Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #22

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I don't think LE plans to release any info unless they make an arrest one day. They seem to have a plan and are sticking to it. Maybe they do have their suspect but no proof, as I’ve said. Without releasing suspect’s name (which they won’t) how could the public help with that?

As far as SM thing is personal, I could/would never have posted any pics I did not want a potential employer seeing lol...that includes bathing suits, underwear etc...even at 20 I would and did worry about things like that, even without any SM. Much less run into a supervisor on Tinder...
I am only guessing here that you may be referring to something I just posted on the last thread in regards to my response to someone who posted about snapchat. I did in fact tell of my own daughter's and her friends uses of it and my initial reaction to learning of it. Yes, I was shocked because I was not aware it was such a "trend" amung young people.

If it was my post you are referring to I am in no way judging or insinuating anything about one's character just as I mentioned in the post. I included that there are church going girls from good families who are also participating in this as a guide to let older people reading this (I'm 60) that this stuff is very common and accepted in young people circles and college campuses these days. That the people that do this are NOT "bad girls" rather run the entire spectrum and it is common. If I did not make that clear enough there I will again. Not judging.

I grew up in the 70's. There is not much out there that makes me blush and I didn't here either. I was however extremely surprised that society has gotten to a place where "norms" have evolved. I hope I make myself clear here as I am NOT judging simply bringing up a reality of what life can be for young people these days. I think if you ask any 20 year old today they would tell you the same thing. It is the openess of it all that has only changed. Every generation pushes the limits and becomes less self concious about things that would have caused serious issues with say my parents generation. I for one could not care less. I've spoken with my own daughter about it and she has been very open with me about it. She is aware of what happened to her friend and it is something she has discussed among her own friends.
I must agree with you.
I too am very intrigued about that Poweshiek Wind Project. Would like to understand better the details. Anyone?[/QUOTE]

Indeed. As asked before, where were the workers housed? How many? How long were they there? Familiar faces? Hmmmm.
I'm starting to think that way. Would be one explanation for LE's silence -- not asking for help find to find a certain type of vehicle, not putting out a general description of a strange person seen in the area, nothing. I'm starting to think they're keeping a very, very close eye on someone, waiting to get enough proof to satisfy prosecutors and, possibly, waiting for the person to screw up -- say the wrong thing on an eavesdrop, drive past the crime/dump scene, try to flee, confess, do a Google search about how long it takes for a body to decompose, etc.

LE also could be thinking that surveillance/waiting might lead them to MT or her body. A body isn't necessary for for prosecution, but it definitely helps, so police would want to find it -- for their case as well as for the family's sake.

What could a person be charged with if MT or her body isn't found? A good prosecutor could find something, for now. Heck, simply lying to an FBI agent is a crime.

Murder can be tried without a body...but it takes a lot of circumstances we don’t seem to have here.
I haven't seen a single post judging her. I would expect a 20 year old attractive female to be flirty and fun loving.

Am still catching up, but it was either on the last thread or a quote from a report last night, a "CBS News" profiler, taken out of context.

Thank you, First_responder for joining WS. I welcome your thoughtful and interesting posts.

For me, I don't equate silly with flirty, ever. Would totally avoid anyone who seems to confuse that, but it's rare.

I don't get the impression there is much space between Mollie's family, friends and LE in this case, nor that Mollie did anything to bring this on.
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Suppose once LE has her texts, they see that her final exchange was with a male acquaintance asking to meet up to talk/tell her something/whatever. She agrees. LE grabs this guy, he either denies they actually met, that she never showed, or that they met, but he left her by i,e 8pm whatever and she was fine.

This could be a standoff for years if not forever, if the person had never made any threats to Mollie prior, and never confessed to more than seeing her briefly that evening. Being the last known to see someone can’t be enough for an arrest...especially with apparently no proof she was killed or even injured.

I am having a lot of trouble seeing how many here expect an arrest to come soon...what would it be based on? If no one saw her being taken and no proof shows she was harmed...where can LE be at this point? Jmo

Is that possible? I know phone records can be acquired to see number of calls/texts and to what numbers... but can they actually get the text contexts?
I no longer think this was a stranger. I have a strong suspicion who it involved. And I don't think she's alive, though really really wishing she was. Feel so sad right now. I hope you all are having an okay weekend & it's not too hot. 100 here. EDIT: MOO
I agree. I’ve always thought it was someone she knew, but thought she was alive. Now I think she is deceased. And from the beginning, I had a suspect, but now I have a different one. Things are falling into place, so I really think it is for LE also. I may be 100% wrong, but I think we are going to get some information Monday, possibly including an arrest.
For those still in the stranger abduction court, can you explain why? Also, by stranger abduction, I mean absolute stranger, like immediate attack or grab and run... not someone she’d seen or spoken to a couple of times and would feel ok taking a “friendly ride” from. I just feel that this isn’t an absolute stranger, just like dad said, someone thought something... felt something... probably inaccurately, and got in over their head. But without more info, I’m open to possibilities, so stranger abduction folks, what does your gut say?

