Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 3 murders, July 2023 #8

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Long Island is very very pet conscious. I would guess we have hundreds of rescues in Nassau and Suffolk. The fact that a rescue wasn’t asked to take them (temporarily) leads me to believe there is something we don’t know.
Agreed. Much to be wary of. And perhaps if something is said that doesn't make sense upon reflection, it isn't true. Perhaps, one government agency contacted another government agency that specializes in that area (pets displaced by warranted searches) and THAT government agency is then responsible for carrying out its legal directives. Animal Control IS most likely a kill shelter. However, that does not mean it doesn't carry out other work when the animals in its care are not strays or relinquished animals. As a government agency, Animal Control likely serves a number of uses. Now, since pets are such a big deal to most of us, they are also handy pawns in swaying public opinion.
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what right do they have to take her pets to a shelter? I would never have allowed that I don't care what all went on..

Why do they think it’s ok to remove the pets?? Is that a thing and based on what? She is the victim. That’s cruel for the cats and the family. I would be livid. Can she go through anymore trauma before collapsing?!

My pets are one of the best things in my life. They bring comfort and joy which she and the children need. Unless she requested they be removed that would be different. Though I can’t imagine her being ok with them going to a kill shelter.
At this point, I don't believe anything that Asa or her attorneys are saying about what LE did when they searched Rex's home. Nothing negative, I'm just reserving judgment until more is known.

ETA: The reason I'm reserving judgment is that I'm still not certain of all of Macedonio's motives when it comes to his legal representation of Rex H's wife. I don't recall any other murder case I've followed where an attorney representing the killer's wife set up an aggressive legal and PR campaign to bash the police who arrested the killer, using the wife as a tool.

He's also doing this with the knowledge that LE can't respond without compromising their case against his client's husband.

I reserve judgment for Asa, leaning to good intentions until shown otherwise for her.

I am deeply skeptical of Macedonia, always considering the possibility that his loyalty lies with Spota and himself before Asa. He sus. Very sus.

Long Island is very very pet conscious. I would guess we have hundreds of rescues in Nassau and Suffolk. The fact that a rescue wasn’t asked to take them (temporarily) leads me to believe there is something we don’t know.
ARE there any kill shelters in NY? That's where Macedonia claimed they were taken.


Edited to add: Took my lazy fingers to google. Yes. Even the ones that claim no kill have rising healthy pet euthanasia rates. And they outsource it sometimes to move around statistics. Very depressing.
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ARE there any kill shelters in NY? That's where Macedonia claimed they were taken.


Edited to add: Took my lazy fingers to google. Yes. Even the ones that claim no kill have rising healthy pet euthanasia rates. And they outsource it sometimes to move around statistics. Very depressing.
Yes. There are kill shelters BUT with so many rescues, they really try to save every animal. Some of the rescues I’ve been involved with will go to any lengths to save the oldest, sickest, troubled animals.
Aug 27 '23 rbbm
''Thankfully, by the time Ellerup and her children returned to the home, with the help of their attorneys they were quickly able to locate their cats and bring them home.''
Aug 27 '23 rbbm
''Thankfully, by the time Ellerup and her children returned to the home, with the help of their attorneys they were quickly able to locate their cats and bring them home.''
Just as I suspected: most likely a big flap over nothing -- tugging people's heart strings, manipulating people using pets. Just because it was a "Kill Shelter" does not mean pets involved in that legal situation WOULD have been euthanized. They were being held, safely caged, fed and watered while LE tore their home apart -- a home that BTW they shared with a man suspected of being a serial killer. Is there anyone there in the area who can check with the shelter and see exactly how animals brought to them in that situation ARE ACTUALLY handled? Because laws vary so much from one place to another, we'd need to know from the actual shelter. However, where I'm from, animals in a legal situation are picked up by the government agency (Animal Control), who contacts OUR Humane Society, which has better housing, and the animals are held pending action in the legal situation -- in neglect or abuse situations, I've known it to be months or whatever is necessary. Now, to be fair, this family is in a very new situation and they may know the shelter only as a kill shelter after a certain number of days. They may not know all the services provided. But let's also remember -- we're talking about a home housing a man believed to have killed at least 3 women and maybe more . . .
What so-called journalism has sunk to. The writers should know or should have checked with the shelter. Instead they are creating ill-will for both LE and the Heuermann family. Shame on this "news" outlet.
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Why do they think it’s ok to remove the pets?? Is that a thing and based on what? She is the victim. That’s cruel for the cats and the family. I would be livid. Can she go through anymore trauma before collapsing?!

