Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #14 *Arrest*

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I've had a hunch someone helped EG after the fact. Sure she had time to do it herself also. I believe that the area from El Dorado to Eureka should've been searched. I'm not involved in searching and am therefore not directing anyone to do so.
That's over more than one county line and is bound to complicate the search efforts.
State line is possible too but since we know he was seen alive at around 5;30 by the LL, I don't think EG would've had the opportunity to go over state lines but I'm not from there.
Believing as I do that she snapped and had help after the fact, possibly by someone unknown to anyone else in her life, he could be really far out. And since TM of TES compared this case to the CA case, there's also that to ponder. If you kill your little child, you are usually going to dump them somewhere close. But Lucas called her "Emily" and I don't really think EG was ever a loving or caring stepmom to him. :thinking:

I've wondered what all TM meant by this case reminding him of the Casey Anthony case. I think one of the things he meant was that we have a young parent who caused the death of a child who is not telling the truth. This case has also reminded me of the Haleigh Cummings case where we have a "stepmother" taking care of a child gone missing who is not telling the truth. All of these "mothers" lived life styles inappropriate for taking proper care of children. None of them were/are willing to say what happened to the children because they are at fault.
Still thinking and praying for you every day sweet boy ❤
Some think EG had help hiding Lucas after the fact. I simply can't imagine anyone in my life willing to put their life on the line to do that! Plus, what if I told them and they said no to helping me out? Then contact the next person on my list? Who could I trust with my secret? Even my own mother would tell me to do the right thing!
Funny thing is, the 11th is noted on the timeline as being the date the neighbor saw Lucas with his brothers. Is this the neighbor that said he stayed off by himself? The 11th is also the date EG was seen smoking outside with an unknown man. The 11th is also the date EG claims a black man and a white woman were seen outside her home. Lots of weird mentions for a single day.



(Hearing the narrator's voice from "Disappeared":

" the days leading up..."


"Disappeared follows a documentary format. It features re-enactments and interviews with family members, friends, and law enforcement connected to the missing subject(s), to explore their recent lives and last actions prior to disappearing." )

Additionally, that brings a new idea for coverage for Lucas..."Disappeared" on ID:
I’m not 100% sure anyone could identify a child accurately they had only seen once, especially “peeking” out of a window. I didn’t hear or read anything about this sighting until very recentIy. thought that LE in an interview said the last confirmed sighting was on 2/11 when EG introduced the kids to the neighbor children.

I think both scenarios make sense but the 2/11 date would give her time. Time to think smoke more mj, think, get high, clean up, think, get high, come up with a story, test story and fit some time into her “soccer mom” fake life. Think get high sleep, think some more. When she was ready with a solid fairy tale she ran to neighbors, probably after she smoked so she didn’t have the shakes. Then let the whole story roll.

Nothing, and most of those who should have nurtured this little boy, have good intent. The distant family might be the exception.

This is going togo on a lot longer than I had hoped. I don’t understand the evil in some people. in some people. I’ve seen it, I know it, but I don’t understand it. People have children and don’t think that cute baby is going to grow up and need love and attention. In Lucas’ case he needed an extraordinary amount of love and care due to his disability. He fidnt get it. Period. No one close to him gave him the basics. This is so very very sad.

Our VI very kindly provided us with that information and seeing as she is working with Lucas' family, it's accurate. But as she doesn't need to provide a link for her statements, it is your choice to believe her or not.

But you have left me wanting to ask you... if you don't think it would be possible to identify if it was Lucas or not, through the window, who do you suppose it was? And why would you think it wasn't Lucas?


(Hearing the narrator's voice from "Disappeared":

" the days leading up..."


"Disappeared follows a documentary format. It features re-enactments and interviews with family members, friends, and law enforcement connected to the missing subject(s), to explore their recent lives and last actions prior to disappearing." )

Additionally, that brings a new idea for coverage for Lucas..."Disappeared" on ID:

Disappeared is returning April 1st. This might be an idea to reach out to them. Although, I would hope Lucas is found before April 2019 comes around (I think the new seasons always start in April each year)
I've wondered what all TM meant by this case reminding him of the Casey Anthony case. I think one of the things he meant was that we have a young parent who caused the death of a child who is not telling the truth. This case has also reminded me of the Haleigh Cummings case where we have a "stepmother" taking care of a child gone missing who is not telling the truth. All of these "mothers" lived life styles inappropriate for taking proper care of children. None of them were/are willing to say what happened to the children because they are at fault.
I don't see how it relates to CA at all.
She lived at home with her parents, was unwed, ran off all the time leaving Caylee with her parents...
There were no custody issues. No abuse that was reported. No other children or step children.
All I can see is it relates to the callousness of a woman against a child.

