Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 3 murders, July 2023 #8

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AE’s Attorney surprises me because I feel the best move for him would be to concentrate on privacy for Rex’s immediate family so they can began to reclaim their lives and move on to the future.
Completely agree. Perhaps, IF the press release was also a way to let RH know what was going on as someone theorized, the family will retreat into quietness now. It is my feeling that the Heuermann family is poised more on a tightrope with public opinion than the families of the deceased women. I suspect sympathy for the Heuermanns might turn fairly quickly if their attitude, words and actions are not well received. Choosing to stay out of the limelight might be a better choice.
And I absolutely agree with you.

But, at this point in time LE has clearly stated RH's wife was not present when he comitted his crimes yet a lawyer is calling her "complicit".

I think we can all agree that LE did none of the victims justice way back when they should have been all over this case. That's squarely where the blame lies.

I just have serious issues with blaming non-suspect family members (LE has stated so) because the murder victims were ignored by LE back in the day. As for financial support of them ---- today, I still see no means by which one can do so.

The two things (LE/investigation/justice and financial support are two different things). One LE had control over and the other is controlled by someone actually setting up a means of financially contributing. I am still waiting for the families' lawyer to set up a means by which to do so. We are actually blaming RH's family because this hasn't been done for the murder victim's families yet? It sure seems so. That oversight is not within RH's family's control - nor is the lack of proper investigation or focus on these victims by LE or the general public back in the day when it should have happened. Seems John Ray has some work to do before he keeps complaining about that lack of financial support for them.
I’m still keeping an open mind until the investigation is complete. LE would be remiss in making any assumptions about complicity until that process is complete.
John Ray began civil suits on behalf of some victims families many years ago. Those lawsuits are ongoing. Through those lawsuits, his work was the only investigation taking place for many years.

I agree, Rex H’s family wasn’t relevant or involved in any of that investigation. I hope they can get on with their lives, but the primary focus needs to be on completing the unfinished investigation and getting justice for all the victims.
I’m still keeping an open mind until the investigation is complete. LE would be remiss in making any assumptions about complicity until that process is complete.
John Ray began civil suits on behalf of some victims families many years ago. Those lawsuits are ongoing. Through those lawsuits, his work was the only investigation taking place for many years.

I agree, Rex H’s family wasn’t relevant or involved in any of that investigation. I hope they can get on with their lives, but the primary focus needs to be on completing the unfinished investigation and getting justice for all the victims.
I am speaking to the commentary from Mr. Ray regarding financial suport of RHs family. It cannot be separated out of his statement.

I cannot support the other families when means to do so is yet to exist (save JT's G*M which I have already contributed to).

If a lawyer wishes to publicly call out the public for contributing financially to RH's family and not other victims' family - he had better make sure there is a means to do so. Who is he blaming?

It is possible for the investigation to continue and be focussed where it needs to be while at the same time showing financial support to all of the victims. One has nothing to do with the other, nor are resources taken from LE & investigation by doing so.
^^^^This. Can't say it any better than @Betty P did, @CuriousCricket .
Betty P said:
Sadly, I think there hasn’t been enough cultural change, since many still disrespect or neglect murder victims simply because they were sex workers. I do hope that changes some day.
Thank you, iamshadow21. You and Betty P are prob. right. I was thinking about the support for the Heuermann family and that it seems so unusual for a person accused of such horrible crimes . . . If the public is so supportive of them . . . well, I wondered if the attitude toward sex workers had not also shifted dramatically. However, the two of you don't think so. Interesting.
I didn’t like them either I found it appalling. I love the idea of fundraising for sex workers but the photos made me think of thorns or barbed wire around their necks, particularly Shannan.

commercialization of true crime is an ongoing, controversial discussion, JMO. There’s always been a certain amount, sometimes helpful, but often not. It’s really grown in recent years.
I am speaking to the commentary from Mr. Ray regarding financial suport of RHs family. It cannot be separated out of his statement.

I cannot support the other families when means to do so is yet to exist (save JT's G*M which I have already contributed to).

If a lawyer wishes to publicly call out the public for contributing financially to RH's family and not other victims' family - he had better make sure there is a means to do so. Who is he blaming?

It is possible for the investigation to continue and be focussed where it needs to be while at the same time showing financial support to all of the victims. One has nothing to do with the other, nor are resources taken from LE & investigation by doing so.
John Ray can only help the families of the victims he’s working for. He cant make other families start a fundraising program. He’s simply bringing up a point and doing the things he has always done - publicly discussing information and evidence crucial to the murder investigation that LE isn’t discussing.

