General Theories and Motives Rehashed #1

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I just ran acrossed a picture of Haleigh where both of her hands were bandaged up. Has anyone seen this pic or know anything about it?
At some point there is a reported argument over a gun between Ron, Joe, & maybe Tommy. There are also reports that Misty was in on a plan to steal it. Misty has a wild weekend that included Nay Nay, WBG, & some Mexican men. She goes back to Ron. Ron drove like a bat out of h*** taking Haleigh to school. Misty picks Haleigh up from the bus stop. she looks worn out, smacks Jr.? & is overheard talking about some 'bad sh**'. Ron goes to work. People are at the trailer, including Tommy who smokes dope, & GGS who was mad that Misty was back. Misty & Ron argue on the phone about 'babysitting'. (he claims she wanted to sit with her bros kids, but it has been reported that Teresa offered her money to babysit, & or that SHE offered Teresa money to babysit). Misty turns off her phone. At some point, she leaves either with the kids in tow, or alone. Ron makes many phone calls. He calls Tommy. (Tommy @ 1st said to check on Misty @ 10, but has now recanted. Ron said to ask if Misty was there). Late that night, a neighbor hears a woman's scream. A neighbor sees Misty crying while outside on the phone. A 1st 911 call is made from someone. Ron at some point leaves work. Ron is seen buying beer cigs & peanuts from a store. Ron comes home. Misty calls 911. Now if I could get these in the correct order & fill in those pesky blanks, I could figure this thing out.

Misty hurt Haleigh by accident - punishing her.
Misty called her brother Tommy to help her get rid of stuff in the mobile home (drugs, marijuana, stolen items, etc.) before she could call Ron or 911.
Tommy shows up and calls Joe who brings the van. They load all the stuff in the van and discuss what to do with Haleigh.
They realize if Ron finds out Haleigh was killed by Misty, he will kill Misty.
They decide to pretend she was stolen and stage the scene.
Ron comes home and Misty lies to him about what happened to Haleigh.
Joe and Tommy have gone by now and dumped everything off elsewhere. Including Haleigh.

Misty can not tell the truth because Ron will kill her. Joe and Tommy can not tell the truth because Ron will kill them. Ron is led to believe his daughter was stolen. He probably has his own doubts but if was to let himself think Misty or Joe or Tommy did something with Haleigh, he would have to admit she is dead. It is probably easier to believe someone else stole her and that she may be alive.

I can absolutly see it happening like this and have always thought that misty had that in her. Thats where it would've ended though and no way could ron b so blind as to be able to walk arm and arm w/ her the next day.Plus imo ron could've produced some real tears and emotion in the fallin' to the ground video, the very morning of Haleighs abduction. The list of ron's wrong moves started and now no one can look past living w/ misty, marrying her, not actively searching, & so on & so on..imo
Just thinking:

1. Misty and Ron were fighting on the phone.
2. Misty does not answer phone after 8:30. ( So , Misty n Ron must have been arguing on the phone while Grandma S was there "delivering laundry") Meanwhile, we have statement from TN that she sent a "family member" over to check on them...
3. Ron starts calling Tommy's .. I also think he called his Mom and Grandmother

WHY wouldn't Ron, leave work and go SEE if his children are safe? He and Misty apparently JUST got back together after her weekend fling with WBG. Ron knows Misty personally - her drug habbits - partying - wanting to seek other male attention.
Not only that.. WHY would he stop at all the places he stopped at on the way home? One would think he would either leave work, or speed home like a mad man.
When did Ron contact his mother? She says after the 911 call? WHY would she say that? Apparently GrannyS had no idea anything was happening until after the 911 call either...??

BBM IMO Because ron never had a thought of his children and their well being. He was to concerned about where misty might go or what drug activity he was missing while trying to put in an honest days work! IMO he never gave them a second thought, poor Haleigh!
IMO He prolly stayed on his cell all day everyday at wrok. I bet his co-workers couldnt stand it and the boss prolly had to tell him a few times to knock it off w/ the phone. Can't run your start up low level drug kingpinship if you are stuck at a real job.
I'm not sure where to place this so...
I just had a thought about the beds in the trailer. Did they ever have box springs or were those box springs on the floor? Were those top mattresses? Does anyone know or was it questioned? Also, had the grandmother's GMS or TN been in the home to see the children's new rooms after they moved in? Do they recall if there were full bed sets? Do they also know from asking the grandma's or in asking Jr. where they normally slept? Was the mattress taken into RC's & MC's room before the 911 call was made? Why did they have children of that age in their bedroom where they had intimate relations? Was the mobile home furnished? Did they have their own furniture? I awoke this morning with the most sickening thoughts about the bed setup. Where's the other half of the bed set? I'm sure if Misty said that Haleigh's bed smelled of urine that the mattress was tested for urine. Were all the beds accounted for? Was their mattress on the floor and Haleigh's mattress on the floor the only beds in the home. Did Jr. have a bed? Or has all of this all ready been covered?

