jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #60 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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This is kind of my practice niche, and it's very very common to see these types whenever you have drawn out litigation in family court. I'm pretty confident in saying that if whenever there's protracted litigation in family court, at least one of the parties is personality disordered.

These types of personalities thrive on the conflict, and indeed they do use the court system to inflict additional abuse. Unfortunately they are often successful because civil courts, and family courts in particular, are not set up to expose these kinds of abuses, and there's really no way to stop someone from litigating if they are determined to keep the controversies going.

These people always make horrible witnesses, exactly like Jodi, and they usually try everything to avoid actually taking the stand and going through with a hearing or trial. Putting them on the stand is the very best way to demonstrate to the judge what kind of person we're dealing with - otherwise it is very, very difficult to expose this kind of personality -- they always have the advantage in litigation because they are not playing by the rules, but the other party is.
Thank you, Minor. How I wish I would've 'known' you a few years back. I was fully unprepared for the onslaught court brought and desperately trying to 'prove' my abuse to keep kiddos and myself safe.

One of my favorite DV authors, Lundy Bancroft, is very well-versed in tactics abusers use to manipulate the court system. I recommend him to anyone facing court proceedings with an abusive personality.
Does the jury know about the angry mail Travis sent Jodi just before the gun was reported missing?
Any Hobby Lobby's or JoAnn's in Salinas? Close a mani/pedi/wax place? Now that would be another nail in Jodi's coffin.
Never heard of Hobby Lobby, but JoAnn's does exist in N.CA, don't know about Salinas, it's about 2 hrs. from me.
So, here is part of something Mark Gregaros (of the Peterson defense) said on Dr. Drew last night. I read the CNN transcripts the next day if I miss the show:

GERAGOS: Well, remember something, Drew. The defense -- you know, the old expression my father used to tell me, you can`t fight the facts. They were dealt a hand here that was not one of the best if you`re -- it was an uphill battle from the beginning. All they`re trying to do, and you and I discussed this at the beginning of the trial, all they`re trying to do in my humble opinion is save her life.

Soooo. The defense is trying to save her life. Not the first time hearing a defense attorney (Baez, Mason, anyone?) saying trying to save clients life, "death is different". Does that make it OK to put forth a LIE of a defense to save your clients life???

I am tired of what I see as yet another "unethical" move in the courtroom.

Yes, blah, blah...everyone deserves their day in court ot defend themselves. Well, if you are innocent then DON'T LIE to muddy the waters. If you are INNOCENT then prove it without putting forth lies!

Sorry just sick of this crap.

(P.S.-I only watch JVM, unless she screams too much and Dr. Drew. I cannot and will not watch NG ever).
I just gotta say that watching JA on the stand has seriously stressed me out causing me (normally a non-violent sweetie of a person) to want to crush things, stomp, curse, drink, smoke, rip things apart and, well, you get the point, you ask?
Just look at what we would have missed if she had decided NOT to take the stand.... Whew!

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This alone is what might make the biggest difference between her verdict and Casey Anthony's. Casey's lawyers were smart enough to keep her off the stand. Jodi Arias is making herself look like a fool with her outrageous lies. I lied before, but now I will only tell the truth-under oath!!!
This alone is what might make the biggest difference between her verdict and Casey Anthony's. Casey's lawyers were smart enough to keep her off the stand. Jodi Arias is making herself look like a fool with her outrageous lies. I lied before, but now I will only tell the truth-under oath!!!

Yes, very different from the KC case. I don't agree with those who feel that it was JA who wanted to testify against the wishes of her lawyers. I think the defense approves of her having taken the stand AND likes her defiant attitude on cross because they smirk and smile when she does that.
Either the defense is ignorant or they are not into her/winning the trial at this point. I can't wait for the guilty conviction to see the smirk on JA, her mother and the female defense woman disappear.
Does the jury know about the angry mail Travis sent Jodi just before the gun was reported missing?

Wish we knew what was Travis said in that email? That might go along way to understand her motivate for killing him. I am sure he put reality to her and she doesn't do reality very well.

Even KC knew when to throw up her hands and say, 'I lied.'
Someone else here originally suggested Casey could play Jodi in the TV movie that will inevitably be made about this case. Casey wouldn't need to act for the role!!!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::great:
Don't forget Jodi said the ninjas took money from Travis' wallet. What if the roommate had given Travis his portion of the rent money before he went to bed the night before and Travis put it in his wallet? JMO, only. Funny Jodi would mention the theft.

I'm way at the beginning of the thread, so pardon me if this has been answered, commented on already.

