LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #30

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How many abduction victims have ever come back alive in the USA? The only ones I have ever heard of are Jaycee Dugard, Elizabeth Smart & Shawn Hornbeck (spelling?) They were all kidnapped as children by pedophiles...and never I really cannot imagine ANY situation where a perp had made contact with the family. Just not plausible....IMO

I agree...and do not believe that Mickey is being "held" someplace...the finding of the bike to me seemed like getting rid of the last piece of evidence tying the perp to her.

1) Being held in the immediate vicinity of her route (within a 1-3 mile radius of where she was initially taken, likely directly along her route);

2) Being held at a remote local in the general region (i.e. at a camp, within 20-40 miles of where she was taken);

3) Far, far away - with Baton Rouge being the closest possibility here, due to aforementioned trafficking problem. My thoughts here, though, are that if she was taken far away, it's likely several states, if not completely out of the country.

I go with all three - except not the trafficking angle...

Could be local perp(s) but with friends involved who are farther away. So it could be a locally generated abduction, but with links to others who have a place she was transported to.

I keep thinking back to the bike. Was it meant to be found? Important point. I researched the water level, and at the time it was dumped - if done soon after the abduction - it would have been under about 3 feet of water - pointing toward it's not being meant to be found.

But then - .... if the perp(s) knew about the dump site - and went to dump it shortly before it was discovered, but thought the water was deeper than it was (no particular reason that the perp(s) knew how shallow the drop-off is there) - the perp(s) could have meant it not to be found, and either

1) threw it at night and didn't see how shallow the water was, or

2) threw it during the day, and panicked when they saw it was partially showing, and left in a hurry. This strains credulity for me - risking being seen dumping in during daylight. Yes, it could have happened, but very low percentage, for me, and would only have happened the next morning - not a week later.

Though LE's theory of it being dumped right away is plausible, I see an equally plausible case to be made that the bike could have been dumped the very night before it was found.

If it were dumped the night of the diappearance, this leads me to believe that it was NOT dumped as a ruse. I do not see the perp(s) checking the water level. That would take a meticulous plan, and something tells me there was a LEVEL of meticulousness (lack of evidence, cell phone, etc.), but I'm not sure that the perp(s) would be so far to one side of the Bell Curve as to time the water level.

If it were dumped the night before it was discovered, it could be EITHER a ruse, or a failed dumping.

Personally, I see it as a failed dumping. Yes, it would be brilliant to lead LE on a wild goose-chase. But when I add the probability of it's being dumped on May 19, plus the probability of it being dumped a week later without regard to water level (dumping likely was at night with zero visibility - new moon), I come down on the side of it not being a ruse.... and it being found by accident.

That's a simpler way to look at it.

Then you have to look at who knew about that remote part of the Whiskey Bay exit, and that you could get close enough to the shore to throw a bike in.

The perp(s) had been there before, as I read it. Not a random pull-off-the-interstate-at-a-swampy-exit scenario. You have to find a perp(s) who was near the abduction site, who also has visited that part of Whiskey Bay before.

Now as to my long-discarded "floating-bike" theory, in which the bike and other objects were placed upstream and the bike floated?

I am satisfied that the current there is slow enough that the bike would have sunk sooner. So - if the bike were placed there by boat.... then I DO see it as a ruse. Someone in a boat could have dumped the bike anywhere. Someone dumping other objects upstream could still have put the bike there specifically to lead LE to believe that the perp came by land...

Yet this theory hits the rocks when I consider that if someone took a boat out of - say - Butte LaRose - to dispose of evidence, then there was no reason at all to leave the bike where it could be found. You wouldn't want ANYTHING calling attention to Whiskey Bay.

So, once again, I "deep-six" my boat theory, and stay on a land approach.