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Thanks for timeline PB and Ana for posting here. I am curious not sure if you can answer but along with LL seeing Lucas peeking out window - I think the words were EG "later" claimed he was sick and sleeping. Does that mean she didn't realise he was seen then until maybe questioned over it ? Obviously I understand if this cannot be answered.

OT - I hope PB health okay.

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I don't think so. Although, I can't be 100% sure... I'm gonna have PB come back to you on that, if she can.

Thanks Horror.
I don't see how it relates to CA at all.
She lived at home with her parents, was unwed, ran off all the time leaving Caylee with her parents...
There were no custody issues. No abuse that was reported. No other children or step children.
All I can see is it relates to the callousness of a woman against a child.

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I can see, 100%, why this case is being compared to Casey... I have even compared it to that case too. Emily even reminds me of Casey just looking at her. But, I do think that Casey just told a real dumb story, basically left her child near enough in their back yard and got a easy go with the jury she got, it was nothing about being clever. I will never not be shocked that she was called "not guilty". It's too early to say right now what the situation is with Emily (in terms of how she will continue to play this out).
I'm still perplexed by the wording, "The phone records show that Emily had 2 phone calls made from her phone..."
That makes me wonder if she had someone else call someone from her phone. Who would that be and why would she have some else make calls? Maybe it just means her phone shows 2 calls had been made from her phone, but it's worded oddly.

There were 2 calls made from Emily's phone. They can't say Emily made the calls herself since they didn't see her do it - they're relying on phone records. That's all it is.
There were 2 calls made from Emily's phone. They can't say Emily made the calls herself since they didn't see her do it - they're relying on phone records. That's all it is.

Makes sense. (what a relief!) :yeahthat:
I wonder if she disposed of poor Lucas over state line.
She did a good job hiding him.
I hope LE is not put in the position of having to give up on the search.
LE is probably checking cameras near and far to track her SUV. A time consuming task.

State line distances, anyone? Can look it up...
From the Edgemoor residence to the Oklahoma stateline (closest) it is 50.8 miles, takes about 48 mins.
Edgemoor to Kansas City, Missouri stateline is 189 miles, 2 hrs 48 mins.
Edgemoor to Chester, Nebraska stateline is 171 miles, 2hrs 30 mins.
Edgemoor to Kanorado, Colorado stateline is 343 miles, 4hrs 52 mins.
Our wonderful RMT has made us some more amazing graphics so we'll get these posted today. More Lucas the better! :loveyou:
This case absolutely bears a resemblance to the Haleigh Cummings case in Florida. The 17 year old live-in girlfriend "stepmom" Misty was home alone with the 2 young kids. She cleaned/napped and awoke to no Haleigh. With the backdoor open with a brick against it. Haleigh's never been found.
I just keep thinking that there is something alike in this case, And with Tim Miller of TES comparing this case to Caylee's then I keep going down that line of thinking when trying to find similarities.
I'm still working on it. I just don't think he meant that Lucas was necessarily going to be found that close to his home.
Maybe one thing he means is that Lucas will probably not be found in all of the massive searches like in Caylee's case. That sadly he will be stumbled upon by someone totally unprepared.
That's just really sad :tantrum:.How I wish we could see all the connections and also the unknown positions where this case is unique.
I continue to think and pray about this to the point of distraction. I can't post every thought I have because they aren't all logical or helpful at all. I just want to let Lucas and his family know that so many of us are still here and waiting for more word,
We have not and will not forget you :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:.
Some think EG had help hiding Lucas after the fact. I simply can't imagine anyone in my life willing to put their life on the line to do that! Plus, what if I told them and they said no to helping me out? Then contact the next person on my list? Who could I trust with my secret? Even my own mother would tell me to do the right thing!
I agree with everything you said in this post. I live an erratic life involving staying in a different town at least 4 days a week. Luckily for my life right now, I don't have children. I'm too old to raise them now and I couldn't have them when I was younger.
I also have zero people in my life who would "help" me cover up for something like this. Zilch.
But I do know many people who live on the edge of society that would have someone who would help them. Most, most likely 99.9%,would end up turning on each other which would certainly get them caught.
The rare exception, IMO, is the "outlier" in the life of someone like EG. That person that is completely outside of her other relationships. They would probably know much about her life. But others wouldn't know about them. Now they'd have to be the type of person who wouldn't bat an eye and would take care of the situation quickly and efficiently.
I've no idea who that could be and I hope and pray that there isn't anyone but EG involved in this because it just muddies the waters so much worse and would make it almost impossible to locate L.
Just thinking of all the possibilities this morning and not necessarily making a whole lot of sense.
[Editing to add the meaning of the term "outlier" where it could possibly be relevant to this case.]

