IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #46

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I guess people disregarded this article where the death threats were mentioned and what Sheriff L said:

"Obviously, under oath, I'm required as sheriff to make sure every individual in our custody is protected and safe," Leazenby said.

"I didn't want to blow things out of proportion," he added, saying there was "information and rumors jumping about regarding his involvement and with this investigation. "We have not received any direct threats, but being in a small county, we've obviously heard things."

Again, WADR a show of presence for what? The man has been a hot topic of SM and received death threats from same. One could also look at this as the top brass is personally escorting him to send a message that they will not tolerate SM lynchings.
Thank you for this. There have been so many posts with questions that can be easily answered by looking in the media threads. (Heck, even a quick Google search). And I am grateful for all the effort of those who put together timelines which benefit all of us.

My son died in 2010. In our case, we provided the obituary to the local newspaper, along with the date. The coroner didn't have anything to do with it. This might be a small town thing or it might just be a MY town thing.
So sorry on the loss of your son. I pray Saturday is the day the SOB is caught. My thoughts and prayers continues for Abby & Libbys families. ❤🕇

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H*ck yes. I steal them all the time. lol.

Thank you for this. There have been so may posts with questions that can be easily answered by looking in the media threads. (Heck, even a quick Google search). And I am grateful for all the effort of those who put together timelines which benefit all of us.
Occam's Razor - the most obvious solution, regardless of how improbably that may be, is usually the correct solution. The girls were abducted at the SE end of the bridge. They were told to go down the hill. Their bodies were found pretty much straight North across the river. A short walk North of the bodies is the cemetery. There was a huge police presence at the cemetery, meaning that location is significant.

I don't see any reason to introduce a theory that the girls were driven to some other location, murdered, driven back to the area where they were abducted (an area that would be swarming with searchers and police), and then dragged, one by one, to the river.

View attachment 114557

The official search was called off at midnight. The searchers were not back until seven or seven thirty the next morning. There was opportunity. Perhaps when the COD is revealed, at trial, we will understand how and why the girls died and perhaps on separate days.

I understand Occam's Razor yet have time and again seen it not applicable. A few notable high profile cases:
JonBenet Ramsey
Chandra Levy
Ray Gricar
Karen Swift
Dan Markel, although premed will be shown eventually
Missy Bevers
McStay Family
Charli Scott
, a 27yo Oahu native, although her murderer was eventually captured and tried, he only received LWP + 10yrs for arson (burning her secreted vehicle). Sadly, all of Charli the prosecutor had to show the jury was her bottom jaw bone and strands of her hair found in the cut of a tree.
I don't think so either.

February 13th:

"Around 5:30 p.m. Monday, officers responded to reports of two missing girls.
Police say the girls were supposed to be picked up by family members at a predetermined time and place, but when family arrived the girls were not there......<>..........Based on the information given by family and friends, police do not believe foul play is involved and have been given no information that would lead them to believe the girls are in any immediate danger, other than exposure to outside elements."

Something I can't quite understand and I hadn't noticed this discussed before --

Are Snapchat videos instant?

Because if they are and the interaction with BG contained anything the least bit ominous, I don't think the families wouldn't have waited until 5:30pm to contact LE. Nor would it be stated no foul is believed to be involved.

Anyone, what's another possible explanation why alarm bells weren't immediately ringing on the 13th?
The only thing I can think of is that there could have been something going on with one of the girls in their home life. I thought it was said in the media (DailyMail?) that one of the considerations is that the girls might have been heading to a relative's house (step-grandparents) in Flora. Something like that might be enough to give less consideration to foul play.

However, in my opinion, something changed by the morning because of the way the searches happened and the kinds and amounts of resources present. It could be the mere fact that the girls hadn't turned up by then or contacted anyone. It could be that LE got access to the cloud storage for Libby's phone and had come across the video (if that is how LE obtained the video).
I seem to get a feeling of loss when I visit here anymore. I am afraid that BG right now is far from being convicted of this crime. His arrest seems to be drifting away lately, I hope I am wrong.

My dreams are filled with the girls being upset that nothing is being done. May this strengthen our resolve to search without ceasing for BG. Keep posting that picture someone knows him. It just hasn't clicked yet.

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I know exactly how you feel. It's starting to smell stale. Its been a long time since I even felt like I had anything to contribute to this thread. I really hope we get some news soon. Let these babies get some peace, and these families their justice.

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Look at the suspects photo. Look at his posture. It looks like he walks with a limp when he favors one side while walking.
not sure but i think that is more of an effect that comes from the editing of a video into a still frame "photo" shot. I dont think what happened next is the work of a man with a limp that would slow him down or disable his mobility in any way. I definitely see what you mean here but Im thinking this guy is pretty able least physically. Emotionally and spiritually hes as handicapped and deformed as it is possible to be
:facepalm: Heck, why not use the new card, I still try to get away with it.


Welcome Newbie!! Nice to see you here, LT!

We need a presser or something in this case. The LE silence is killing me.
Disagree. I think he's avoiding a rotted rail and was stepping over it.