Last part - dumped from the bridge?? Yes - theoretically possible. But I see three problems with that:

1. The risk of stopping on the bridge. This has been knocked back and forth here. I went out there at night to check it. This would be risky. The crown of the bridge is steeply arched - such that to stop right over the site, one would have no rear visibility, and could get rear-ended at 80 mph. There is no shoulder. The rebuttal is that one could see a long ways back, before getting to the bridge, and see if no one is coming and do it then.
My rebuttal to this rebuttal:
A. Late on a Friday night - with graduations going on - I believe that there likely was higher than usual traffic volume between Lafayette and Baton Rouge at 3-4 a.m. Not a lot - but enough to where there likely wasn't just empty road behind the perp(s). Yes, the perp(s) could have pulled off earlier to wait for a gap, but then a passing cop could investigate the stopped car. If I have a girl & bike - or even a missing bike in the car, I don't want to get checked by LE for ANY reason - ANY AT ALL - that could lead the cops to pull my plate number later once her disappearance was reported.

B. The perp(s) would have to pull over just at the perfect spot to have it jsut close enough to shore to look like it was thrown from land. Too far forward, it lands on the shore - too far backward, it is neevr found - it would have to be a perfect stopping point - at night.

So..... I just don't buy the bridge dump.

I believe that the perp(s) drove down in to the west end of the exit, walked around to the back of the bridge pillar - threw it in - heard a splash - and didn't think it would be found.... didn't take the tide into consideration.

So the perp(s) are smart but not uber-smart.

This is why I have hope that some slip will finally come to light that will lead to Mickey.
Well, we're not slamming Abdella or the family, and we're not playing PI vs. PI, so I hope that some muted discussion of this is allowed, as it's a valid part of trying to figure what may be going on, in the absence of more info.

There are any number of reasons why the family may only want one PI on the case, and they run the gamut. There is no way to speculate, because any of the reasons above could be true. It could have to do with the perp(s) - with LE - with the PI - with a personal conflict - with a professional conflict - could be anything.

So though we bat ideas around, the discussion of why the family or others wanted ACI off the case isn't going to be productive. I hope that that whole situation settles down so that the family can concentrate on finding Mickey, rtaher than internecine imbroglios that sap energy.

I go with all three - except not the trafficking angle...

Could be local perp(s) but with friends involved who are farther away. So it could be a locally generated abduction, but with links to others who have a place she was transported to.

I keep thinking back to the bike. Was it meant to be found? Important point. I researched the water level, and at the time it was dumped - if done soon after the abduction - it would have been under about 3 feet of water - pointing toward it's not being meant to be found.

But then - .... if the perp(s) knew about the dump site - and went to dump it shortly before it was discovered, but thought the water was deeper than it was (no particular reason that the perp(s) knew how shallow the drop-off is there) - the perp(s) could have meant it not to be found, and either

1) threw it at night and didn't see how shallow the water was, or

2) threw it during the day, and panicked when they saw it was partially showing, and left in a hurry. This strains credulity for me - risking being seen dumping in during daylight. Yes, it could have happened, but very low percentage, for me, and would only have happened the next morning - not a week later.

Though LE's theory of it being dumped right away is plausible, I see an equally plausible case to be made that the bike could have been dumped the very night before it was found.

If it were dumped the night of the diappearance, this leads me to believe that it was NOT dumped as a ruse. I do not see the perp(s) checking the water level. That would take a meticulous plan, and something tells me there was a LEVEL of meticulousness (lack of evidence, cell phone, etc.), but I'm not sure that the perp(s) would be so far to one side of the Bell Curve as to time the water level.

If it were dumped the night before it was discovered, it could be EITHER a ruse, or a failed dumping.

Personally, I see it as a failed dumping. Yes, it would be brilliant to lead LE on a wild goose-chase. But when I add the probability of it's being dumped on May 19, plus the probability of it being dumped a week later without regard to water level (dumping likely was at night with zero visibility - new moon), I come down on the side of it not being a ruse.... and it being found by accident.

That's a simpler way to look at it.

Then you have to look at who knew about that remote part of the Whiskey Bay exit, and that you could get close enough to the shore to throw a bike in.

