Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Developments #3

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I think this is a good article regarding the different types of materials and what the ramifications if released into the air. The whole article is good. I have copied too much, so will edit it down in a bit.

>>Another doomsday scenario – and one the engineers are battling now – is that one or more of the huge water pools used to store spent fuel boils dry, exposing the fuel rods to the atmosphere where they catch fire. These fuel rods are heavily contaminated with radioactive fission products that could be released directly into the air.
If either of these happens, more radioactive material will be spewed out of the power station without doubt. At the site, the greatest danger would be from short-lived products of the fission reactions that fizzle out quickly in a burst of gamma rays. These burn out so fast that they are not a major problem further afield. "As time goes by, much of the early short-lived radioactivity dies away and you're in a much happier position," said Wakeford.
.<< Much more good information at link

Shepard smith on fox news said he was told the cannons which were given by one of our US navy ships were delivered 5 or 6 hours ago according to the nayv ships facebook page but the japanese have said it's too dangerous for anyone to get close enough to operate them........


Translation: the radiation is too high.
1.45am: A UN forecast of the movement of a radioactive plume coming from the Fukushima reactors shows it possibly reaching California on Friday, the New York Times is reporting: Endquote

Let me consider for just a moment...what and when was the first broadcast that was TRUE (operative word) as to when radiation was leaking?

36 hours from there to California, knowing the history of disinfo coming from Japan in regards to the nuclear plants, and the US in California is just now setting up "extra" geiger counters etc...?

I am now wondering just how many of these "radiation counters" are less than 12 miles from me at the nuke plant here.

This all started on the 11th.

Why was a genearator allowed to run out of gas. A very critical generator that was pumping water to cool these rods?

Yeah, I know, hindsight.

ONE generator? Why just one?

FOUR helicopters? Why only four that dump water? Wouldn't it make more sense to line them all up in a circle, 20 or 30 water choppers, and have them make a huge circle, scoop, dump, get back in line and repeat? Inundate that reactor, not just give it enough water to make steam.

There is a roof' still on that #3, the one that houses badazz plutonium, btw, are they hoping they can knock the roof off to make successive passes more effective? If not, they are dumping water on a roof where it will run off, right?

Could it be that they are just trying to dump water, in the near area, to reduce the radiation (does it work that way? nah) enough to get more workers and the water canons in there?

Is this making sense to you guys? Really?

It seems to me it is a bandaid on an artery wound...
Your post #302 helps a lot.
Thank you, truly.

After the watching the footage of the helicopters dumping water over the power plant, I'm inclined to believe that it's more of an attempt to wash the radioactive material back to the ground & to attempt to prevent it from rising & blowing on the wind than anything else.

IMO, there's no way that any of that water actually reached the inside of the building where the spent fuel pool is located.

IOW - they're making it "rain".

I swear on all that is holy that I will try to find a link for this...until I can find one, just bear with me.

Yesterday, when I first read the things that would be coming in that radioactive cloud, I looked up the top three. From the article I was using, (which is linked here somewhere), it said cesium, iodine - 131, and stronuim(sp).I looked up all three, and iodine-131, is the one that worries me the most. The link that I found for it (may have been wiki) said that in high doses, it causes nuerological changes within 15 MINUTES of sustained exposure. In lab animals, second generations showed severely decreased brain function and high levels of unexplained aggression. To me, that is the scariest thing, for those that aren't killed by the radiation or rendered sterile.

Off to look for link. In fact, if someone wants to make me a short list of radioactive isotopes that we know will come out of these reactors, I will not-so-happily look them up. Science interests me and my OCD would love that task.
Scientists Project Path of Radiation Plume

Quote: A United Nations forecast of the possible movement of the radioactive plume coming from crippled Japanese reactors shows it churning across the Pacific, and touching the Aleutian Islands on Thursday before hitting Southern California late Friday.

Take any one article and count the "feel good" words.

Pump up the patriotism before the war too.

Sorry, I am not 'unamerican'.

I am also not gullible.

History says...
Thanks JBean. That's my fear: Cesium. I know we have cesium "detectors" out here in WA and one location I heard was Tumwater. I dunno the others, and I think there are more.
From Quiche's link:

Health and nuclear experts emphasize that radiation in the plume will be diluted as it travels and, at worst, would have extremely minor health consequences in the United States, even if hints of it are ultimately detectable. In a similar way, radiation from the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 spread around the globe and reached the West Coast of the United States in ten days, its levels measurable but minuscule.

We do have a moniter already up and running in Honolulu and are going to get 2 more but I don't remember which island(s) they were going to be located on.

IMHO and FWIW I have no reason to believe that the federal govn and the state of HI is lying to me.

<shrugs> :)

After the watching the footage of the helicopters dumping water over the power plant, I'm inclined to believe that it's more of an attempt to wash the radioactive material back to the ground & to attempt to prevent it from rising & blowing on the wind than anything else.

IMO, there's no way that any of that water actually reached the inside of the building where the spent fuel pool is located.

IOW - they're making it "rain".


Yeah, I didn't watch the footage but I think it was SuziQ stating they were so far up the water was dissipating. Wow..... heroic.
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