to Trescott, and the recorded call is his way of letting Wendi know how he feels about it. Meanwhile, you have Donna reading Wendi's purported text/email in which she says that she's not responsible for Charlie's situation.... Very messy and skirting the lines of saying you think someone is guilty IMO... JMO.
He is very angry at Wendi. He seems to me to be saying that the drive-by was the one thing he didn’t have an explanation for in his story, and he says Wendi’s explanation wasn’t good. He really sounds to me like he can’t believe he lost, and he’s looking for reasons and justifications, and now he’s landed on Wendi. In my opinion they didn’t anticipate how bad the drive by would make them look, or that the state would use it like they did. I don’t know, of course, But JMO. He and Donna say “she couldn’t help herself” many, many times in the conversation. They say this while making reference to the state’s theory, but they sure do say it a lot, and they sound angry to me when they say it.
I haven't listened to the whole call but he knows he's being recorded. I can only think that he's pissed at Wendi for doing such a stupid thing as driving to Trescott, and the recorded call is his way of letting Wendi know how he feels about it. Meanwhile, you have Donna reading Wendi's purported text/email in which she says that she's not responsible for Charlie's situation.... Very messy and skirting the lines of saying you think someone is guilty IMO... JMO.

IMO, CA or DA would roll on WA in a New York minute if it meant a shorter sentence.
He is very angry at Wendi. He seems to me to be saying that the drive-by was the one thing he didn’t have an explanation for in his story, and he says Wendi’s explanation wasn’t good. He really sounds to me like he can’t believe he lost, and he’s looking for reasons and justifications, and now he’s landed on Wendi. In my opinion they didn’t anticipate how bad the drive by would make them look, or that the state would use it like they did. I don’t know, of course, But JMO. He and Donna say “she couldn’t help herself” many, many times in the conversation. They say this while making reference to the state’s theory, but they sure do say it a lot, and they sound angry to me when they say it.

You'd think CA/DA/HA would point the finger at Rash as the reason CA was convicted. Poor lawyering ...
Donna and Harvey bought the tickets to Vietnam the day after Charlie’s conviction, Nov 7. So as she’s talking to him in these latest calls she knows she will never visit him. And likely never talk to him again once they leave! That’s the subtext on her end.

I realize that she’s distracted thinking about her own potential impending arrest on these calls. It’s every man/woman for himself after Charlie’s conviction! It’s hard to remember these are criminal co-conspirators and not mother, father and son. I’m more focused on the fact that it’s a mother talking to her son and have to try to remember it’s his co-conspirator he’s talking to.
So they bought tickets to Vietnam on Nov 7 but didn’t leave until Nov 14 when DA was arrested at the airport….one week later. Why wait so long?

Someone supposedly tipped the authorities off. Has anyone thought that it could have even been WA, another way to help her immunity from all of this?

Like you said, it’s every man or woman out for themselves after Charlie’s conviction.

(Apologies if this has already been brought up. Haven’t read all posts)
I haven't listened to the whole call but he knows he's being recorded. I can only think that he's pissed at Wendi for doing such a stupid thing as driving to Trescott, and the recorded call is his way of letting Wendi know how he feels about it. Meanwhile, you have Donna reading Wendi's purported text/email in which she says that she's not responsible for Charlie's situation.... Very messy and skirting the lines of saying you think someone is guilty IMO... JMO.
Later on in the first call ( Nov 8th) you're referencing Donna relays to Charlie that while Wendi is still in the next room, Wendi cannot speak to him. Donna had made various excuses for Wendi, such as she is consoling dad there & can't leave the room.

Then, an hour into this call, with Charlie still hoping he can get some consoling words from sis, Donna tells him wtte that, she's peeked into the room and then gone onto the balcony to tell Charlie no luck.
Wendi awaits legal advice to know if she can talk to you.

Every one of them must know there is zero legal reason that Wendi cannot offer a few commiserations on a jail call.

They're all willing to cut him loose to save their skins but none more than Wendi

Forgot to add that I think Harvey also comes across very badly in the tapes I've managed to listen to. Either for what he doesn't do or doesn't say or on the rare occasions he does speak to Charlie, a kind of patronising ' Hang on in there' pat you on the head type of gesture. ( less than 48hrs after his son got LWOP, stuck in a mirrored cell while HA has his ticket to ride)
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The recording between Charlie, Harvey & Donna from 11/8 is quite something. He’s ruminating over WA going to Trescott as the main reason he was convicted. Pretty Lies & Alibis did a great job cleaning these up (although there are some parts I cannot hear) and organizing them. He seems to say she’s smart but has bad direction. That the jury wouldn't believe it was a coincidence after speaking to her mom and brother that morning about the “tv”, which he acknowledges was bad for him. Um, yeah! Lol. That is the point.

i don’t know if he is getting this from the attorneys telling him how brilliant he was, and how brilliant the defense was, but it was just this that messed it up for him? In combination with her having written the book talking about how much she hated Tallahassee, he blames that. He is really focusing on WA being the one who messed this up for him. Amazing that he doesn’t say a word about Dolce Vita, and so much else. But those would require him to see himself as part of the reason.