The perp(s) had been there before, as I read it. Not a random pull-off-the-interstate-at-a-swampy-exit scenario. You have to find a perp(s) who was near the abduction site, who also has visited that part of Whiskey Bay before.

Now as to my long-discarded "floating-bike" theory, in which the bike and other objects were placed upstream and the bike floated?

I am satisfied that the current there is slow enough that the bike would have sunk sooner. So - if the bike were placed there by boat.... then I DO see it as a ruse. Someone in a boat could have dumped the bike anywhere. Someone dumping other objects upstream could still have put the bike there specifically to lead LE to believe that the perp came by land...

Yet this theory hits the rocks when I consider that if someone took a boat out of - say - Butte LaRose - to dispose of evidence, then there was no reason at all to leave the bike where it could be found. You wouldn't want ANYTHING calling attention to Whiskey Bay.

So, once again, I "deep-six" my boat theory, and stay on a land approach.

Last part - dumped from the bridge?? Yes - theoretically possible. But I see three problems with that:

1. The risk of stopping on the bridge. This has been knocked back and forth here. I went out there at night to check it. This would be risky. The crown of the bridge is steeply arched - such that to stop right over the site, one would have no rear visibility, and could get rear-ended at 80 mph. There is no shoulder. The rebuttal is that one could see a long ways back, before getting to the bridge, and see if no one is coming and do it then.
My rebuttal to this rebuttal:
A. Late on a Friday night - with graduations going on - I believe that there likely was higher than usual traffic volume between Lafayette and Baton Rouge at 3-4 a.m. Not a lot - but enough to where there likely wasn't just empty road behind the perp(s). Yes, the perp(s) could have pulled off earlier to wait for a gap, but then a passing cop could investigate the stopped car. If I have a girl & bike - or even a missing bike in the car, I don't want to get checked by LE for ANY reason - ANY AT ALL - that could lead the cops to pull my plate number later once her disappearance was reported.

B. The perp(s) would have to pull over just at the perfect spot to have it jsut close enough to shore to look like it was thrown from land. Too far forward, it lands on the shore - too far backward, it is neevr found - it would have to be a perfect stopping point - at night.

So..... I just don't buy the bridge dump.

I believe that the perp(s) drove down in to the west end of the exit, walked around to the back of the bridge pillar - threw it in - heard a splash - and didn't think it would be found.... didn't take the tide into consideration.

So the perp(s) are smart but not uber-smart.

This is why I have hope that some slip will finally come to light that will lead to Mickey.

Love your thought process.


Whodunit?? ;)
I worry more about that maybe he spent more time making sure Mickey was well-hidden in the water and the bike was simply dumped as an afterthought...Tim M. saying it was possible she would never be found if put in the water was chilling, as he has had a lot of experience.

Also I can't help thinking of Samantha in many people felt sure she was being held alive...and it turns out she was apparently killed within hours of being kidnapped...

I just hope there is a conclusion in Mickey's case...of course hoping for a positive outcome, but at least that there IS an outcome...rather than another unsolved mystery.
I worry more about that maybe he spent more time making sure Mickey was well-hidden in the water and the bike was simply dumped as an afterthought...Tim M. saying it was possible she would never be found if put in the water was chilling, as he has had a lot of experience.

Also I can't help thinking of Samantha in many people felt sure she was being held alive...and it turns out she was apparently killed within hours of being kidnapped...

I just hope there is a conclusion in Mickey's case...of course hoping for a positive outcome, but at least that there IS an outcome...rather than another unsolved mystery.

agreed. there's also the whole alligator thing too. they do in fact find human skulls in alligators after hunting them. i'm guessing they turn these in to the police.

speaking of gators, i think that the characters on Swamp People should be alerted so they can keep their eyes out for anything - even clothing.
My belief is that the family was merely trying to simplify a place for tips and not confuse anyone who might have something to report by trying to figure out who to report it to, i.e. either their PI or LE.