Its too soon to be sure, but so far, no one who knows her has suggested that an acquaintance took off with her, other than her dad. Perhaps he bases his belief on something that Mollie intimated to him which I hope is the case, but if that turns out to be so, it seems like there should be some evidence (social media) that would have led investigators to the person, if not Mollie after 3 weeks. I suppose she could be alive and stashed somewhere but the kidnapper would have to be feeding her and would have to have known a lot about her routine and been stalking her if not to sickly keep her for himself, or in the alternative, kill her. One hopes that if she thought she was being stalked or someone was creeping her out, other people would have been told by her about it. Especially her mom and brothers and the police. I still tend to think that she wasn't a target until some creeps saw her jogging and abducted her for whatever their purposes were. I say "they" because the abduction and get-away seems to have happened so quickly than one was driving and the other grabbed her. I hope I'm wrong. If it was someone lovesick (emphasis on sick) there is a chance that she is still alive. JMO
My gut says she was snatched quickly during her evening run by a stranger. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The carnival was in town, which brings criminals who can't get a job elsewhere because of their records, so I think it was somebody working the carnival (could also be whoever broke into the house down the road from her). Although, firstresponder mentioned, what if she was clipped by a car, stumbled around hurt and died in a field. That sounds plausible.
The carnival workers likely don't have a car.
I just thing think no one is talking about the fact that Mollie is a co-ed at Iowa University (30,000 students). Imagine all the contacts she must have had there in her first year of college. Iowa City is closer than Des Moines on I-80. You can easily see all the possibilities/potential suspects that could produce.

Secondly, Mollie is not a resident of Brooklyn. Her family lives in a larger town close by. There are probably plenty of people in her hometown who knew she was spending the summer in Brooklyn with her boyfriend. Plenty of potential suspects there.

Finally, Mollie works at a day care center in Brooklyn. All the parents, guardians, authorized pick-ups, maintenance workers and fellow staffers should be screened.
For those still in the stranger abduction court, can you explain why? Also, by stranger abduction, I mean absolute stranger, like immediate attack or grab and run... not someone she’d seen or spoken to a couple of times and would feel ok taking a “friendly ride” from. I just feel that this isn’t an absolute stranger, just like dad said, someone thought something... felt something... probably inaccurately, and got in over their head. But without more info, I’m open to possibilities, so stranger abduction folks, what does your gut say?
Stranger abduction could explain why so far she is still missing, why the reward doesn't seem to have provided an answer to finding MT and that nobody in the small town of Brooklyn seems to have anything worthwhile to add to explain her being missing and witness statements are making little sense. Based on the little we know somebody seems to have pulled off the 'perfect' crime right under the eyes of 1,400 people in Brooklyn. I do think it would be easier to keep a crime secret if you were not part of the Brooklyn crowd with its cross family relationships, multi generational farms etc. I keep going back to the sizable FBI involvement relatively early in this process along with the State LE (and virtual exclusion of local LE which I am still puzzling over). I keep thinking that FBI saw something in this case that dovetailed something they had on their radar and so they swooped in and took control.
I'm starting to think that way. Would be one explanation for LE's silence -- not asking for help find to find a certain type of vehicle, not putting out a general description of a strange person seen in the area, nothing. I'm starting to think they're keeping a very, very close eye on someone, waiting to get enough proof to satisfy prosecutors and, possibly, waiting for the person to screw up -- say the wrong thing on an eavesdrop, drive past the crime/dump scene, try to flee, confess, do a Google search about how long it takes for a body to decompose, etc.

LE also could be thinking that surveillance/waiting might lead them to MT or her body. A body isn't necessary for for prosecution, but it definitely helps, so police would want to find it -- for their case as well as for the family's sake.

What could a person be charged with if MT or her body isn't found? A good prosecutor could find something, for now. Heck, simply lying to an FBI agent is a crime.
I agree with your thinking. They could still charge he perpetrator with murder, but that would require a great deal of evidence. If not that, you certainly have the possibility of a kidnapping charge (if you can gather enough evidence). Further down the list you have obstruction, and certainly misleading an investigation. But if they do have a suspect, this could very easily be a waiting game, as you suggest. Suspects have unwittingly lead LE to a body in the past, and that could be the hope here.
For those still in the stranger abduction court, can you explain why? Also, by stranger abduction, I mean absolute stranger, like immediate attack or grab and run... not someone she’d seen or spoken to a couple of times and would feel ok taking a “friendly ride” from. I just feel that this isn’t an absolute stranger, just like dad said, someone thought something... felt something... probably inaccurately, and got in over their head. But without more info, I’m open to possibilities, so stranger abduction folks, what does your gut say?
My gut says stranger because they’ve (LE, her family and close friends) have had more than 3 weeks to figure out who among them would do this. In today’s day and age, there is no way said abductor would not leave some sort of digital footprint or other kind of clues if he or she is known to Mollie. My gut. My opinion of course ;)
Although I know I shouldn't do it, I've been thinking again. If what's been said about her runs being about 45 minutes, I think the maps I've seen (including my own) have to have longer routes. The average running speed for a female is right around 10 mpm (6 mph), but accounting for her breathing problems and having already put in a day at work, I'm estimating her at closer to 5 mph; that would make it an average run of about 3.75 miles. Most of our maps have been about 2 miles, which makes me wonder where she'd go for the extra mile +. I hope my math is up to par today!

Just so nobody has to ask, my source for the average speed is:
Average Running Speed and Tips for Improving Your Pace

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Confusion. Been wondering about the same type of things and can't do the math.
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