Lies point us to the truth

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And you were?

Seriously? Seriously? Fibers from her clothing are entwined in the garrote.

Oh, gosh! He is concerned about his touch-dna on JonBenet's nightgown! LMMFAO!

It didn't occur to you that he didn't show up until the following exchange, did it?

911: How long ago was this?
PR: I don’t know. Just found a note a note and my daughter is missing

You definitely salivate over the thought of 9-yr old Burke having been the one to murder JonBenet.

What logic? You present none, only claims that cannot be susbstantiated.

And you were?
No, but I'm not making the claims that you are.

Seriously? Seriously? Fibers from her clothing are entwined in the garrote.
It does not follow from the presence of the fibers that Burke played no role in the death of JonBenet. As usual a lack of reasoning or logic demonstrates your critique lacks credibility.

Oh, gosh! He is concerned about his touch-dna on JonBenet's nightgown! LMMFAO!
Nope, maybe it's his penknife? I'm referencing what will be an unknown to Burke, but might just be something he is already aware of.?

It didn't occur to you that he didn't show up until the following exchange, did it?

911: How long ago was this?
PR: I don’t know. Just found a note a note and my daughter is missing
Sure it did, but Patsy repeats note and again in another exchange, i.e. Ransom Note, along with Gone, Missing, etc. So if Burke heard the above exchange and what followed how come he never linked the note and Ransom Note with my daughter is missing, you reckon Burke was that stupid?

You definitely salivate over the thought of 9-yr old Burke having been the one to murder JonBenet.
It obviously gives you pleasure to highlight your phrases in color and size.

My BDI does not assume Burke murdered JonBenet. Patsy gets the blame for that.

Going along with common interpretations of the post hang up conversation, the response to BR's "What did you find?" is JR's "We're not talking to you". This could mean that BR was being chastised, or that the parents were not going to explain the situation. However, their silence did not last for long, as BR was hurried back up to his room before the arrival of BPD with instructions to play possum.
Going along with common interpretations of the post hang up conversation, the response to BR's "What did you find?" is JR's "We're not talking to you". This could mean that BR was being chastised, or that the parents were not going to explain the situation. However, their silence did not last for long, as BR was hurried back up to his room before the arrival of BPD with instructions to play possum.

JR's "We're not talking to you". This could mean that BR was being chastised, or that the parents were not going to explain the situation.
ITA. This would make for a great quote in a book. It really says everything the BDI naysayers claim cannot be as BR is soooo young.

Also contrast the We're not talking to you with the Ramsey version of events throughout the morning, particularly when JR agrees with Fleet White to move Burke to his house.

So JonBenet is missing, presumed kidnapped, and BR's parents are not talking to him?

Surely he needs an explanation for the screams and commotion, never mind the Ransom Note references that icedtea4me says Burke missed so had to ask What did you find? so to clarify matters, but his parents are not talking to him, what does that tell us?

However, their silence did not last for long, as BR was hurried back up to his room before the arrival of BPD with instructions to play possum.
Yes, the parents gave him a script, patently telling him what is role was to be, except it all blew up in their faces once BR was heard at the end of the 911 call?

The latter timing suggesting he was there from the start of the 911 call?

Did Burke whack JonBenet with the baseball bat and break the basement window with it?

Part of my BDI is that Burke assaulted JonBenet and once she was unconcious assembled an amateurish staged crime-scene, e.g. size-12's, Burke's long johns, etc.

One look at this by the parents and they knew right away or made a few calls on John's , now missing, cellphone to check for the best course of action, i.e. no expense spared?

The rest we know all about or speculate on as IDI, PDI or JDI, etc.

Given the GJ outcome, with Hunter maintaining his silence, and BPD continuing to run a Cold Case Review, therefore preventing years old forensic evidence being made public, suggests conspiracy or legal cover up, i.e. BDI is covered by Colorado Child Statutes?

Then there is Burke himself who has become a ghost, unlike his father who continually pops up on the media to proclaim IDI.

I reckon I have identified the smoking gun that places Burke and JonBenet together in her bedroom on Christmas Day night.

Probably not enough to allow a jury to assume beyond all probability, etc. Yet as far as I am concerned it completes the jigsaw of forensic evidence that makes the case for BDI, albeit mainly descriptive and circumstantial.

The Rs sent their oblivious 9 year old son out of the BPD protected residence, instead of hanging on to their child. With murderous, vigilant terrorists on the loose? PR and JR never were quite in sync with the RN. FW became the man who knew too much.