My pets are one of the best things in my life. They bring comfort and joy which she and the children need. Unless she requested they be removed that would be different. Though I can’t imagine her being ok with them going to a kill shelter.
If it was my one cat Freya, no problem she is very friendly. If they came into the home with our orange cat, he would rip them to shreds unfortunately. I can see removing the cats when they are ripping apart the house
If it was my one cat Freya, no problem she is very friendly. If they came into the home with our orange cat, he would rip them to shreds unfortunately. I can see removing the cats when they are ripping apart the house

If all of the cats were like your Freya, LE woukd still need to remove them from the house so they don't escape it and find danger or disease outside.

But it was a situation expressed in a way that discredited LE. The seeds were planted by Macedonia, and the press ran with it.

I am personally sick to death of coming here to read news of what else may have been discovered only to see pages upon pages of posts criticizing his family and saying things like the report of cats being moved to a kill shelter a ploy to "pull on heart strings". If my pets were removed from a crime scene to a shelter where I wasn't sure whether I'd get them in time before they were euthanized and I didn't understand what was happening my being distraught over this wouldn't be an overreaction. There's no shortage of stories of innocent people's pets (or just innocent pets) being harmed by Law enforcement or neglected. I have some stories of my own with a friend whose father was murdered and they were not allowed in the apartment for days to rescue his three cats. LE and detectives were in and out of the apartment during that time and none of them even left WATER for them. It took heroic measures for her to rescue them and they were extremely near death and dehydrated when she finally forced her way in. Please leave this poor family alone. It's sick the abuse that's being poured on them and I'm surprised these posts are allowed to stay up.
Your example shows all the more reason for LE to find a safe place for the cats, so they can be fed and watered and not underfoot or neglected like you described. Apparently the cats were looked after at the animal shelter and are back home with them now -- safe and sound. MOO.
If all of the cats were like your Freya, LE woukd still need to remove them from the house so they don't escape it and find danger or disease outside.

But it was a situation expressed in a way that discredited LE. The seeds were planted by Macedonia, and the press ran with it.


I'm glad that Macedonia was able to locate the cats for Asa and her children. This has to bring some joy to the family in this otherwise horrible situation.
I am personally sick to death of coming here to read news of what else may have been discovered only to see pages upon pages of posts criticizing his family and saying things like the report of cats being moved to a kill shelter a ploy to "pull on heart strings". If my pets were removed from a crime scene to a shelter where I wasn't sure whether I'd get them in time before they were euthanized and I didn't understand what was happening my being distraught over this wouldn't be an overreaction. There's no shortage of stories of innocent people's pets (or just innocent pets) being harmed by Law enforcement or neglected. I have some stories of my own with a friend whose father was murdered and they were not allowed in the apartment for days to rescue his three cats. LE and detectives were in and out of the apartment during that time and none of them even left WATER for them. It took heroic measures for her to rescue them and they were extremely near death and dehydrated when she finally forced her way in. Please leave this poor family alone. It's sick the abuse that's being poured on them and I'm surprised these posts are allowed to stay up.

I'm sorry for what your friend went through, and glad she found a way to rescue her pets. Also glad that Asa and her children have finally been reunited with their pets. This must bring them great joy and comfort knowing they are okay and they can take care of them now.
I'm glad that Macedonia was able to locate the cats for Asa and her children. This has to bring some joy to the family in this otherwise horrible situation.

Of course we all are glad the cats, whose location was not a big mystery, were returned to the family. A lot of posters on this thread seem to really get the importance of pets in their human's lives.