In her "ninja" story, Jodi said that the male? took the money from her wallet but that she had $80 stashed in her jeans pocket which was in her back pack.

While she admitted on the stand that the story was a lie, I do wonder if the $80 was factual. If so, where did it come from. Juan figured out yesterday that she had to be broke when she got to Travis' house.
When JA testified about her early life, her dad pushed her against a door frame and she "passed out" for a period of time.

Wouldn't a "body slam" (see WWE wrestling maneuver) -- TA allegedly picked her up and then body slammed her to the tile floor -- knock the wind out of her for a few seconds, if not knock HER unconscious before she could escape from him?


Hubby made a comment yesterday and we already know this but I will say it anyway. He mentions that if she was body slammed there is no way she could of gotten up and did what she did as she would of been in significant pain.
He has watched the trial on and off and does not believe a word he she says. I find him like me, shaking his head in disbelief.
Wish we knew what was Travis said in that email? That might go along way to understand her motivate for killing him. I am sure he put reality to her and she doesn't do reality very well.


I think she killed him because she thought it would be good for her. That since he was over her she could get rid of him and get all the attention of having a murdered bf. that she would be the focus of sympathy and attention and that is her drug.

She is putting on this show because she knows this is her last time to speak and people have to listen. She can not stand not being paid attention to.
I have in my mind that on direct examination JA said her luggage was in the car during the afternoon and she thought the camera was fact she didn't believe her camera was used at all on this part of the trip. Now we are hearing about the sex video being made using her camera. I could be sooo wrong on this...just shooting from memory (which is dangerous). Yesterday I kept waiting for JM to refer to her earlier statement that she said her camera never came out of her car in Mesa. Anyone else remember her saying this or am I mixed up???
So sorry, peeps, for the length of this. Jodi's false claims of abuse is something that truly ruffles my feathers. :blushing:

BritsKate, your list is so on target--a click on the thank you button is not nearly enough! No need to apologize for the length. Every word of it is accurate, and brought tears to my eyes to read it. As a survivor of abuse, myself, I personally attest to the authenticity of every line, so very, very true.

has there been any discussion about the two maybe 3 deposits she made along the way to Travis' we know where the money came from... TIA
Just a few questions JM should have asked yesterday ...

1) Where did you keep this extra 2+ gallons of gas if you returned the 3rd gas can ... in zip locks ? Why did you return it ? Did you return the can to the same Walmart at which it was purchased ? If so, how far did you drive before turning around to return it ?

2) Did the skaters take the license plate screws or did you pick them when retrieving the plate ?

3) If you were nearsighted on 6/2/08 as you say, how were you able to drive without corrective lenses ?

4) On direct examination, you testified that Travis went out and carried your bags into the house on 6/4/08 ... then how is it that you were able to surprise him in his office ?

The devil is in the details ...
I have in my mind that on direct examination JA said her luggage was in the car during the afternoon and she thought the camera was fact she didn't believe her camera was used at all on this part of the trip. Now we are hearing about the sex video being made using her camera. I could be sooo wrong on this...just shooting from memory (which is dangerous). Yesterday I kept waiting for JM to refer to her earlier statement that she said her camera never came out of her car in Mesa. Anyone else remember her saying this or am I mixed up???

yes, I remember her saying that ! But, yesterday all of a sudden now she has TWO cameras.....LOL....there's that dang number again....
Towards the end of the day there are details that she doesn't remember. That she remembers some things, like major things. But not details. Makes no sense. She remembers eating a banana, and TA having oatmeal that day. But doesn't remember stabbing him 29 times.

Those are important to her but killing Travis...not so much. Like it is an everyday, mundane thing. She is a piece of work. At any rate, today should be interesting. Hope I can catch some of it as I need to watch my grandchildren at my daughters home. She has a TV in the kitchen, so the kids can play in the living room and not here the content of the trial. They wouldn't understand anyway.
Are they expecting him to just give up and move on simply because the defendant is being smug and obtuse?

I view Juan as a master when cross examining a sociopath.

When she jumps in the weeds trying to control the courtroom.. he like a tough Marine doing battle jumps right in with her. He is saying 'Oh so now you are going to go off on one of your tangents again thinking you can control me?' 'Lets see how that works for ya.' And no matter how long it takes to show her HE is in control he does so. Just like the link I posted earlier says to do when cross examining a sociopath.

It is those controlling outburst of JAs and the sparring with JM that reveals who she is for all the jury to see and Juan Martinez knows it. It not only reveals more lies it also reveals how arrogant the defendant controlling and how illogical her statements really are.