Remember, this family is not exactly experienced in how to handle something like this...they are doing the best they can.
Well, we're not slamming Abdella or the family, and we're not playing PI vs. PI, so I hope that some muted discussion of this is allowed, as it's a valid part of trying to figure what may be going on, in the absence of more info.

There are any number of reasons why the family may only want one PI on the case, and they run the gamut. There is no way to speculate, because any of the reasons above could be true. It could have to do with the perp(s) - with LE - with the PI - with a personal conflict - with a professional conflict - could be anything.

So though we bat ideas around, the discussion of why the family or others wanted ACI off the case isn't going to be productive. I hope that that whole situation settles down so that the family can concentrate on finding Mickey, rtaher than internecine imbroglios that sap energy.


as a mother of 2 young daughters and 2 young sons, it doesn't sit well with me AT ALL even if there was personal conflict etc.

however, i agree it's wasted energy to speculate, so i surrender.

i'd put the waving white flag smilie, but i can't find him
They had dogs searching down at WB..and the dogs did not pick up anything..i would think if she was put in the water with the bike..they would have alerted to the spot.
I go with all three - except not the trafficking angle...

Could be local perp(s) but with friends involved who are farther away. So it could be a locally generated abduction, but with links to others who have a place she was transported to.

I keep thinking back to the bike. Was it meant to be found? Important point. I researched the water level, and at the time it was dumped - if done soon after the abduction - it would have been under about 3 feet of water - pointing toward it's not being meant to be found.

But then - .... if the perp(s) knew about the dump site - and went to dump it shortly before it was discovered, but thought the water was deeper than it was (no particular reason that the perp(s) knew how shallow the drop-off is there) - the perp(s) could have meant it not to be found, and either

1) threw it at night and didn't see how shallow the water was, or

2) threw it during the day, and panicked when they saw it was partially showing, and left in a hurry. This strains credulity for me - risking being seen dumping in during daylight. Yes, it could have happened, but very low percentage, for me, and would only have happened the next morning - not a week later.

Though LE's theory of it being dumped right away is plausible, I see an equally plausible case to be made that the bike could have been dumped the very night before it was found.

If it were dumped the night of the diappearance, this leads me to believe that it was NOT dumped as a ruse. I do not see the perp(s) checking the water level. That would take a meticulous plan, and something tells me there was a LEVEL of meticulousness (lack of evidence, cell phone, etc.), but I'm not sure that the perp(s) would be so far to one side of the Bell Curve as to time the water level.

If it were dumped the night before it was discovered, it could be EITHER a ruse, or a failed dumping.

Personally, I see it as a failed dumping. Yes, it would be brilliant to lead LE on a wild goose-chase. But when I add the probability of it's being dumped on May 19, plus the probability of it being dumped a week later without regard to water level (dumping likely was at night with zero visibility - new moon), I come down on the side of it not being a ruse.... and it being found by accident.

That's a simpler way to look at it.

Then you have to look at who knew about that remote part of the Whiskey Bay exit, and that you could get close enough to the shore to throw a bike in.

The perp(s) had been there before, as I read it. Not a random pull-off-the-interstate-at-a-swampy-exit scenario. You have to find a perp(s) who was near the abduction site, who also has visited that part of Whiskey Bay before.

Now as to my long-discarded "floating-bike" theory, in which the bike and other objects were placed upstream and the bike floated?

I am satisfied that the current there is slow enough that the bike would have sunk sooner. So - if the bike were placed there by boat.... then I DO see it as a ruse. Someone in a boat could have dumped the bike anywhere. Someone dumping other objects upstream could still have put the bike there specifically to lead LE to believe that the perp came by land...

Yet this theory hits the rocks when I consider that if someone took a boat out of - say - Butte LaRose - to dispose of evidence, then there was no reason at all to leave the bike where it could be found. You wouldn't want ANYTHING calling attention to Whiskey Bay.

