How much time will Ron get?

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However, I have seen two cases in Putnam, with higher drug amounts/charges, I believe, and they got 3yrs & the other 44 months.
However, I have seen two cases in Putnam, with higher drug amounts/charges, I believe, and they got 3yrs & the other 44 months.

It's true that justice is not always served in a court of law. Actually, more times that not, it isn't.

But I believe in Karma. And regardless of what happens in court, any and all responsible for harming an innocent little child will pay, in one way or another. He/She/They will get what's coming to them, at some point, so I am not going to get too upset if the judgment in this court of the people does not go the way it should.

I am not really interested in seeing them go away for drugs--I want someone held accountable for Haleigh. And even if it doesn't happen in my lifetime, I believe that eventually justice will be served.
It's true that justice is not always served in a court of law. Actually, more times that not, it isn't.

But I believe in Karma. And regardless of what happens in court, any and all responsible for harming an innocent little child will pay, in one way or another. He/She/They will get what's coming to them, at some point, so I am not going to get too upset if the judgment in this court of the people does not go the way it should. Because I know that eventually justice will be served.

Oh may Karma work at it's fullest! thanks krkrjx
Well because even though we want these cases to be connected, they are totally seperate and there has been no arrests in the Haleigh case at all.
Crystal and Ron are not suspects and Misty is the one that should get it for child endangerment or neglect IF SHE is the last one to be with Haleigh.

It would be at fair sentence as the other charges he has had have all been dropped so it is like a first offense and he does still have custody of his son and he may get a lesser sentence so he can take care of his son.
I am just saying that reality is what it is.

Again. my opinion only

In respect to your suggestion of Ron being released to care for his son, I am compelled to voice my opinion on Ron's parenting abilities.

Where was Butterbean when Ron was in the front seat of the undercover cop's car sneaking a pill he just purchased and making promises as to what drugs he could provide to the undercover dealer?

Also, I think it's Crystal, Junior's mother, who now has custody of this little guy. jmo
We all want judges and prosecutors to do the right thing. We elect them for that purpose. Now, I am not sure that putting small time druggies away for 15-30+ years is appropriate in every case, but it is the law. And as such, imposing such sentences is the right thing to do.

Judges who are derelict in their duty cause society great harm. A judge signed the Order to allow Garrido to go free after serving 11 years of a 55-year sentence--and look what happened.

By the same token, Ronald Cummings got custody of two young children without regard to his criminal record--a record that shows he has a penchant for violent outbursts of temper and poor judgment. And while Mr. Cummings had custody of his babies, he committed offense after offense, with charges dropped or reduced or just not prosecuted, time after time after time! It's true folks--judges allow people too much leniency and it was a judge that granted custody of two little kids to Ronald Cummings--and look what happened.

We are pretty much all alone and must fend for ourselves in this world it seems. Anyone who depends on LE, prosecutors, and judges to keep them safe is in for a rude awakening. JMO. (And I promise to shut up now.)
However, I have seen two cases in Putnam, with higher drug amounts/charges, I believe, and they got 3yrs & the other 44 months.

Hi Doc..Were they for trafficking? All trafficking have the same mandatory...UNLESS the State prosecutors give the judge good reason for reduction.
We all want judges and prosecutors to do the right thing. We elect them for that purpose. Now, I am not sure that putting small time druggies away for 15-30+ years is appropriate in every case, but it is the law. And as such, imposing such sentences is the right thing to do.

Judges who are derelict in their duty cause society great harm. A judge signed the Order to allow Garrido to go free after serving 11 years of a 55-year sentence--and look what happened.

By the same token, Ronald Cummings got custody of two young children without regard to his criminal record--a record that shows he has a penchant for violent outbursts of temper and poor judgment. And while Mr. Cummings had custody of his babies, he committed offense after offense, with charges dropped or reduced or just not prosecuted, time after time after time! It's true folks--judges allow people too much leniency and it was a judge that granted custody of two little kids to Ronald Cummings--and look what happened.

