"Jersey" and MW #2

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Just jumping off your post here... and thinking out loud!

Now the phone call at 8:30pm is from one of the "stolen" phones calling MW's phone - now - is the 2:30am phone call from the same "stolen" phone - or do we know that yet. And to 'where' that 2:30am went to (phone/person)??

TIA! :seeya: still trying to catch with all this 'new' stuff!

Unless things have changed....

The only person we got the 8:30pm time was from MW, that is the time she said LE told her. Can't remember where got the 2:30am time from, but I don't think it was LE.

People have speculated here that perhaps the real time was never really 2:30 am but was actually 2030 using the 24 hr clock which would equal 8:30pm on the 12 hr clock.
MW does not fit the profile of a baby abductor at all. http://www.missingkids.com/missingkids/servlet/PageServlet?LanguageCountry=en_US&PageId=3086

Profile of a "Typical" Infant Abductor

This list was developed from an analysis of 256 cases occurring 1983-2008.

The Abductor

  • Is usually female of “childbearing” age (range now 12 to 53) and often overweight.
  • Is most likely compulsive; most often relies on manipulation, lying, and deception.
  • Frequently indicates she has lost a baby or is incapable of having one.
  • Is often married or cohabitating; companion’s desire for a child or the abductor’s desire to provide her companion with “his” child may be the motivation for the abduction.
  • Usually lives in the community where the abduction takes place.
  • Frequently initially visits nursery and maternity units at more than one healthcare facility prior to the abduction; asks detailed questions about procedures and the maternity floor layout; frequently uses a fire-exit stairwell for her escape; and may also try to abduct from the home setting.
  • Usually plans the abduction, but does not necessarily target a specific infant; frequently seizes any opportunity present.
  • Frequently impersonates a nurse or other allied healthcare personnel.
  • Often becomes familiar with healthcare staff members, staff members work routines, and victim parents.
  • Demonstrates a capability to provide “good” care to the baby once the abduction occurs.
  • In addition an abductor who abducts FROM THE HOME SETTING
  • Is more likely to be single while claiming to have a partner.
  • Often targets a mother whom she may find by visiting healthcare facilities and tries to meet the target family.
  • Often both plans the abduction and brings a weapon, although the weapon may not be used.
  • Often impersonates a healthcare or social-services professional when visiting the home.

With all due respect, did you read that list? She actually matches some traits from the description you found on the Internet.

Is usually female of “childbearing” age (range now 12 to 53) and often overweight.
Is often married or cohabitating; (she said she lived with Jersey and now says she lives with eight other people)
Usually lives in the community where the abduction takes place. (is blocks away "in the community?")
Usually plans the abduction, but does not necessarily target a specific infant; frequently seizes any opportunity present.
(I'd say this would count as seizing any opportunity.)

I mean, I don't know how one can say "MW does not fit the profile of a baby abductor at all. " and then post a linked profile where MW matches some of the traits found to be common to a baby abductor.

It could very well be that MW meets more of the criteria than we're currently aware of. Example, she may:
Is more likely to be single while claiming to have a partner. (don't know what she's claimed her status to be now)
Often targets a mother whom she may find by visiting healthcare facilities and tries to meet the target family. (There's been reports that DB had MW's number written on her hand, maybe they had met.)
Often both plans the abduction and brings a weapon, although the weapon may not be used. (she could have done this but we won't know this until we have more info.)
Just jumping off your post here... and thinking out loud!

Now the phone call at 8:30pm is from one of the "stolen" phones calling MW's phone - now - is the 2:30am phone call from the same "stolen" phone - or do we know that yet. And to 'where' that 2:30am went to (phone/person)??

TIA! :seeya: still trying to catch with all this 'new' stuff!

FWIW - 8:30 is what JVM said on HLN... all other news media (that I have seen) reported 2:30. I think JVM just reported the wrong time. JMO
Has anyone seen this yet, get ready to SCREAM!

Kansas City police said they are not actively searching for 11-month-old Lisa Irwin. Police also said the parents still are not cooperating in the investigation.
by Karen Yancey/Staff 7:08 PM


So sad. The parents need to answer whatever questions they have for them. They should be devastated to hear this news. Insane.
Has anyone seen this yet, get ready to SCREAM!

