Is the state's case effective so far?

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Slow and steady wins the race..................

Just sayin'.......
I feel like the possible drowning is the white elephant in the court room with the state right now. Hope they address that issue soon by bringing in jail house video.

We have to remember that they are just laying a foundation. These jurors don't have the details like we do. So soon we'll have a Blockbuster employee on the stand telling us about the movies they rented on the 16th and the jury will most likely watch those movies.

Can you imagine what the jury will be thinking of Casey while watching those movies. Who can watch such horrific movies about kidnapping and murder IF your child just died in a horrific accident just hours ago. That's not gonna sit well with the jury. A true victim would have a visceral reaction to such images but a cold calculated killer will want to glean tips on how establish a murder or kidnapping story with this media.

I love that they are laying each piece of the puzzle out so the later, the jury will have no doubts or questions when they make their final judgement. It may seem very boring and slow to us, but it's something that just needs to be done.
We all know what reasonable doubt means for the defense to win, but think about what it means for the state. Whatever doubt a juror has means nothing unless it is reasonable. Even if it may seem like the DT has provided reasonable doubt today, I am very confident that once the jurors have been given the big picture, nothing about the DT's theories will seem reasonable.

The SAs are making the right move by staying on the offensive, IMO. Let the DT scramble around and try to combat the information that the SAs present, not the other way around.
Honestly, if I was juror, and one side was maybe a bit boring but methodical, know what they're doing and how to do it, and the other side was all over the place, overdramatic, and constantly halting the trial with objections and sidebars, I would praise GOD that one side was doing it right, happier when they are up, and pay more attention to them. I can't imagine the jury is pleased with Baez at all. If anything, he's going to sink his own theory more than the evidence and testimony will!

I have more faith in tortoise, and the hare needs to run off of a cliff, IMO. No way Baez is going to get an acquittal or lesser charge the way he's acting in court! His words are only as believable as he is, and well...let's just nicely say he is sooooooooooo not believable!

Yeah I think some lawyers can pull off what JB is attempting...but it just falls flat. There's no "rhythm" to what he does...and the buildup is clunky and awkward. It seems more often than not he succeeds in taking all the air out of the room and making people uncomfortable instead of making a point.
The opening statement by LDB organized, thorough, well paced, factual and based on evidence will hopefully allow the jurors to make sense of all that will be thrown at them. The fallacies and smoke and mirrors of the defense, along with the constant whining, sidebars and smirks of JB will begin to grate on them sooner rather than later. Even if they could make any sense from his opening statement, he does not have the witnesses or legal experience to save his client. His personality alone will drive them around the bend. MOO of course!
It cannot be dis-proven and thats all that matters really.

If Caylee had died due to CA neglecting to remove the ladder from the pool ICA would have been shoving that in CA's face so hard that CA wouldn't be able to breathe. None of this would be happening now. The state will be able to prove that.

I don't for one minute believe that if Cindy left that ladder up that Casey would think "OMG Cindy will never forgive me for letting Caylee get in the pool and drown". She would be thinking "that witch killed my child and I'm going to rub it in her face every chance I get". There was that kind of competition between them.

"Mom you left the damn ladder in the pool and Caylee fell in an drown."
Yeah I think some lawyers can pull off what JB is attempting...but it just falls flat. There's no "rhythm" to what he does...and the buildup is clunky and awkward. It seems more often than not he succeeds in taking all the air out of the room and making people uncomfortable instead of making a point.

One thing that concerns me is that he may just confuse the jurors and keep them twisted up enough that enough that they can't follow. If they can't follow and keep the dots connected they may find reasonable doubt just in the confusion.
Honestly, if I was juror, and one side was maybe a bit boring but methodical, know what they're doing and how to do it, and the other side was all over the place, overdramatic, and constantly halting the trial with objections and sidebars, I would praise GOD that one side was doing it right, happier when they are up, and pay more attention to them. I can't imagine the jury is pleased with Baez at all. If anything, he's going to sink his own theory more than the evidence and testimony will!

I have more faith in tortoise, and the hare needs to run off of a cliff, IMO. No way Baez is going to get an acquittal or lesser charge the way he's acting in court! His words are only as believable as he is, and well...let's just nicely say he is sooooooooooo not believable!

they haven't even begun with the tedious scientific evidence yet
I just hope JB tries to dispute all the forensic evidence, will go against his big bombshel opening

We have to remember that they are just laying a foundation. These jurors don't have the details like we do. So soon we'll have a Blockbuster employee on the stand telling us about the movies they rented on the 16th and the jury will most likely watch those movies.

Can you imagine what the jury will be thinking of Casey while watching those movies. Who can watch such horrific movies about kidnapping and murder IF your child just died in a horrific accident just hours ago. That's not gonna sit well with the jury. A true victim would have a visceral reaction to such images but a cold calculated killer will want to glean tips on how establish a murder or kidnapping story with this media.

I love that they are laying each piece of the puzzle out so the later, the jury will have no doubts or questions when they make their final judgement. It may seem very boring and slow to us, but it's something that just needs to be done.