What worries me is that Macedonia seems to be focused on discrediting LE. If he had to say anything at all in his press conference about the cats, why did he phrase it as if Asa were being victimized by LE?

What is wrong with LE searching the home of a person credibly accused of 4 murders? What is wrong with sending the cats to a shelter so they can be cared for and kept safe? What exactly was LE's misstep here?

And, most of all, why would Macedonia want to make it seem like LE is not doing a good investigation?

Is he suggesting people trafficking of Brits to the U.S or seeking the guidance of U.K experts about interviewing trafficked women?
Approx @16:45
Interesting, glad you noted ETJ 's excellent initiatives regarding sex trafficking, in particular questions about Johns that can be asked of SW across many jurisdictions, including the UK.

He mentions or alludes to how the SW mentioned how aggressive RH was and how that info. is pertinent considering that they are accustomed to various acts and requests.
Of course we all are glad the cats, whose location was not a big mystery, were returned to the family. A lot of posters on this thread seem to really get the importance of pets in their human's lives.

What worries me is that Macedonia seems to be focused on discrediting LE. If he had to say anything at all in his press conference about the cats, why did he phrase it as if Asa were being victimized by LE?

In my opinion, it would be really telling if we knew for certain that the shelter the cats went to first was a government run agency that holds certain animals as mandated by the law.

Macedonia's background as outlined in this article: Who is Robert Macedonio? Asa Ellerup files for divorce from Rex Heuermann amid his arrest for Gilgo Beach murders

means he would definitely know whether the animals were in danger or not.

It would be very, very telling as to Macedonia's motives IF we knew the Shelter's policies.
I am personally sick to death of coming here to read news of what else may have been discovered only to see pages upon pages of posts criticizing his family and saying things like the report of cats being moved to a kill shelter a ploy to "pull on heart strings". If my pets were removed from a crime scene to a shelter where I wasn't sure whether I'd get them in time before they were euthanized and I didn't understand what was happening my being distraught over this wouldn't be an overreaction. There's no shortage of stories of innocent people's pets (or just innocent pets) being harmed by Law enforcement or neglected. I have some stories of my own with a friend whose father was murdered and they were not allowed in the apartment for days to rescue his three cats. LE and detectives were in and out of the apartment during that time and none of them even left WATER for them. It took heroic measures for her to rescue them and they were extremely near death and dehydrated when she finally forced her way in. Please leave this poor family alone. It's sick the abuse that's being poured on them and I'm surprised these posts are allowed to stay up.

I do not have animosity towards Asa. I am not criticizing her.

I do not think it is fair to accuse those supporting LE and their investigation as being hostile to the family.

I understand you have heard about a situation where there was no water left for cats.

That does not demonstrate that LE was negligent in their search of Rex Heuermann's home. Nor does it demonstrate neglect for the family pets.

Rex Heuermann is suspected/accused of killing 4 people so far. Searching his home was vital in building the case.

There might be alternative ways to handle our LE searches---other municipalities and especially other nations might put more resources into providing what is being deprived of the unaccused impacted by a lawful search. But that is not the way it is in the USA. Maybe we should change that. But at this time, there is no evidence that this family in particular was treated especially badly in a search. In other words, Asa and her children happen to live where a person suspected/ charged in multiple murders lived; they are not the first family that were in the position of being very inconvenienced by a lawful search.

I am sick to death of turning to this thread and seeing so much hostility towards LE's investigation, which has been successful and productive since the task force was formed. I for one am proud of their progress. I think that acting like taking the reasonable step of putting cats in a shelter is some kind of special horror the family has been subjected to is no more than an attempt to discredit LE.

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I'm glad that Macedonia was able to locate the cats for Asa and her children. This has to bring some joy to the family in this otherwise horrible situation.
I don't imagine it was much work to get those cats home; likely only a matter of asking LE where they were sent for safe keeping and going to claim them. I can even imagine LE providing a form from the shelter to them for that purpose. The cat situation seemed to have been blown out of proportion by her attorney imo.
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