It was pretty crazy that none of them mention, at least so far as I am in to the tape so far, that WendI pointed the finger at him in the interview. They don’t talk about katie and how they are all angry at the hitmen for supposedly bribing him. They just lament how the jury didn’t buy his bribery story. Sounds like he is just coming up with these points for the real anger that he has over helping his sister out and now he’s left holding the bag. I really do wonder if he won’t have to wait for his parents to pass on to have their OK to flip on Wendi to try to get him out earlier. He said that the attorneys told him it is very unlikely he will win on appeal so he knows this is the rest of his life. He says he thought he’d go to Asia after being acquitted then come back to raise his son. Supposedly. At the end of the tape, he still is giving Wendi’s cover story of why she was at the crime scene, etc. He is still backing her up. Edit: also, he is again saying he didn’t do what he wanted listening to other people. Sounds like he meant to flee.
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So they bought tickets to Vietnam on Nov 7 but didn’t leave until Nov 14 when DA was arrested at the airport….one week later. Why wait so long?

Someone supposedly tipped the authorities off. Has anyone thought that it could have even been WA, another way to help her immunity from all of this?

A yet-to-be-identified acquaintance of the A's did contact LE and told them that DA had called them out of the blue and asked about accommodation recommendations in the Philippines. The contact had indicated that is was strange to hear from her suddenly and that they were not regularly communicating before this.

I do find it a little implausible though that LE would need a tip from a citizen to know that the A's booked a one-way international ticket. I've got to believe that LE would have passport monitoring hooks into the airlines perhaps via TSA, and would have been observing financial transactions.
I have a few pages or reading here in order to catch up, as i missed a day and a half of reading .. so sorry if this has already been brought up, or maybe pushed aside as being irrelevant.

Its about this particular jail call: (see link below)

Donna reading Wendi's text to Charlie.

She reads a portion of the text then she interjects with her own reflexion and comment.

So Wendi wrote: "I am not guilty because i did not do anything and i was not involved in Dans's death".
Immediately after that, at the 20min 02sec mark, i seem to hear Donna adding her own comment and say: "Yes you were."

Anyone else happens to hear that as well? Or am i crazy?

(I use ear buds)
It could also be (if anything): "Yes you are" or maybe "Issue One" she's reading WA's points one by one.

Help anyone?

I wish we could have a thread with the posts from who have kind souls and good ears that have transcribed these calls. I keep jumping from call to call without completing them because I have so much trouble understanding what is being said.
I'm not familiar with the Media Only/No Discussion thread for this case but we generally include timelines and transcripts from press releases created by members in that thread. I agree it would be easier to reference if both the YT link and transcript could be posted there.
A yet-to-be-identified acquaintance of the A's did contact LE and told them that DA had called them out of the blue and asked about accommodation recommendations in the Philippines. The contact had indicated that is was strange to hear from her suddenly and that they were not regularly communicating before this.


The A's have to be up there as one of the stupidest crime families in history.
  • They leave SG/LR to pick the rental car of their choice on the way to Tally instead of getting them a non-descript vehicle and telling to avoid all toll roads or they don't get paid.
  • They continue to blabber and incriminate themselves knowing full well that LE is listening.
  • DA calls the number on the paper for the bump instead of doing nothing
  • They don't pick a day for Dan's murder when WA can be out of town
  • DA sets up a Geek Squad appointment for a TV with a broken screen on the morning of the murder, possibly to give WA an alibi/reason for speaking to DA/CA the same morning
  • They buy one-way tix to Dubai/Vietnam instead of round-trip and as do as @Ferpo relayed above
  • They drop off $125,000+ freshly laundered at Whale Harbor the night of the murder
  • They pay KM as if she was working the Adelson Institute
  • They hire a white collar crime lawyer for CA instead of getting a seasoned defense attorney from the Tally area. Even Jose Baez would have done a better job.
There are many more to cite but IMO, the above definitely qualify them for the incompetent club.
wow, there's another call for 8th Nov. This is the fourth one in sequence for same day.
Initially I thought I was listening to same call or Gigi had made a mistake

Charlie rehashes and refines his theories around Wendi and the Trescott & coincidence line for Harvey, who's listening on speaker.
Wendi must have gone back home by this stage.
Donna is unusually quiet while he rambles on. At one point he has to say ' Hello?' to check they're still on the other end of the call

