GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #6

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I attended high school with Leslie. I had noticed she was missing from my friends facebook page which I immediately shared only to notice according to her facebook she was located. I too thought of the possibility of somehow being related to the Jaren case. Still no word of what happened. Anyone notice anything from MAS lately?

Thanks for the update. Here's the news article. I am so glad that Leslie is safe!

As for MAS, Papa Sanchez shipped off to some family members out west. I heard rumors that she is living in New Mexico somewhere? However, I cannot confirm this. I'm 75% sure that she is not living in Louisiana....
Yes, Clodumbo, I remember the media reports, thank you.

Sanchez then changed her request, Nand said, asking the dancer to leave the club with the couple to "work" a small gathering somewhere in the city for $700.

In the above, the T-P reporter didn't directly quote her statement other than the word "work". Instead, the reporter wrote, "somewhere in the city". While we can presume that means New Orleans, it's vague. Deliberately so, imo, and I remain curious about the omitted part of the statement.
There is a federal prison in Mississippi... just sayin... (with some hope they want to keep him close)!

Always checking in for Justice for Jaren!!!


Speaks' current residence, the Federal Penitentiary in Atlanta, GA.
Sorry I didn't get to add this before the edit box closed. The link to the above thread (Warning- Some of the members user photos show some illustrated nudity.) is

respectfully snipped by me.

Thank you for posting this link. I went to it & spent way more time on that forum than I intended. I learned all sorts of things about stripping as a profession (and stripping in New Orleans) that I never knew & that make it look so much less glamorous. I know some of you on this thread know all this info & can explain it better than me, but here's what new info I took away from that forum:

Dancers are kind of like stylists at salons who have to rent their chair/space from the salon. What I mean is, dancers pay the club to dance there. They have to pay a "house fee" to get on the floor (although if you get there early enough in the day, some clubs won't charge this). Sometimes they have to give the club a percentage of the tips. Often the dancers have to tip (and there's usually a minimum tip amount) the doormen, the house mom, and maybe even the DJ. In New Orleans, they also have to pay the doorman (some of them charge $10) to walk them to their cars when they get off (obviously, a stripper leaving work at night alone with cash is a huge target; on Bourbon St especially, workers cannot get picked up in front of the club due to the traffic restrictions, etc.) I get the impression that not only is this a smart idea in theory (as long as the doorman isn't some creep like TS) but it's also almost required by the club that dancers do this. Also, if Jaren recognized TS as the doorman from another club, I feel she'd be more likely to go with him since due to his job, she figured other girls had been accompanied alone to their cars by him many times & yet nothing happened to them while they were alone with him.

If a night is slow, a dancer can come away with very little money or in theory, end up owing the club/other workers money. This sounds extremely discouraging, as I believe stripping has got to be really hard work, especially when it's slow. I have so much respect for what hard workers dancers are now. Aside from dancing on stage (a physically demanding job), they have to really push lap dances to make any money and that's got to be a pain to convince guys to spend however much for a dance & choose you out of the other dancers. They also have to make sure to maintain their physical appearance (of course, I know not all strippers are "tens" but I've never seen an overweight - not that all are super-thin - or grossly unkempt dancer on Bourbon Street). Maintaing your body is probably for some a constant "job" as far as watching what you eat, would be for me, anyway. Personal grooming (hair cuts/style/color and waxing etc) can cut into your budget (even a little if you do it yourself if your budget is very limited). Shoes & dancers' clothing aren't cheap either. It sounds like a really tough, physical job where you're almost like a door-to-door salesperson (selling lap dances). I'm sorry I ever thought dancing was "easy money."

That forum's New Orleans threads have posters basically screaming over & over again that dancers will NOT make any money in New Orleans during the summer and to try to avoid working there in the slow season (travel somewhere else to work and come back during the winter-spring when there are events going on). The last big spring event in the city is Jazz Fest, which is over the first weekend of May.

Jaren went missing in June, during the slow season, a time when other dancers on that forum are adamant you won't make any money in New Orleans. Combine this with having to pay house fees & tip other workers, and it's likely she was bringing home very little money. Also consider that she took a cab to work & back from where she was staying (which isn't cheap & adds up quickly) and that she and her boyfriend were staying at a hotel that charged $50/night (meaning their "rent" was about $1500/mo, which is more than my mortgage payment & utilities combined). I believe Jaren was the only one working, so she was supporting (feeding, clothing, etc.) her boyfriend who stayed at the hotel with her. She was likely very strapped for cash. When she didn't return home from work the night she was murdered, her boyfriend couldn't pay $50 for the hotel & was kicked out of their room that day.

