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I’m so proud of WS membership and the conduct shown in following this case. The lightening speed of shared knowledge is more than I’ve been able to keep up with. I won’t share an uninformed opinion. I will acknowledge the newcomers I see everyday and the kind manner in which you’ve been welcomed. The pros on this site inspire me. So does this young girl, Mollie.
I agree. When I couldn't find much "research" in any articles... I came straight here. And now I am 1000% more ahead with knowledge than I was before. This is the BEST COMMUNITY for thinking thru this tragedy and getting some answers.
I would like to know if these are family farms or bigAg farms where permission could come from outside the immediate area.

From the pictures of the corn fields and from passing through Iowa a long time ago I think the hog farms and corn fields are gigantic big operations. They are not your normal small hobby farms. These are huge operations done commercially and for the corn fields they sometimes will pay landowners to lease out hundreds or thousands of acres of leased land.
good morning everyone

We Are Iowa Local 5 News
16 hrs ·
NEW: Press conference to be held Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. regarding investigative response, tip line information, rewards, and information from The Missing Persons Clearinghouse in Mollie Tibbetts case. Will be streamed live on Facebook via Local 5 News


15 hrs ·
A stream of the news conference will be available on cbs2iowa.com
and this Facebook page on Tuesday.


That map contains two errors. Blake Jack does not live where indicated on that map nor does his fiance live where indicated on the map. With two errors like that, it isn't particularly useful, and misleading at worst.
I would disagree. I applaud the effort. I am sure if new/different info was made available the map could/would be updated.
Anyone know where the dogs were found when police arrived at the house-sit location?

Were they in the basement?

My impression is that they were in the basement, but does anyone have a quote from a reliable source to confirm this?

May already have been answered, but just in case...also, I've not seen a direct quote anywhere:

Her phone and the Fitbit were not in the home, but her wallet, identification, laptop, glasses and contact lenses were. The dogs were in the basement, where they were kept when nobody was home.

Mollie Tibbetts searchers get Fitbit information
good morning everyone

We Are Iowa Local 5 News
16 hrs ·
NEW: Press conference to be held Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. regarding investigative response, tip line information, rewards, and information from The Missing Persons Clearinghouse in Mollie Tibbetts case. Will be streamed live on Facebook via Local 5 News


15 hrs ·
A stream of the news conference will be available on cbs2iowa.com
and this Facebook page on Tuesday.


good morning, i dont expect anything mind blowing from this
Sex slavery (i.e. sex trafficking) has become the Satanic Panic of the 2010's. Politicians have gone insane screaming about it and passing laws and both sides of the aisle have embraced the hysteria.

What's sad is why many say they've embraced it. Oh sex trafficking exists. Lots of it involves voluntary adults who go across state lines. Or even kids who runaway and become prostitutes to survive. Even if no force or fraud is used, such kids are, by law, victims of sex trafficking. Which should be the case.

But while it is a major problem in our country it doesn't really affect the people that both sides of the aisle care about.

If most people in society knew who those involved in sex trafficking really are, many would not care. They'd turn their backs:

"It happens every year. First, comes January’s Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and a spate of flawed articlesdepicting the issue of commercial sex in the broadest of terms. Then, in February, Super Bowl “sex slavery” hysteria kicks into full gear. Even though the idea that the championship game sparks an epidemic of sex trafficking has been debunked, sensational media coverage of the non-issue persists (here’s another story published just this week).
As a person with experiences in the sex trades, and someone that has worked for more than five years teaching memoir-writing at various agencies around New York, including organizations that provide services to victims of commercial sexual exploitation, I can say with certainty that commercial sexual exploitation differs from the stereotypes often perpetuated by these campaigns.Hyperbolic coverage does more harm than good.

Victims don’t look like the girls in the posters.
When we hear “human trafficking” we have an image — thanks in great part to faith-based nonprofits — of thin, white women plucked from their perfect homes, blindfolded and gagged, chained to beds in sexually provocative poses.Sometimes, the pictures feature kids who are shockingly young.
According to the experts who help them, most kids involved in commercial sexual exploitation are runaways or “throwaways” — homeless youth that are otherwise already in a negative situation and in need of help.GEMS founder Rachel Lloyd says the overwhelming majority of commercially exploited girls and women her organization services are “low-income young women of color, over 70% of whom have been in the foster care system and all of whom have histories of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and/or neglect prior to their recruitment.”

Covenant House confirms, human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation disproportionately affect people of color, and other minorities, including LGBTQ youth.