People may disagree with his style, but it’s been the only way these investigations have progressed. He know that uncovering important evidence or witness info and turning it over to LE hasn’t worked in this case. He often reinforces it by going to the public.
BBM above - here is an example

Here is Johnny Ray again on newsnation with Brian Entin - take a listen

A few comments-

1. He starts off by saying Asa is conning everybody and she has for years
Uses an example that her husband makes plenty of money - these are not poor people - but she uses food stamps.
(JR knows all about the son's disabilities/eligibilty and food stamps but he wants you to believe that Asa is scamming the system)

Disingenuous at Best - not helpful
2. Then he goes into: you cannot tell me that they live in that little tiny house and how could she possibly in this day and age not have known that Rex was a serial killer. Says it overwhelming possible that she and the other adults in the house (aka the KIDS) knew very well what was going on in that house with Rex and sex in the basement ( still not sure even if that were true that means he is a killer and furthermore that would make his family think he was a killer)
What? - not helpful
3. Says Asa and kids never expressed sympathy for the dead girls /for what their father has done - he prob knows better than most that they were most likely told to not say anything like that by legal counsel-and btw innocent until proven guilty etc - but he says it points to their guilt
What? - not helpful

Finally under What? -not helpful - his very very credible witness who is not coming forward "at this time" who he personally "examined" (not interviewed but examined - his words) for hours. This witness says there were sex workers in the house and it was well known by the family. Once again its a leap from there to serial killing even if true, but hey it's Johnny Ray

IMO Put up or shut up IMO JR. If Asa/kids are complicit aren't you obligated to do the right thing and bring it to LE, don't shovel innuendo on newsnation.

I do notice in listening to him that he takes care to walk a thin line when making all his statements. He says "What I hear" "What I have been told ".

It is clear to me that he wants the family classified as "suspects" so any money can be frozen to preserve it for his clients. He's shady - but he does have a strategy and end game.

So maybe @Ruminations you are correct that what he does could prove helpful - helpful to his clients - its just not necessarily based upon anything in the realm of factual information nor actually helpful to the investigation at this point.

You are assuming John Ray has not already shared this information with LE.

Wild assumption.

LE has the ability to fact check these claims.

It is very unlikely that there are not cameras all over the public streets of that house covering all entrances and egresses. They had Rex under surveillance for a long time, and no warrant is needed to watch him from public areas. Daily mail would blush.

If only to make it impossible for LE to say to Ray truthfully, "Then why didn't you come to us?" Ray went to them. But if you are right about that, LE has access to fact check what you think they heard in the media.

LE did not share that information. My belief is that John Ray fears LE is deliberately and damagingly ignoring a lead.

I asked for substance, not style. You are right that he name called, was dramatic.

But that does not mean substantively, it is not true that there is a witness with the information that Rex Heuermann brought sex workers into his basement while AE was upstairs.

This does not contradict that she is a victim, and you are reinforcing, by focusing on his style, the narrative that the information could potentially mean this.

I also meant, aside from this information (not style), when has his information been wrong.

Did he get unhelpful depositions? Did he unhelpfully find a way to confirm crucial parts of Mari Gilbert's narrative about Peter by obtaining contemporaneous records of Jersey city LE? Did he not play a role in clarifying who called whom when and preserving phone records? Did he not play a role in getting the truth of the 911 call out, and confirming that certain LE representations of the contents were untrue?

I get it. It's ugly to use some of the words he used. That is why I don't repeat them.

But in the past, he has been accurate. In the present, on his current interview tour, there is no evidence that he has been inaccurate. Ugly is not inaccurate. It's only ugly.

There is also the former escort witness vetted by several news agencies who reported Rex Heuermann pressured her to go to his home. The unnamed witness speaking to John Ray could be another woman who is or was engaged in sex work. One who did go to his home. That sounds plausible to me.

Substance. Facts. Move away from the ugly.

Thank you, iamshadow21. You and Betty P are prob. right. I was thinking about the support for the Heuermann family and that it seems so unusual for a person accused of such horrible crimes . . . If the public is so supportive of them . . . well, I wondered if the attitude toward sex workers had not also shifted dramatically. However, the two of you don't think so. Interesting.
I think today some people also automatically assume drug use in these cases. They feel that also justifies a lack of sympathy and a neglectful approach for getting justice for these victims. It’s not just the LISK cases where we still see this.
If he brought SWers home while his family was there, all he had to do is describe it as networking, hiring, shadowing... he'd passed himself off as a legitimate, decent architecture for years, the people most dependent on believing him were the closest ones. Imagine unpacking that cognitive dissonance. Thinking your life, your home, your marriage, your family was one thing, and then suddenly forced to face the fact it was never that. Serial killer with an architect face mask.

He likely used that same mask to gain the requisite trust of SWers. Think of how many are out there that he used and discarded, how close they were to death, maybe without even fully realizing it.

May all of his crimes come to light so that no victim is lost to obscurity. They all have names.

John Ray can only help the families of the victims he’s working for. He cant make other families start a fundraising program. He’s simply bringing up a point and doing the things he has always done - publicly discussing information and evidence crucial to the murder investigation that LE isn’t discussing.

People may disagree with his style, but it’s been the only way these investigations have progressed. He know that uncovering important evidence or witness info and turning it over to LE hasn’t worked in this case. He often reinforces it by going to the public.
But he does so at the expense, IMO wrongly, of RH's family. I still see no G*M in the name of Shannan and there is a post here that he no longer represents JT's family from someone who may be an insider.

