Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #20 *Arrest*

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I designed this to mark the 2nd month Lucas was missing. I’m hoping I don’t have to design one for the 3rd month [emoji172]
I hope not too :heartbeat:
I love you (and everyone here so dang much). Your prayers and hope for my safety are so inspiring.:loveyou:.
I, along with most of us, am "guilty" of derailing this thread so I am sorry for taking a minute OT. I was on a 3 day "mission" and helped a dear younger lady with no car or place to go. Her BF has severe PTSD from Afghanistan and he was arrested again last night for setting a fire.... :(. The system fails so many.
So glad she was safely in my home and got to paint her own room (her first room of her very own) in my house last night. An awesome teal blue and she brought collectibles from everywhere.
On topic: she has so many friends and now they are sharing all of Lucas' flyers and info everywhere. The circle of love is never-ending and true love always multiplies and never divides!
Back to all of praying and wishing and hoping for Lucas today and always.
Love going out to the searchers, FLA and PB and to the hurting, missing, troubled and even restless spirits in our world.
May they find justice and peace.

You always manage to make me smile (that’s been a rarity lately)! Thank you for being you [emoji172]

Extremely difficult to witness LH's loved one's suffering at length under highly public attention, with little to nothing at hand to alleviate that agony for them.

I have and shall continue to say that these events DO NOT OCCUR OUT OF THE BLUE>

EG's is a classic case study in guaranteeing 'safe passage' to an out of control, abusive, chaotic, and vindictive character desperately in need of limitation & external influence.
So many repeatedly handed her the 'get out of jail free card' to cover their own butts, and she understood how this convenienced them, worse, how to ensure a situation escalate to that point as to gain the 'free pass'.

It's all very well to propose Adrian's Law. The public really doesn't think about or care whether the banalities of legislation are occuring; they crave the end result (reduced child abuse).

Lucas would have NEVER been at EG's mercy had she been charged with abuse of her sons and branded an offender who should NEVER have access or be alone with minors.

Society doesn't like that option; we will continue to see these terrible tragedies.
Slightly OT but I so wish that law had been passed when Andrea Yates (here by me) drowned all her children. So many doctors told her husband after baby number two that her post partum was so bad that they should not have more kids because she cannot handle it. He refused to let her use birth control and left her home alone with the kids after she had already filled the tub 2 weeks prior! ::enraged::
Hopefully they pass it soon! Is there a petition to sign???

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:)eek: WTH? That is one of the worst things I have read)
You always manage to make me smile (that’s been a rarity lately)! Thank you for being you [emoji172]

(Adding - Chi, I text PB earlier that Chi is just my favorite) :giggle:
there was earlier speculation by some posters questioning if the LL actually saw Lucas and if Lucas was actually gone much longer. maybe what wasnt sitting well for some people isnt the question of the LL's sighting but the timeline. maybe weve been looking at it backwards.

speculating this was all done fri night, why would she dispose of the body so quickly? and why would she call him missing so soon instead of take the time to come up w the perfect coverup? she could prob stretch it to 5 days if needed. the other parent of the household is gone, she is telling the school Lucas is sick, has access to DR notes somehow and a limited social circle (and w friends you could be like dont come over/her friends prob are more of a dont ask question crowd).

lets say the LL came by and left her a message (text or voicemail) saying "hey i came by, looks like you arent available but ill be back first thing monday morning, maybe over the weekend if i have time". maybe he also says in his voicemail "looks like you are here bc your son is here but you arent answering your door" or maybe Lucas tells her he saw the LL. lets even say its about the cat so she knows the LL is checking in on her and already unhappy w her as a tenant. later when she gets back from OG and Lucas passes she has an "oh crap" moment, i have to dispose of his body and clean immediately because:

1. someone is coming by the house and i cant refuse them entry since hes my LL. also, if anyone were to notice a weird smell/somethingoff, it would be the LL since he just cleaned/inspected this house

2. while she could make up an excuse why Lucas wasnt home, maybe she didnt want to give the LL more reasons to be suspicious of her (maybe she was worried he noticed Lucas' bruising in the window or maybe Lucas peeking out the window wouldnt seem so innocuous to the LL if more suspicious circumstances popped up). so it was better to get ahead of inevitable situation and fast.

Maybe the reason there is no question that the LL saw Lucas is because Lucas answered the door.... maybe he even told the LL no one else was home....
Maybe the reason there is no question that the LL saw Lucas is because Lucas answered the door.... maybe he even told the LL no one else was home....

said that the LL saw Lucas peeking through a window.

said that the LL saw Lucas peeking through a window.


And here my mind itches to know was it the LL peeking through their own property's window (front door's window is a bit higher than this child's head)... or Lucas, looking through a crack, at them?

