Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #122

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I hold out hope that the storage unit's cameras captured something. Anything. Or maybe the water tower has a cam?

I’d hope so too but I can’t think of one good reason for LE to withhold the type and colour of any vehicle they believe may have been associated to the suspect, in seeking tips from the public. Details surrounding a suspicious vehicle are often revealed by LE prior to releasing sketches because the accuracy isn’t dependent on a witness memory.
i believe the youtuber might be anthony greeno.
I just saw the beginning of the video to which you most likely refer. I didn't see this video. But you are correct. My apologies.
The video I saw was dated January 13, 2020. Two YouTube guys were there. I found it very interesting, and I liked the way the guys were treated by (the Sheriff's Dept?). Like I said, at the time, I didn't realize the Delphi murders were in Indiana, and I learned a lot from the video. Up until then, I was only vaguely aware of what had happened, so the video brought out a lot I didn't know.
Those of you who have been on this from the beginning are much more aware of things than so many other people, like me. But maybe the videos will bring you fresh insight or maybe more substantial information on the girls' killer, and between everyone you'll get the case solved.
I have discovered over time that sometimes you can be so close to something and not see 'the obvious', because it is indeed 'hiding in plain sight' OR the direction you are looking in isn't quite where the object is. It's just out there in your peripheral vision
Have you ever seen two pictures where they show you two that are the same except one has a mistake and ask where the mistake is? Sometimes it's glaring at you, but you just can't see it
. This may be a case where the killer is right in plain sight but he's someone people overlook because he is trusted. Trusted to the point that no one suspects him. Or it's so far from the personality he presents that people can't see him as a killer.
As far as the composite goes. Remember Ted Kaczynski? Look at the composite for him, and then the actual man when he's arrested. I just don't see Ted Kaczynski in that composite. He looks younger there. Could the killer have changed his appearance since the murders? Grew a mustache, a beard, shaved his head, grew his hair long, changed his hair color, changed his hair style, started/stopped wearing a hat, a hoodie. Wears glasses, changed his glasses, got contact lenses. Anything to change his appearance. Or, could he be someone so nondescript, people don't even see him. He's almost invisible to people.
I read constantly. But maybe some of you have seen the movies about The Bourne Identity, where Jason Bourne's description isn't usually the same twice. His hair is brown, dark brown, blonde, light brown, reddish, black. His eye color changes because he wore different color contacts. He's a chameleon. Maybe your killer is like that.
The other thing is, they say, when someone does something like this, there is something in that person's behavior that's like a red flag. They do change, somehow. Become more unkempt, change in their personality. There was a guy ages ago, he killed a teenage girl, and I think a young girl. They did that profile thing, and I don't remember what led to him being caught, but, the changes in his personality/behavior were there all along, but I think he was from another state. No one put him together with the crime.
Maybe you already knew all this, if so, excuse me for running on.
I hope this killer is on the verge of being caught. Best Wishes.
With regard to occupation, what about some form of utilities worker like a power linesman or a water and gas worker or a telephone tech? Someone who might have quite a large "territory" to drive through and might often end up in some quite "out there" places and may even spend nights in hotels away from home. He'd be working with maps quite often and would be able to learn where popular isolated walk trails are. He could also make excuses about liking to be alone after work to get away from colleagues to scout locations occasionally while he's travelling
With regard to occupation, what about some form of utilities worker like a power linesman or a water and gas worker or a telephone tech? Someone who might have quite a large "territory" to drive through and might often end up in some quite "out there" places and may even spend nights in hotels away from home. He'd be working with maps quite often and would be able to learn where popular isolated walk trails are. He could also make excuses about liking to be alone after work to get away from colleagues to scout locations occasionally while he's travelling

That's my best guess. Many of those workers travel in teams to different parts of the country, staying for a few weeks or months, long enough to get to know the area pretty thoroughly. Over the winter, we had a crew like that parking their rigs at an empty lot down the road from us while they lived in the Holiday Inn. Several of them walked in the park across the street at the same time Mr. Carbuff and I did. They told us they were from Oregon and someplace in the south, northern Georgia maybe? They said it was typical of the job and no, they didn't get much time at home. And except during and after storms, they had quite quite a bit of free time.
That's my best guess. Many of those workers travel in teams to different parts of the country, staying for a few weeks or months, long enough to get to know the area pretty thoroughly. Over the winter, we had a crew like that parking their rigs at an empty lot down the road from us while they lived in the Holiday Inn. Several of them walked in the park across the street at the same time Mr. Carbuff and I did. They told us they were from Oregon and someplace in the south, northern Georgia maybe? They said it was typical of the job and no, they didn't get much time at home. And except during and after storms, they had quite quite a bit of free time.

It would definitely help explain how even with video, audio and sketches that the people of Delphi and nearby areas can't seem to identify who this guy is. If he's a transient worker who largely kept to himself hardly anyone would recognise him. And if he just happened to go to a place he'd decided was the most likely place to find a victim on the day he left town, he could've been several states over before the girls were even found. He wouldn't even need to go into "hiding" per se, the distance between him and the crime would mean even if someone in his home state thought he looked a bit like the sketch, they'd probably discount it as coincidence.

