How much time will Ron get?

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I know I'm ignorant, but can somebody explain to me how they all wound up with so many charges? Did these cops save the actual arrests until after the charges had built up? Can they do that? Because common sense says that if say Misty, for example, had been arrested after her 1st deal to the undercover cop, she wouldn't have been out trafficking...she would've been in jail. Also, during this waiting period, how did the cops know that they weren't out dealing to minors or letting their own kids get into their stash to overdose? I would think that the moral thing to do, would be to arrest a criminal fore committing a crime...not wait around until the charges piled up. or am I confused about this? I've never understood how their charges piled up.

I can't tell you why it was done in this case, but often arrest is put off to get to a higher target. And I am with you on it allows crime to continue, but without the head of the snake the crime will go on any way.
To LE's kge, they hadn't caught them selling to kids or others but suspected it and this was likely the reason for the sting, if they did catch them at it, arrests would have been immedidate. It took awhile for the u/c to develop their trust. Once they committed to sell/distribute for the U/C then, they were arrested so that they couldn't sell and harm anyone. RC took the drugs and said he would get him the money for the pills in a certain amount of time, indicating he would sell them. That is trafficking.
May I please ask when is his sentencing date so I can make sure to come and read when it's done? I want to mark my calendar because this month I have a lot of things going on but don't want to miss this...TIA.
I thought the wording was interesting for both Misty and Ron:


08/16/2010 46 ADVISED OF MAX PENALTY 30 YRS DOC &/OR $10,000 FINE


08/20/2010 50 ADVISED OF MAX PENALTY 30 YRS DOC &/OR $10,000 FINE
I thought the wording was interesting for both Misty and Ron:


08/16/2010 46 ADVISED OF MAX PENALTY 30 YRS DOC &/OR $10,000 FINE


08/20/2010 50 ADVISED OF MAX PENALTY 30 YRS DOC &/OR $10,000 FINE

I am pretty sure that all sentences are worded like this.

Ron is at least doing 15 years, hes not skating on a fine.

Tommy may have been better off taking his chances in court..IDK.

They never had the tape of him dealing, from what I can tell. They arrested him a month after he helped at misty. He was shopping at the store and .."Bam".

He dealt a very small amount. 4 gms. which is a three year miminum. Man, they must be certain he played a major role in Haleigh's demise.
Not too long from now, ron will be dealt with. I am not going to get excited because the last time I did, he got it continued.

He has been called a suspect by Asst. States Atty Lewis. An unheard of term these days without something major to back it up.

"....... Lewis said Croslin only came forward when he faced a lengthy prison sentence. He said he did not consider that Croslin cooperated because investigators still do not have a full picture of what happened the night Haleigh vanished.

“He is still a suspect in that case,” Lewis said......"
I am pretty sure that all sentences are worded like this.

Ron is at least doing 15 years, hes not skating on a fine.


I'm sure you're right, was just thinking the wording is clear as mud.

I hope he doesn't have to do 15 years, I think those sentences are ridiculous. JMO
I'm sure you're right, was just thinking the wording is clear as mud.

I hope he doesn't have to do 15 years, I think those sentences are ridiculous. JMO

I'm hoping he doesn't have to do 15 years either.. He ONLY really needs to stay in jail until Haleigh comes home...ALIVE...JMHO..
Well, if Misty, the gf/babysitter, endangered the children, then Ron, the bf/daddy, endangered Misty. She was a minor too, & needed somebody looking out for her. Also, Ron & TN knew about the binger she was coming off, but THEY wanted her back in that trailer...THEY led those kids to their endangerment. There's plentyof blame to toss around, but IMO, Ron is 1st in line, TN is 2nd, & Misty is a distant 3rd, for any endangerment & there's no way, to blame just Misty for that one.

I agree dodie. IMO, there is a very big IF Misty was babysitting for the children. I have my doubts that she was the babysitter that night. I do however think that she is the scapegoat in this case, put in that position by the "real" person who was suppose to have been babysitting. The unfairness that we will probably see in Ron's sentencing is that he SHOULD have had the past charges on his record because they should never have been dropped in the first place, so Ron has a head start before he even show up for his sentencing. Yep, the children were already endangered before that night ever happened, by Ron.
He has been called a suspect by Asst. States Atty Lewis. An unheard of term these days without something major to back it up.

"....... Lewis said Croslin only came forward when he faced a lengthy prison sentence. He said he did not consider that Croslin cooperated because investigators still do not have a full picture of what happened the night Haleigh vanished.
“He is still a suspect in that case,” Lewis said......"