Could she have met her demise on a bed section that was removed from the home when she was removed?
Lisa & Hank were not home, Misty picked Haleigh up from the school bus and went to her folks house. Ron tore after her still mad, probably had his gun w/him, they argued, Haleigh got in the way trying to stop the fight and was either hit hard or shot - by accident. Ron had to get to work to keep himself clear of the crime, Misty called her brother(s) for help in the cleanup. I hope that Haleighy was buried in the woods around there and other evidence was thrown off the dock with rope and cinder block. Misty stayed at her folks house a few days after Haleigh was reported stole, perhaps to check for any other items that may have been missed in the clean up. All involved will be held responsible of either the killing or the coverup, that's why nobody wants to fess up.

That's my theory as of this morning...
I'm not sure where to place this so...
I just had a thought about the beds in the trailer. Did they ever have box springs or were those box springs on the floor? Were those top mattresses? Does anyone know or was it questioned? Also, had the grandmother's GMS or TN been in the home to see the children's new rooms after they moved in? Do they recall if there were full bed sets? Do they also know from asking the grandma's or in asking Jr. where they normally slept? Was the mattress taken into RC's & MC's room before the 911 call was made? Why did they have children of that age in their bedroom where they had intimate relations? Was the mobile home furnished? Did they have their own furniture? I awoke this morning with the most sickening thoughts about the bed setup. Where's the other half of the bed set? I'm sure if Misty said that Haleigh's bed smelled of urine that the mattress was tested for urine. Were all the beds accounted for? Was their mattress on the floor and Haleigh's mattress on the floor the only beds in the home. Did Jr. have a bed? Or has all of this all ready been covered?

Could she have met her demise on a bed section that was removed from the home when she was removed?

What we see in the photos and videos after LE and FBI had the MH for weeks, is a very cleaned up version of the trailer. It is emptied out, as Ron and Misty never moved back into it. The GGM's cleaned it up before cameras crews were let in. Any thing that may have been evidence was taken out, including bedding or linen. They took blankets out on the ramp for scent if you recall, but we don't see them in the photos, I would think they were taken into evidence. We don't know if the bed on the floor is Haleigh's bed or one placed there for us to see where she was in proximity to the full size mattress in the room. We don't even know if Haleigh's bed was ever in that room as Misty is telling us this and she has failed more than 5 or 6 tests on truth now. The only bed we see without a mattress is the white frame bed in Haleigh's room, there is nothing on it. We are never shown JR room to see if his mattress is still in his room or not, so the mattress we see on the floor could be his for all we know. I don't believe that mattress or any other mattress was in that room that night. JMO
Lisa & Hank were not home, Misty picked Haleigh up from the school bus and went to her folks house. Ron tore after her still mad, probably had his gun w/him, they argued, Haleigh got in the way trying to stop the fight and was either hit hard or shot - by accident. Ron had to get to work to keep himself clear of the crime, Misty called her brother(s) for help in the cleanup. I hope that Haleighy was buried in the woods around there and other evidence was thrown off the dock with rope and cinder block. Misty stayed at her folks house a few days after Haleigh was reported stole, perhaps to check for any other items that may have been missed in the clean up. All involved will be held responsible of either the killing or the coverup, that's why nobody wants to fess up.

That's my theory as of this morning...

That is a very good theory too!
What we see in the photos and videos after LE and FBI had the MH for weeks, is a very cleaned up version of the trailer. It is emptied out, as Ron and Misty never moved back into it. The GGM's cleaned it up before cameras crews were let in. Any thing that may have been evidence was taken out, including bedding or linen. They took blankets out on the ramp for scent if you recall, but we don't see them in the photos, I would think they were taken into evidence. We don't know if the bed on the floor is Haleigh's bed or one placed there for us to see where she was in proximity to the full size mattress in the room. We don't even know if Haleigh's bed was ever in that room as Misty is telling us this and she has failed more than 5 or 6 tests on truth now. The only bed we see without a mattress is the white frame bed in Haleigh's room, there is nothing on it. We are never shown JR room to see if his mattress is still in his room or not, so the mattress we see on the floor could be his for all we know. I don't believe that mattress or any other mattress was in that room that night. JMO

It has been stated that Haleigh was afraid of the dark. The small mattress on the floor that Haleigh allegedly slept on is youth bed size from what I can tell on video. The empty youth bed with no mattress in Haleigh's room looks like the bed the small mattress belongs on. So, if she was afraid of the dark, it makes sense they put her youth bed mattress in the master bedroom with the TV so she could sleep.