  • a person or thing situated away or detached from the main body or system
The informations timing.

It appeared far far into the matter before us.

I question it, more or less, because for a long period of time the last evidence Lucas was alive and verified was when he met several people. (The neighbors and their children) allthe kids were outside. Weeks later someone who never came forward and after all the publicity in this case should have come forward at the beginning, I question not necessarily the truthfulness, but the accuracy of memory.

And and I think LE needs to think about releasing more information.

I believe EG May in fact be much more conniving and decieptful than we first gave her credit for.

I strongly believe due due to the length of time taking to find Lucas she is either incredibly lucky or has the ability to plan and execute quite a coverup.

I believe she uses her kids to cover for much more than we realize.

And in this relationship she has a vast amount of time when JH is out of town working she can do absolutely anything.

As as far as the child peeking, we need more detail. The did this person see Lucas well enough to identify him with 100% certainty or was it drapery(closed)moving just enough and EG SUGGESTING TO THIS PERSON that it was Lucas when it may have been the cat.

People make honest errors all the time. Definitely need more info in order to depend on this info.

And theres the question of the relationship between EG and whoever rented this house to her and JH. It is the general tone of EG life in totality.

Justthink about this and take it in totality.

Will edit this this in a minute I need to look at some dates and records.
Shes 26 yo.
Charliegizmo I like your line of thinking but I trust the VI's in this case and take them at their word that the LL did in fact fully see Lucas peeking through the window and knew for a fact that it was him.
ETA from the links thread:
{ (She later alleges that she left Lucas home because he had been sick, was sleeping, and she didn’t want to wake him.) Lucas is seen peeking out the window by the landlord around 5:30 p.m.}

I agree with everything you said in this post. I live an erratic life involving staying in a different town at least 4 days a week. Luckily for my life right now, I don't have children. I'm too old to raise them now and I couldn't have them when I was younger.
I also have zero people in my life who would "help" me cover up for something like this. Zilch.
But I do know many people who live on the edge of society that would have someone who would help them. Most, most likely 99.9%,would end up turning on each other which would certainly get them caught.
The rare exception, IMO, is the "outlier" in the life of someone like EG. That person that is completely outside of her other relationships. They would probably know much about her life. But others wouldn't know about them. Now they'd have to be the type of person who wouldn't bat an eye and would take care of the situation quickly and efficiently.
I've no idea who that could be and I hope and pray that there isn't anyone but EG involved in this because it just muddies the waters so much worse and would make it almost impossible to locate L.
Just thinking of all the possibilities this morning and not necessarily making a whole lot of sense.
[Editing to add the meaning of the term "outlier" where it could possibly be relevant to this case.]

  • a person or thing situated away or detached from the main body or system

agreed! this is NOT the type of situation where even the people who love you most will "help" you by covering it up, if it was an accident, they'd help you by getting you to do the right thing and confess.

thinking along the lines of someone like EG, i've wondered if after the LL sighting and after EG returns from OG, she had a friend over. if she was coming down from her high and its not even 8pm, maybe her and a friend gave themselves a pick me up and Lucas had an accident under both of their care. even though her friend isn't responsible for Lucas in the same way EG is, you'd still be an adult that let a child die under your supervision. therefore, this person has their own incentive to cover the accident.

i could also see EG convincing this person confessing is not a good idea, telling her friend "you dontknow how "hard" Lucas' extended family is on me about this "alleged" abuse, people will ask questions" etc etc. also, like you said if they are like EG, it may not be all that hard to convince them too.

the only glitch i have w my theory is why isnt EG mentioning this person - like "i have an alibi, my friend was over and can confirm Lucas was playing all night and then went to bed". only reasons i can think (please poke holes or add ideas):

-it is a male friend she is involved w and she doesnt want JH to know. Also, letting LE know would sorta tarnish the whole dedicated stepmom act
-it is someone connected to her drug circle and there would be a lot of ppl angry w her if something unraveled
-it somehow messes up her storyline - maybe she has a reason reporting him missing the next day makes more sense in her mind
-theres something LE hasnt shared
Those are all good thoughts too. I sure wish we knew and I hope and pray LE has a good grip on this case.
Someone could have been there with her. :moo:
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