OK, so Croslin isn't considered as having cooperated because investigators still do not have a full picture of what happened the night that Haleigh vanished. Then why is it considered that Ron has "cooperated"? Does this mean that investigators NOW have a full picture of what happened to Haleigh???:waitasec:
OK, so Croslin isn't considered as having cooperated because investigators still do not have a full picture of what happened the night that Haleigh vanished. Then why is it considered that Ron has "cooperated"? Does this mean that investigators NOW have a full picture of what happened to Haleigh???:waitasec:

Blows your mind doesn't it..Statements like that is what leads me to believe something is going on that is terribly wrong down there..Guess we will learn soon...JMHO
actually, these cases SHOULD be totally seperate, but they're not. The defendents won't seperate the 2, (Tommy tried to use the Haleigh card to his advantage, & Ron IS using it to his advantage), the lawyers won't seperate the 2, (they're the ones allowing their clients to use the Haleigh card), the prosecutors won't seperate the 2, (they called Tommy a suspect...a bombshell, they saved for drug court... & they're dealing with Ron), & the judges won't seperate the 2, (he chastized Tommy for dealing, during the Haleigh investigation).

I cannot shake the feeling that Ron was working with police on this one... I hear a whole different story than some people are spreading about Ron so I have no idea what the truth is....
In respect to your suggestion of Ron being released to care for his son, I am compelled to voice my opinion on Ron's parenting abilities.

Where was Butterbean when Ron was in the front seat of the undercover cop's car sneaking a pill he just purchased and making promises as to what drugs he could provide to the undercover dealer?

Also, I think it's Crystal, Junior's mother, who now has custody of this little guy. jmo

Haleigh was not under Rons watch when she came up missing and Crystal said herself that Ron was a good daddy. Jr was probably with a sitter or his mom when Ron was in the car as he wasn't with Ron.
Crystal got Jr when Ron went to jail as she is next of kin but she don't have full custody of him and I do not believe she has gone to get custody while Ron is in jail. We probably would have heard it by now.
Well, if Misty, the gf/babysitter, endangered the children, then Ron, the bf/daddy, endangered Misty. She was a minor too, & needed somebody looking out for her. Also, Ron & TN knew about the binger she was coming off, but THEY wanted her back in that trailer...THEY led those kids to their endangerment. There's plentyof blame to toss around, but IMO, Ron is 1st in line, TN is 2nd, & Misty is a distant 3rd, for any endangerment & there's no way, to blame just Misty for that one.

well don't you think if Ron didnt trust Misty with his kids, he would have left them with he?. Misty should get it as they were in her care when Haleigh came up missing, Ron was at work we have been told.
Ron had to go to work to support his kids. I am sure he would have done it differently after the fact.
Respectively snipped Bathbuddy's and bolded by me.

Crystal and Ron are not suspects and Misty is the one that should get it for child endangerment or neglect IF SHE is the last one to be with Haleigh

She was under 18 and a kid herself per the law, I believe. She was not emancipated when Haleigh went missing. She became emancipated when her parents went to the courthouse to grant her marrying Ron. I'll try to repost the law on child endangerment and neglect tomorrow but it's here or you can google it. You have to be over 18 to be charged with that or the parent of the neglected child, I would presume. She wasn't the parent and she was what 17.

And if I'm wrong, someone please correct me.

You only have to be 12 to babysit and she was 17, legally of age to babysit. It will be interesting to find out about age you can get neglect charges.
you may be right on 18 or babys parent, I am not sure.
What? Take care of his son? Like he did the first four years?...please. What is the story with some people worrying about Jr. not having a father? The best thing for that child is not having him around..imo, of course.

Ron Cummings does not have custody of jr and nd if there is a God, he will never have it again. Ron cummings got to have his son during the entire personality development, this may take years to overcome that experience.....good grief!

who took care of these kids? Ron did and he was working too. I feel really bad for Jr, his sister is gone and now his dad too, all that he knows... it is awful, those kids were loved and taken care of til this happened obviously.
It is a shame that all this had to happen.
Bath, I really feel for Junior too, I hope Ron can be with him soon.
Do we really know that those kids were taken care of, or simply existed? We don't. When bad things happen is when the truth starts coming out. Maybe they were just lucky it had not happened before.

I pray when sentencing happens it does not throw all of us into a tizzy. They should have separated the two cases, but did not. None of them nor LE. That is wrong. Why is that not reason for Tommy to appeal?
Bath, I really feel for Junior too, I hope Ron can be with him soon.

Not me..Hope he never gets custody of that precious child ever again...
...IIRC. I heard Misty, herself, telling an undercover agent she and Ronald Cummings had to pick up Jr. right after they get the drugs from the agent... Then we have Ronald Cummings a few minutes later telling the undercover agent IF he can't get rid of the drugs in two weeks, he can make enough money to pay for them in two weeks and eat the drugs himself...And this was right before they were busted...And IF they had not been busted he was going to go pick up Jr. from daycare with ALL those drugs in his possession...
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