I have never seen a Prosecutor who is so nimble and quick minded as Juan Martinez but we do know he has already done this before in another trial when he put Wendi Ariando sp? on Death Row. She too tried to spar with him. Look what it got her.

You're preaching to the choir, Alix! :biggrin: Lots of DV survivors here tend to view Travis as a victim in a stereotypical abusive relationship and Jodi the abuser.

Initially, as a DV survivor, Jodi had my compassion. But also as a DV survivor I was able to compare my experiences against hers (therapy, research and volunteer work as well with many other survivors). For me there were many things that didn't quite fit with well-established patterns of abusive relationships and very common markers in most abusive personalities were missing for Travis. However, not every case is the same and both victims as well as abusers can vary somewhat. The more I saw the more made me question. I've compiled a list of what caused me to question her account and ultimately discount it. Some of the list is derived from trial testimony and evidence - it just bolsters the opinion I already had formed by Day Two. The list, in its entirety, is at total odds with everything I personally know about abusive relationships.

  • Moved to the city of her abuser, a 10 minute drive from his house, 5 months after their 'official' breakup.
  • Slashed his tires.
  • 'Snooped' through his online social networking accounts.
  • Checking his phone texts.
  • Warning prospective girlfriends away.
  • Gaining entry to his home without his knowledge or permission.
  • Was accused of stealing his journals.
  • Knew, upon questioning, his ATM and garage pin numbers.
  • Was encouraged by Travis to date other people.
  • Showed elements of manipulation and gaslighting during their recorded phone call.
  • She recorded said phone call presumably without Travis' knowledge.
  • Her blog, begun after his, eerily resembles his. Her Myspace is almost identical to his. Her trackable online history shows a pervasive pattern of 'following' him online for several weeks prior to his murder.
  • She told no one of the abuse until she apparently called her mother to ask for help and even told her why - IN FRONT of Travis.
  • Photographic evidence of nudity and named underwear but absolutely nothing to account for the supposed violence he inflicted. (I'm an EA survivor so I believe there can be abuse without 'evidence' of it - but I can't reconcile having evidence geared to make Travis look bad while lacking it to support her claims.)
  • The beginning of their relationship, according to Jodi's testimony, is wholly and entirely inconsistent with every single abusive relationship with which I am familiar. To hear her tell it there was no Prince Charming persona and no escalation of violence precipitated with EA. He was violent from nearly the very beginning.
  • No attempt on Travis' part that I am able to discern at seeking to make the relationship more permanent. A cornerstone of abuse.
  • No attempt on Travis' part to actually isolate Jodi...but Jodi using sex to manipulate Travis ensured he couldn't seek advice from friends and family.
  • Jodi changed her religion to Travis' before the relationship even became official.
  • The abuse escalated very quickly for a relationship of only months - too quickly I feel, lacking the security necessary to inflict abuse.
  • She has used every common buzzword in testimony and showed aspects of quite literally every abuse on the Power and Control Wheel.
    Power and Control Wheel
  • The phone sex recording shows, proves, Travis was questioning whether they should be having sex. It also proves Jodi manipulated his concerns rather than validating them.
  • She lived 1000 miles away from her 'abuser' and was still unable, apparently, to come out of the fog.
  • Literally hundreds of online accounts of Travis' from acquaintances, co-workers, friends and family have shown me nothing to substantiate the controlling behaviors of an abusive personality. In fact, quite the opposite. I believe he was a sweet, generous, funny guy just trying to find his place in the world who met evil itself.

So sorry, peeps, for the length of this. Jodi's false claims of abuse is something that truly ruffles my feathers. :blushing:

I definitely agree with your assessment.
Jodi was the controlling one in the relationship. She was stalking him even from a distance, but I have seen no signs of that behavior in Travis.

Being a DV (in all its forms) survivor myself, I am certain that he never once hurt her physically, or laid a hand on her in anger. She says the buzz words for DV, but there is no change in her emotions when she is relating her stories of physical abuse.

I have been away from my abuser for 14 years, but I can still vividly remember every detail of every physical attack and I cannot talk about them without experiencing a physical and emotional reaction to them. The best example of her misunderstanding of DV comes with her "flashback" buzz word. She does not understand that the use of the word "flashback" in a conversation is very rarely, if ever, a trigger for a real flashback experience. At least it has never been with me or the hundreds of others DV survivors that I have talked with over the years. A flashback is when someone mentally relives a traumatic experience which causes them to have a physical and emotional reaction in response to the memory.

When she said he grabbed her wrist as an example of his abuse I laughed and when asked what happened next she said he pulled him to her and gave her a hug I was ROTFL! :floorlaugh: GMADB That is not ABUSE!
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