Found Deceased IL - Bryeon Hunter, 1, Maywood, 16 April 2013 *Arrests*

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Actually, yes you can. Any state will take a "volunteer placement" foster child. In WA state they can leave their child for up to 90 days. If the parent doesn't not return the state takes guardianship.

But I'm with y'all. I have 11 children, almost 12. 9 of my kids aren't even biological and I would jump thru fire for them!! They sneeze and I am on it. I just pulled my 13 year old out of school to homeschool him because he was being bullied by the teachers. Not my children.

Dillymom, that's simply not true. I know that for sure, in Texas. You can't just request a vacation from parenting on the state's dime. Otherwise, the state would be completely over run. I've worked with teen and at risk mothers, and one mom actually asked me what crime she could commit that would land her in jail for several days but wouldn't really damage her record or be a big deal, so she could get away from her kids and rest. That sounds comical, but she meant it. Here in Texas, if the State has custody of your kids, it's because you've been found unfit. You can't just get months of free child care while you enjoy your life with no kids.

I know this for sure too - there are parents with DANGEROUS children who they fear will kill them all in their sleep, and they have to BEG for help. That help usually arrives in the form of education and not removing the child. Of course, as always, paid insurance will pay for placement in a mental health facility at fair market cost. Even with children the parents rightfully fear, states won't step in and take custody. Because they'd go bankrupt doing that.

Edited to add: I googled Voluntary placement in foster care, and found this. If you are UNABLE to attend to a child - for example, you are single and have no relatives willing to care for your toddler, and you're in a car accident that renders you unable to care for a child for a short period of time.

In this case we're discussing, you can't go to the state and say "me and my live in boy friend baby daddy don't want to take care of this beautiful 1 year old. You do it for us, and we may be back to reclaim him, or maybe not, after 90 days". Can't be done.
Dillymom, that's simply not true. I know that for sure, in Texas. You can't just request a vacation from parenting on the state's dime. Otherwise, the state would be completely over run. I've worked with teen and at risk mothers, and one mom actually asked me what crime she could commit that would land her in jail for several days but wouldn't really damage her record or be a big deal, so she could get away from her kids and rest. That sounds comical, but she meant it. Here in Texas, if the State has custody of your kids, it's because you've been found unfit. You can't just get months of free child care while you enjoy your life with no kids.

I know this for sure too - there are parents with DANGEROUS children who they fear will kill them all in their sleep, and they have to BEG for help. That help usually arrives in the form of education and not removing the child. Of course, as always, paid insurance will pay for placement in a mental health facility at fair market cost. Even with children the parents rightfully fear, states won't step in and take custody. Because they'd go bankrupt doing that.

Edited to add: I googled Voluntary placement in foster care, and found this. If you are UNABLE to attend to a child - for example, you are single and have no relatives willing to care for your toddler, and you're in a car accident that renders you unable to care for a child for a short period of time.

In this case we're discussing, you can't go to the state and say "me and my live in boy friend baby daddy don't want to take care of this beautiful 1 year old. You do it for us, and we may be back to reclaim him, or maybe not, after 90 days". Can't be done.

I am from Illinois and have adopted 3 children, one of them through the foster care system. We have something in Illinois called respite care that is available to those who are in need and ask for it. We also have something called CASA ( that one of my son's birth grandmother does.

There are endless ways for parents to get help through all sorts of social services in this state.

I grew up only a few blocks away from where this happened and it just breaks my heart. How anyone can possibly harm that sweet little angel is just beyond belief.

The river is so high right now and treacherous. To think of him in there is just too much to bear.
I am from Illinois and have adopted 3 children, one of them through the foster care system. We have something in Illinois called respite care that is available to those who are in need and ask for it. We also have something called CASA ( that one of my son's birth grandmother does.

There are endless ways for parents to get help through all sorts of social services in this state.

