GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #11

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Has anyone considered the reason he might have parked in a different spot could have been because (it appears) he was late to work that day, and someone else was already parked where he usually parks? I'm pretty sure he didn't have his own designated parking spot. Not defending him, but I don't see where and how he parked his car that day is evidence of any kind.

bbm: and just why was he late? he was up and watching cartoons with Cooper when Leanna left for work at 7:15. Work is 14 minutes away. They didn't get to CFA until approx 9am for some reason...!2m2!1d-84.4684753!2d33.9134498
Hi all...I apologize if I am OT because I have not read most of the posts in this thread yet.

I have been thinking a lot about the premeditation aspect and I just cannot see the why of it. I know parents may kill kids accidentally, in the heat of the moment, or with premeditation. But this case bothers me from the premeditation angle because if that's what they did they bungled it so! I have come to see another possible reason for their looking up how hot it needs to be or how long it takes for a child to die in a car. Especially if BOTH parents looked this up, each on their own.

My theory is this: RH had left Cooper in the car prior to that day. He may have done it only once but I think he could have done it more than once. He was okay because either the weather wasn't so sweltering or he was left only a short time before they remembered him. But they could have researched the issue based on such a "close call." That could also be why LH remarked, "Ross must have left him in the car." That statement sounds damning because of LH's reported demeanor when she said it: calm and not disturbed/bothered/worried. She may have been calm because she expected Cooper to be okay like he was the last time(s) he was left in the car. It also makes a bit of sense out of their claims that they were afraid this could happen.

This is all just a theory of mine, so please no one repeat this as fact. I have just been trying so hard to make sense of all this and based on the evidence that I know about, RH is a creep and as such not a good dad or husband. And certainly he was negligent at the very least. I think the state is right to prosecute and I hope he is convicted because there is no excuse for his actions on that fateful day. His "other activities" clearly took priority over properly caring for his son and because of that, the boy is dead! And if he had actually left Cooper in the car on any day prior to the day he died, his doing it again after a "close call" is even more unforgivable. It cannot be chalked up to an accident if it is something that occurred even once before, let alone more than once because it stands to reason that ANY parent who had such a close call would become even more vigilant and would without fail check and recheck before walking away from their vehicle. It's similar to the way a person who has once or twice left their house keys in the lock makes it a habit to check and recheck for that.

I wonder if the day care keeps records of attendance and if they might show that Cooper was not there on one or more days when he should have been, i.e., both parents were at work.

Again...all IMO.

I had wondered that too- if this had happened before. But I wondered it from a less optimistic view. I had wondered if RH had a habit of this and Leanna capitalized on both his forgetfulness and or sexting distraction and was the one who switched the car seats 3 weeks prior.
I think we all should realize Cooper was not a "baby/infant", he was a "toddler".
From my own experience, he should have been potty trained, eating on his own, been able to use one syllable words, and quite a few 2 syllable words, recognize those close to him by appearance and name or a deviation of such name, be able to respond vocally to voices on a phone, turn a door knob, pull open a sliding door, make attempts at putting on his shoes and clothes...............and had experienced the feelings of being frightened and scared.

Now ask yourself what Cooper was thinking and doing just in the first hour he was left in that car seat, buckled in like it was a strait jacket, having to go to the bathroom, calling for his daddy and mommy, crying, probably banging his head against the back of the car seat trying to get loose, thirsty, wondering why he wasn't with his buddies at daycare.......ever see a frightened, screaming 2 year old? Let's face it, Cooper was almost 2 years old, a far cry from being a "baby/infant".

IF this was done on purpose, and I believe it was, I can't fathom what possible punishment would be equivalent to the crime.
The only way googling the info on length of time it would take to die in a hit car makes sense is if this had happened before and they were wondering just exactly how lucky they got that time. Especially since both seemed to have done the search. That could explain Mom saying what she said at the day care. The defense may have to get them to admit to an prior incident if they want to try to convince a jury these people (or this man) were just slipshod idiots and not cold-blooded killers, Imo.
Of course it is possible that Harris had to park in another parking space other than the one he usually did because he was late for work. However, all of the other facts need to be looked at as well. Such as, WHY was he late for work? If he was already late for work, then WHY the stop by Chick-Fil-A? WHY did Harris drive past an empty parking spot to go to the spot that he ultimately parked in? It has been stated that Harris and Cooper were awake and watching cartoons before leaving to go to Chick-Fil-A. If there was time enough for that, then there was time enough for Harris to arrive at work on time (IMO). If Harris just had to have CFA that morning, and he was already late, why not just use the drive through instead of spending 20 minutes inside to eat? And why did Harris leave work 44-45 minutes early to go see a movie with his buddies at 5 pm?