In the second half of the call, it seems even clearer that Charlie is making statements for the tape, for an audience. ( But, at one point he says something wtte of ' in case anybody's listening I don't mean regretting one thing, it's lots of things') He's also discussing his regret at not following his instincts and his regret at taking advice which purported to be for his benefit but was also for the benefit of others.
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Ole Charlie thinks his testimony was flawless! Lol! What a dope. No Charlie, your testimony was laughingly ridiculous. I knew when I heard the opening statement from DR that Charlie was toast. Didn’t contest the evidence, just explain it away with the super silly double extortion story. It‘s no wonder his blabber mouth provided the evidence to convict And he can’t shut up. This idiot thinks everything that comes out of his mouth is gold.
So I'm definitely behind on recent developments in this case, but...
it seems that Donna is freaking out that Wendi is happy to move on while she and Charlie face time in prison.
I believe that Wendi was semi-passive in this crime. She was happy to have her family solve her 'problem' for her and she could keep her hands clean.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Donna! (and Charlie)
I have a few pages or reading here in order to catch up, as i missed a day and a half of reading .. so sorry if this has already been brought up, or maybe pushed aside as being irrelevant.

Its about this particular jail call: (see link below)

Donna reading Wendi's text to Charlie.

She reads a portion of the text then she interjects with her own reflexion and comment.

So Wendi wrote: "I am not guilty because i did not do anything and i was not involved in Dans's death".
Immediately after that, at the 20min 02sec mark, i seem to hear Donna adding her own comment and say: "Yes you were."

Anyone else happens to hear that as well? Or am i crazy?

(I use ear buds)
It could also be (if anything): "Yes you are" or maybe "Issue One" she's reading WA's points one by one.

Help anyone?

There has been a lot of back and forth about that. I think most people think Donna said “(I) didn’t say she was”. There is discussion about it earlier in the thread.
I have a few pages or reading here in order to catch up, as i missed a day and a half of reading .. so sorry if this has already been brought up, or maybe pushed aside as being irrelevant.

Its about this particular jail call: (see link below)

Donna reading Wendi's text to Charlie.

She reads a portion of the text then she interjects with her own reflexion and comment.

So Wendi wrote: "I am not guilty because i did not do anything and i was not involved in Dans's death".
Immediately after that, at the 20min 02sec mark, i seem to hear Donna adding her own comment and say: "Yes you were."

Anyone else happens to hear that as well? Or am i crazy?

What terrible quality recording -- wish the YT host would have cleaned it up before posting. I think there's better quality of this passage posted upthread. Nonetheless, what I heard interjected by DA from OP's link was "She wasn't." I did not hear DA imply that CA was responsible for DM's murder.

Also, is the 29 minutes of DA talking aimlessly, before CA calls again, all recorded by the jail service w/o DA's knowledge?!! That's unbelievable! I suppose DA was on speakerphone and assumed she'd been disconnected because CA had been dropped from the call. o_O
Wendi awaits legal advice to know if she can talk to you.

Every one of them must know there is zero legal reason that Wendi cannot offer a few commiserations on a jail call.

IMO, this would have been the first time that WA could talk to her brother, the defendant, without having to ask her lawyer because a verdict was reached and his trial was over!

Generally, the mandatory no contact between defendants and witnesses ends when the witness is dismissed from their subpoena, and not expected to be re-called by the Court. MOO
I thought of a couple things. In talking to whoever the woman was in the room with them on the tape, and reading Wendi's text or emails out loud, Donna wants WA to help her research about the extradition countries, etc. In what universe does she think that Wendi is going to do that? Her digital footprint would reveal that she helped her parents flee? How can Donna not know this at this point? I now do think that they truly did not know the phone was still on and recording.

Second, if the rift really is there now, it sure seems that DA, HA & CA might be OK with Charlie flipping on WA to save himself more time. I don't know how this would be accomplished, unless the deal included that they would give DA house arrest or something for a couple years and that's it because she would be implicated. I still don't see them, despite the resentment they must all now have against WA, the boys still need a mom until they're 18. Is it possible they all tell the boys the truth? That they've been lied to their whole life and it really is true? Or is it from the angle of we are going to lie and tell the State what they want to hear so that uncle Charlie gets out of jail sooner. But it implicates their mom.

I do think that the rift is there enough that Charlie does not want to spend the rest of his life in jail while Wendi is out there enjoying herself. Donna loves Charlie enough i think she would agree. But what would him flipping look like with all these consequences?

‘The Hunger Games’

A few weeks ago it was hard to imagine anyone flipping. Now Im getting the sense of raw human nature’s desire for survival.

Each person is selfish and why act any differently when they come face to face with their own mortality. They eliminated a father just to make their life ‘better’. I wonder who they will eliminate now to make their own lives better, as in LWP being a death sentence.
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