I say all of this because I often wondered why Jaren went with TS & MAS when I read over & over again on the dancers' forum about never leaving with clients (most dancers made it sound like girls leaving with clients is pretty uncommon because it's so risky & that the posters themselves would never ever do it). But learning about New Orleans' incredibly slow off-season for dancers and the amount of the dancers' money that goes back to the club & other workers at the club makes me understand. Jaren was in a desperate financial situation. She was desperate enough that she took the risk to go with MAS & TS. She was hanging on by a thread when it came to money. She knew she and her boyfriend wouldn't even have a place to stay if she didn't bring home at least $50 that night (and of course, they'd also have to eat, she'd need cabfare to get to/from her next shift, etc). It makes me incredibly sad that anyone in the richest country in the world would be in a position where they felt they had to take on such a risk (like leaving a club with MAS & TS) to just to keep a roof over their heads. I know it probably happens a lot and most are not killed, but still....Jaren's situation makes me really sad. Poor Jaren.

Sorry for this long rambling post. Hope it makes sense.
Dancers make very good money in season! Like many professions in tourist areas there are seasons.
I have questions
1. Why were they living in a Motel?
2. Did BF work
They were staying at the motel because they had been in a car accident and no longer had a vehicle. They were from an area that would require a commute of about 100 miles (approx round trip)if they were to drive it daily so it seemed more reasonable to stay in a motel close to work and take a taxi to work.

Her fiance had worked in the past but was currently out of work when Jaren was killed.
respectfully snipped by me.

I say all of this because I often wondered why Jaren went with TS & MAS when I read over & over again on the dancers' forum about never leaving with clients (most dancers made it sound like girls leaving with clients is pretty uncommon because it's so risky & that the posters themselves would never ever do it). But learning about New Orleans' incredibly slow off-season for dancers and the amount of the dancers' money that goes back to the club & other workers at the club makes me understand. Jaren was in a desperate financial situation. She was desperate enough that she took the risk to go with MAS & TS. She was hanging on by a thread when it came to money. She knew she and her boyfriend wouldn't even have a place to stay if she didn't bring home at least $50 that night (and of course, they'd also have to eat, she'd need cabfare to get to/from her next shift, etc). It makes me incredibly sad that anyone in the richest country in the world would be in a position where they felt they had to take on such a risk (like leaving a club with MAS & TS) to just to keep a roof over their heads. I know it probably happens a lot and most are not killed, but still....Jaren's situation makes me really sad. Poor Jaren.

Sorry for this long rambling post. Hope it makes sense.

Respectfully snipped by me:seeya:

Thanks for all the research and info regarding how these clubs operate. I've always thought that there was way more to Jaren's story than has been shared by those she worked with, from the door"person" who appeared to know TS and MAS, giving them a thumb-up as they entered Temptations on the video, to the manager who must have known she left her shift to accompany MAS and TS somewhere, to her good friend (JO) who was interviewed at the motel the day Jaren was reported missing on the local news.

There is an interesting article (see link below) in today's paper about the preparations the Bourbon Street clubs are making for this year's "Super Gras." They actually bring in dancers from around the country to offer visitors VIP packages that can cost as much as $20,000. One dancer talks about her high expectations for breaking her record this year and making a lot more money than last year when she only brought home a disappointing $400-$600 a night during Mardi Gras.

It really makes you wonder if maybe Jaren's story has been intentionally downplayed by the owners and management of the clubs who should be the most concerned that one of their own young dancers was murdered and disposed of in such a horrific way. It certainly wouldn't be good for business during such a high profile time if the spotlight was on many of the degrading ways these clubs treat the young women who work for them.
Dancers make very good money in season! Like many professions in tourist areas there are seasons.
I have questions
1. Why were they living in a Motel?
2. Did BF work
Rents in Nola since Katrina are astronomical & ridiculous. That makes a weekly motel seem affordable. When Mid City is @$1,000 Bywater seems sane. But not so much anymore. Look at property values @ Satsuma restaurant area in Bywater & Upper Ninth. Crazy.
Rents in Nola since Katrina are astronomical & ridiculous. That makes a weekly motel seem affordable. When Mid City is @$1,000 Bywater seems sane. But not so much anymore. Look at property values @ Satsuma restaurant area in Bywater & Upper Ninth. Crazy.