John Ray called out, publicly shamed, those who financially supported RH's family members while stating his clients got no such support. IMO, that's not on and not exactly factual when there is no public means of affecting support to those "clients" he represents.

One can, shamelessly, be supportive of both without doing so at the expense of others especially since LE has NOT named RHs family members (any of them) as complicit or POIs unlike John Ray. Until and if such time as they do such - I will treat them as victims as well IAW Websleuths site policy. Have they lost a family member to murder - no, but they are still victims in all of this. Supporting them does not negate or lessen support of the murder victims' families.

Do we have a statement from him as to exactly who he represents as clients?
The very quietness and secrecy of LE makes me hopeful that LE KNOWS but doesn't feel there's enough yet for a conviction. I believe I read that additional personnel have been added to the taskforce. Naturally, with all the possible evidence taken from the Heuermann holdings, that is prob. to be expected. Yet, I am hopeful of another surprising development or more.

It's also possible they could see if she can provide additional, helpful information, in the event there is some complicity on her part. No one is saying she participated in the murders. But she may have had knowledge of them after the fact. That has to be dealt with, it can't be swept under the rug.

All that depends, too, on what evidence turns up.
Exactly. Can you explain to me how JR HAS a client? Shannan Gilbert is dead, her mother is dead. Jessica Taylor, ditto. So WHO exactly is John Ray representing? Does that person or persons want to be his client, or is he just using the situation to keep himself in the limelight? Exactly what is the deal here?
Well, of course the murdered victims are all dead.

They have representation for their families and through their estates.

Shannan Gilbert and Jessica Taylor's estates, presumably managed by surviving family members, are John Ray's clients.

The deal is, just because a person is murdered does not mean society or family members lose interest in justice.

At the moment, I do not know of evidence tying RH to either Jessica Taylor or Shannan Gilbert.

There have been a number of theories, from one to three killers for Shannan, the manorville victims, and GB4. We don't yet know which theory is correct (if any).

However, it is not yet a fact that RH is cleared in the murders beyond the GB4. All of the cases have SCPD as lead agency.

If SCPD interferes with one investigation, they are interfering with all.

So John Ray is advocating for his clients by making sure that LE follows leads.

It's his job.

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But he does so at the expense, IMO wrongly, of RH's family. I still see no G*M in the name of Shannan and there is a post here that he no longer represents JT's family from someone who may be an insider.

John Ray called out, publicly shamed, those who financially supported RH's family members while stating his clients got no such support. IMO, that's not on and not exactly factual when there is no public means of affecting support to those "clients" he represents.

One can, shamelessly, be supportive of both without doing so at the expense of others especially since LE has NOT named RHs family members (any of them) as complicit or POIs unlike John Ray. Until and if such time as they do such - I will treat them as victims as well IAW Websleuths site policy. Have they lost a family member to murder - no, but they are still victims in all of this. Supporting them does not negate or lessen support of the murder victims' families.

Do we have a statement from him as to exactly who he represents as clients?

Yes, the lawsuits are ongoing. Some of us here were just reading through the depositions the other day. The person who posted he wasn't representing anyone didn't provide any evidence to support that claim. JMO, it was just social media rumor.

The most interesting question has always been why some folks need to try to discredit John Ray and the victims he is advocating for. This happened for many years when Shannan Gilbert's mother was alive and still continues today. Believe me, he's riled up enough officials on LI that, were he not telling the truth, they would have had his law license many years ago.

Like this:

The twitter account run by Jessica Taylor’s family says Ray no longer represents them.
Link? TiA

That may be. Who knows. Is it relevant? I don't think so. JMO. I'm focusing on what he has to say, his experience in the case and the evidence he has. I've followed this case long enough to know he follows the rules and he shares his information with LE. I'm always leery of anyone who tries to discredit him, because it has happened many times.
Link? TiA

That may be. Who knows. Is it relevant? I don't think so. JMO. I'm focusing on what he has to say, his experience in the case and the evidence he has. I've followed this case long enough to know he follows the rules and he shares his information with LE. I'm always leery of anyone who tries to discredit him, because it has happened many times.
Justice for Jess Taylor

we are the family of Jessica Taylor, victim of LISK. we are spreading awareness and speaking love on her name. She is loved and missed every single day.
Justice for Jess Taylor

we are the family of Jessica Taylor, victim of LISK. we are spreading awareness and speaking love on her name. She is loved and missed every single day.

Thanks for the update. He does still represent the estate of Shannan.

Is there a reason why this is so important and relevant? The attorneys for Rex H's wife are doing the same thing. It may be unpopular to say so on social media today, but the murder victims rights to justice are just as important as the rights of the alleged killer's wife.


Why are some people here trying to discredit John Ray? What is it about the information he's uncovered that has helped solve some of these murders considered so offensive by some? I'm curious. I've never seen this happen on WS before - where people turn against the victims representative in order to defend the killer's wife.
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