I grew up only a few blocks away from where this happened and it just breaks my heart. How anyone can possibly harm that sweet little angel is just beyond belief.

The river is so high right now and treacherous. To think of him in there is just too much to bear.

Thank you, there are quite a few of these programs available in Illinois. Searching "voluntary placement agreement Illinois" provides more detail on these programs in Illinois.
Dillymom, that's simply not true. I know that for sure, in Texas. You can't just request a vacation from parenting on the state's dime. Otherwise, the state would be completely over run. I've worked with teen and at risk mothers, and one mom actually asked me what crime she could commit that would land her in jail for several days but wouldn't really damage her record or be a big deal, so she could get away from her kids and rest. That sounds comical, but she meant it. Here in Texas, if the State has custody of your kids, it's because you've been found unfit. You can't just get months of free child care while you enjoy your life with no kids.

I know this for sure too - there are parents with DANGEROUS children who they fear will kill them all in their sleep, and they have to BEG for help. That help usually arrives in the form of education and not removing the child. Of course, as always, paid insurance will pay for placement in a mental health facility at fair market cost. Even with children the parents rightfully fear, states won't step in and take custody. Because they'd go bankrupt doing that.

Edited to add: I googled Voluntary placement in foster care, and found this. If you are UNABLE to attend to a child - for example, you are single and have no relatives willing to care for your toddler, and you're in a car accident that renders you unable to care for a child for a short period of time.

In this case we're discussing, you can't go to the state and say "me and my live in boy friend baby daddy don't want to take care of this beautiful 1 year old. You do it for us, and we may be back to reclaim him, or maybe not, after 90 days". Can't be done.

I can agree to disagree, however, I fostered some of those "voluntary placements" and I knew the stories (from DCFS and parent sides, both).
I don't care what the financial or emotional situations involved were - there is no excuse for what she did to this little boy, and what makes me even sicker about it is the bf claiming he was "embarrassed" when she supposedly beat the baby in front of others... What in the :censored: is wrong with the other people that they can't see what's right in front of their eyes?

Each and every one of their *friends* who witnessed the abuse and did nothing, imo, share in the responsibility for what happened to this sweet little boy. I'm so tired of hearing about cases where others knew something was going on, and did nothing. I've been the one who's always had to "tell" (on my adoptive father for several things, questioned about my sister, etc...), so I know what kind of emotional toll there is when it comes to stepping up and doing the right thing - regardless of what others think.

This case just hits so close to home for me for several reasons. What I will say is that I don't think these particular kind of women (ones who would actually beat a child) would give up their babies - they are like property, a status symbol, and I hate to say it, but they are a paycheck in many cases as well (welfare and such). And, the truth is - for those who can actually beat a baby like this - I don't think they even realize something is wrong with their behavior... I wouldn't say they're "crazy" in a clinical sense, but their morality is completely screwed up, and I would bet in a large number of cases these women are extremely immature despite their chronological age. (And I was a mom at 19, so I was a young mother myself and I'm not saying young women CAN'T be good Moms or anything...).

Anyway, I just wanted to add that - even when the services are available they are either too scared to fess up to the real problems, or they just don't even realize there IS a problem.

What really gets me is something I saw happening on Twitter a while back. Teens were talking about what it was like #growing up black, #growing up hispanic, #growing up white. It was a disgusting conversation filled with horrible stereotypes when others would propose what it was like for others (all white kids are rich and privileged and spoiled, all black kids are gangsters, etc...). What was saddest of all though were the black kids who were totally fine with the fact that they were beaten constantly with belts, electrical cords, hangers, whatever... Like that was just a fact of life - like if you weren't beaten by your Mom regularly and well then she didn't love you.

I just couldn't believe how many were so nonchalant about true physical abuse that couldn't be explained by discipline in any way. I wonder how much of that is really the truth in the black community, and if so - is it any wonder these kids grow up and get involved in gangs and the like? Violence is so ingrained in them that they don't even seem to understand what abuse to a child even is...