I'd look like a dang rabbit hopping over those rotted things if I ever got brave enough to walk over that Monon High Bridge. Not afraid of heights. Falling through scares me. lol

Look at the suspects photo. Look at his posture. It looks like he walks with a limp when he favors one side while walking.
Much more at link................
I guess people disregarded this article where the death threats were mentioned and what Sheriff L said:

"Obviously, under oath, I'm required as sheriff to make sure every individual in our custody is protected and safe," Leazenby said.

"I didn't want to blow things out of proportion," he added, saying there was "information and rumors jumping about regarding his involvement and with this investigation. "We have not received any direct threats, but being in a small county, we've obviously heard things."

Everything LE says in this case is SO very criptic, and open to many different interpretations!!!!

Drives me nuts. Can you imagine him in a conversation with his wife?

WIFE:" honey, should we have peas or carrots?"

SHERRIF:" well, I haven't ruled out peas quite yet, but it's been heard that carrots are good, but I can't really say. Your smart dear, I'll let you draw your own conclusions"


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In my opinion, If RL was the murderer he would've been charged with double counts of murder by now, not probation violation for drinking and driving.

I have a theory that BG came across the girls right after they were dropped off. BG immediately became infatuated with ABBY and LIbby noticed this but kept it a secret (not telling ABBY) thinking nothing untoward would come of it. As they walked past him, BG stops to glance back at his prey walking deeper into the trail and deciding right then and there to bring his fantasy to fruition. In my opinion he deliberated with himself of how to carry out this crime. There was an extra person he had no use for, but to get to ABBY he had to subdue both of them or risk losing ABBY forever. BG, in my opinion, was angry that LIBBY was there. She was his only obstacle in his way. BG made his way back up the trail to carry out his devilish deed, but to his consternation, the girls were on that rickety bridge! But the plan was in motion and he wasnt going to allow no bridge to stop him, and besides they were still in his domain. At what point ABBY and LIBBY noticed him I dont know. My theory is BG never focused on LIbby thus giving her ample time to record him. In my opinion i believe BG would not of attacked LIBBY if she was there alone as she is not his ideal victim type. Ted Budy had his type, jeffrey Dhamer had his type, BG too has his preferences. This only my theory.

Another theory I have is BG took a memento from one of the victims he most preferred and it could've been anything from earrings, underwear, rings, ID cards, necklace, et cetera. I believe that none of these items were recovered at RL home thus excluding him from the crime. Unless RL dug hole and buried the girls belongings in a tiny chest.

Another poster on here had mentioned her theory of a duo or a pair of killers working in tandem with each other. Although rare it is not unheard of in the annals of crime history. If that is the case, one killer has dominant qualities and the other has submissive qualities. In my opinion if we're dealing with two devils in this case then BG is the more dominant personality of the duo as it was him who solely corralled the girls.

I agree with what you theorized last night about the profile of this person and I also think your theory about Abby is plausible as well.
I thought they found a lot of blood at crime scene. If so, they were killed there, you do not bleed to much after death. The heart stops beating and pumping the blood.

Just a thought....

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There has been no mention of any blood at crime scene by LE or MSM. To me, the crime scene looks pristine, does not look like anything happened there.
That grandparent (Dennis Bridge) also admitted he couldn't remember the last time he saw Libby.

Liberty was raised by her grandparents, Michael and Becky Patty, and her father, Derrick German, who live in Delphi.

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The only thing I can think of is that there could have been something going on with one of the girls in their home life. I thought it was said in the media (DailyMail?) that one of the considerations is that the girls might have been heading to a relative's house (step-grandparents) in Flora. Something like that might be enough to give less consideration to foul play.

However, in my opinion, something changed by the morning because of the way the searches happened and the kinds and amounts of resources present. It could be the mere fact that the girls hadn't turned up by then or contacted anyone. It could be that LE got access to the cloud storage for Libby's phone and had come across the video (if that is how LE obtained the video).
Sorry to be graphic:

Gun pulled on 2 teens. Walked to where they were found. Shoots them there. Kicks leaves over them. Walks away or wades back, etc. .... take your pick. No DNA. No mess as it seeps in the soil. A volunteer finds them because finally someone went the right way to search and on the "other" side of the bridge. JMO

There has been no mention of any blood at crime scene by LE or MSM. To me, the crime scene looks pristine, does not look like anything happened there.
families choose the date of death for the obituary, not the coroner.

I am talking about legal time of death as recorded by coroner/medical examiner. I suppose you could put whatever you wished in an obituary.

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For obituaries, the paper prints what you write. It is not checked. I have written a few. The death certificate date may be different. Jmo

Also a friend recently lost a son and he was not found right away. They use the date he was found.

I am talking about legal time of death.

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Sorry to be graphic:

Gun pulled on 2 teens. Walked to where they were found. Shoots them there. Kicks leaves over them. Walks away or wades back, etc. .... take your pick. No DNA. No mess as it seeps in the soil. A volunteer finds them because finally someone went the right way to search and on the "other" side of the bridge. JMO

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Oh come on. That's just TOO sensible an answer :laughing:
Agree 100%
I was responding to someone about a grid search.

Yes, but since you seem to be a font of information about the searches and area I thought I'd ask. I know some of the MSM reports have inaccuracies.
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