Kansas City police said they are not actively searching for 11-month-old Lisa Irwin. Police also said the parents still are not cooperating in the investigation.
by Karen Yancey/Staff 7:08 PM



I had never seen a missing child case that LE gives up on in just one month.
Perhaps they know for sure what really happened but if they do why aren't they arresting someone. Even if LE knows for sure that she is dead I would think they would still be searching for a body.

Maybe Lisa was in the crib at 4:30 for only a short while. Mom went to store with bro and dad is getting ready for work.
BL could have been in her crib at 4:30 for a few minutes to be changed or for any number of reasons. She could also have been at the dinner table. We don't have all the facts and def. don't have a consistent timeline - and being put to bed at 6:40 for an 11 month old, doesn't seem so horrid to me. Should she have checked on her in the meantime before bed? yes! Did she? uncertain! DB has stated that it was a nightly event that she did, so she thought she had, but couldn't be 100% sure because of the drinking. Wrong? Irresponsible? Absolutely! But not anything more sinister. The person/people responsible for BL being missing is the person/people who took her. Was it mom? I don't know but neither does anyone else.

Who changes a baby in their crib? The timeline said the neighbor looked in on the baby who was 'in her crib at 4:30.' It did not sound like it was temporary.

And in people magazine EVERYONE else was listed except for the baby in the dinner description. DB made dinner for her boys and the neighbor and her daughter. No mention of Lisa being included in the dinner.

And the neighbor's LAST mention of seeing Lisa was at 4:30, in her crib. So that tells me that she was NOT at dinner with the rest of them. That seems to say that Lisa was pretty much down for the night at 4:30. Maybe she was up for a diaper change and then given a bottle and put to bed for the night at 6;40. That is what it seems like to me from what I have read.

Then mom began power drinking. She did not just have a glass of wine or two with her friend. She had between 5 and 10, probably closer to 10, imo.
And she left the window open and maybe the door unlocked. THAT is negligent and dangerous. What if one of the kids had an emergency that night, fell out of their bunk, cut themselves by accident? Would she have been too passed out to help them?
With all due respect, did you read that list? She actually matches some traits from the description you found on the Internet.

Is usually female of “childbearing” age (range now 12 to 53) and often overweight.
Is often married or cohabitating;
Usually lives in the community where the abduction takes place.
Usually plans the abduction, but does not necessarily target a specific infant; frequently seizes any opportunity present.
Often targets a mother whom she may find by visiting healthcare facilities and tries to meet the target family.

The profile conveyed to me was straight from retired LE officers who've found abducted infants. She fits those criteria.

I don't think she knows or had anything to do with it. That is my opinion of course. As for why he would take the baby... Pedophiles are being arrested everyday. They include doctors, teachers, counselors, coaches, etc...
Maybe Lisa was in the crib at 4:30 for only a short while. Mom went to store with bro and dad is getting ready for work.

Maybe. But it bothers me because there was no inclusion of Lisa in the description of dinner time in People magazine either. They listed everyone else, and not Lisa. So IF she was seen in her crib at 4;30, and was not at dinner at 5;30 either, and then put to bed at 6;40., it soiunds like she was pretty much in her crib from 4;30 on. ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THE NEIGHBORS LAST SIGHTING WAS APPARENTLY AT 4:30.

I had never seen a missing child case that LE gives up on in just one month.
Perhaps they know for sure what really happened but if they do why aren't they arresting someone. Even if LE knows for sure that she is dead I would think they would still be searching for a body.


Searching where? Just wandering around KC looking under piles of leaves, etc? They scoured the woods, looked in bodies of water, searched empty houses, went door to door...I don't know what they can do, when they can't sit down and work with those who saw her last, who may hold some little clue to other people who may have entered Lisa's life in some way, etc...this does not mean they are not following up on any leads or sightings, working the case, etc...JMO

I had never seen a missing child case that LE gives up on in just one month.
Perhaps they know for sure what really happened but if they do why aren't they arresting someone. Even if LE knows for sure that she is dead I would think they would still be searching for a body.


I doubt they have given up. They probably want a body to make an arrest or at least be able to prove a conviction of a crimeWithout a Doubt! JMO

I had never seen a missing child case that LE gives up on in just one month.
Perhaps they know for sure what really happened but if they do why aren't they arresting someone. Even if LE knows for sure that she is dead I would think they would still be searching for a body.


