Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #8

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Not Laie. Possibly Kauai, but Laie no. I've lived there, very mainstream LDS, nobody has basements, everybody knows everybody. They know all about this news story. I have friends who live there now. It would be incredibly difficult to hide in Laie. Kauai Is a much easier place to hide.

When we were in Hawaii last fall, a local told us that one of the problems the state has been having is that end-timers of all stripes are moving into the remote parts of Maui and Kauai and taking over the shelters etc. where the marijuana growers used to live. Apparently legalization in the mainland states has put many of the Hawaiian growers out of business, but that's another topic.

There is a lot of very remote back country on Kauai, accessible only by foot or boat.
Not Laie. Possibly Kauai, but Laie no. I've lived there, very mainstream LDS, nobody has basements, everybody knows everybody. They know all about this news story. I have friends who live there now. It would be incredibly difficult to hide in Laie. Kauai Is a much easier place to hide.

Thanks for the info on Laie. My only source was the web. I wasn't suggesting however that Chad and Lori were hiding.
If it was poison, he wouldn't have to be. Somebody could have substituted something Tammy took regularly--aspirin, even vitamins--with something that would eventually kill her. That also would allow whoever did it to be far away when she finally succumbed.
Chad would have been a number one suspect. How many people had access to her medication and how many of them with a motive?
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Samoa - Wikipedia

Samoa, which, conveniently, has no extradition agreement with the United States. Western Samoa, not American Samoa.
I sent all the info about the case in December to my best friend who lives there. She has got people on the lookout. As she says, I hope that's where they are, because if they get found, their punishment will be a lot worse than anything that will ever happen to them in the U.S. lol!
How could Tammy's death be Alex's fault without Chad's (and Lori's) involvement? What would be his motive? How would he get access to Tammy that night? What would be the manner of death? Why would his presence be necessary?
To deliver toxins. The same one used on JR. The type no one would question. Additionally I think the "paint ball gun" incident was intended to cause a heart attack but failed. So more toxins were introduce into Tammy's system to cause her the sudden death. MOO.
Might be worth noting that Lori's family seemed to regularly "pray on" things just like Chad's(like the move to salem). One holiday Tylee was supposed to be with her dad, but they prayed on it, and was able to stay with the cox side instead. Melani changed her son's name after some time after praying on it.

I doubt if that means anything. Praying for guidance about life choices is widespread across the entire Christian spectrum in the US. I know some families who pray over the same sorts of day-to-day decisions such as where to go for vacation, and many many more who would pray for guidance over a big decision like moving the family. "Pray on" seems to be LDS phrasing but the concept and practice are common.
I sent all the info about the case in December to my best friend who lives there. She has got people on the lookout. As she says, I hope that's where they are, because if they get found, their punishment will be a lot worse than anything that will ever happen to them in the U.S. lol!

I believe that Chad and Lori have left the country, with passports. That is why LEO knows that the children are not with them. They are still hoping that the kids are alive.

Lori has not been charged with any crime, nor has Chad. They don't have to answer any questions, and they have already lawyered up.

Very slick.
At the moment, for different reasons, the LE, FBI, etc., are watching that area like hawks. One place they aren't is that general area.
LE knows where Lori and Chad are. It wouldn't matter much if LE was watching the place, they wouldn't find out any more than they already know. Until they've got something in the felony range to charge them on, knowing where they are isnt the problem. The kids on the other hand, probably arent there.
LE knows where Lori and Chad are. It wouldn't matter much if LE was watching the place, they wouldn't find out any more than they already know. Until they've got something in the felony range to charge them on, knowing where they are isnt the problem. The kids on the other hand, probably arent there.
I will make a wild guess here about Lori, I don't see her hanging out anywhere that would be a hardship for her. Endtimes or no, this girl is no long term camper type. You can all make fun of me later for being wrong lol.
To deliver toxins. The same one used on JR. The type no one would question. Additionally I think the "paint ball gun" incident was intended to cause a heart attack but failed. So more toxins were introduce into Tammy's system to cause her the sudden death. MOO.
I've been trying to figure out the paintball incident because I think TD must have known it was a paintball gun specifically, and not a real gun. And "scaring" someone to death is barely a real thing so I'd brushed that off.... but what if they were "feeding" her something to weaken her heart and were hoping that it would be enough to actually scare her to death? And when that didn't work they switched to plan B (some sort of acute poisoning). Maybe that is what you were implying but the pieces just fell together for me! Time for more research!