We are pretty much all alone and must fend for ourselves in this world it seems. Anyone who depends on LE, prosecutors, and judges to keep them safe is in for a rude awakening. JMO. (And I promise to shut up now.)
in regards to your last't it the truth. My family has decided to take care of our own problems, (& yes, take the law into our own hands), & never call 911 again. So, if people don't want the **** beat out of them, they'd better not start any trouble with us.
I just know of less charges for some traffickers and followed cases in Putnam that's all. Some roll on each other. Hey fine with me if they can give any info to find Haleigh. Give this child the justice she deserves it. Her family deserves it. Haleigh deserves justice. xoxoox
I just know of less charges for some traffickers and followed cases in Putnam that's all. Some roll on each other. Hey fine with me if they can give any info to find Haleigh. Give this child the justice she deserves it. Her family deserves it. Haleigh deserves justice. xoxoox

Yeah OK I am out of *shutting up* status for a moment to comment. It is in the law that if they give up info on someone higher up, they can get a lesser sentence than the mandated minimum. I know of one case (was not in Florida though) where a guy was arrested on drug charges and faced life in prison. He turned over evidence that snagged more than a dozen big fish...and in return he was sentenced to five years DOC.

Snitching is not unheard of when one is facing mandatory sentencing. They can do so prior to sentencing or after. Some opt out, but some will snitch.
Well because even though we want these cases to be connected, they are totally seperate and there has been no arrests in the Haleigh case at all.
Crystal and Ron are not suspects and Misty is the one that should get it for child endangerment or neglect IF SHE is the last one to be with Haleigh.

It would be at fair sentence as the other charges he has had have all been dropped so it is like a first offense and he does still have custody of his son and he may get a lesser sentence so he can take care of his son.
I am just saying that reality is what it is.

Again. my opinion only
actually, these cases SHOULD be totally seperate, but they're not. The defendents won't seperate the 2, (Tommy tried to use the Haleigh card to his advantage, & Ron IS using it to his advantage), the lawyers won't seperate the 2, (they're the ones allowing their clients to use the Haleigh card), the prosecutors won't seperate the 2, (they called Tommy a suspect...a bombshell, they saved for drug court... & they're dealing with Ron), & the judges won't seperate the 2, (he chastized Tommy for dealing, during the Haleigh investigation).
Never meant to stop you krkrjx. I really like you. xoxoxox

Nah, you didn't stop me. I am guilty of long drawn out posts to the point where I even annoy myself! So, just trying to sit and observe, listen, and let others speak w/o my commentary all over the place, LOL.
Nah, you didn't stop me. I am guilty of long drawn out posts to the point where I even annoy myself! So, just trying to sit and observe, listen, and let others speak w/o my commentary all over the place, LOL.
well, keep writing your 'long drawn out' posts, because I like reading them-especially, when news is slow. That's when I catch up on my reading, & rethink all of the possibilities.
Tommy may have been better off taking his chances in court..IDK.

They never had the tape of him dealing, from what I can tell. They arrested him a month after he helped at misty. He was shopping at the store and .."Bam".

He dealt a very small amount. 4 gms. which is a three year miminum. Man, they must be certain he played a major role in Haleigh's demise.

Not too long from now, ron will be dealt with. I am not going to get excited because the last time I did, he got it continued.
I know I'm ignorant, but can somebody explain to me how they all wound up with so many charges? Did these cops save the actual arrests until after the charges had built up? Can they do that? Because common sense says that if say Misty, for example, had been arrested after her 1st deal to the undercover cop, she wouldn't have been out trafficking...she would've been in jail. Also, during this waiting period, how did the cops know that they weren't out dealing to minors or letting their own kids get into their stash to overdose? I would think that the moral thing to do, would be to arrest a criminal fore committing a crime...not wait around until the charges piled up. or am I confused about this? I've never understood how their charges piled up.
Tommy may have been better off taking his chances in court..IDK.

They never had the tape of him dealing, from what I can tell. They arrested him a month after he helped at misty. He was shopping at the store and .."Bam".

He dealt a very small amount. 4 gms. which is a three year miminum. Man, they must be certain he played a major role in Haleigh's demise.

Not too long from now, ron will be dealt with. I am not going to get excited because the last time I did, he got it continued.
I can't figure out why none of these people chanced a trial. OMG, if I was sitting on a jury, there's no way I would've sent Donna Brock to prison for 15 years. & if that was the least I could've given her, then I would've set her free. & that pretty much goes for all of them. even Ron. These sentences are crazy.
If people know the sentences are this huge and they still deal, they deserve whatever they get. Most of America knows Florida has the strictest laws in the county for trafficking and they should. They are infested with drugs due to Columbia, etc.

.....Build more prisons...put people back to work.

rc, misty, tommy, hope and donna are all fools. They knew the law, they did the drugs. now they have to do the time. Of all the five, rc is the one that is most motivated by money. He would sell his soul for it and probably has. Money gives him power, drugs do too and of course he has the guns to symbolize it. He must have the lowest self-esteem of all the five because he needs so many toys to make others think he is powerful
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