We do tend to see what we WANT when it's hard to discern which way things went after the fact.
I love you (and everyone here so dang much). Your prayers and hope for my safety are so inspiring.:loveyou:.
I, along with most of us, am "guilty" of derailing this thread so I am sorry for taking a minute OT. I was on a 3 day "mission" and helped a dear younger lady with no car or place to go. Her BF has severe PTSD from Afghanistan and he was arrested again last night for setting a fire.... :(. The system fails so many.
So glad she was safely in my home and got to paint her own room (her first room of her very own) in my house last night. An awesome teal blue and she brought collectibles from everywhere.
On topic: she has so many friends and now they are sharing all of Lucas' flyers and info everywhere. The circle of love is never-ending and true love always multiplies and never divides!
Back to all of praying and wishing and hoping for Lucas today and always.
Love going out to the searchers, FLA and PB and to the hurting, missing, troubled and even restless spirits in our world.
May they find justice and peace.
Pay it forward chi, pay it forward. Keeps the good coming around.

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Imo, I think she was counting on Jamie not being able to prove where she was. Unfortunately for Emily, Jamie was able and more than willing to show LE exactly where she had been and it was nowhere near Wichita. Now Emily is stuck with the story she chose and can't backtrack without looking even more suspicious. She didn't think this through and, imo, she's clinging to the first and easiest scapegoat she could think of.

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BBM- Digging this up because I'd never read in MSM that EG cast doubts to JO when she originally called 911 & reported LH 'missing'

Eg had her VD fib to JH in hand; YET AVOIDED IT when it mattered most.

Surely EG recalled having a recent altercation with JO & having seeded doubts about her proximity to their residence & LH's school/whereabouts w/LE...

This ominous omission smells strongly of some followup incident, chastizing EG for failing to pick up LH & growing distrust/issues from LH's school authorities.

Curiously; we've read next to nothing referring to this time (2nd week Jan thru 1st week Feb) in the CINC releases.

This is NOT because 'nothing happened' so much as SOMETHING COMING.
I was told peeking thru the window. I believe Wichita Eagle said the front door.

Those seeking court verified, concrete, immutable, publicly published factoid can miss this post, anyone else attempting to separate the evening's events may find it handy:

It matters everything that LH was caught by the outside world reaching out with such a small and innocent gesture as looking.

Since we will not be soon getting clarity re: Friday feb 16th's evenings calls, it's left to us to fathom what weirdness went through EG's head, and why.

If LL had visitied and called EG believing her to be at their property (authority figure EG must answer to); asking something simple such as ' I looked in the window/door/house & saw your son (where are you?)' warrants scaring... threatening an outing/visit to special someone/place, destroying a favourite toy, promising to leave one in a terrifying place or with objects of known fears, to keep the victim in line.

Lucas telling on himself 'being helpful' with message 'LL was here, I saw' presents an entirely different reaction.
An abuser believing their victim is standing up to their orders (ie; 'go to sleep', 'be quiet' 'stay in your room', 'don't be seen by the neighbors') is grounds for punishment. Physical altercation if you will, as EG was known to punish those who stood up to her as frequently recorded in LE's interruptions- not 'threaten'.

MASSIVE difference from the perspective of the victim who hardly knows what comes next but for when they've 'failed' the secret test.
Those who've not been trapped In It are unlikely to understand the severity or rationale of pathological actions... naturally, normal well adjusted partners and step parents DO NOT behave like absolutely insane control freaks; it's beyond the scope of acceptable experience which EG depended upon others to project onto her.
Well then, I guess everyone has gone quiet. I am still active every way I can possibly be.
So if all I am doing right now is bumping this thread for Lucas, I'm fine with that.
Thoughts, valid ideas, please come to us now dear Lord.
Right now I can only pray and hope Lucas is resting tight and warm in the arms of the angels.
For you Lucas, may you sleep tight,
Love ,
Well then, I guess everyone has gone quiet. I am still active every way I can possibly be.
So if all I am doing right now is bumping this thread for Lucas, I'm fine with that.
Thoughts, valid ideas, please come to us now dear Lord.
Right now I can only pray and hope Lucas is resting tight and warm in the arms of the angels.
For you Lucas, may you sleep tight,
Love ,
I think we all had that brief moment this morning that he been found.. and the feeling after it was not him -I can’t describe.
Well then, I guess everyone has gone quiet. I am still active every way I can possibly be.
So if all I am doing right now is bumping this thread for Lucas, I'm fine with that.
Thoughts, valid ideas, please come to us now dear Lord.
Right now I can only pray and hope Lucas is resting tight and warm in the arms of the angels.
For you Lucas, may you sleep tight,
Love ,

I’m still here Chi! Catching up after a long day. I so wish we could know where he was [emoji20]

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