Edit: words, clarity
To deliver toxins. The same one used on JR. The type no one would question. Additionally I think the "paint ball gun" incident was intended to cause a heart attack but failed. So more toxins were introduce into Tammy's system to cause her the sudden death. MOO.
If that's what the paintball episode was, it was a dumb plan, as Tammy obviously wasn't a scaredy-cat. Do you expect Tammy's death to be ruled a heart attack? I don't.
I will make a wild guess here about Lori, I don't see her hanging out anywhere that would be a hardship for her. Endtimes or no, this girl is no long term camper type. You can all make fun of me later for being wrong lol.
agree, but its not all rough and tumble down there. The photos from the recent Rhonita LeBaron murder show big nice houses, fancy SUVs.
I will make a wild guess here about Lori, I don't see her hanging out anywhere that would be a hardship for her. Endtimes or no, this girl is no long term camper type. You can all make fun of me later for being wrong lol.

Agreed. Lori is on a beach somewhere, already checking out the area for her new victim, er, husband.
While I hope the autopsies of both victims provides evidence of foul play, if they were homicide victims. MOO I think the electronic devices that have been confiscated will provide the slam dunks prosecutors will need. I doubt they were extremely tech savvy. They may have been "careful" with burner phones, etc But our digital footprints leave a very wide path.
Edited by me to include: if they were homicide victims
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While I hope the autopsies of both victims provides evidence of foul play. MOO I think the electronic devices that have been confiscated will provide the slam dunks prosecutors will need. I doubt they were extremely tech savvy. They may have been "careful" with burner phones, etc But our digital footprints leave a very wide path.
My only worry is a couple of Chad's kids that had access to the home this whole time are extremely tech savvy.
I think there's a good chance that CD and Lori are still in HI. I say still, because I believe that's where they went in late Nov., and because I think LE may have discouraged their leaving HI after their early (and perhaps only) communication with them in late Nov./early Dec.

My belief that they went to HI is partially based on previous posts regarding CD and Lori which alluded to HI, plus the fact that they were both familiar with HI. One of those previous posts indicated that after TD's death, CD was considering going to HI to grieve and begin writing a book. Another post indicated that before or around that same time Lori had posted on SM that she was looking for a dress that would be suitable for a beach wedding.

Plus, at the time CD and Lori left, I don't think they felt they needed to go into hiding. TD's body had not yet been exhumed, AC had not yet died, and Lori (at least) may have felt that either what she had done with the kids was legal - or that the kids would never be found. If AC's death was a suicide, Lori (and possibly CD) may have even known about his plans in advance.
If it was poison, he wouldn't have to be. Somebody could have substituted something Tammy took regularly--aspirin, even vitamins--with something that would eventually kill her. That also would allow whoever did it to be far away when she finally succumbed.
Or in the same bedroom. You know, to make sure it worked. Not saying that's what happened or anything. Just a possibility. Moo.
My only worry is a couple of Chad's kids that had access to the home this whole time are extremely tech savvy.

We don't know where Chad's kids are on this whole situation of their Mother dying, Chad remarried so quickly, the subsequent exhumation of their Mother, and their father just leaving the area.

For this LDS family, it is a lot to digest, in a very short time frame.

And that is not even getting into the situation of Lori, as their new stepmother, with her considerable baggage of issues, missing kids, 2 dead ex husbands.
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