So, once again, I "deep-six" my boat theory, and stay on a land approach.

Last part - dumped from the bridge?? Yes - theoretically possible. But I see three problems with that:

1. The risk of stopping on the bridge. This has been knocked back and forth here. I went out there at night to check it. This would be risky. The crown of the bridge is steeply arched - such that to stop right over the site, one would have no rear visibility, and could get rear-ended at 80 mph. There is no shoulder. The rebuttal is that one could see a long ways back, before getting to the bridge, and see if no one is coming and do it then.
My rebuttal to this rebuttal:
A. Late on a Friday night - with graduations going on - I believe that there likely was higher than usual traffic volume between Lafayette and Baton Rouge at 3-4 a.m. Not a lot - but enough to where there likely wasn't just empty road behind the perp(s). Yes, the perp(s) could have pulled off earlier to wait for a gap, but then a passing cop could investigate the stopped car. If I have a girl & bike - or even a missing bike in the car, I don't want to get checked by LE for ANY reason - ANY AT ALL - that could lead the cops to pull my plate number later once her disappearance was reported.

B. The perp(s) would have to pull over just at the perfect spot to have it jsut close enough to shore to look like it was thrown from land. Too far forward, it lands on the shore - too far backward, it is neevr found - it would have to be a perfect stopping point - at night.

So..... I just don't buy the bridge dump.

I believe that the perp(s) drove down in to the west end of the exit, walked around to the back of the bridge pillar - threw it in - heard a splash - and didn't think it would be found.... didn't take the tide into consideration.

So the perp(s) are smart but not uber-smart.

This is why I have hope that some slip will finally come to light that will lead to Mickey.

Bingo! Good post.
I go with all three - except not the trafficking angle...

Could be local perp(s) but with friends involved who are farther away. So it could be a locally generated abduction, but with links to others who have a place she was transported to.

Someone here mentioned earlier about NOLA. I think I'd be willing to add that as a possible scenario, based on info someone here referenced as having been seen on MS's FB page early on in the case.

But then - .... if the perp(s) knew about the dump site - and went to dump it shortly before it was discovered, but thought the water was deeper than it was (no particular reason that the perp(s) knew how shallow the drop-off is there) - the perp(s) could have meant it not to be found, and either

1) threw it at night and didn't see how shallow the water was, or

2) threw it during the day, and panicked when they saw it was partially showing, and left in a hurry. This strains credulity for me - risking being seen dumping in during daylight. Yes, it could have happened, but very low percentage, for me, and would only have happened the next morning - not a week later.

I think if option 2 had happened, they would have waded into the water and "fixed" that. If they weren't worried about being seen dumping during daytime, then chances are a little bit of extra effort wouldn't have been that big a deal.

Though LE's theory of it being dumped right away is plausible, I see an equally plausible case to be made that the bike could have been dumped the very night before it was found.

If it were dumped the night of the diappearance, this leads me to believe that it was NOT dumped as a ruse. I do not see the perp(s) checking the water level. That would take a meticulous plan, and something tells me there was a LEVEL of meticulousness (lack of evidence, cell phone, etc.), but I'm not sure that the perp(s) would be so far to one side of the Bell Curve as to time the water level.

If it were dumped the night before it was discovered, it could be EITHER a ruse, or a failed dumping.

The only issue I have with this scenario is the partial exposure of the bike. If they had dumped it the night before, would the water have dropped enough over the ~12 hour which transpired between the time of dump and the time of discovery? Bear in mind, if the bike had been fully submerged at the time of dump, then there would be residue (silt, debris, etc.) on the parts which, at the time of discovery, were exposed.

Obviously forensics would indicate whether or not this was the case.

Speaking of forensics: exactly how does the LSPCL define the word "rush"?

Personally, I see it as a failed dumping. Yes, it would be brilliant to lead LE on a wild goose-chase. But when I add the probability of it's being dumped on May 19, plus the probability of it being dumped a week later without regard to water level (dumping likely was at night with zero visibility - new moon), I come down on the side of it not being a ruse.... and it being found by accident.