I've never seen any video of Jr.'s room at all. Possible they did not have a mattress for him at all.
Lisa & Hank were not home, Misty picked Haleigh up from the school bus and went to her folks house. Ron tore after her still mad, probably had his gun w/him, they argued, Haleigh got in the way trying to stop the fight and was either hit hard or shot - by accident. Ron had to get to work to keep himself clear of the crime, Misty called her brother(s) for help in the cleanup. I hope that Haleighy was buried in the woods around there and other evidence was thrown off the dock with rope and cinder block. Misty stayed at her folks house a few days after Haleigh was reported stole, perhaps to check for any other items that may have been missed in the clean up. All involved will be held responsible of either the killing or the coverup, that's why nobody wants to fess up.

That's my theory as of this morning...

Very interesting, Lorann. I remember that Misty did stay with her parents/family a couple days and I had assumed she was at Tyler, but if she went to Magnolia, well that is just very interesting. :waitasec:
What we see in the photos and videos after LE and FBI had the MH for weeks, is a very cleaned up version of the trailer. It is emptied out, as Ron and Misty never moved back into it. The GGM's cleaned it up before cameras crews were let in. Any thing that may have been evidence was taken out, including bedding or linen. They took blankets out on the ramp for scent if you recall, but we don't see them in the photos, I would think they were taken into evidence. We don't know if the bed on the floor is Haleigh's bed or one placed there for us to see where she was in proximity to the full size mattress in the room. We don't even know if Haleigh's bed was ever in that room as Misty is telling us this and she has failed more than 5 or 6 tests on truth now. The only bed we see without a mattress is the white frame bed in Haleigh's room, there is nothing on it. We are never shown JR room to see if his mattress is still in his room or not, so the mattress we see on the floor could be his for all we know. I don't believe that mattress or any other mattress was in that room that night. JMO

I just can't figure out why they would want to say Haleigh's matress was in their room in the first place????? Each kid was suppose to have their own room - to keep them out of trouble with CPS, to have them all sleeping in the same room was worse. Even if her matress was there, I would think they would have put it back on her bed frame before calling 911. Just doesn't make sense to me but nothing in this case does. I am sure JR has been questioned about that so at least LE knows.
It has been stated that Haleigh was afraid of the dark. The small mattress on the floor that Haleigh allegedly slept on is youth bed size from what I can tell on video. The empty youth bed with no mattress in Haleigh's room looks like the bed the small mattress belongs on. So, if she was afraid of the dark, it makes sense they put her youth bed mattress in the master bedroom with the TV so she could sleep.

I've never seen any video of Jr.'s room at all. Possible they did not have a mattress for him at all.

If, and I say If, (because we can't believe anything anyone of them says,) they moved to Green Lane because CPS wanted the kids to have their own rooms, Jr. would have a bed with a mattress. I suspect that the kids were never put to bed that night. I don't think Ron had the kids sleeping in the same room as him and Misty on a regular basis, If you know what I mean. I also don't think that the mattress we see, is Haleigh's mattress. I think it was taken off Jr.'s frame and put on the floor to show us the set up of what Misty claims that night. JMO
I just can't figure out why they would want to say Haleigh's matress was in their room in the first place????? Each kid was suppose to have their own room - to keep them out of trouble with CPS, to have them all sleeping in the same room was worse. Even if her matress was there, I would think they would have put it back on her bed frame before calling 911. Just doesn't make sense to me but nothing in this case does. I am sure JR has been questioned about that so at least LE knows.

I have questioned this same thing. Why place the kids in a room with you and then say, "I never woke up with someone in the room taking a child out". It would have sat better if she said Haleigh was taken from her own room. Her story has had holes in it from the beginning and LE knows that the whole tale of the evening is a lie and they have stated as much.
I just can't figure out why they would want to say Haleigh's matress was in their room in the first place????? Each kid was suppose to have their own room - to keep them out of trouble with CPS, to have them all sleeping in the same room was worse. Even if her matress was there, I would think they would have put it back on her bed frame before calling 911. Just doesn't make sense to me but nothing in this case does. I am sure JR has been questioned about that so at least LE knows.