Yep. I'm looking for an apt in Bywater or Marigny. I looked at a 2 bd/2bth for $3000. Crazy. About to look at a3bd/2bth in Marigny for $2900. And the neighborhood isn't the safest. Btw, I'm riding in Muses. Float 5, passenger side, last person on top. Give Nolaallycat a holler and I'll try and catch you. Still checking in on Jaren
Today marks EIGHT months since Jaren was taken and horribly MURDERED!

So sad that her precious life was taken and so little seems to have been done to hold certain persons accountable!

Dear God Please Bless The Family & Friends Of Your Angel Jaren Lockhart!

Justice 4 Jaren!
We have another young blonde lady missing who was staying at a hotel on Tulane Avenue (as Jaren was) who didn't return back to her hotel:

LA LA - Jessica Pratt, 34, New Orleans, 6 February 2013 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

She is from Iowa but a lot about her case makes me think of Jaren's.

I haven't been able to find out what she does for work, but I know lots of dancers from out of town came in for Superbowl & Mardi Gras to make a lot of money in a short time thanks to the stripperweb forum that a link to was posted here.
The media is covering this week's disappearance of Elizabeth Neary but I have not seen or heard anything about Jessica Pratt. Both are attractive blondes and seem to have been last seen enjoying the festivities in the French Quarter. Both stories made me think of some of the posts on StripperWeb about missing (blonde) girls from some of the clubs on Bourbon St.

FYI-There was an interesting article about sex trafficking in NOLA during Super Bowl and Mardi Gras that I will try to find a link for and post. Lots of eerie similarities between Jaren's story and those of young girls caught in the trafficking nightmare. Hope both Jessica and Elizabeth are located soon and in a safe place.
Here's the link to the Superbowl Sex Trafficking story, Ms._Shagwell.

Authorities nab 85 in effort to combat Super Bowl sex trafficking

Jessica Pratt isn't officially listed as missing with the NOPD yet. I read on FB that her brothers are on their way down here to file a report in person. NOPD hasn't been helpful because it's Mardi Gras, and many adults get caught up in the festivities, go MIA for a little while, and eventually turn us safe. Not a good thing, but a common one. I pray Jessica turns out to be one of them.

The family did contact Des Moines PD (Jessica is from Des Moines, IA.) DMPD has put together a poster, and a screen shot is on the FB page. It says Jessica works in "gentlemen's clubs".
I posted this in Jessica Pratt's thread, but I'm going to post it here, too. Someone interested in Jaren's case just might have insight into what happened to Jessica.



Missing: Des Moines woman never returned from New Orleans, family fears worst

“She’s a mother of three children. She’s a single mom and a really good person with a big, caring heart,” Ashley Partee, a long-time friend of Pratt, said. “She would never go this long without contacting her kids. Her father had surgery this past week, and she has called him each day to check in.”
Here's the link to the Superbowl Sex Trafficking story, Ms._Shagwell.

Authorities nab 85 in effort to combat Super Bowl sex trafficking

Jessica Pratt isn't officially listed as missing with the NOPD yet. I read on FB that her brothers are on their way down here to file a report in person. NOPD hasn't been helpful because it's Mardi Gras, and many adults get caught up in the festivities, go MIA for a little while, and eventually turn us safe. Not a good thing, but a common one. I pray Jessica turns out to be one of them.

The family did contact Des Moines PD (Jessica is from Des Moines, IA.) DMPD has put together a poster, and a screen shot is on the FB page. It says Jessica works in "gentlemen's clubs".

Thanks, Bessie. There must have been a couple of articles covering sex trafficking and these big money events in the Big Easy. The one that caught my attention (see link below) focused on the personal story of the Clemmie Greenie who was a former prostitute and now counsels women trying to escape from the sex trade industry. She shared her nightmare of being forced to use heroin, being stabbed in the back by her captors, and being intimidated to keep silent (with threats being made against the children and family of the women forced into prostitution). Those parts of her story, and those of so many other young women forced into trafficking, made me think of Jaren's murder- the possible drug motivation/connection, the stab wound to Jaren's chest, and the secrecy on the part of those who worked with Jaren in the French Quarter strip clubs.

