Identified! KY - Elizabethtown, Fem UP11327, bee earrings, May'13 - Madiha Roshdy

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Ft. Knox is probably the highest guarded base out there because of all the gold underneath. Plus I believe they're still the ones who do ammunition for certain types of tanks and such. Maybe the barracks are closed? But I think it's still active. JMO
See, I thought I wasn't the only one who saw it. The two patterns are very similar. But Hexe got it spot on.

I stand corrected! You are right. I looked at mine in detail and they are different. Also my curtain from Walmart is a thick plastic. I see from the link of the one in china you guys says is spot on says it is a polyester fabric which means it is very different in materials!
Ft. Knox is probably the highest guarded base out there because of all the gold underneath. Plus I believe they're still the ones who do ammunition for certain types of tanks and such. Maybe the barracks are closed? But I think it's still active. JMO

Yes, I know there is a main gate, but when I lived there on post, and I lived there in the 1970's and also again in the 1980's, I lived in government housing in the 70's on Estrada Avenue, which is on the outskirts of post, and my brother and I would walk across the neighborhood to where there used to be a Grants Department store, and Radio Shack in Radcliff, Ky. We never had to have an ID then. In the 1980's I lived in a different area on Fort Knox.
And what I meant by a "Closed post", is not Closed per say, (like the posts I was at in Germany are now closed, because there isn't a Cold War and troops aren't needed in many kasernes in Germany anymore), but closed post meaning the perimeters and all inclusive of Fort Knox being closed to civilians, like is the housing area on the outskirts of Fort Knox closed, meaning a fence around it, where you cannot walk to get in or out without having to go to/through a main gate... Sorry, my military speak is coming through.....
To add Fort Knox is also a training center or used to be where recruits would spend basic training. Looks like infantry, cavalry, armor, and training at Ft. Knox now.
I just have to say this - I'm sooo impressed by all your knowledge about jewellry and stones and precious metals and styles and origins etc etc here! Wow! I know nothing about jewellry. You guys are really good!

Right? I agree, Elainera. WS could have it's own jewelry line with all you guys.
Dark hair with red streaks is getting to me. Do they mean those big red highlights? Do they mean that Hombre look?

If this woman is of Paki descent I don't think she'd have streaks. That's only going by my little knowledge of Paki women in my neighborhood and they have their heads covered.

Any Middle Eastern woman who is not Americanized would they have red streaks? My friend is Indian and she uses only the Henna that is sent to her or she grabs visiting back home. No streaks there.

However, Latina women I have seen that their hair doesn't pick up on any "reds" quite right.

Again this is only observation or from what my women friends have told me. I'm no hairdresser and no jeweler that is for sure. Although I have taken very good jewelry and condensed them into one piece. When I took a decent sized fiamond from a basket setting circa who knows I replaced it with a cheapier stone which is my birthstone.

Prayers this dear woman gets her name, and proper burial.
You're right Filly. I live in India and fashion statements such as red or other colored streaks are indeed very very rare in this region (inlcuding Pakistan, Middle East, ect). Women (and men) use henna a lot though, but if they do they use on the whole head and don't make streaks. If she did indeed originate in one of these countries she might have been in the US for some time and taken on some of the more Western ways of hair styling.

Wish they would release more details.
Dark hair with red streaks is getting to me.

But what I can't find (I guess I could have overlooked it) is anything that would suggest she is from either SE Asia or the Middle East, nor from Miami or Detroit for that matter.
Was it because they couldn't determine her race yet?

One possibility that may have been overlooked is that the victim could be a biracial or multiracial American rather than someone who came over here from the Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South East Asian, India, or Pakistan region.
I think this women was of Middle eastern decent, however I think she may have been "Americanized". I feel this way because as was said before the streaks, and the clothing she was found with. My understanding is middle eastern women usually wear cultural clothing during day and night?

By wearing the jewelry it shows importance, I mean if you get ready for bed and wash your face, what do you do before that? you usually take your jewelry off for the night UNLESS it's a wedding ring, or anything of significant value to your heart. This ring to me looks older then the estimated age, if you look at the side of the ring it looks corroded to an extent. I feel this ring was very important, whether it be a family ring or something acquired from a deceased relative.

Well I just took an hour trying to see if the right hand, middle finger had any signifigance. Probably because that is where it fit. As mentioned like it actually belonged to someone else and passed down. It would also make sense that the stone was replaced. JMO Out there somewhere may be another ring with the original diamond.