That's a simpler way to look at it.

Then you have to look at who knew about that remote part of the Whiskey Bay exit, and that you could get close enough to the shore to throw a bike in.

The concern I have with this line of thought is: if the perp knew this much about WB, then dumping it in a spot where there was, quite visibly, a significant bit of foot traffic (where trash was present, where graffiti had been drawn, etc.) and not in a more remote spot (a little further down 975 in either direction, for example) tells me that either the perp wanted it to be found, or was just an idiot. I'm leaning towards a perp wanting it to be found.

Seriously, WB -- while dark and scary, and with a spooky past -- is not the best place to *get rid of* evidence and make it go away forever. Definitely not in that area where it was ultimately found. There are some remote areas within 15 miles of Lafayette (and also in the Atchafalaya, to be sure) where someone could dump something and it would almost assuredly never be found.

Last part - dumped from the bridge?? Yes - theoretically possible. But I see three problems with that:

1. The risk of stopping on the bridge. This has been knocked back and forth here. I went out there at night to check it. This would be risky. The crown of the bridge is steeply arched - such that to stop right over the site, one would have no rear visibility, and could get rear-ended at 80 mph. There is no shoulder. The rebuttal is that one could see a long ways back, before getting to the bridge, and see if no one is coming and do it then.
My rebuttal to this rebuttal:
A. Late on a Friday night - with graduations going on - I believe that there likely was higher than usual traffic volume between Lafayette and Baton Rouge at 3-4 a.m. Not a lot - but enough to where there likely wasn't just empty road behind the perp(s). Yes, the perp(s) could have pulled off earlier to wait for a gap, but then a passing cop could investigate the stopped car. If I have a girl & bike - or even a missing bike in the car, I don't want to get checked by LE for ANY reason - ANY AT ALL - that could lead the cops to pull my plate number later once her disappearance was reported.

B. The perp(s) would have to pull over just at the perfect spot to have it jsut close enough to shore to look like it was thrown from land. Too far forward, it lands on the shore - too far backward, it is neevr found - it would have to be a perfect stopping point - at night.

So..... I just don't buy the bridge dump.

I believe that the perp(s) drove down in to the west end of the exit, walked around to the back of the bridge pillar - threw it in - heard a splash - and didn't think it would be found.... didn't take the tide into consideration.

So the perp(s) are smart but not uber-smart.

This is why I have hope that some slip will finally come to light that will lead to Mickey.

I think a bridge dump is theoretically possible, though highly doubtful.

I think I agree with a dump-from-the-bank scenario and, in my mind, the only question which remains is whether it was an intended-to-be-found dump, or simply the work of a dumb, panicked perp.
They had dogs searching down at WB..and the dogs did not pick up anything..i would think if she was put in the water with the bike..they would have alerted to the spot.

Unfortunately the dogs are not always foolproof...just no way of knowing until/unless she is found...
If the bike was dumped in wb the nite she was taken i don't think she would be in the water. That sounds like the perp was taking her down 1-10 and got rid of bike but kept her. And from what i have read WB had searchers even before the bike was found. So..if the perp decided to get rid of the bike did he not know the police wouldn't be around. That would be a risky thing to do after searchers were there...especially if he had her body with the bike. So i think it was put there the nite of or the day after. and i'm goingto go with the nite of the kidnapping and him keeping micky.
If the bike was dumped in wb the nite she was taken i don't think she would be in the water. That sounds like the perp was taking her down 1-10 and got rid of bike but kept her. And from what i have read WB had searchers even before the bike was found. So..if the perp decided to get rid of the bike did he not know the police wouldn't be around. That would be a risky thing to do after searchers were there...especially if he had her body with the bike. So i think it was put there the nite of or the day after. and i'm goingto go with the nite of the kidnapping and him keeping micky.