I suspect the staging of the bed was a just another red herring thrown into the mix to make it look like he feared something like this might happen..In his first plea reporters asked him about Jr's safety and why he was not taken.. Ron C's reply was.."Imagine that"...JMO
I suspect the staging of the bed was a just another red herring thrown into the mix to make it look like he feared something like this might happen..In his first plea reporters asked him about Jr's safety and why he was not taken.. Ron C's reply was.."Imagine that"...JMO

I remember that comment from him and thought it was odd at the time. So he had an idea about Misty's involvement right from the beginning?
Lisa & Hank were not home, Misty picked Haleigh up from the school bus and went to her folks house. Ron tore after her still mad, probably had his gun w/him, they argued, Haleigh got in the way trying to stop the fight and was either hit hard or shot - by accident. Ron had to get to work to keep himself clear of the crime, Misty called her brother(s) for help in the cleanup. I hope that Haleighy was buried in the woods around there and other evidence was thrown off the dock with rope and cinder block. Misty stayed at her folks house a few days after Haleigh was reported stole, perhaps to check for any other items that may have been missed in the clean up. All involved will be held responsible of either the killing or the coverup, that's why nobody wants to fess up.

That's my theory as of this morning...

BBM...Thats now my theory also...
I do not believe Haleigh is buried in that area though....And I'm not certain Tommy or Misty know exactly where her remains were disposed of...IMHO..ONLY the Cummings know where she is....JMO
I remember that comment from him and thought it was odd at the time. So he had an idea about Misty's involvement right from the beginning?

BBM..I'm not quite understanding what you mean... IMHO Ron C is the one responsible for whatever happened to Haleigh and he knows this so how could he have an idea about Misty's involvement from the beginning...

It's apparent to me Ron C had a plan in the making to set both Misty and Tommy up to take the fall from the beginning though...JMO

Misty hurt Haleigh by accident - punishing her.
Misty called her brother Tommy to help her get rid of stuff in the mobile home (drugs, marijuana, stolen items, etc.) before she could call Ron or 911.
Tommy shows up and calls Joe who brings the van. They load all the stuff in the van and discuss what to do with Haleigh.
They realize if Ron finds out Haleigh was killed by Misty, he will kill Misty.
They decide to pretend she was stolen and stage the scene.
Ron comes home and Misty lies to him about what happened to Haleigh.
Joe and Tommy have gone by now and dumped everything off elsewhere. Including Haleigh.

Misty can not tell the truth because Ron will kill her. Joe and Tommy can not tell the truth because Ron will kill them. Ron is led to believe his daughter was stolen. He probably has his own doubts but if was to let himself think Misty or Joe or Tommy did something with Haleigh, he would have to admit she is dead. It is probably easier to believe someone else stole her and that she may be alive.

BBM... I respectfully but totally disagree.. I suspect Ron C and his family would love for LE and us to believe thats whats going on with Ron C, and he is just in denial about Haleigh's demise but that scenario just doesn't fit..
Also, IF he weren't directly involved and suspected even for a split second they had hurt Haleigh and lied to him he wouldn't have allowed any of them to continue to breathe....JMO
BBM..I'm not quite understanding what you mean... IMHO Ron C is the one responsible for whatever happened to Haleigh and he knows this so how could he have an idea about Misty's involvement from the beginning...

It's apparent to me Ron C had a plan in the making to set both Misty and Tommy up to take the fall from the beginning though...JMO

Got ya! I wasn't sure why you were pointing to this comment, now I understand. Like I said, it was a weird comment to say the least. It sounds as if he is letting the reporter know he had suspicions in the beginning of her story, thus the set up begins. I can't believe the reporter let that go, I would have jumped on that comment.
BBM...Thats now my theory also...
I do not believe Haleigh is buried in that area though....And I'm not certain Tommy or Misty know exactly where her remains were disposed of...IMHO..ONLY the Cummings know where she is....JMO

ITA, Em! I also think that only the Cummings know for sure where Haleigh was laid to rest.

I believe at some point that afternoon Ron called his mother. Teresa was the one to send over GMS so I think at that point she knew something was wrong. If GMSykes was like the mother figure for Ron, why would he call Teresa, knowing that she lived further away than GMSykes? Why not just call GMSykes, she was closer? I think Ron called Teresa for a reason and part of that reason was because of her knowledge of how LE works. Maybe Ron felt that GMSykes could not help him in those regards. But Teresa could.

What if GMSykes didn't go by the mh on Green Ln that night, but instead showed up at the 130 Magnolia address? Just thinking out loud. This case is so confusing.
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