GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #7

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Yeah, the source is the undercover cop who bought the drugs. Its outlined in the arrest report (posted upthread and in the media thread). I was also struck by the part about CB's demeanor.

ETA: Here is the arrest report

So heartbreaking little Lonzie still has been found and these scumbags were carrying on with life as if he never even existed. I am relieved to hear they are now off the streets and where they belong. Let's just hope LE have some good solid evidence against these creeps to keep them in prison for a long time to come. Poor little Lonzie, I fear he may have suffered many times in his short life at the hands of his own mother. So disgusting. RIP sweet, innocent, little one. No one can harm you any more. If it hadn't been stated so strongly by LE they believe Lonzie is deceased, I would have guessed LL sold or exchanged her baby boy for money or drugs. Those seem to be the most important things in her life, not the love of a innocent baby. JMO.

It may be peanuts to some but according to this video, the reporter said it was a criminal informant who met with the three charged in the motel room, not an undercover cop. There is a huge difference between the two IMO. HTH.

Undercover work may involve one or more of: informants, who are usually suspects who have "flipped" and are exchanging information for consideration in terms of charges or at sentencing; paid agents, who are insiders receiving cash for information; or, undercover officers, who are police officers trying to infiltrate criminal organizations or obtain information about their operations.

Criminal Informant
Quite frequently, confidential informants (or criminal informants) will provide information in order to obtain lenient treatment for themselves and provide information, over an extended period of time, in return for money or for police to overlook their own criminal activities. Quite often, someone will become an informant following their arrest.
From what i remember the CI was in the motel room with an undercover LE as CB&LB suggested he inject the molly but he refused. The CI worked in conjunction with LE. The undercover LE also called for back up due to CB's demeanor.
From what i remember the CI was in the motel room with an undercover LE as CB&LB suggested he inject the molly but he refused. The CI worked in conjunction with LE. The undercover LE also called for back up due to CB's demeanor.

Thank for clarifying. In the video the reporter said criminal informant. Wish these reporters would get their information straight before reporting to the public. :D MOO.
It really angers me that children have been left to grow up (or maybe not in Lonzie's case) in these environments and no one does anything. I don't like the though of Lonzie's sister being in the care of family. They didn't act while the children were living in one room with mom and her latest boyfriend, and while dad, mom, boyfriend and whoever else are selling and taking drugs around them. Add in the violence that they will have experienced and it's a complete mess. But grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends have watched this go down and done nothing. And what makes it worse is that it's happened before in that family! We are now getting into the second and third generations of families where drugs and neglectful parenting are common place. The children of the adults can't learn how to be good parents when they've been neglected themselves. Some do, some kids who have had awful childhoods make the best parents. But a lot will follow in mom and dad's footsteps. Not working, taking drugs and not giving a damn about their kids as long as the welfare cheques and food stamps keep coming.
It really angers me that children have been left to grow up (or maybe not in Lonzie's case) in these environments and no one does anything. I don't like the though of Lonzie's sister being in the care of family. They didn't act while the children were living in one room with mom and her latest boyfriend, and while dad, mom, boyfriend and whoever else are selling and taking drugs around them. Add in the violence that they will have experienced and it's a complete mess. But grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends have watched this go down and done nothing. And what makes it worse is that it's happened before in that family! We are now getting into the second and third generations of families where drugs and neglectful parenting are common place. The children of the adults can't learn how to be good parents when they've been neglected themselves. Some do, some kids who have had awful childhoods make the best parents. But a lot will follow in mom and dad's footsteps. Not working, taking drugs and not giving a damn about their kids as long as the welfare cheques and food stamps keep coming.