The scary thing with that scenario is that this guy has always given me really strong serial killer vibes. I've been of the opinion that even if this was his first murder, it certainly won't be his last if he's allowed to roam free. And serial killers who have jobs that take them all over the place have this nasty habit of having unsolved murders and disappearances follow them around. Imo if this guy's caught and he's got a job like that we're probably gonna find a few more cases to link him to
I've looked at hundreds of cases since this one broke 3 years ago, all within about a 3 or so hour drive of Delphi. It's a case with details we're all aware of which set it way apart from any I've found which took place in this region of the country.

RE: Occupations

Feb. 13th, 2017, would have been a regular work day for most adults in this area of the U.S., however...

Most municipal employees in Illinois had the day off, for Lincoln's birthday.

BG might have a shift job, and for some reason had the day off, or has a fair amount of flexibility in their job when it comes to scheduling. Could also be an independent contractor. Might be a seasonal worker.

Only way they worked that day would have been 3rd shift from the night before, which I think is highly unlikely. Some killers in crazy cases like this have been 3rd/graveyard shift workers, but that's kind of rare.


Another "Occupation" that comes to mind; student. Although I am not completely on board with this idea, I must consider the age range and information stated at the last PC (18-40)- which is also listed on the FBI posters. We know that the local school system did not have classes. We know that the MHB was a local hangout for teens at the time of the murders. We know that investigators believe the perpetrator was local and knew the area well. We also know that Libby was interested in forensics, and attended courses at Purdue University (which has several students on the higher end of the age range).

This would make BG between the ages of 16 - 38 at the time of the murders (if accurate). While I believe it was necessary for the perpetrator to have strength and stamina, would someone at the lower end of the age range have the courage (and rage) necessary to pull off a double murder in broad daylight? Perhaps someone without wisdom (immature), overly self-confident, and reckless? Kids act before they think. Could this be the reason LE has stated the public will be shocked when BG's identity is revealed? Who would suspect a kid-especially a local one who may have grown up with the girls?

Again- I am not necessarily leaning in this direction. However; it is growing increasingly difficult for me to understand a random, unplanned, opportunistic crime for no reason. But at this point, I have to believe anything is possible. Keeps my hope alive! :)
With regard to occupation, what about some form of utilities worker like a power linesman or a water and gas worker or a telephone tech? Someone who might have quite a large "territory" to drive through and might often end up in some quite "out there" places and may even spend nights in hotels away from home. He'd be working with maps quite often and would be able to learn where popular isolated walk trails are. He could also make excuses about liking to be alone after work to get away from colleagues to scout locations occasionally while he's travelling
Only the guy makes initial online contracts with women he preys upon later. He is probably on many dating sites. I would not be surprised if he was a student in a college but dropped for lack of money and chose a manual, but rather well-paid field.
Another "Occupation" that comes to mind; student. Although I am not completely on board with this idea, I must consider the age range and information stated at the last PC (18-40)- which is also listed on the FBI posters. We know that the local school system did not have classes. We know that the MHB was a local hangout for teens at the time of the murders. We know that investigators believe the perpetrator was local and knew the area well. We also know that Libby was interested in forensics, and attended courses at Purdue University (which has several students on the higher end of the age range).

This would make BG between the ages of 16 - 38 at the time of the murders (if accurate). While I believe it was necessary for the perpetrator to have strength and stamina, would someone at the lower end of the age range have the courage (and rage) necessary to pull off a double murder in broad daylight? Perhaps someone without wisdom (immature), overly self-confident, and reckless? Kids act before they think. Could this be the reason LE has stated the public will be shocked when BG's identity is revealed? Who would suspect a kid-especially a local one who may have grown up with the girls?

Again- I am not necessarily leaning in this direction. However; it is growing increasingly difficult for me to understand a random, unplanned, opportunistic crime for no reason. But at this point, I have to believe anything is possible. Keeps my hope alive! :)

I thought he could have been a senior in HS during that year, and an A student at that, who moved to an out-of-state college later. I even thought, an athlete, but all of them are much taller than BG.

If members wish to discuss potential POIs in private messaging, that's fine ... but don't be bringing all these easily identifiable individuals to light in a public forum where members and probably everybody in Delphi knows who you are talking about.

There are 1 or possible 2 perps in this case; if you post 20 possibilities, you have just pointed the finger at 18 or 19 totally innocent people on a public forum.

Also, posts about the guy in Lebanon have been removed. He is charged with possession of child *advertiser censored* but has not been convicted and has no criminal history and is not a RSO at this time. Do not bring him on the board for discussion.
Coming up on the 1 year mark of the 2019 "New Direction" press conference. The one that I thought had potential to identify the killer and not long after the PC. Yeah, I overestimated the impact of that PC.
I’d hope so too but I can’t think of one good reason for LE to withhold the type and colour of any vehicle they believe may have been associated to the suspect, in seeking tips from the public. Details surrounding a suspicious vehicle are often revealed by LE prior to releasing sketches because the accuracy isn’t dependent on a witness memory.