Can we trust the Media to tell the truth? That's awful! How could it be that LE has stopped looking for Little Lisa. I'm not bashing LE, but it doesn't seem like they have ever looked for her. This is horrible but do you think they know she is deceased and was in the dumpster but aren't saying anything to catch the killer and DB and JI already know and that's why DB said she was grieving! My head is spinning... That poor baby, where the heck is she?
Unless things have changed....

The only person we got the 8:30pm time was from MW, that is the time she said LE told her. Can't remember where got the 2:30am time from, but I don't think it was LE.

People have speculated here that perhaps the real time was never really 2:30 am but was actually 2030 using the 24 hr clock which would equal 8:30pm on the 12 hr clock.

Thanks Cher!! That 2030 is a good explanation for the 8:30pm call!!! :seeya:
FWIW - 8:30 is what JVM said on HLN... all other news media (that I have seen) reported 2:30. I think JVM just reported the wrong time. JMO

Oh NO! JVM?? *****... I thought Cher's response was a good one - maybe that's how JVM took it... she "saw" 2030, and changed it to 8:30pm... :waitasec:
With all due respect, did you read that list? She actually matches some traits from the description you found on the Internet.

Is usually female of “childbearing” age (range now 12 to 53) Come on...and often overweight. So are 33% of Americans
Is often married or cohabitating; "To whom is she married or cohabitating with? The seven other people don't count - this description means a significant other
Usually lives in the community where the abduction takes place.
Alone, this means nothing
Usually plans the abduction, but does not necessarily target a specific infant; frequently seizes any opportunity present.
How so, explain please? Did she plan the abduction and you have a source? How did she seize an opportunity? Was she there? Source?
Often targets a mother whom she may find by visiting healthcare facilities and tries to meet the target family. Did they visit a healthcare facility together?

The profile conveyed to me was straight from retired LE officers who've found abducted infants. She fits those criteria.

The profile conveyed to me, via the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, tells me all you have is a demographic that fits 30% + of the population in KC.

She doesn't fit the profile of a baby snatcher, but you can still think she had something to do with it. The Dingo didn't fit any of this criteria either ;)
If jersey was in that house and stole Lisa, there would be evidence left behind. He should be ruled in or out by now. No one goes walking through a house, stealing a baby, turning on the lights in every room (but not the baby's room) and leaves the house w/o leaving prints, fibers or hair.

This is not true..Westerfield was placed on death row for the murder of Danielle Vandam. He kidnapped her from her home. He did not leave any fingerprints, fibers or hair in the home or at the dump site.....
Has anyone seen this yet, get ready to SCREAM!

Kansas City police said they are not actively searching for 11-month-old Lisa Irwin. Police also said the parents still are not cooperating in the investigation.by Karen Yancey/Staff 7:08 PM


And this is the reason I think the parents are involved. Most of us would be pushing LE to find our baby - not only would we answer every question, we would have questions of our own and would move heaven and earth to get our baby back.
Thats totally different. We are chatting on a forum..not being interviewed on national TV about a missing baby...:waitasec:

MW couldn't even keep it about lisa or on topic about the phone for that ONE interview!!..She started weirdly filling us all in on her tragic life...it was beyond strange.:eek:hwow:

sbm..I don't think it is very different. people tend to talk about themselves. We are all here on this forum by choice - to talk about lisa and there are many instances of "personal stories" by our members.

MW does not know Lisa or her family - she may very well not be a member of a missing person forum. If a reporter chooses to seek MW out and interview her and show that interview on tv or print - - MW is under no obligation to be interviewed or to make any interview she decides to do - to be all about lisa. The reporter is responsible for the content of their work.

There are many people in this country who know nothing of this case nor care to.

I think of MW as innocent victim of circumstances and I'm grateful for any tidbit of information we can garner from her.
People have speculated here that perhaps the real time was never really 2:30 am but was actually 2030 using the 24 hr clock which would equal 8:30pm on the 12 hr clock.
That makes a lot of sense.

On another note, I'm finding it impossible to believe that these parents have nothing to hide, considering all the 'defense' lawyers they are hiding behind. They haven't been charged with any crime so why the need for defense lawyers? And why so many? Obviously, they are afraid of the truth.

And I wonder, why can't these lawyers be charged with Obstruction of Justice? They're preventing LE from gathering information that may help in the recovery of Baby Lisa. They're stepping in the way of Baby Lisa's rights to be safe from harm. It would be about time one of these ambulance chasers be charged with a crime.
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