IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #8

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About to hit the sack for some much needed sleep and still haven't caught up yet lol
A few things that are eating at me.
I believe the LE knows there were two killers. Only one was captured on Libby's video.
I keep going back to what looks like a person at the end of the bridge behind Abby.
I know LE has said it's a pole or something but to me it does look more like a man.
My though is this possibility:
Libby is taking a snapchat pic of Abby and notices the man in the background. He starts walking towards them.
They turn to run the other direction and that's when they see the other man caught on her video coming towards them.
No escape. She puts her phone in her pocket and it remains recording the entire time.
Libby was a HERO.
If they were found a ways from the bridge, I doubt they walked the whole time down the hill. That may have occurred later when the (two possible) killers found the spot they felt was safe enough and far away enough to commit their crime. That's when the down the hill occurred.
I do think as of right now, there were two perps.
This was either planned ahead without a known victim just a random victim or
Someone knew the girls by their own kids. They may have went to school with the perps kids. He may have seen on SM that they planned to go hiking that day.
Maybe even their kids were raising hell because "If they can go why can't we???" sort of thing.
I think these may be brothers working together.Or best friends.
They move around a lot with their families and go where there's jobs available. Menial work. Not much education. So they are on the move a lot. They get to know the hang out spots for the locals and parks so they can begin their scouting.
Their wives have no clue what is going on either.
They may be loners and keep to themselves and not raise any flags. They do their work and get paid. They have their cover as family men and good providers.
This is not their first rodeo.
I'm not even sure that they have a specific victim type.
It could be a game almost to them. "Let's do this kind of victim now". They fantasize about it together.
I think they are equal. Meaning one does not control the other or is the stronger of the two.
They've been doing this for a long time I feel. A very long time.
Maybe they go on "camping trips for man time" when they commit their crimes or something.
I think their spouses are oblivious. They are too busy taking care of the kids.
This is only a passing thought of mine Just my opinion and a possible idea of who it is and how they work.
They won't ever turn on each other because both are equally guilty.
They ARE monsters. They are a DANGER.
But I feel they will pack up soon and move to another area.
I'd watch for two families moving away and their kids being taken out of school and transferring to another school.
They would do it nonchalantly. Maybe have an excuse like a family member is sick or something. Or a better job opportunity.
Just some ideas of mine. JMOO. A possibility. If this is the case, I think they would have a wide range of crimes and victims. Thrill seekers.
Tomorrow I may have a totally different idea. Just how my brain works. :thinking:
Have a great night everyone! Let's pray that whomever committed this crime is caught swiftly!
Praying for Abby and Libby's family and friends in this difficult and nightmarish time. I can't even imagine the grief. Sending positive light their way and to all of the LE working the case. :loveyou:
No I dont but I am on a cell ..maybe thats why

Sorry, I don't know anything about accessing the site thru a cell. Hopefully someone else can help.
Calling 911 might alert the suspect as they could hear the operator talking. Also if you call and hang up with 911, they will call you back. She probably didn't want the suspect to know she had her phone.
So after catching up on a TON of threads and watching the press conference, (my opinion only, but not uninformed either):

**He's wearing a hat or hoodie or possibly both together. You can't see his hair color. If you could, LE could too and they'd be putting that out.

**He's wearing a jacket and likely a sweatshirt and possibly also a button down. In the presser, LE made mention that people might recognize his jacket, sweatshirt, or "shirt tail." So either they see him as wearing both or they are unsure what type of shirt is under the jacket. They also don't seem to think that's a fanny pack or blood or other things mentioned. (And if it were blood it would be splattered, smeared, dripped, etc. and it's not. They also clearly talk about this capturing the possible 'beginning' of the crime, which argues against blood.)

**Seems like they are hoping he is either local or has local ties. What I saw at the presser seemed VERY strategic. Large presence of LE on stage, all of those people did not need to be there just to update the press. That show of force is for the same reason the billboards are going up - they are turning the heat up on this guy, and anyone who may know him but not yet coming forward. Same with all the references to "the community" - anyone with info has a duty to all these people they have grown up with to come forward.

**If I had to guess how it all went down on the bridge? I wonder if he approached them prior to this, attempted some ruse (lost dog, whatever) and the girls didn't fall for it. Maybe he walked away from them for a minute to rethink and regroup or grab something in his coat, etc. That could be when Liberty decided to get him on video, possibly to show her parents or police later, and I'm wondering if as she is doing that, that's when he turns around. And I wonder if when he turns around if she lowers the phone so he doesn't realize its on, and that's why we hear audio of a voice but no video. Maybe that's why we have the shots we have because there just weren't that many - she just caught him for a second or two in video.

ETA: One possibility, even if far fetched. Some people thought a brownish sweatshirt was odd. I didn't but some did. However, if it is odd for that area, perhaps they should show the pic around to local Browns Backers clubs. Here in Cleveland, not too far away, just about every guy I know has at least three sweatshirts that color.
In the beginning didn't they say the police were arm in arm crossing the creek? We were under the impression they were looking for something. Maybe Liberty threw her phone in the water as she knew it was waterproof.

I think she did not call 911 as she didn't want him to hear them answer the phone, so she quickly did what she could do, which was to video him.

Thank goodness she has the wits about her to do this, as I think this will be what leads to his arrest. She was a brave little girl

I don't believe she could call 911 because phone service is terrible in woody areas. Some of the locals have mentioned that.

I also seen many times that her grandfather had said Libby's phone pinged in town after the murders.

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So after catching up on a TON of threads and watching the press conference, (my opinion only, but not uninformed either):

**He's wearing a hat or hoodie or possibly both together. You can't see his hair color. If you could, LE could too and they'd be putting that out.