When you look at everything that Harris did as far as his parking choice, his arrival time, his departure time, etc it points to Harris wanting as little contact by other people with his car as possible (IMO).


He would have been even later arriving to work if he had taken Cooper to daycare.
You are correct that the forum is an exchange of ideas and opinions - More than one person means more than one opinion, and they may not be the same.

Being obtuse can go either way for those who can't or won't understand that they don't get to tell others how they should think, what they should say or bang on and on the same point over and over to derail the discussion.

This can be said for both the majority of opinion as well as for the minority of opinion. Opinions differ, that is what is called a discussion.

Trying to see both sides, weighing all possibilities before coming to a final conclusion does not make one supportive of a baby killer.

My comment was directed at anyone from either side of the argument (or indeed still on the fence) who insists on behaving like a dog with a bone, gnawing away while holding onto the same point despite being given numerous variations of the same answer complete with links from several different people.

I have never said anyone was being 'supportive of a babykiller', if you have inferred that from any of my posts you're reading something between the lines that isn't there. I believe others have the right to be as supportive or non-supportive of a defendant as they like, it matters not to me where anyone stands with regard to guilt or innocence, I'm as happy to see a good, well-thought out sincere argument coming from an opposing POV as I am to see a supporting one.
I would think it would help him a bunch - if it means the diff between 2nd degree and death penalty!

I guess that depends on whether the new 2nd degree murder charge that went into effect July 1st is retroactive or not. Otherwise, he'll still be eligible for the death penalty if they're able to use the old laws the way they were on the book when the crime was committed. At least that's what I finally gathered after a lengthy discussion in the beginning of this thread!
The following is a video that is going around on Facebook. No, it is not about Cooper Harris however it is something that EVERY SINGLE PARENT NEEDS TO WATCH (IMO). And the poor baby in this video was not left in the car for 7 hours. Think about Cooper when watching this please.

That is very powerful, so sad I didnt even get halfway through without crying.
Extra huge hugs for my three babies tonight,x
Yes. I think that's exactly it. He did not back in, but did wind up with the nose of the vehicle facing the driving lane.

Noooo... Lol! I think you missed what I said. Stoddard indicated that he DID back in- but he didn't just stop at the line behind him - he continued in reverse over the line behind him into the empty space behind him (which as Stoddard said at that point, in that space benind him, there was a car on either side of him in the space BEHIND his space - but for a moment, his car was in line with those two other cars.) THEN he puts the car into drive and pulls forward back across the divider line to position the car into the space such that the rear bumper is facing what we typically would call the "front" on the parking space.

I struggle with how else to say it. Have you ever backed into a space, a little lop-sided, that also had an empty space behind you - and rather than just straighten out by pulling forward, repostioning the wheel and backing back up - you did the opposite- you backed in- then backed in even FURTHER into the row behind you (assuming that space is also empty) and then reposition and pull forward so that you are back into your space backwards but no longer lop-sided?
Except.......this part doesn't work. "And that's why RH paused when walking away, and the other person passed him. He was pausing to hear if Cooper was crying, and if the passer by noticed."

That didn't happen when he parked that morning. It happened after he put the lightbulbs in the car.

I just can't tell you how strongly I feel that he "wanted" Cooper to be found by someone else...He wanted to be able to play the victim when his baby was found dead by his own hand. Then he could just play some role he saw in a movie about "grieving father", rather than the "one" who actually found the baby, which would make his bs story harder to corroborate than if he "found" baby Cooper without an audience or by someone else. That's why he made such a scene into the shopping mall parking lot, lots of witnesses for the "grief stricken" father. IMO
I mean, they switched the car seat a couple weeks before Cooper was left in the car. They switched from a larger forward facing car seat to a smaller rear facing one. He also strapped him in at the tightened it in it's lowest position.