Not all victims of commercial sexual exploitation are women or girls, nor are all victims youth. So why the pictures of white children clinging to teddy bears? Whyterrifying articles warning parents how to protect their kidsfrom getting abducted? Do white women really only care when it threatens our literal daughters or girls that look like us?"

4 Things To Know About Human Trafficking
Human trafficking can be discussed in detail at the following link:

SPOTLIGHT CASE - Human Trafficking Awareness Thread
Are you characterizing law enforcement as dumb? Mollie Tibbetts wasn't reported missing until 5:56pm on Thursday July 19th. She was already missing at least 10 1/2 hours and as much as 22 hours by that time. Law enforcement isn't going to ping someone's phone just because they get a report of a missing adult. They would first have to determine or have a reasonable belief that she didn't voluntarily go somewhere on her own. Law enforcement would only ping early if it were a missing juvenile, an endangered adult (such as one that made suicidal statements), or there was evidence of an abduction and/or foul play.

Which may just be reason to reconsider the protocols for ANY missing person, especially a teen or college aged person imo. When it comes to MISSING PEOPLE - time is the enemy.

We can't expect good results if protocols are antiquated.
It has been pointed out to me that the previous address of Blake and his fiancee is incorrectly shown on the maps in the top right-hand portion of the page. It shouldn't be there at all. <modsnipped>

Sorry for the way this was brought to your (our) attention. I applaud your efforts. Forward we go...
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Which may just be reason to reconsider the protocols for ANY missing person, especially a teen or college aged person imo. When it comes to MISSING PEOPLE - time is the enemy.

We can't expect good results if protocols are antiquated.
I wouldn't call the protocol antiquated. An adult has the right - to privacy - to up and leave without warning or notification. How different of a protocol could be made to invade the privacy of someone who wants to leave and not be located. There has to be a line between LE keeping people safe, and LE acting as Big Brother.
I’m so proud of WS membership and the conduct shown in following this case. The lightening speed of shared knowledge is more than I’ve been able to keep up with. I won’t share an uninformed opinion. I will acknowledge the newcomers I see everyday and the kind manner in which you’ve been welcomed. The pros on this site inspire me. So does this young girl, Mollie.

Well said and I totally agree.
Sometimes newcombers get a little frustrated at first with the TOS (terms of service) and the moderators but after anyone has seen how much crud and infighting goes on in other unmoderated places you quickly learn to appreciate why it is done here. It helps so much to keep the information flow as accurate as possible.

Ive learned to come here first to learn about any breaking news case of interest. The Up-to-the-Minute thread and the Crimes-in-the-News threads are two threads that are helpful in that regard. Links below. Then sometimes cases will get moved to a more proper category.

Up to the Minute

Crimes in the News

Missing Persons Discussion
i agree, it definitely supports that theory.

playing devil's advocate, it could also mean someone who knows the bf/bf's brother/fiance and knows their home routine very well knew where to place the dogs to hide any signs of unwelcome entry.

It could also mean that the dogs were bouncing off their walls and needed to go have a time out. Sometimes my dogs get so wound up, usually over storms because we live under massive trees that pelt the roof with pine cones But in those instances putting them in their crates in my room is safest for them because it calms them.
No young people do that. I think it is all on their laptops or tablets nowadays

Good point. Its practically a necessity to have a laptop or computer for school so unless hers was broken or something else like the dogs made too much noise to study then I do agree it is unlikely she would have had to go to a library to get to a computer.
Thirteen days later, finally a real news conference. I'm mulling over the reasons;
  • Strategic announcement designed to make someone squirm.
  • Really have no idea what happened to Mollie, and want to renew interest in submitting tips.
  • Release limited details to quell the rumor mills, and improve public perception of the investigation.
Or, maybe it will just be a repetitive bunch of "we can't comment on that right now" ...

KNOX - gosh I hope and pray for all three at this point.:)
My life has been busy, so I hadn't turned on a TV, or read any news online for a bit, so I am just starting to get knowledge on this case. Maybe someone can help me with this detail I am unclear on. It seems like there's some certainty that she went missing either during her jog, or not long after. What has lead us (and LE) to think she didn't go missing in the morning? With the shirt she needed to wear to work missing, and the dogs in the basement, my first thought is she was ready for work, or nearly ready, when she disappeared. Did I miss some case facts to contridict this?
I am 50/50 stranger abduction vs. something happened with someone she knows well at this point.