While I agree with a fair bit of what you say I still like to think most kids have loving families and these types of people in this case are rather the exception rather than the rule. But it is also an indicator of what society has become, and there are lots of reasons for that.
Also as parents we can't tell adult children what to do, they have to live their own lives and make their own mistakes unfortunately.
From the custody hearing when LB was first arrested the judge seemed grateful that grandma was going to take care of Lonzie's sister and that she didn't have to go to strangers in state care. She has been through a lot, and lost her little brother and traumatised by recent events while in her mother's and Ebron's care, or lack of care. Grandma is taking her to therapy and she was deciding what she was going to be for Halloween from what we read in msm, and she is doing well. Just because she had deadbeat parents i'm sure she still has other loving family members, so kudos to grandma for being in the little girl's life. From what we read in this case earlier, grandma has taken care of her grand daughter a lot.
I also don't know if Lonzie's extended family knew or expected that Lonzie would turn up missing, I certainly wouldn't think so. And most family don't go messing in other family members lives, they mind their business unless asked to do otherwise. We also don't know if any family ever reported LB to CPS for doing drugs and neglecting her children? A lot of kids sadly fall through the cracks with the workloads CPS have.
I am not sure what kind of life Lonzie and his sister had before LB left CB to go off and take up with RE, which is when Lonzie went missing. A matter of approx. 2-3 months. I think definitely LB & CB's lives were spiralling out of control with the drug use. It's good they have now been stopped, and that they can't hurt another child, their remaining child. All IMO.
Sorry, are we still not allowed to sleuth Lonna?

We are allowed to discuss Lonna's arrests and charges and anything that has been reported by LE or MSM, and speculate from what we know to date about her lies to LE, etc. She has not yet been proven guilty in Lonzie's disappearance, and her charges to date are child neglect, lying to LE and her drug charges. We are not allowed to discuss what is posted on SM as it is classed as rumor. I stand corrected if I am wrong.
Checking in today to see if anyone cracked over the week-end and told us where the heck they put little baby Lonzie.

He needs a proper burial people. (people=ones arrested)
Checking in today to see if anyone cracked over the week-end and told us where the heck they put little baby Lonzie.

He needs a proper burial people. (people=ones arrested)

Not yet unfortunately, :(
RB would of only been able to get a paternity test done with LB's cooperation i would think? I guess seeing as we don't really know the full circumstances of the situation its all a moot point anyway.

I agree that it is a moot point. I thought I deleted that post, because I thought better of it after I posted. I shouldn't have gone down that rabbit hole. :shame:
no. he can request one. but then if she was on aid he may be liable for back support. the state would want to recoup their dough.

RB would of only been able to get a paternity test done with LB's cooperation i would think? I guess seeing as we don't really know the full circumstances of the situation its all a moot point anyway.
confidential informant. yep i posted that last week. they cooperate so they get a lighter sentence.

So heartbreaking little Lonzie still has been found and these scumbags were carrying on with life as if he never even existed. I am relieved to hear they are now off the streets and where they belong. Let's just hope LE have some good solid evidence against these creeps to keep them in prison for a long time to come. Poor little Lonzie, I fear he may have suffered many times in his short life at the hands of his own mother. So disgusting. RIP sweet, innocent, little one. No one can harm you any more. If it hadn't been stated so strongly by LE they believe Lonzie is deceased, I would have guessed LL sold or exchanged her baby boy for money or drugs. Those seem to be the most important things in her life, not the love of a innocent baby. JMO.

It may be peanuts to some but according to this video, the reporter said it was a criminal informant who met with the three charged in the motel room, not an undercover cop. There is a huge difference between the two IMO. HTH.

Undercover work may involve one or more of: informants, who are usually suspects who have "flipped" and are exchanging information for consideration in terms of charges or at sentencing; paid agents, who are insiders receiving cash for information; or, undercover officers, who are police officers trying to infiltrate criminal organizations or obtain information about their operations.

Criminal Informant
Quite frequently, confidential informants (or criminal informants) will provide information in order to obtain lenient treatment for themselves and provide information, over an extended period of time, in return for money or for police to overlook their own criminal activities. Quite often, someone will become an informant following their arrest.
Just marking my spot. I had a big long post but decided to not delete it for now.
LE puts on pressure in many ways Once a convicted drug felon...

Section 115 of the personal responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 prohibited states from providing food stamps to convicted drug felons. Florida and Georgia are two states of 13 that have never modified it so that if convicted can no longer get food stamps... For the rest of their lives! (SNAP program )
Just marking my spot. I had a big long post but decided to not delete it for now.

I just read your post and you had some good theories there, and i really am not sure what to think about who all did what in this case, but hoping LE will get a good idea on what more than likely happened to Lonzie.
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