ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 28

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Nope. I was hoping for more of an update on the vehicle but nothing.
Two things on the LE release today.

The tips that came flooding in about the Elantra were in fact useful to LE and have led them to investigate new avenues concerning the vehicle. Sounds promising.

I also think there was possibly something, an incident, that happened at Sigma Chi that night, possibly into early morning...9pm to 1:45am. LE needs whatever details anyone can give about, "interactions, contacts, direction and method of travel, or anything abnormal" during that time period and with possible relation to Ethan an Xana to "add context to what occurred". Something occured out of the norm. AJMO

Link to the info I posted...



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I am a doc, but my path training and experience are different and far more limited than a trained ME. Any examination of an injured person I might make would be geared to diagnosis / treatment and not evidence gathering, and while I might ask a different set of questions of an ME than a strict layperson, I not presume to explain fatal wounds in anything but the most elementary manner to an audience based on a cursory examination and analysis of a death certificate.

In addition, I would not do so comparatively, and I'd approach a death certificate -- much less detailed than an autopsy report -- with significant caution as a means of ascertaining the investigative truth of a case. A DC is a conclusion or even best guess of CoD based on available facts at the time, in these cases likely immediate rather than underlying. It can be useful but it's a sketch rather than a full portrait.

I can (literally) feel SG's pain through his interviews. I would not necessarily take his word as an expert on anything beyond his knowledge of and obvious love for his daughter and MM, and I would encourage him to resist further interviews.
Great point. I appreciate your knowledge and insight.
And again, we don’t know what it means. A hell of a battle would be heard in the basement, but I imagine E was killed in his sleep, and X had defensive wounds. XK’s father also used the term “torn” (by the knife). Comparing this, I can imagine that it was unusual instrument, something that can cut/stab/tear? It could be possible that one person went to 2nd floor and one up to 3d, if there were two people.
Question: everyone says, K-Bar. Could a battle ax inflict the same wounds?

I think the difference in the wounds between a Ka-Bar style knife and an ax would be immediately seen by even a beginner in medical examination. Deep stab wounds (up to the hilt) leave very specific remnants on the body. Gash/gouge type wounds require a different motion from the same type of instrument (so that speaks to what the killer's body was doing and that's important information).

I do worry that SG saw his daughter's body without the medical examiner (who is from Spokane and that's not where the bodies were sent). He could easily confuse the awful traces of autopsy for actual wounds, unless someone was there to explain and walk him through it (which is doubtful).

Right now, I'm just assuming that the killer used more than one knifing technique.
I am not sure where the idea Kaylee's dad saw Maddie's body stems from. He could have seen Kaylee's body, sure, she is his own daughter. But nobody would be displaying an undressed corpse to a person not related to the deceased and not being a LE member. Especially not in such a medial case, where the probability of it being revealed is so high. The person responsible would be risking their job.

They may have simply each viewed their respective daughter's at the funeral home and while the manner of death may be consistent with the coroner's report, there may have been additional injuries that would be visible to a parent without removing a sheet or covering.

I have often wondered if the killer had watched a few too many movies and thought slashing the throat was a quick and efficient method, which it is not.

Failing that, perhaps there was facial damage when he reached over one to stab another.

