Is the state's case effective so far?

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They shouldn't.

To adjust to Baez is to give him power. All the state needs to do is prove their case to the letter, which is what they are doing, not react and adjust to the defense. For the state to go along with what the state laid out is to take that power away from Baez, which is needed. The state is methodically laying out their case against Casey. They don't need to grandstand or be flamboyant like Baez. I think they're doing a great job of just sticking with the facts. The jury definitely was happier with the state today than they were Baez.


I just snipped for space- and the BBM is mine.

I agree 1000% with you. Aedrys, you always seem to be straight to the point and I like that about you.

You are so right. Why should the SA adjust their case and placate to the DT? No Way!! That's EXACTLY what JB was after when he did this. He wanted to take the wind right out of the sail of the SA. He was going to admit to just enough to explain the death, but not enough to get his client in 'trouble'. He was hoping they'd all go "Omg. So that explains it all. Good lord let this girl GO". It was just one big freakin' accident.

So she lied- she was scared of her molesting dad and brother and tyrant mom..... She's sowwwwy!!! Please send this poor grieving, misguided, 'stupid-(his word), ignorant mom home. She never meant to mislead anyone- just one big FAT misunderstanding- no harm, no foul.


The SA just needs to stay the course. Keep things methodical and on point. Dissect this little bug like the murderer she is. Peel away the layers and show this jury the TRUTH. No accident, no pool drowning on the same day she's sauntering through BlockBusters- What? GA is cleaning up the mess and dumping the body she says he pulled out of the pool all so ICA can keep her movie date? I think NOT, JB.

He is the one who needs to adjust his case. SHOW HOW THIS COULD HAVE POSSIBLY HAPPENED HIS WAY? He opened the door, like CA likes to say. Now, besides telling stories, show us some meat.

Did he just let his poor innocent client rot in jail for 3 years and go on a media blitz telling all about a 'missing' child only to come up with this non-sense? Is she now a martyr? A saint? We should ALL be ashamed for saying bad things about his client?

I just snipped for space- and the BBM is mine.

I agree 1000% with you. Aedrys, you always seem to be straight to the point and I like that about you.

You are so right. Why should the SA adjust their case and placate to the DT? No Way!! That's EXACTLY what JB was after when he did this. He wanted to take the wind right out of the sail of the SA. He was going to admit to just enough to explain the death, but not enough to get his client in 'trouble'. He was hoping they'd all go "Omg. So that explains it all. Good lord let this girl GO". It was just one big freakin' accident.

So she lied- she was scared of her molesting dad and brother and tyrant mom..... She's sowwwwy!!! Please send this poor grieving, misguided, 'stupid-(his word), ignorant mom home. She never meant to mislead anyone- just one big FAT misunderstanding- no harm, no foul.


The SA just needs to stay the course. Keep things methodical and on point. Dissect this little bug like the murderer she is. Peel away the layers and show this jury the TRUTH. No accident, no pool drowning on the same day she's sauntering through BlockBusters- What? GA is cleaning up the mess and dumping the body she says he pulled out of the pool all so ICA can keep her movie date? I think NOT, JB.

He is the one who needs to adjust his case. SHOW HOW THIS COULD HAVE POSSIBLY HAPPENED HIS WAY? He opened the door, like CA likes to say. Now, besides telling stories, show us some meat.

Did he just let his poor innocent client rot in jail for 3 years and go on a media blitz telling all about a 'missing' child only to come up with this non-sense? Is she now a martyr? A saint? We should ALL be ashamed for saying bad things about his client?


It cannot be dis-proven and thats all that matters really.

I understand your point but there is plenty of conflicting evidence already, plus the fact that JB never explained what happened after the alleged drowning...he went right to Roy Kronk...unless they can fill in the holes, which I don't think they can, that dog ain't gonna hunt.
Too early to tell. This is only day 2. I'm not gonna get my panties in a wad just yet. I trust that they know what they are doing. This is a trial - They are establishing certain facts on the record.

If it is boring, then so be it. It isn't a TV SHOW or ENTERTAINMENT. It is a TRIAL, for the murder of a 2 yr. old child. Her name was CAYLEE!!!

But people do have a short attention span, even on juries, and even with the best of intentions going will be tough-going to keep the interest of all 12 when the dry stuff really comes in, day after is just a fact. I've seen juries with at least one person asleep, we probably all have, and all victims of crimes are equally worthwhile as far as justice goes.

Of course the trial does not need to be entertaining, but it does need to engage the interest and sympathies of 12 very different people and maintain that throughout a period of weeks or months.

I think that this early on, everyone knows that the stage is being set and that it won't be all fireworks. Hopefully the state won't "lose" anyone before the parts that are of most interest and importance come into play.

I don't know this case inside out the way many do and am trying really hard to watch it as if I know nothing; right now, I would have no idea what happened to Caylee, from this trial, and would need someone to show me. I hope the state can do it.
Just wait til they start introducing evidence...the jury has been instructed to determine the guilt or innocence of ICA based solely on evidence presented during the trial....and boy does the SA have some evidence!:rocker:

ETA: Testimony too and there is plenty of that yet to come as well....SA is gonna do great.

