"Jersey" and MW #2

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What the heck is on that guy's head? His hair or a hat?

It's called a "fur visor". Search google images. It's the same thing as the thing the landlord has on his head.

But he lived there. What's that connection? That's bothered me for a awhile as to why would this guy let her live inside his house? hmmm Not thats is anything wrong with any of them, just the connection between them is all. jmo
Many think it is a hat but he did once coexist in the home with MW...so colored hair/faux fur is not out of the question.:floorlaugh:

I thought it was the missing kitty hiding in his hair.
It's called a "fur visor". Search google images. It's the same thing as the thing the landlord has on his head.

But he lived there. What's that connection? That's bothered me for a awhile as to why would this guy let her live inside his house? hmmm Not thats is anything wrong with any of them, just the connection between them is all. jmo

I kind of want one now :crazy:
After watching the video I have to say this is a very colorful neighborhood."Jersey" is called the handyman who spits on customers in a restaurant.You can't make this up if you tried lol.I would not put anything past him,even taking Lisa away.I think LE has a firm
handle on this case.
On the MSM thread we have a big debate over fur too...I had to leave...now going to snuggle up to my own fake fur pink blankie...Nighty Night! I will dream of my new fur visor...and the first chance I get to show it off :0
I keep hearing about this "someone who would cheat on her husband" comment from JI, but I have never once heard it. And I thought I had seen every interview they've done.

Anyone have a link?

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7273546&postcount=29"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - compare the parent's statements to media here[/ame]
I keep hearing about this "someone who would cheat on her husband" comment from JI, but I have never once heard it. And I thought I had seen every interview they've done.

Anyone have a link?

It's the 10/15 interview with Judge Pirro. (You could probably find the video on her fb page.) In answer to the question: Who do you think would kidnap your baby ? or words to that effect, JI begins to answer, "a woman who has cheated on her husband," but cuts himself off at "husb..."

Very weird, because if you think about people who would steal a baby, it's not someone having an affair. They have enough complications without adding an unexplained baby--"Sweetie, no, I was at the hospital all last night. Look, at our new baby. I'm going to name her after your mother."

If a person who is not preoccupied with infidelity is asked that question, they are probably going to say things like, a woman who just lost a baby, etc., etc.

When he said that, DB looked up at him. Judge Piro didn't ask a follow up question--some interviewing skiils, there, Judge.
I just think it is odd that they would return the phone to her and take it back. It had been thought by some that KCPD took it, returned it to her and then the FBI came and got the phone, That seems bizarre. I don't doubt that she has another boost phone.

They have reason to believe that she provided more phone evidence after returning the phone to her the first time? Maybe thinking she was in the clear, she would use the phone again to contact someone, text, pictures...:waitasec: Kind of like drug testing someone just days after you drug test them, maybe?
They certainly spent a lot of time looking in places that seemed to make sense if it was Jersey in the beginning. I believe they were looking at a lot of abandoned buildings in the area and forested areas near where he was likely living with MW. I think this comes from the sitings on the next street over, information that they had right off the bat. They searched that street extensively too after the couple with the siting of the man with a baby.

They were also doing a parallel investigation of the parents. Apparently Jersey has co operated and the parents have not. They have "moved on" from him but not from them. I wonder why?


Because I've seen all the documents from the Casey Anthony case, the amount of investigating of an individual doesn't lead me to think the police believe they are involved. They must thoroughly investigate all leads in order to conclusively rule them out. There should be no question as to whether the person was involved or not, to them.

We saw hundreds of pages of documents investigating those around Casey. We even saw all the employment records of Jessie's training with the police academy and OTJ training.
Because I've seen all the documents from the Casey Anthony case, the amount of investigating of an individual doesn't lead me to think the police believe they are involved. They must thoroughly investigate all leads in order to conclusively rule them out. There should be no question as to whether the person was involved or not, to them.

We saw hundreds of pages of documents investigating those around Casey. We even saw all the employment records of Jessie's training with the police academy and OTJ training.

Just remember that the Sunshine Laws don't apply here. Very, very few (if any?) states have similar laws. We were spoiled rotten to see and be able to sleuth all the investigative/evidentiary docs during that case. Per FL laws, we were kept in the loop as to what was happening. We aren't going to get the same PROOF released like we were blessed to have during the Anthony case.
Yeah, we all wondered if she saved them in case they caught the guy.

But, IMO, it goes even further, JI suggested "someone that cheated" on her hubby...as to who might be a possible abductor. He may know much more than any of us knows about MW and Jersey.

The "someone that might cheat on her husband" might also refer to Samantha, the drinking neighbor, who was recently separated from her husband.

JI did run out of the house that night to SB's house looking for LI. Maybe and JMO, JI knew she was having an affair with (JMO) PN because it's DB's brother. I think think this is an intricately woven set of lies and circumstances that has to eventually come undone.
That's an interesting point, because I'm willing to bet that whoever took the baby didn't have access to a car. Why else would he (or they) have walked her all over creation on a cold night, with all the attendant risks?
I don't consider 60 degrees to be cold. Motorcycle dude was wrong on the temp. Just a little chilly, but not cold at all. That is why so many were outside that night.
I keep hearing about this "someone who would cheat on her husband" comment from JI, but I have never once heard it. And I thought I had seen every interview they've done.

Anyone have a link?

I've posted it a few times. Are you telling me that you don't hang on my every word? :confused:

Around the 1:15 mark he starts listing who was on their list to LE, around 1:45 he says the cheated on part, and stops himself part way through.
Wasn't the <modsnip> an apartment in that complex near the dumpster?
north Brighton Townhouses aren't 'apartments' They are what is called a co-op. The tenants are partial owners and put down a hefty down payment to live there. I don't see them to have the down payment. NBT may have changed the rules a little bit since the economic times have changed though, but I do know that they do keep track of tenants living there very well and encourage the other co-owners to do the same.
The call came from one of the three cell phones that were allegedly stolen.

You've misquoted MW.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WcZ3yQd3MU&feature=related"]Lisa Irwin: Issues 10/31/11 (Added Transcript) - YouTube[/ame]
at the 1:18 mark approx.
Still looking for answers. Do we know for a fact that the phone that called MW's phone was the Irwin's phone or could it have been Deborah's fathers phone that made the call. It is being said that the third phone was/is his.
I don't consider 60 degrees to be cold. Motorcycle dude was wrong on the temp. Just a little chilly, but not cold at all. That is why so many were outside that night.

I have a bike, 60 degrees is a bit cool on a bike, maybe not walking but on a bike for me it's nippy.
They have reason to believe that she provided more phone evidence after returning the phone to her the first time? Maybe thinking she was in the clear, she would use the phone again to contact someone, text, pictures...:waitasec: Kind of like drug testing someone just days after you drug test them, maybe?

The FBI, then, must have concluded that she was dependably dumb.
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