GUILTY IN - Shaylyn Ammerman, 14 mos, Spencer, 23 March 2016 #1

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Ok, so simply because she is the one who "always leaves newspapers on the cabinet" referring to Kelly, Morgan automatically ASSUMED Kelly enters the house while she's asleep? That a really BIG assumption. IMO sounds like she's trying really hard to justify why Kelly would be there and why she knows Kelly is there.

Edit to add link:
I was sure I've read every link on this but, don't recall seeing this:

On the night that Shaylyn went missing, two other people entered and left the house, Morgan said. Kyle Parker, a friend of her son, Adam Ammerman, came to watch some movies with Ammerman and later left the house. Justin Ammerman's ex-girlfriend, Kelly Rogers, appears to have come into the home sometime after 4 a.m. and placed some newspapers on the counter in the kitchen before leaving, Morgan said. Rogers had been living at the house since her and Justin Ammerman broke up, Morgan said, but the family hadn't seen her since Sunday. Morgan said she did not see Rogers enter or exit the house Wednesday, but believes she entered the home because she is always the one who leaves newspapers in her kitchen.

Morgan says Parker and Adam both entered and left the house?
How does Morgan know it was sometime after 4am if she was allegedly asleep by 2am (as per other articles)

I think I'd missed where they'd said that Rogers had actually been *living there as well. Goodness gracious.
I was sure I've read every link on this but, don't recall seeing this:

Morgan says Parker and Adam both entered and left the house?
How does Morgan know it was sometime after 4am if she was allegedly asleep by 2am (as per other articles)

Maybe the date of one of the newspapers was that morning and it would not have been published by 2? Just my own guess as to how that leap is being made by grandma
The people involved in this case are either the worst storytellers around or the police department is a superior group of individuals to be on top of this case so quickly!
As much as I dislike what has been said by the family, I think everyone needs to realize that a lot of us in small town Indiana and likely small town anywhere live a bit differently than others. I know families like this, I see so many braless women in nighties at the store, it's not even funny. Most of them aren't bad people. I know nothing about this family and I'm certainly not convinced Kyle was the only one involved. I certainly wasn't impressed with anyone's interviews.

The only time we ever lock our doors is before we leave for a vacation and we have forgotten to lock them before. I don't think it's necessarily negligent. Maybe guilty of being a little too trusting.

We've had cribs in the dining room and living room before. It's not ideal, but you make do. Not everyone wants a crib in their bedroom, not everyone has room for a crib in their bedroom. I don't see it as any different than a child's bedroom being on a different floor of the house. I never once considered someone breaking in a kidnapping/murdering my children and I'm a pessimist to the core. Once they got to the age where they could escape the crib, they moved to the big girl bedroom upstairs.

While we don't "party" while our kids are home, we do occasionally have friends over for a few beers and we'll play cards and stay up late chatting or we'll sit out in the backyard around a fire. Often times, the kids will fall asleep on the floor directly next to the room we're talking in. If we're outside, I normally take them in and put them to bed and then I'll go back outside. I'm sure that terrifies some people.

I think it's easy to point fingers when something bad happens, but I doubt Shaylyn's crib being in the living room really played a major role in her death. Kyle and others were in the house already, so locking the door wouldn't have mattered. Alcohol may have played a role, but there are tons of parents who have a drink or two with their kids at home who feel perfectly comfortable doing so.
I think it's lack of common sense to be a parent.

jmo,it's a total lack of take care of yourself, to get a job, to clean up your lifestyle, to learn to be the best parent you can be.
As much as I dislike what has been said by the family, I think everyone needs to realize that a lot of us in small town Indiana and likely small town anywhere live a bit differently than others. I know families like this, I see so many braless women in nighties at the store, it's not even funny. Most of them aren't bad people. I know nothing about this family and I'm certainly not convinced Kyle was the only one involved. I certainly wasn't impressed with anyone's interviews.

The only time we ever lock our doors is before we leave for a vacation and we have forgotten to lock them before. I don't think it's necessarily negligent. Maybe guilty of being a little too trusting.

We've had cribs in the dining room and living room before. It's not ideal, but you make do. Not everyone wants a crib in their bedroom, not everyone has room for a crib in their bedroom. I don't see it as any different than a child's bedroom being on a different floor of the house. I never once considered someone breaking in a kidnapping/murdering my children and I'm a pessimist to the core. Once they got to the age where they could escape the crib, they moved to the big girl bedroom upstairs.

While we don't "party" while our kids are home, we do occasionally have friends over for a few beers and we'll play cards and stay up late chatting or we'll sit out in the backyard around a fire. Often times, the kids will fall asleep on the floor directly next to the room we're talking in. If we're outside, I normally take them in and put them to bed and then I'll go back outside. I'm sure that terrifies some people.

I think it's easy to point fingers when something bad happens, but I doubt Shaylyn's crib being in the living room really played a major role in her death. Kyle and others were in the house already, so locking the door wouldn't have mattered. Alcohol may have played a role, but there are tons of parents who have a drink or two with their kids at home who feel perfectly comfortable doing so.

