"I can't stomach the man"....is CA referring to GA?

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I'm still stuck at this point in my theory, lol. Now, after watching CA in action, I still can't believe that CA would just let KC leave with Caylee.

Nuff said.

Oh, one last point: "You don't know what my involvement in this was?"

I'm not alone it seems!
Can you imagine hearing CA and KC in an all out fight like the one on Father's Day?
and going after each other and CA choking kc?
That must of been 1 scarey night! Poor baby Caylee..........rised by those 2 women!

yeah choking Casy and what else
But wait, didn't you hear George? There was no fight! :rolleyes: He said so, under oath!! :gavel:

While on one hand I don't begrudge George his anger at the questions he was asked, he made an excellent point about the atty's and their 15 minutes of this tragedy. He wasn't helping his situation. Did he honestly answer even 1 question? It was hard to tell with all the I don't knows and the b!tching... :banghead:

Yeah cindy said so too, no fight! I guess She and George are calling Lee a liar now
Kinda like an afterthought, huh? GA do you have the baby? No, I thought YOU had the baby! OMG, Where's the Baby?????

:baby: - That was hilarious, DollyPardonMe!

:pinocchio: - George

:pinocchio: - Cindy

:argue: - George & Cindy in the elevator!
I predict that George and Cindy both will wind up in Contempt of Court if either go anywhere new the witness stand in Casey's criminal trial!

They really showed their rear ends in these depositions.
I haven't seen the dispositions but the video in post 1 looks like they've had a trying day. CA was obviously talking about the atty, not GA.
Prayers going up for them for continued strength for what has become hell on earth. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
I believe that the Anthony's really need to redirect their anger and resentments towards all people, that are not standing beside their daughter. And direct their frustration and pain towards their daughter, where it really and truly belongs. :yes::tsktsk: Poor, sweet little precious Caylee, deserves so much more. I love you Caylee!!!:cry::shakehead: And I'll remember you always in a special place in my heart.:hug:
Okay, yep yep yep, she was talking about GA.

Funny how that little tape just ended with the elevator doors closing. I was waiting for them to reopen and Cindy come walking out looking like she got the beat outta here!!!! George, you missed your opportunity!
I predict that George and Cindy both will wind up in Contempt of Court if either go anywhere new the witness stand in Casey's criminal trial!

They really showed their rear ends in these depositions.

I can't wait to see what Cindy has planned for the trial! :crazy:
I can't wait to see what Cindy has planned for the trial! :crazy:

Whatever it is, I just know it's going to be a doozie!!! Bet she won't be toting her video camera there or chomping on her gum. Wonder if she'll attempt to show up in jeans. Whatever she does, it certainly will not be normal, or anywhere close to normal.
Its very clear on the tape that Cindy is waving and pointing her water bottle at George while she tears a strip off him.She's right pizzed off at him,when she mutters on the way out " I can't stomache the man"

The reporters ask "why wont THEY let you pray Cindy"...there was no they ,it was George according to her.
She said that about Morgan, not George.

Back when she called Morgan an ambulance-chaser during an interview, I think it was WFTV got Morgan's reaction, and he said something along the lines of "she can pray for Caylee, but she can't go out in the woods pr wherever and look for her."

I think WFTV has more footage of this confrontation today, and they put it into context by re-showing the old footage of what they said about each other.

She DID tell George off when he told her to shut up tho! heh

I think you're right, Muzik.
I just watched it three times :)rolleyes:) and I do believe that she is the one who opens the door just before she begins raising her voice!

She said that about Morgan, not George.

Back when she called Morgan an ambulance-chaser during an interview, I think it was WFTV got Morgan's reaction, and he said something along the lines of "she can pray for Caylee, but she can't go out in the woods pr wherever and look for her."

I think WFTV has more footage of this confrontation today, and they put it into context by re-showing the old footage of what they said about each other.

She DID tell George off when he told her to shut up tho! heh

Agreed, Muzikman.

I don't think she would have made that statement in front of reporters if she were talking about George. She hasn't worked this hard to maintain the "This Family is UNITED" illusion for this long only to let her guard down now. Her dance around the truth at the deposition proved that. She was referring to John Morgan.
I just watched it three times :)rolleyes:) and I do believe that she is the one who opens the door just before she begins raising her voice!


I think I also caught her take a sneak peek to see if the camera was on her. What a loon.
Yup, me too.. me too. Everytime she speak it makes my stomach turn. Jail has got to be somewhat of a relief for Casey.

You know, I have thought that for awhile. I think KC thinks she is in some sort of "protective" custody.....I think she is LOVING sitting on her cot and reading and eating all day long without having to deal with her mother. It is the long overdue vacation CA talked about in her depo.
I just watched it three times :)rolleyes:) and I do believe that she is the one who opens the door just before she begins raising her voice!


:):) and all the while BC saying "close the door" .... and trying to get his wheelchair in between CA and the door......

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