I agree momtective, the evidence will clinch this case, especially the pictures of little Caylee's remains with the duct tape, blanket, laundry bag, etc.. Someone else said "an elephant could walk through the hole in JB's theory" of R Kronk taking her body. It will become clear there is only one person who had motive and opportunity. Plus all of the car evidence, ping evidence, her behavior afterwards, and of course waiting 31 days. Trust me it was only 31 days cuz CA called the cops, ICA was never gonna call. I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch of other stuff...feel free to add to the list.
The State is screwing the pooch big time, they are continuing to paint her as a mother who is out having a good time while her daughter is missing, seemingly showing no concern for the missing daughter. But that is no longer the case, the child was dead on the 16th, we know that now, so all they can call in to question now is she didnt MOURN THE DEATH OF HER CHILD PROPERLY, but then again everyone mourns differently, no one mourns the same, so really, as the defense is saying she had a break from reality, sort of lost her way when the child died and started acting in a very strange and bizarre way yet the state continues to ask where was Cayleee while she Casey was out partying etc. HELLO thats yesterday's news!

IMO the defense really threw a wrench in to this whole thing and a hung jury is all but assured at this point and the state wasting millions more to retry her will not be a politically popular move in these tough economic times.

I respectfully disagree. I think you have it dead on with what they are attempting to do however, you still have Casey's lies to expose. And are we forgetting how she stood in front of Judge Strickland and apologized and took full responsibility for the economic crimes when she was flat busted by camera? No way would she admit to wrong doing this way, yet not admit to an accident when LE was questioning her on day 31. Bottom line is that the jury will see that LDB nailed it when she spoke of the lies that get bigger and bigger. Oh~and please don't forget the jail house videos, IMHO they are worth re watching in light of opening statements.
It cannot be dis-proven and thats all that matters really.

Maybe some of it can't. No cause of death, no way to prove or disprove the abuse. But I think a forensic botanist is going to blow the Kronk theory out of the water, and the dogs, Vass, and CA's 911 call will make them think long and hard about who had that car.

And remember, opening statements are not evidence. Being unable to prove any of this means that Casey is the only one who can testify to any of it. If she doesn't get on the stand, the jury will be instructed on that. If she does get on the stand...well, I'd pay good money to see LDB cross her!!!

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The state is making a fine case so far, IMO. And I think the defense is helping them along far more than the state could have imagined.

I'm in total agreement with you, Kimster. The trial is going far better than I had thought. The defense is helping out tremendously. Their story telling is laughable, much like the stories Casey herself is known to have told. Far-fetched, and I can't imagine anyone with a shred of common sense thinking that the accidental drowning, dad covering up, meter man hiding the body, tale is what happened. :floorlaugh:

I thought the defense was supposed to be this "dream team." Seeing them in action so far, I'm not impressed.

The state is doing an outstanding job. IMO
Im not worried.. they (the state) is laying the foundation.. they need to do this..
and I dont think JB is coming off well at all.. I thought his cross of TL today asking him about guns and weapons was just stupid.. and I bet my bottom dollar the jury was wondering what the heck.. he was doing..

go here
and look at Bill Sheaffer's analysis of the day.. it will make you feel better. i promise
I understand your point but there is plenty of conflicting evidence already, plus the fact that JB never explained what happened after the alleged drowning...he went right to Roy Kronk...unless they can fill in the holes, which I don't think they can, that dog ain't gonna hunt.

oo that was nuts yesterday.. I my opinion jb made bigg mistakes..
If he was gonna claim accident he should have just claimed that and not added all the other bs.. .. i saw just shaking my head..
I respectfully disagree. I think you have it dead on with what they are attempting to do however, you still have Casey's lies to expose. And are we forgetting how she stood in front of Judge Strickland and apologized and took full responsibility for the economic crimes when she was flat busted by camera? No way would she admit to wrong doing this way, yet not admit to an accident when LE was questioning her on day 31. Bottom line is that the jury will see that LDB nailed it when she spoke of the lies that get bigger and bigger. Oh~and please don't forget the jail house videos, IMHO they are worth re watching in light of opening statements.

That's what I've been doing...chilling.
We all need to remember that the SA's office is only on day 2 of an 8 week trial. I think they are doing a fine job laying the foundation and presenting the story. The DT can spout all the garbage that they want, in the end, the truth will prevail. Remember, the state needs to only prove it's case beyond a reasonable doubt, not a ridiculous doubt!
I think the SA's opening statement was so awesome-- it was a lot to make sense of, and they did a bang up job. The defense went off like a party popper-- lots of noise and color, but a very short impact. Once the evidence really begins, the defense will seem like a distraction, a lousy nuisance getting in the way of the real story. jmo
Great minds and all that . lol.. i just posted the same thing lol

Ooops! I deleted mine. No need to clutter up these threads. (As I write this possibly unnecessary post :crazy:

Anyhow, hearing BS talk about the foundation being built makes a lot of sense. I look forward to his (and Kathi's) analyses.
Originally Posted by Oakley
Yes, very effective. And Jose is helping them out quite a bit, IMO. Bill Scaeffer thinks so too. Watching this encouraged me:

Great minds and all that . lol.. i just posted the same thing lol

Thanks to all of you that posted the link...........
BS is so sensible and speaks so eloquently......I do feel better now,LEFT- COASTER :)
Honestly, if I was juror, and one side was maybe a bit boring but methodical, know what they're doing and how to do it, and the other side was all over the place, overdramatic, and constantly halting the trial with objections and sidebars, I would praise GOD that one side was doing it right, happier when they are up, and pay more attention to them. I can't imagine the jury is pleased with Baez at all. If anything, he's going to sink his own theory more than the evidence and testimony will!

I have more faith in tortoise, and the hare needs to run off of a cliff, IMO. No way Baez is going to get an acquittal or lesser charge the way he's acting in court! His words are only as believable as he is, and well...let's just nicely say he is sooooooooooo not believable!

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