Yet another piece of evidence that will complete the premeditation puzzle.


Why suddenly change his car seat? Why?

I need to know what his other seat was? Was it a convertible? because that could have been installed rear facing also. Keeping kids rearfacing longer is a bit campaign now and the AAP recommends to at least 2. I am curious if they will find info on their comps about rear facing until 2.

I know many people who have turned their children back rfing after finding out that information so him turning the child back does not cause me concern in and of itself.

I know that it is odd for some but the truth is that rear facing kids is safer as a rule until at least about 4. The problem I have is the strap position although below is below the shoulders.
30 seconds....

Aside from where & how the car seat was positioned & how easy it was for RH to "notice" CH during turns and reversing, how long the drive was from CFA to HD...

There are STILL the 30 seconds that RH was in the car after parking and before getting out. If CH fell asleep that quickly on that short drive after being so lively at CFA, it would not have been a deep sleep.

30 seconds is a long time to sit in a car after parking -- to just sit there. It doesn't take 30 seconds to take your key out of the ignition and grab your work bag from the floor of the car.

I think this is something that could work for the prosecution during trial. Just have everyone sit there for 30 seconds. If the car was silent, no one can convince me that CH did not move or stir or make the smallest noise -- if he was asleep, RH should have heard him breathing deeply (again, I doubt CH would have been sleeping that soundly that fast).

What was going on in that car? This was RH's chance to change his mind and take CH to LAA, but he didn't.

Those 30 seconds really stand out to me in the whole "accident vs premeditation" argument.

Totally agree.

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I guess that depends on whether the new 2nd degree murder charge that went into effect July 1st is retroactive or not. Otherwise, he'll still be eligible for the death penalty if they're able to use the old laws the way they were on the book when the crime was committed. At least that's what I finally gathered after a lengthy discussion in the beginning of this thread!

Yes. But just to be clear, even if the law is not applied retroactively, there are arguments about why the effect should be the same. One is the 8th amendment argument - the same one that was made in the recent GA case about the application of the Romeo and Juliet law to consenting sex between a minor and an 18 year old. The link just upthread from a GA lawyer named Page Pate talks about this argument (or a variation of it), which has to do with the unfairness of giving murder charge penalties for a crime that requires only criminal negligence to be proven. That's exactly why the new law was passed and I think it's a very strong argument why Harris shouldn't be up for the Life/DP in this case.

eta: unless the charges are upgraded and can be proven, I mean. In which case he'd be eligible for life/dp no question about it.
I need to know what his other seat was? Was it a convertible? because that could have been installed rear facing also. Keeping kids rearfacing longer is a bit campaign now and the AAP recommends to at least 2. I am curious if they will find info on their comps about rear facing until 2.

I know many people who have turned their children back rfing after finding out that information so him turning the child back does not cause me concern in and of itself.

I know that it is odd for some but the truth is that rear facing kids is safer as a rule until at least about 4. The problem I have is the strap position although below is below the shoulders.

I just read that the smaller seat held him in the seat more tightly. Is it possible the larger seat provided too much wiggle room that he could potentially wriggle free from if given enough time and struggling? Maybe RH feared the larger seat could give Cooper an opportunity to slip out and bang on the window and get people's attention.
Noooo... Lol! I think you missed what I said. Stoddard indicated that he DID back in- but he didn't just stop at the line behind him - he continued in reverse over the line behind him into the empty space behind him (which as Stoddard said at that point, in that space benind him, there was a car on either side of him in the space BEHIND his space - but for a moment, his car was in line with those two other cars.) THEN he puts the car into drive and pulls forward back across the divider line to position the car into the space such that the rear bumper is facing what we typically would call the "front" on the parking space.

I struggle with how else to say it. Have you ever backed into a space, a little lop-sided, that also had an empty space behind you - and rather than just straighten out by pulling forward, repostioning the wheel and backing back up - you did the opposite- you backed in- then backed in even FURTHER into the row behind you (assuming that space is also empty) and then reposition and pull forward so that you are back into your space backwards but no longer lop-sided?

okay, I think I gotcha. But was there a spot directly behind RH's? I saw that stills yesterday and it didn't look like it to me. Thanks a bunch, Stoddard, for the crystal clear explanation! lol
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