I doubt very seriously that the jury will be watching those movies. The judge has instructed the jury not to read, watch, or research anything having to do with the case outside of the courtroom. The may show some snippets of scenes in court, but unless HHJP makes the jurors sit through 3-4 hours of movies in court, I don't think they'll be watching those movies. And i DO NOT see HHJP doing that. Quite frankly, I don't think the SA will even bring those movies up -- they don't need them.
The state gave the jurors what they needed with their OS. They will be able to back it up.
Baez's OS was an accident that snowballed out of control. The DT screwed their only shot at the accident theory by adding GA into the drowning scenario. That performance was so unbelievable, they won't be able to convince the jury that the sky is blue.
CM wanted the accident defense, wanted ICA to be take the rap for improper disposal of a body.
What happened?? JB's ego inflated a big ole defense balloon.
It was like watching a balloon being blown up and then released, all the air whooshing out as it flies in crazy circles until it falls flat and empty.

I know the defense was trying to cut the prosecution off at the knees by saying it was an accident. But they are trying to keep evidence from being shown to the jury with the excuse of, "We said she was dead. We said she was not looking for her child. We said she lied. We said there was no zanny."

The state will take their sweet time, laying it all out for the jury. They have my full attention.
It cannot be dis-proven and thats all that matters really.

IMO it can be disproven. All the SA has to do is play the jail visit with with her parents. CA brings up what the latest theory is about Caylee drowning in the pool and ICA pretty much laughed at it. The DT didnt do there home work very well.JMO
I enjoyed reading everyone's comments and I hope you are all right. I kind of lose my mind listening to so many of those talking heads on hln and tru tv. For some reason they think Baez is a genius but I think he is very shifty and unbelievable. I guess I should think to myself if I think he is so repugnant the jury probably does too but then, they don't know this case like I do.
I'm concerned about their questioning of Tony Lazzaro. I feel they left out a lot of questions they should be questioning him about. One area of questioning I feel the state failed to address is the cell phone calls and texting between Tony and KC during the evening of June 15th into the wee hours of June 16th and throughout the day on the 16th

That would have been a good time to introduce the cell phone pings between KC and TL for the whole 24 hours of June 15 and 16.

Just getting to your post, Leila, so someone may have already addressed this, but won't this come in with the cell phone expert's testimony?:waitasec:
In regards to Tony L's testimony today...many are mentioning that the state didn't address the fact that Tony only wanted boys...and I also remember that, but it's been almost 3 years and my senior mind (gosh, I sound like CM---scary!), I cannot remember where we heard that from...can someone help me answer that? TIA
I doubt very seriously that the jury will be watching those movies. The judge has instructed the jury not to read, watch, or research anything having to do with the case outside of the courtroom. The may show some snippets of scenes in court, but unless HHJP makes the jurors sit through 3-4 hours of movies in court, I don't think they'll be watching those movies. And i DO NOT see HHJP doing that. Quite frankly, I don't think the SA will even bring those movies up -- they don't need them.

I meant within the realm of the court room. I think it's obvious they would not be able to see those movies on their own. Even snippets would be damaging, imo.
The state gave the jurors what they needed with their OS. They will be able to back it up.
Baez's OS was an accident that snowballed out of control. The DT screwed their only shot at the accident theory by adding GA into the drowning scenario. That performance was so unbelievable, they won't be able to convince the jury that the sky is blue.
CM wanted the accident defense, wanted ICA to be take the rap for improper disposal of a body.
What happened?? JB's ego inflated a big ole defense balloon.
It was like watching a balloon being blown up and then released, all the air whooshing out as it flies in crazy circles until it falls flat and empty.

I know the defense was trying to cut the prosecution off at the knees by saying it was an accident. But they are trying to keep evidence from being shown to the jury with the excuse of, "We said she was dead. We said she was not looking for her child. We said she lied. We said there was no zanny."

The state will take their sweet time, laying it all out for the jury. They have my full attention.

JB`s sensationalism in the opening statement surprised me, should`ve known.

They had to add George and/or Kronk because of the duct tape. The duct tape (three pieces of it) disputes accidental drowning theory. Neither of them had reason to put duct tape on Caylee but their involvement might create some confusion or doubt if it was Casey responsible for it.
Im not worried.. they (the state) is laying the foundation.. they need to do this..
and I dont think JB is coming off well at all.. I thought his cross of TL today asking him about guns and weapons was just stupid.. and I bet my bottom dollar the jury was wondering what the heck.. he was doing..

go here
and look at Bill Sheaffer's analysis of the day.. it will make you feel better. i promise

Thanks for the link. Bill S. is so intelligent, and I really think he is a kind man--did you see him pat KB's cute. So different from how CM treats Kathy, huh?!
Another thing JB is doing to take the wind out of his sails on the accident drowning theory is asking each of the shot girls and friends today if they were at the Anthony home when Caylee drowned. Why would he be asking that if he already told the jury only ICA and George were there? If I were on that jury, that would be a huge "where are you going with this and grasping at straws" moment for me to confirm that never happened.

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