Sorry if this comment was disjointed - the dog is rambunctious and my hubby just got home from work.

All of the above is all MOO! :cow:
Also, please know that I am in no way stereotyping by what I've written about above. It just truly breaks my heart - especially when I was reading all those twitter comments and the kids laughing and seemingly trying to one up each other on how badly they got beaten as a child... It was depressing.
I just get madder and sicker the more I think about it.
I agree with the babies being ' status symbols' for some.
Also , sadly, a lot of those babies probably are meant to ' tie' the daddy
to the mom . Some young girls think if they have the baby with this man he'll
quit cheating and running around and settle down and be a family and it's just
hardly ever the case.

Redhead your post brings up another point. To the person who beat your child with anything you could get your hands on but they did not die and now they are the parent who has KILLED your grandchild witth a beating,, you are EVERY bit as guilty of that baby's death. It's a pity you won't face charges but you know you are part of the cause. Ugh. I'll say it again as I have on many threads so far. I've got two teenagers and there have been many challenging moments along the way but it is just NOT THAT hard to NOT beat your child. It just isn't . Got carried away, got so angry, blacked out, didn't know they were hitting so hard, whatever your excuse is, it does not fly.

The only sliver of comfort in this case is that baby boy is with the angels now and will never suffer another moment of fear or pain :)
new to this case today. i'm already sick. first... i am bothered by the mom being 12 weeks along thing. i'm almost 10 weeks pregnant and there is NO WAY i'm even as close to showing as LB is. i think it's either leftover belly flub (which i also have) or she's further along than she claims... especially if they're feeling it move "all over the place". i don't see it.

next... there was a conversation between MS and a friend of his (feb 1st) on FB where they talk about an incident he had with a woman & how he should have "knocked her out"... that on top of all of the names, etc he calls women shows me what little respect he has for them. i have no doubt in my mind that LB wasn't the first woman to put up with his physical violence.

that being said... from the looks of LB's FB pics, i'd say she had it more together then. seems like MS's violent and drugee ways changed her and her lifestyle. my heart is so broken for this little boy. exactly what age was her older boy potty trained?! did she really expect a 1 (almost 2) year old boy to pick it up just like that? someone else mentioned that the boy wasnt even talking yet. this tells me that there was a lot going on in that home and it wasn't anything that helped to nurture the kids and help them to develop like they needed.

i wish i would have known this sweet boy... i would have gladly taken him and his "big" brother into my home and shown them how a real mom and family acts and given them the love they so incredibly deserve. rest in paradise sweet angel and watch over your brother.. i'm sure he misses you so much.

as for your "mommy" and her boyfriend... don't worry, they won't EVER be joining you in heaven and they won't get to hurt you any more.. but there are plenty of other angels up there to comfort you. fly high. <3
This case has broken my heart. He was such an adorable little boy! I will never, ever understand beating a child over potty training (or ever). NEVER! It makes me wonder what the big brother went through as well. I doubt she beat the baby and never hurt the older boy. I'm glad this <censored> is behind bars and can't hurt another child.

RIP sweet boy!
wow, wow, WOW!

All caps rant coming sorry !

