jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #62 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Exactly. HOW the heck does a 5'8" 180 lb man, naked and wet and SITTING in the shower go from that position to body slam her, PICK her up? Slam her down to hit her head so hard she is either knocked out or dazed.

But seemingly incapacitated she can get up and over power this man with no clothes and get the best of him to the tune of a gun shot to the face and 29 deep stabs, and a throat slash and he never fights back?

Um, thats because it is impossible to have happened that way. wow, this better end well.

Moreover, if he wanted to kill her, wouldn't he have gone straight for the gun first?!?!?!? Dayum, she's ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just feel she took him by surprise and the knife puncture disabled him as in perhaps to the lung ect and he could not attack her just try to defend in the hand wounds
If Jodi had not started crying, she would be called cold and unfeeling. She had to cry. There was no other option. The talking heads on TV have zero analytical skills.

Agreed, I had commented a few minutes before she started crying that I have been watching without sound, and if you didn't know what the case was about, you would think she was talking about something so benign by the way she looked, just so matter-of-fact.
here's a screen cap i took from an HLN reenactment video on youtube, if anyone wants it...

So you think in the picture I call 'last alive' photo, sitting, head not visible, that he's already wounded?

Yes. There is no muscle control. Wounded or mortally terrified and cowering IMO.
IMO she will try to get out of getting back on the stand today.

Betcha not. This is what she has been waiting for and she wants to win this "game." She will play this to the hilt, pity me, feel sorry for me, poor me, woe is me, poor victim me....

And I disagree also with the notion that she is breaking. No way no how. She has rehearsed this forever. She has all the attention. Under that wall of hair and behind those hands is a wall of steel. She's ready for battle. She is fortified.

She's not normal. She doesn't give a rat's butt about Travis' death or his family. She's glad he's dead. She wants to win and show the world how she's a "sex goddess who got abused and the guy deserved it." She wants to be the victor.
Makes me wonder if at that point ( headless sitting pic) he sees the knife the way he's protecting his bits with his leg

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and just imagine what she was saying to him :(
The biggest farce of all is that Travis would be upset about a camera hitting the floor BUT was not the least bit upset when Arias trashed his BMW by towing it in 1st gear. According to her testimony, he was calling lawyers to see if they had a case against U-Haul ...
Jodi is a terrible actress, that was the worst BS I have ever seen. Does she think anyone believed that? The shaky breathing as everyone stood was pathetic

Meanwhile she's in the holding cell powdering her nose, getting ready for her close up.

There is nothing wrong with me wishing a "little bit" of angst on a Defense attorney that knowingly concocts a story to get clients off steep charges while victims family sits there tortured the rest of their life (I could care less about the accused family especially if they sit and giggle in court)

A little bit of angst means their trash is knocked over, their car had an egg on it. And they can't prove in a court of law the kid next door did it :) just lack of evidence, and don't ask the kid, you might upset him and make him cry. sheesh

At least nobody's throat is slit and all the blood drained out of their family members body.

when people get too emotional and they don't want anybody hurt and they crumble when somebody cries (JODI) then we just stick the whole criminal justice system down the toilet. GOD forbid we put anyone on trial after they chop someone up because this might be stressful for them.

She should be crying, she chopped someone up and stuffed them in their own shower. I don't feel sorry for her one bit, the minute you feel sorry for her she will take a gun out and blast you in the face.

It is hard to be firm sometimes. But keep the images of Travis stuffed in the shower, blue and bloated in your mind and it helps to keep "her" in perspective. She did that.

Amen sister! :peace:

I'll leave the forgiveness and acceptance of this monster to people with greater enlightment (or some BS like that) than me. I don't sympathize with anyone who supports or enables her for any reason. I reject those who stand by blindly or ignorantly and allow her to continue on with the war she continues to wage.

IMO in situations like these you find out who you are and what you believe in-- your character is revealed-- you choose a side and remaining neutral is just as bad.

Her attorneys are shameful. Not sure what the TH's motivations are--money, fame, new clients, controversy -- they hurt and hinder real people's real struggles.

Travis should be living his life right now. None of us should be here. Look what JA has done. So much evil, so much damage and pain.

It's infuriating.

and now I will be sipping something herbal and/or spiked. :cup:
I think the judge did a favor to Mr. Martinez by breaking for lunch early. jodi wanted to continue to present this desperate figure, unable to talk. She nipped that right in the bud. Now she's going to have to muster up those tears again and getting to that place (either emotionally or via acting) is not that easy for a sociopath to do back to back. Their acted crying jags usually take place in one sitting, not back to back and if she was really crying well, sociopaths do not feel the same level of anxiety as regular humans do so if she was crying about getting caught, she will recover during lunch and will tell herself she's still "winning".

I frankly think it was acting. Were there real tears? Probably, but she was acting. She has been doing this all her life to get out of trouble.
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