Most of the Muslim women I see all the time are in their traditional clothing, but sometimes they'll be in sweats or jeans still their heads covered, but that's only if they are right on their own step or something.

Somebody has to be missing this woman.
Well I just took an hour trying to see if the right hand, middle finger had any signifigance. Probably because that is where it fit. As mentioned like it actually belonged to someone else and passed down. It would also make sense that the stone was replaced. JMO Out there somewhere may be another ring with the original diamond.

Most of the Muslim women I see all the time are in their traditional clothing, but sometimes they'll be in sweats or jeans still their heads covered, but that's only if they are right on their own step or something.

Somebody has to be missing this woman.

I don't know what the turquoise stone turned out to be? Was it determined to be turquoise?
Just wondering because I looked up "turquoise in Saudi Arabia" (basic google search) and it looks strikingly similar to the popular oval cut that they wear over there. And it's a pretty popular stone there too. From what I've read, they have turquoise mines there. JMHO

this is one of the articles..but it says Iran is the best quality:
Also, I spoke to my friend who lives in Louisville. She confirms that the lady she drove around town in the past was Muslim from Pakistan. And she said that her rough guess-timate of the E-town people are also Packistani by at least 70%. Her customer recently moved there from Danville (IIRC?) with a large group (probably her family).

She didn't get to talk to her further because the woman she called "Lady Z" (her regular customer) had found a cheaper cab company and even though she was a "regular" complained to the company about the rate (because it's the base rate that the company gives not my friend) and said she wasn't going to use them anymore.
So, that's all the information that I could get. I hope it helps. :)
It's possible that the victim could be an illegal immigrant. Are there any farms that employ migrant farm workers anywhere near Elizabethtown?

Since the victim was found along the interstate, I agree that the victim likely isn't from Kentucky.

Another possibility to consider is that the victim could have been a hitch hiker or a prostitute.

Would the clothing that the victim was wearing be the kind of clothing a female might wear at a truck stop if she was looking for a ride with a trucker?

There are all kinds of farmers who employ migrant workers just south and southwest of Etown during spring through fall.
The Danville area has a wide mixture of races and religions due to the college and huge medical community and not far from I-65 or Etown.
Well something keeps popping up in my head. That shower curtain wouldn't be seen in ANY home. Usually a family home with kids. Its a very distinctive shower curtain. I don't think all adults would go for a bright themed shower curtain in their home if it was just them. When I was younger, my bathroom had a duck shower curtain.
But now.....I'm thinking again.....and for some reason I feel like this woman was attacked in a bedroom, most likely a master bedroom with a bathroom in it. And as I've said before, I don't think adults would but a tropical fish curtain up in their own bathroom. I feel like this woman might have a child or children that are young and simply don't know where mommy is and their daddy might be "hiding things" from them. I don't know.....I'm just thinking!
Could she have been attacked in her own bedroom and then her attacker rip down the shower curtain from the kids bathroom and wrap her up in it? It definitely looks like she must have been getting ready for bed. Maybe her boyfriend or hubby got into a fight while the kids were asleep? And he accidently killed her or did it on purpose? I'm sorry, its 5:00 AM here and I'm thinking weirdly.

Odd observation there..these girls are listed "black" in the race field..
Wouldn't it be SE Asian or Middle Eastern? That's not really fair.
I think they need to implement it in Namus and other systems; because if they're just going by this information she could be mis-labled and in case anyone needs this info in the future they won't find it. JMHO

Odd observation there..these girls are listed "black" in the race field..
Wouldn't it be SE Asian or Middle Eastern? That's not really fair.

HMMMM....Could they be Somali?

I think there are large settlements in MN and OH.

Yes, the missing Muslim Girls from the Columbus area are from Somalia.

There is a huge Somali population settlement in the Columbus, Ohio area.

The fact that the girl’s race is listed as “black” is correct. Somalia is a war torn nation on the eastern part of Africa next to the Indian Ocean.

Columbus, Ohio is approximately 206 miles from Louisville, Kentucky. Both cities are connected with each other via Interstate 71.

Does anyone know if there is a Somali population in the Louisville or Lexington areas in Kentucky?

If the victim wasn't from India, Pakistan, the Middle East, or South East Asia, then the possibility that the victim could be a Muslim from Africa should be considered.

On another note, I was thinking about the time the victim was found and the time the victim was deceased. I think it could be possible that the victim may have been killed sometime during the Memorial Day weekend prior to being found.

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