I don't know...I think the bike was an afterthought, the same way I think the purse was in Sierra's case...the last bit of evidence to get ride of on the way home kind-of-thing. I can't see the perp stopping at all with Mickie in his vehicle. That would be far more dangerous, IMO. I think both the bike and Mickie were left at basically the same time, if not the same place...he may have chosen WB for the bike so that people would be reminded of serial killers...

Honestly, I would love to believe that someone is holding Mickie hostage, but I just don't. She is an adult woman, who would make a good witness at some point...just doesn't work for me. JMO of course and all that, while hoping the best but not expecting it.
Old. But wanted to post anyways.

[ame=""]Mickey Schnick: 5/29/12 - YouTube[/ame]​
I think a bridge dump is theoretically possible, though highly doubtful.

I think I agree with a dump-from-the-bank scenario and, in my mind, the only question which remains is whether it was an intended-to-be-found dump, or simply the work of a dumb, panicked perp.
Respectfully snipped~

I have heard and agree it would be dangerous to stop on the bridge.
I just wonder IF 2 people were involved... could one drive while the other sat in the bed of say a truck...:truce:
And throw it off the bridge from the truck, while the driver slowed?
Perhaps the person "tossing" the bike hesitated or found it harder to "fling" than they expected and it ended up in a less than desirable spot?
OR threw it too soon...
Of course there would be many variables! Whether there was a vehicle behind them or coming towards them and which direction they were driving on the bridge? I guess They might have to make a few passes...:waitasec:

Just seems like if it was tossed from under the bridge there wasn't much thought put into keeping it hidden under water! Maybe they heard something or saw headlights! :waitasec:AGAIN!!!

~just a thought!
They had dogs searching down at WB..and the dogs did not pick up anything..i would think if she was put in the water with the bike..they would have alerted to the spot.

Except the bike wasn't found until 9 days later. That could be why the dogs didn't alert.
Maybe ACI is working the case and he can't tell us? Maybe the family told him to not discuss any of this on internet threads ..and we were bombarding him with many questions. He hasn't been around as much maybe out investigating?

Not at all. Im no longer investigating the case in any way.

Haven't been posting on here much because I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea of what I'm doing. I don't want there to be any confusion about me working on this case. I've also been busy with the stack of other cases I have that I had put off to work on this one the last month.
Respectfully snipped~

I have heard and agree it would be dangerous to stop on the bridge.
I just wonder IF 2 people were involved... could one drive while the other sat in the bed of say a truck...:truce:
And throw it off the bridge from the truck, while the driver slowed?
Perhaps the person "tossing" the bike hesitated or found it harder to "fling" than they expected and it ended up in a less than desirable spot?
OR threw it too soon...
Of course there would be many variables! Whether there was a vehicle behind them or coming towards them and which direction they were driving on the bridge? I guess They might have to make a few passes...:waitasec:

Just seems like if it was tossed from under the bridge there wasn't much thought put into keeping it hidden under water! Maybe they heard something or saw headlights! :waitasec:AGAIN!!!

~just a thought!

I think even a single person *could* pull it off...but I still doubt this is what actually happened.

But to your point, yes, if a single could do it, then certainly a team could pull off this feat -- perhaps even exactly as you speculated.

That said, if the bike was found *directly below* the bridge, then that means someone had to dangle the bike over the rail, drop it straight down, and hope for it to drift to a spot directly beneath the bridge. Again...possible, but doubtful.

I'm leaning towards this being the work of someone panicked. And that's what leads me to lean in the area of the possibility that the person who dumped the bike was not the person who abducted MS.

Theory: they found the bike, took it, then when they learned of the significance of the bike, hurriedly disposed of it. The (reportedly) detached handlebars/grips could have been because the bike had been disassembled with intent to sell; or, alternately, that it was disassembled because it was being transported in a car, and removal of these parts helped the bike fit into a smaller transport compartment. (i.e. not in the bed of a truck)
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