**He's wearing a jacket and likely a sweatshirt and possibly also a button down. In the presser, LE made mention that people might recognize his jacket, sweatshirt, or "shirt tail." So either they see him as wearing both or they are unsure what type of shirt is under the jacket. They also don't seem to think that's a fanny pack or blood or other things mentioned. (And if it were blood it would be splattered, smeared, dripped, etc. and it's not. They also clearly talk about this capturing the possible 'beginning' of the crime, which argues against blood.)

**Seems like they are hoping he is either local or has local ties. What I saw at the presser seemed VERY strategic. Large presence of LE on stage, all of those people did not need to be there just to update the press. That show of force is for the same reason the billboards are going up - they are turning the heat up on this guy, and anyone who may know him but not yet coming forward. Same with all the references to "the community" - anyone with info has a duty to all these people they have grown up with to come forward.

**If I had to guess how it all went down on the bridge? I wonder if he approached them prior to this, attempted some ruse (lost dog, whatever) and the girls didn't fall for it. Maybe he walked away from them for a minute to rethink and regroup or grab something in his coat, etc. That could be when Liberty decided to get him on video, possibly to show her parents or police later, and I'm wondering if as she is doing that, that's when he turns around. And I wonder if when he turns around if she lowers the phone so he doesn't realize its on, and that's why we hear audio of a voice but no video. Maybe that's why we have the shots we have because there just weren't that many - she just caught him for a second or two in video.

ETA: One possibility, even if far fetched. Some people thought a brownish sweatshirt was odd. I didn't but some did. However, if it is odd for that area, perhaps they should show the pic around to local Browns Backers clubs. Here in Cleveland, not too far away, just about every guy I know has at least three sweatshirts that color.

bbm - this is something you should let LE know. They can't think of everything, and this might be a new angle.
In the beginning didn't they say the police were arm in arm crossing the creek? We were under the impression they were looking for something. Maybe Liberty threw her phone in the water as she knew it was waterproof.

I think she did not call 911 as she didn't want him to hear them answer the phone, so she quickly did what she could do, which was to video him.

Thank goodness she has the wits about her to do this, as I think this will be what leads to his arrest. She was a brave little girl

Yes, they did join arms and walk arm in arm across the width of the creek while shuffling their feet left, then, right. They, imho, were searching for something larger. A backpack. A blanket. If they were searching for her phone, or something so small, the dive team would be in that murky water searching the bottom with bright lights.
:moo: There is more video as mentioned in the presser today. LEO knows appx where they were taken during the pinging. Wonder when more SWs will be issued, as promised?
God Bless the Little Children +
I think a teen can activate their camera video faster than dial a number. And with an iphone at least, you can do that without having to see the phone at all, i can activate my video in my pocket. Click on the home button, swipe left - there's your camera. There's a camera setting to either revert back to "photo" or leave it on the previous setting (which may have been video). tap the screen right above the home button and video is recording.

Kids that snapchat, instagram, and constantly video themselves acting silly can turn their video on in less than a second.

Other smartphones have "quick keys" and gestures that you can use to quickly access the camera function, which she could have easily done inside her pocket.

The perp may not have notice the phone until after the murder and had no idea it was recording or may not have noticed at all. In his mind, he may have thought that touching the phone would leave fingerprints and taking the phone would enable LE to track it so he left it be.

I think the photo of the man came about because the girls noticed someone was following them on the trail and he made them nervous so they shot a quick pic over their shoulder to get a look at him.
I've seen some people mention seeing a car in the distance in the pictures. I see something but I'm not sure what. Could it be an ATV? I know they are popular around here. We have a Polaris on our farm and it's quick and easy to get around in difficult terrain. Can't sleep so my brain is running...

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Something similar to this

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No I dont but I am on a cell ..maybe thats why
Are you using Tapatalk? If so, below each post, in the right corner, you will see three icons: a heart (thank button); an arrow pointing left (reply w/quote button); and a little head (follow button).

Click the left pointing arrow. The quoted post will be in the text editor box, and you can type in your reply beneath it.

Hope that helps.

ETA: I just noticed that chewymolasses already posted this info. My apologies to chewy.
I've seen some people mention seeing a car in the distance in the pictures. I see something but I'm not sure what. Could it be an ATV? I know they are popular around here. We have a Polaris on our farm and it's quick and easy to get around in difficult terrain. Can't sleep so my brain is running...

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Many, many post back someone mentioned there is an old abandoned car in the woods. Im not sure if that is what you are referring to

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Are you using Tapatalk? If so, below each post, in the right corner, you will see three icons: a heart (thank button); an arrow pointing left (reply w/quote button); and a little head (follow button).

Click the left pointing arrow. The quoted post will be in the text editor box, and you can type in your reply beneath it.

Hope that helps.

ETA: I just noticed that chewymolasses already posted this info. My apologies to chewy.

I find tapatalk so confusing! 😅
I wonder if the girls were supposed to meet up with a "boy" at such and such time and after a boy. Then appears this dumpy old (to a teenager) man, they are in the middle of nowhere and suddenly they realized this could have been a big mistake and turned the video on, just in case?

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Liberty had the presence of mind to record God knows how much of this horror.

I'm trying to understand how she did this without the monster noticing what she was doing, and also where her phone was found. He wouldn't have left it at the crime scene. Do you all think Liberty lost it between the bridge and the location the girls were found? Was it in the creek and divers found it?

I believe Sgt. Riley when he says LE will find the person who murdered Liberty & Abby. The pressor was one of the best I've seen, recognized the BAU input right away. Carefully crafted words spoken by LE at that podium today.

The phone could of been in her pocket and it was still recording the audio 😥
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