I'm so SICK of hearing stories like this. You can drop your child off at any police station, fire station, hospital, library, church, even WALGREENS FFS. There is no excuse, beaten , not beaten, mentally ill, not , there is NO EXCUSE. These girls who claim they're beaten are all smiling and showing off their tats and nail jobs all over their fb pages, gloating over their pregnant bellies ......... *****************************. LOATHE, DISGUST, SHOCK, SORROW ......... I 'm seething. DROP YOUR BABY OFF if you can't potty train it, listening to its cries, get off the couch from a dope induced stupor to put a bottle in its mouth. I'D WAY RATHER MY TAX DOLLARS SUPPORT YOUR CHILD IN FOSTER CARE THAN PAY FOR YOUR MURDER DEFENSE ! This is so like Dontrell Melvin's case, mom and dad just making more babies, partying like rock stars while their child is dead. I hope the parents who killed their babies died blister covered, blood coughing, limb deteriorating, gasping for breath , lingering , slow, agonizing deaths. You deserve no less. You will understand why it happens to you , but your baby never did understand anything...........only knew pain and fear.
When my kids broke their bones I rushed them to ER. They were feet, hands, in no way a life threatening condition. Parental concern took over and you just go DO IT ! I cannot imagine watching a baby suffer for a day or two or three or 10 and just ignoring it........having my lunch , watching a show and pretending my blood was not withering away in the room next door. GOD is vengeful and he loves his babies. You fools better watch your backs . sigh............... :(

eta... I sooo wish I'd never clicked on this case .

I LOVE your rant!!!!!!!! you go:) I know a lot of times we don't want to know , but I think every trial with all the details should be seen and know that whole thing about being uninformed and history repeting itself blah blah...and I know its hard on the families, but the poor victims had to endure it, I certainly would for my loved might not be able to drop any child but a newborn off, but you have the right idea!!!!!!
That poor sweet little angel. To think that those 2 were the last 2 faces he would ever see in this world. I just know that God has a special place for you little man. He will comfort you and love you as you have never known baby boy.

YES! I hope I'm reminded when the time comes for their trial but I'm not even sure I could tolerate listening to it . But as the previous poster said baby boy had to ENDURE so how , then , can we not even listen to the facts about it. I'll toughen up for baby Bryeon :)
YES! I hope I'm reminded when the time comes for their trial but I'm not even sure I could tolerate listening to it . But as the previous poster said baby boy had to ENDURE so how , then , can we not even listen to the facts about it. I'll toughen up for baby Bryeon :)

I used to feel that way. I used to feel like I had to endure prisoner of war strories, Nazi concentration camp stories, abused animal and children stories. I used to read them all.

No more. I'm not part of the problem (and neither are you) I'm part of the solution (and so are you). I no longer believe I have to read every horrifying detail of abuse in the world. Those who caused the pain aren't reading it and crying about it, so there's not reason why I should be spending my life aching over it either.

I didn't cause it, you didn't cause it.
I used to feel that way. I used to feel like I had to endure prisoner of war strories, Nazi concentration camp stories, abused animal and children stories. I used to read them all.

No more. I'm not part of the problem (and neither are you) I'm part of the solution (and so are you). I no longer believe I have to read every horrifying detail of abuse in the world. Those who caused the pain aren't reading it and crying about it, so there's not reason why I should be spending my life aching over it either.

I didn't cause it, you didn't cause it.

I agree with you on that , but as for trials, I like FL sunshine law and I think JMO like in the old days if you don't want to be hanged publicly don't do it :) but as in the Shanyia Davis case, no cameras, not public, I just feel like the Mother and Killer should know that the whole world will know exactly what and how they did it , just for the exposure and humiliation ( and if its known publicly the gen pop prisoners might get wind of it, just an added bonus) I know some people don't need to know and choose not to watch I just believe the victim's story should be told, I mean look at the Bible its full of violence, sex etc, So in telling the victims story, I guess I feel its more of a teaching (please don't let history repeat itself )tool and caution tool :twocents:
oh and a better example: I wish we would see more human trafficking trials (but there is protecting the minor) I am amazed at the intelligent people who don't either know or don't believe its going on !
oh and a better example: I wish we would see more human trafficking trials (but there is protecting the minor) I am amazed at the intelligent people who don't either know or don't believe its going on !

We REALLY need to raise awareness about human trafficking in the U.S.!
sorry late coming into this. Was she arrested with 2 black eyes or did that occur during lock up? She need to be taught the hard way. I so wish we still had the DP sometimes in this state.

supposedly DURING the kidnapping, so before.

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