In principle, I don't think he needed a car to escape the place, but LE said he was moving around fast, so, maybe, to provide an alibi for himself? This is the main reason for a car.
I think he knew at least one of the girls, maybe online, but there was some connection.

I was thinking so much about the case, that I suddenly got an explanation for another, unrelated, attempt at a crime.

In a flash, I also felt that there was one more word that would perfectly define the Delphi killer.

It is, "vindictive". I don't know who he is, but I think when they arrest him, there will be some personal vengeance towards one of the girls underlying the murders.
I think he knew at least one of the girls, maybe online, but there was some connection.

I was thinking so much about the case, that I suddenly got an explanation for another, unrelated, attempt at a crime.

In a flash, I also felt that there was one more word that would perfectly define the Delphi killer.

It is, "vindictive". I don't know who he is, but I think when they arrest him, there will be some personal vengeance towards one of the girls underlying the murders.
I agree with you partially; I'm also thinking, at least one girl had a connection to him, knowingly or not. Though I can't imagine, what a teenager girl or two of them could have done in the past, which made him, a grown man (probably, MOO), "vindictive". In what way could they have harmed him?
Sometimes AW, mum of Abby, and the creepy guy comes to mind, who talked to her, AFAIK when she waited in her car somewhere, and asked her, if she would know him. Unfortunately Idk, when the encounter happened to her? Does it make a sense, that he stalked AW after this (via vehicle registration number for example), saw her daughter on SM, saw daughter's friends/best friend on SM and stalked the girls? Idk.
I agree with you partially; I'm also thinking, at least one girl had a connection to him, knowingly or not. Though I can't imagine, what a teenager girl or two of them could have done in the past, which made him, a grown man (probably, MOO), "vindictive". In what way could they have harmed him?
Sometimes AW, mum of Abby, and the creepy guy comes to mind, who talked to her, AFAIK when she waited in her car somewhere, and asked her, if she would know him. Unfortunately Idk, when the encounter happened to her? Does it make a sense, that he stalked AW after this (via vehicle registration number for example), saw her daughter on SM, saw daughter's friends/best friend on SM and stalked the girls? Idk.

This doesn't seem logical because the trip to the bridge was spur of the moment. He would have had to lickity-split make it out to the bridge to get there before them and become the creepy guy mentioned on their walk. Appears he was there already. JMO, but it seems like he might have been just a troubled person not specifically there to kill but got touched off somehow(maybe his estranged daughter whom he was ticked off at) and it hit a nerve and he raged and went after them.
I agree with you partially; I'm also thinking, at least one girl had a connection to him, knowingly or not. Though I can't imagine, what a teenager girl or two of them could have done in the past, which made him, a grown man (probably, MOO), "vindictive". In what way could they have harmed him?
Sometimes AW, mum of Abby, and the creepy guy comes to mind, who talked to her, AFAIK when she waited in her car somewhere, and asked her, if she would know him. Unfortunately Idk, when the encounter happened to her? Does it make a sense, that he stalked AW after this (via vehicle registration number for example), saw her daughter on SM, saw daughter's friends/best friend on SM and stalked the girls? Idk.

I agree here. There is no real evidence, other than the public’s endless speculation(which is understandable with no info coming from LE), that either girl was connected online with anyone. But it’s possible he may have known them through sports or school or community activities, but they not know him. I also have a hard time seeing this crime being vindictive in any way.
What bothers me more is that I perceive BG as smart and technology-savvy. He does know about DNA, he does know about phones, Ives said that there were multiple traces but three years later, they are all unusable. How high do you think the guy’s IQ is? I bet he is smarter than most. Either a young gifted hacker, or, if middle aged, probably with higher education in technological area.

I actually think whoever BG is s/he is tech savvy. Lets put it in simple terms. Who shows up, murders two girls, Leaves the girls mobile behind and appears not to take their own with them. Not only someone that may be amature tech savvy.

That actually means some type of premeditation whether it be saddley for Libby and Abby or anyone else who may be in the vicinity around the same time.

I am a apprehensive believer that if it wasn't Libby & Abby it would have been the young ladies that followed shortly after Libby and Abby. I personally think the Guy fcked up and murdered the wrong two young ladies.

I quite simply think we are looking for a hired killer who got their mark wrong.

Its all personal opinion nothing more and exploring other avenues.

As always MingyMoo
I actually think whoever BG is s/he is tech savvy. Lets put it in simple terms. Who shows up, murders two girls, Leaves the girls mobile behind and appears not to take their own with them. Not only someone that may be amature tech savvy.

That actually means some type of premeditation whether it be saddley for Libby and Abby or anyone else who may be in the vicinity around the same time.

I am a apprehensive believer that if it wasn't Libby & Abby it would have been the young ladies that followed shortly after Libby and Abby. I personally think the Guy fcked up and murdered the wrong two young ladies.

I quite simply think we are looking for a hired killer who got their mark wrong.

Its all personal opinion nothing more and exploring other avenues.

As always MingyMoo
What young ladies that followed?
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