Given the amount of coverage the shooting in the 400 block of Bourbon received this week, I'm sure there is video footage of Jessica and Elizabeth leaving a club or walking on Bourbon St. that can be used to put them in the company of someone whom they were with last. In a huge crowd of hundreds of revelers, two suspects in the Bourbon St. shooting were caught on video and their pictures posted and ID'd within hours. There are cameras everywhere in the FQ- in the clubs, on the sidewalks, and in the streets.

I know these three women- Jaren, Jessica, and Elizabeth- did not go missing without someone on Bourbon knowing where, when, and WHY it happened.
Thanks, Bessie. There must have been a couple of articles covering sex trafficking and these big money events in the Big Easy. The one that caught my attention (see link below) focused on the personal story of the Clemmie Greenie who was a former prostitute and now counsels women trying to escape from the sex trade industry. She shared her nightmare of being forced to use heroin, being stabbed in the back by her captors, and being intimidated to keep silent (with threats being made against the children and family of the women forced into prostitution). Those parts of her story, and those of so many other young women forced into trafficking, made me think of Jaren's murder- the possible drug motivation/connection, the stab wound to Jaren's chest, and the secrecy on the part of those who worked with Jaren in the French Quarter strip clubs.

Given the amount of coverage the shooting in the 400 block of Bourbon received this week, I'm sure there is video footage of Jessica and Elizabeth leaving a club or walking on Bourbon St. that can be used to put them in the company of someone whom they were with last. In a huge crowd of hundreds of revelers, two suspects in the Bourbon St. shooting were caught on video and their pictures posted and ID'd within hours. There are cameras everywhere in the FQ- in the clubs, on the sidewalks, and in the streets.

I know these three women- Jaren, Jessica, and Elizabeth- did not go missing without someone on Bourbon knowing where, when, and WHY it happened.
There was a whole series of articles about sex trafficking that accompanied the main article. The particular one you referenced was especially poignant, but controversial. Sifting through the 200+ comments last week, I found myself in agreement with arguments coming from both sides. While sex trafficking is a real fact of life for some, it's not for the majority of women who enter the "adult entertainment" trade voluntarily, and are free to do as they please. But once they do, many become slaves to the money, drugs, and lifestyle itself, rather than any pimp. A tragic situation, just the same.

True about the cameras. It was surveillance video that helped LE capture the three Garden District rapists last week, and countless other perps. My concern in the recent cases is the number of out of towners who packed the clubs over the last 2-3 weeks. In Jaren's case, the perps were locals, and easily recognizable to other locals. Being a slow time of year, LE was on it right away. That won't happen now unless the families come down here and raise holy hell. And still to this day, we don't know the full story behind Jaren's murder.
Just checked the WS thread covering Elizabeth Neary and she has been located. I had a feeling the active Twitter account may have been hers and am glad she is safe. The 400 block of Bourbon was beginning to look like a crime hot spot this week. I hope Jessica Pratt's family also finds her safe soon:please:
Praying for the girls on Bourbon, it is not an easy job and can be very unsafe especially if you don't work at Rick's, Penthouse, etc. I was at Rick's Cabaret at one time many years ago and even there I had a customer drug me. This was when the VIP was all one open room and fortunately I got out without anything horrible happening..But in an ambulance w my heart rate at about 4 bpm. That ended my foray into dancing pretty quick.
Jaren I know you are looking down from Heaven and I hope you realize just what a special and loved person you are, even by those who did not get a chance to meet you. Your heart and spirit will carry on through your daughter, and that is a blessing.
I lit a candle for you at Jesuit and I pray your love shines down on your loved ones and gives them strength this Valentines Day.
Brangele, Elizabeth Neary is fine. She contacted the 8th District last night to let them know she was never "really missing". Just the usual MG MIA.

Jessica Pratt, on the other hand, is definitely missing, and there's reason for concern. Her last known sighting -- according to family reporting on FB -- was in the vicinity of the Le Petit Motel on Tulane Saturday.
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