The contacts, red shirt, and dogs do not really mean much to me. I think I've posted before that as a contact-wearer who always needs some sort of vision correction, if I am staying elsewhere (like she was at bf's house), I have a back-up pair with me. She could also wear dailies. I don't think saying contacts were at the house automatically means none were in her eyes.

The red shirt: I just don't think it's a clue about when she was taken. I have heard things elsewhere that can't be posted here and I don't even know the 100% veracity of those ideas, BUT I just think that regardless, there are so many options. She never got the red shirt, she was getting it at work, she left it at work, it is somewhere at her mom's or bf's house that no one has found yet, etc. I could be totally wrong on all of this, but I just don't put much stock in the (lack of) red shirt.

The dogs: Forgive me for not remembering who said this or on what page (I am trying to catch up quickly), but I agree that LE probably wasn't the first people in the house since family knew something was amiss and probably tried the house to see if she was there. IF the dogs were loose at that time, I could see the bf or family putting them in the basement to keep them corralled. Now, if the family found them there, I think it means MT was leaving or had left the house.

I wonder if on her run, someone she knows pulled up in a car, said "Hop in, I'll take you to XYZ or let's chat" or something similar and then took off with her. I also am wondering about her making it back from the run, someone she knows stopping by the bf's house, they get in an argument with MT and have a bad temper and hurt/kill her. Then panic and take her. We don't know the condition of the house. Plus hitting someone/knocking them out may not necessarily leave behind the evidence of a violent crime (blood, etc). I don't know...just thinking through things. I haven't ruled out a stranger abduction either, and I hope whatever it is, she is still alive and OK.
Mollie's dad was on FOX News Channel this am. He said they need Mollie to come home: she needs to finish her degree; get her master's; get married; buy a house and have children, which is what she planned for her life.

That is a lot of planning. Most 19 year olds can't plan an outfit for the morning much less the next 10 years of their lives. She must be a goal oriented, determined young lady.

I don't understand how Mollie was supposed to have dinner at her mom's house, never showed up and no one tried to call her to find out where she was or to offer to go get her and give her a ride to mom's. Every family is different, but honestly, I don't know a single person who would not be on the phone with "where are you? We are waiting to eat."

Parents often romanticize their children's passing comments in moments of reflection so I wouldn't necessarily assume she had an intentional plan for her life based on her dad's statements. That's not a criticism of him or of her. Just saying she might've made an off the cuff comment when she saw a kid dressed in something goofy and said, "My kids will never..." And now her dad is reflecting on comments like that and extrapolating, "She dreamed of having children." I know I often attribute things to my children based on things I heard them say and when I state those assumptions in another context they are quick to point out that I took more from their comment than they intended. lol

Just saying I don't know that we can deduce anything about her personality or maturity from his reflective comments. Looking at her Twitter, I see that she was extremely engaged on her social media, having 'liked' over 20,000 tweets from others and tweeted thousands of her own. Many of the tweets she liked related to sex, etc... things college students find more comedic than adults. It appears like she was maybe more in a typical college kid phase than 'gearing up for marriage and family.' And again... Not a criticism. Just trying to get a realistic picture of where her head was.

Also, regarding dinner, we can't assume it was an official sit-down family meal she skipped out on. When one of my kids was her age, in college locally, and living on campus, it was common for me to say, "If you're running around and want to stop by, you can grab some xxxx for supper - I made plenty!" Sometimes he would, sometimes not. But if he did, it usually meant grabbing leftovers from the fridge and zapping them in the microwave. We never waited on them to eat ourselves unless they gave us a firm yes and we knew a specific time to expect them.
My life has been busy, so I hadn't turned on a TV, or read any ews online for a bit, so I am just starting to get knowledge on this case. Maybe someone can help me with this details I can't understand. It seems like there's some certainty that she went missing either during her jog, or not long after. What has lead us (and LE) to think she didn't go missing in the morning? With the shirt she needed to wear to work missing, and the dogs in the basement, my first thought is she was ready for work, or nearly ready, when she disappeared. Did I miss some case facts to contridict this?
There's nothing certain but given that she didn't have a car available, she would need to have had some kind of arrangement for a ride to work. It seems likely this would have been arranged early in the morning or the previous night, but nothing has been shared publicly about it. It seems like it's a tight timeframe if she was up getting ready for work but hadn't arranged the ride yet.

To counter that point myself, I think that they just haven't released any information about the morning ride to work. I think LE knows this already, and has a very good idea of evening vs overnight vs morning, they just aren't sharing it.
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