Obviously, I could be very wrong but something definately upset her father and I really don't feel he's fabricating nor do I think an ME falsified information on an autopsy report, which is unlikely completed yet.
He just told the whole word very graphically about the type of extreme sadistic killer to look out for. It’s not, “Oh well, there’s a murderer out there somewhere. So kinda please be careful.” It is, “Hey! This is a powerful and sadistic murderer. This is what he did. This is exactly the type of killer that’s on the loose in the community!” I‘d say that’s pretty motivating.
To me, out of respect for the dead (if nothing else), this type of graphic detail is not necessary to release to the public. Especially when describing your own daughter. That's just appalling! I mean, we all know this was a brutal crime and describing the injuries is not going to suddenly make female U of I students think, "Oh, yeah, I guess I better be more careful out there." I've watched several street interviews with random students and to me they all seem very aware of their surroundings on campus now and are afraid (both male and female).
I don't know why the autopsy would be released to anyone. But he says he paid for a copy of the death certificate. In the Kiely R case, people unrelated to the family were able to purchase a copy of her death certificate, and that's how it was disclosed online, iirc. That document could be public information albeit now from a different state.
States have different processes. In my state the police and the medical examiner held up a death certificate/autopsy report for over a year I think because the police were involved in the shooting. Was sad situation for family and was resolved finally in a court case
After reading the father's description of the wounds, I feel nauseous. Not sure we've ever received such vivid details
about any violent murder case. At least not one that I have ever followed.
Insulting LE and oversharing can seriously hinder this case. We know this.
But this poor father is speaking out of a place of trauma so I do feel we must give him grace.

It's unclear to me why the coronor would have been so frank with this family - so early on.
Seems that this would do nothing but inflict more trauma. But perhaps this it typical protocol?
If anyone has experience with this, would love to hear your perspective.

Pullman is literally the next town over from Moscow. Crossing state lines. Palouse River Dr (the south boundary LE mentioned) turns into sand road and goes into Washington. Just one option.
The City of Pullman is in the state of Washington, but is literally less than 10 miles from Moscow Idaho where the murders happened. So it wouldn’t be hard for the killer or killers to work or live in Pullman and drive to Moscow Idaho to do anything.
He just told the whole word very graphically about the type of extreme sadistic killer to look out for. It’s not, “Oh well, there’s a murderer out there somewhere. So kinda please be careful.” It is, “Hey! This is a powerful and sadistic murderer. This is what he did. This is exactly the type of killer that’s on the loose in the community!” I‘d say that’s pretty motivating.
Motivating to whom? Who do you think believes this wasn't a powerful and sadistic killer?
I don't understand why LE is so proud about taking 4000 photographs of the crime scene and having a 3d layout of the place. Anyone could take 4000 nice pictures and get a 3d layout of a place in today's day and age. It does no good if you are still not talking to the right people.
Who should they be talking to?
I think the difference in the wounds between a Ka-Bar style knife and an ax would be immediately seen by even a beginner in medical examination. Deep stab wounds (up to the hilt) leave very specific remnants on the body. Gash/gouge type wounds require a different motion from the same type of instrument (so that speaks to what the killer's body was doing and that's important information).

I do worry that SG saw his daughter's body without the medical examiner (who is from Spokane and that's not where the bodies were sent). He could easily confuse the awful traces of autopsy for actual wounds, unless someone was there to explain and walk him through it (which is doubtful).

Right now, I'm just assuming that the killer used more than one knifing technique.
Could the difference in the wounds be two separate knifes/separate killers? Just thinking out loud. JMO
So if there was “a hell of a battle”, you would think there would be some blood outside of the victims rooms? Apparently not since the surviving roommates did not see any blood outside victims rooms? Or else, why call 911 and say there might be an unconscious roommate they can’t get a hold of? If they saw blood their call to 911 would be phrased more different than “unconscious”??
Two things on the LE release today.

The tips that came flooding in about the Elantra were in fact useful to LE and have led them to investigate new avenues concerning the vehicle. Sounds promising.

I also think there was possibly something, an incident, that happened at Sigma Chi that night, possibly into early morning...9pm to 1:45am. LE needs whatever details anyone can give about, "interactions, contacts, direction and method of travel, or anything abnormal" during that time period and with possible relation to Ethan an Xana to "add context to what occurred". Something occured out of the norm. AJMO

Link to the info I posted...

I have NOT watched the press conference yet but what makes you say “interactions, contacts, direction and method of travel, or anything abnormal" during that time period and with possible relation to Ethan an Xana to "add context to what occurred". Something occured out of the norm.”
Was the Moscow PD daily update the new info LE was giving today?
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