I have known plenty of people who act and do exactly as you have described, and I have no issues with that whatsoever. In fact I am certain of my child were missing I would look like complete crap. My biggest problem is that their stories have changed sooooooo many times. Ok, fine Shaylyns crib is in the living room, well the issue isn't that it's in the living room, it's that they had people in and out of that house constantly that evening and at some point something happened to an innocent 14 month old baby.
1)Did Shaylyn throw a fit and Justin get rough with her and they are all covering?
2)Did they medicate her to get her to go to sleep because the constant noise was keeping her up, and ended up over medicating her?
3)Or did Kyle come back and take her and something happen?
We don't yet know, we will soon enough but at the end of the day there is a cover up going on, and I firmly believe LE is doing a great job this far. Just my take on it from the outside looking in.
Maybe the date of one of the newspapers was that morning and it would not have been published by 2? Just my own guess as to how that leap is being made by grandma

Entirely possible. I do find it rather curious though that she states she was living there, but that they hadn't seen her since Sunday. What a very interesting time for her to show up, on the very night (morning) Shaylyn went missing. It will be VERY interesting indeed to learn what LE have discovered in all their interviews - and the interviews some of these POIs will no doubt be giving to the MSM, once they're cleared (assuming some of them will be).
I think it's easy to point fingers when something bad happens, but I doubt Shaylyn's crib being in the living room really played a major role in her death. Kyle and others were in the house already, so locking the door wouldn't have mattered. Alcohol may have played a role, but there are tons of parents who have a drink or two with their kids at home who feel perfectly comfortable doing so.

good post, hope you don't mind my snipping for focus and the BBM I want to jump off of. My only interest in the crib location is that it being in the living room while other household members may have been located in their respective bedrooms. To me it makes it easier to believe that there may have not been others in the home that night who were involved in the death and disposal of baby Shaylyn, it is possible IMO that some or all of the home's occupants have no clue who harmed the baby and took her to where she was eventually found. Her crib being centrally located in the home may have played a factor in the perp(s) being able to remove her from the home without others being aware and why she was not discovered missing til the residents arose the next morning.

I think we will have much more information as to LE's theory of the case by the weekend's close.
It's a lack of something else, and I don't even know that it's definable. It's not money; it's not even intelligence or ability, really, because I've known people with intellectual disabilities and delays who were able to parent successfully. It's not even dirt -- you can keep a cluttered, messy house and still parent lovingly and reasonably safely (if perhaps more dirtily than most, lol). There's something else missing, and I'm not sure that whatever is missing is easy to address since it's virtually indefinable. (Or maybe it is just because it's hard for me to pinpoint).

Detached. They appear detached. That's the word I would use. And I don't expect people to cry a river on camera, but in a room full of people, not one tear, NOT ONE TEAR fell over this missing baby. SMDH That's all I can say as well, without a time out.
Durnil added that information received by officers led to Parker’s arrest.

“It takes so much evidence and time to interview people. The information that we received, we were able to corroborate with other facts of the case, other evidence that was seized and that is how we are confident enough to make the arrest and bring it before a prosecuting authority,” he added.
I agree with you to some extent in that those in poverty have a hard time breaking the cycle and that many that suffer from poverty appear as the type of people we have been discussing. is not poverty that I am talking about.
It's a family 'type' and I often see people like this that are not poor. To use the Avery/Dassey clan again..they may appear poor by the way they dress, etc. but they were far from living in poverty. Successful business, drove nice vehicles, LOTS of money in equipment, good share of property, etc.
I personally know a local family that owns a towing service and they are loaded with money, yet many would see them and affiliate them with poverty. Nothing could be further than the truth.
You can't always judge a book by its cover when it comes to money in the bank. It's more of a lifestyle than bank accounts.
I'm not saying this family in particular is rich, poor or in-between. I'm just stating that it is not always poverty that gives the vibe these people do, and answering your post. :)

Some working class people with lots of money deliberately downplay their good fortune because they don't want anyone knowing what they have. Who knows what the real story is here.
Homicide by asphyxia, so it's clear death was not caused by accidental situational asphyxia. Kyle has been arrested for reasons other than murder. While Kyle may or may not be the murderer has not been disclosed, I hope the monster that did this is soon brought to light so justice can begin. I cannot stop thinking about this poor baby and her heartbroken mother.
SPENCER — Kyle Parker once rocked 1-year-old Shaylyn Ammerman back to sleep, said Tamera Morgan, her paternal grandmother. Parker was in the living room of their Spencer home when the girl awoke in her crib, so he picked her up and lulled her into a slumber.


Family members of the girl's mother, Jessica Stewart, are grieving and trying to understand what happened to the 1-year-old.


Myrna Dyer, Stewart's grandmother, said tearfully that the accounts of those in the home with Shaylyn Tuesday night have differed. Shaylyn was staying with her father's family the night she disappeared.

"We have no idea," Dyer said.

Dyer said Shaylyn was just learning to walk. They would play patty cake and peek-a-boo.

"She could hardly walk steady without falling down," Dyer said.
I don't know. Her page is very interesting in several spots. Finding it the minute she was named by the grandma helped me form my first (and prevailing theory.)

The pic of Grandma & Grandpa with Shaylyn, then Kelly writes, My baby girl is getting so big, just really rubs me the wrong way. Was she even Justin g/f at that point. Why do people take selfies and why in a bathroom of all places.:rolleyes: Anyone remember what time she left, did she sleep there?

RIP Lil Angel Shaylyn
This doesn't really make a difference in anything, but most cribs cannot fit through the average bedroom door. I would assume he probably didn't buy a brand new crib since she's not there full time, so the crib was probably already assembled. As a result, it remains in the living room. Just a thought on why it's in the living room.
The pic of Grandma & Grandpa with Shaylyn, then Kelly writes, My baby girl is getting so big, just really rubs me the wrong way. Was she even Justin g/f at that point. Why do people take selfies and why in a bathroom of all places.:rolleyes: Anyone remember what time she left, did she sleep there?

RIP Lil Angel Shaylyn

According to a link posted a page or two back, Kelly was apparently living there since the breakup along with grandma, grandpa and the two adult sons.
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