In one of the two interviews with the psychologists, I believe that BR said that he heard his mother going 'psycho' downstairs. This is difficult to reconcile with other versions. IMO the numerous contradictions from Team R are a deliberate muddying of the water.

BDI does explain most of the evidence, except for PR's fibers enmeshed in the ligature. As JB was asphyxiated, who struck her is of
secondary significance. BR's possible motive seems complicated. One would likely have to assume that BR was also the chronic abuser? The gap of at least 40 min. between the head blow and strangulation is wide open for various explanations.
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The Rs sent their oblivious 9 year old son out of the BPD protected residence, instead of hanging on to their child. With murderous, vigilant terrorists on the loose? PR and JR never were quite in sync with the RN. FW became the man who knew too much.

In one of the two interviews with the psychologists, I believe that BR said that he heard his mother going 'psycho' downstairs. This is difficult to reconcile with other versions. IMO the numerous contradictions from Team R are a deliberate muddying of the water.

BDI does explain most of the evidence, except for PR's fibers enmeshed in the ligature. As JB was asphyxiated, who struck her is of
secondary significance. BR's possible motive seems complicated. One would likely have to assume that BR was also the chronic abuser? The gap of at least 40 min. between the head blow and strangulation is wide open for various explanations.

The Rs sent their oblivious 9 year old son out of the BPD protected residence, instead of hanging on to their child. With murderous, vigilant terrorists on the loose? PR and JR never were quite in sync with the RN. FW became the man who knew too much.
Yes, I reckon Fleet White knows the case is BDI, as he is maintaining his silence.

In one of the two interviews with the psychologists, I believe that BR said that he heard his mother going 'psycho' downstairs. This is difficult to reconcile with other versions. IMO the numerous contradictions from Team R are a deliberate muddying of the water.
Sure, Burke's 'psycho' remark inflected with his sense of childish drama just highlights the staging here.

I reckon the R's got in too deep and began adding revision upon revision, so that now when we analyse the interviews, etc it all unfolds like a big bowl of sphaghetti.

BDI does explain most of the evidence, except for PR's fibers enmeshed in the ligature. As JB was asphyxiated, who struck her is of secondary significance.
BDI is the most consistent theory all the others have holes that cannot be explained away.

This does not mean the case is BDI, it might just be, speculating about JDI, that JR has managed to remove most of the evidence linking him to the case, so BDI rises to the top?

BR's possible motive seems complicated. One would likely have to assume that BR was also the chronic abuser?
Not entirely, there were other suspects in the house.

The gap of at least 40 min. between the head blow and strangulation is wide open for various explanations.
Might just be down to inaction, panic or postmortem abuse? Could even be BR's staging period which the parents later dismantled when they found out?

It's also possible that BR whacked JonBenet in anger, for whatever reason, knocking her out and leaving her in a coma?

The acute vaginal assault might be staging by the parents, so to dramatise the kidnapping scenario?

If the case were PDI then how do we explain away all the BR forensic evidence its presence is just too circumstantial, given we are dealing with a homicide and not theft, etc.

If the case is JDI then he has done a pretty good job of removing many of his alleged links to JonBenet, whilst having the audacity to front up on TV promoting an IDI scenario.


ITA. This would make for a great quote in a book. It really says everything the BDI naysayers claim cannot be as BR is soooo young.

Also contrast the We're not talking to you with the Ramsey version of events throughout the morning, particularly when JR agrees with Fleet White to move Burke to his house.

So JonBenet is missing, presumed kidnapped, and BR's parents are not talking to him?

Surely he needs an explanation for the screams and commotion, never mind the Ransom Note references that icedtea4me says Burke missed so had to ask What did you find? so to clarify matters, but his parents are not talking to him, what does that tell us?

Yes, the parents gave him a script, patently telling him what is role was to be, except it all blew up in their faces once BR was heard at the end of the 911 call?

The latter timing suggesting he was there from the start of the 911 call?

Did Burke whack JonBenet with the baseball bat and break the basement window with it?

Part of my BDI is that Burke assaulted JonBenet and once she was unconcious assembled an amateurish staged crime-scene, e.g. size-12's, Burke's long johns, etc.

One look at this by the parents and they knew right away or made a few calls on John's , now missing, cellphone to check for the best course of action, i.e. no expense spared?

The rest we know all about or speculate on as IDI, PDI or JDI, etc.

Given the GJ outcome, with Hunter maintaining his silence, and BPD continuing to run a Cold Case Review, therefore preventing years old forensic evidence being made public, suggests conspiracy or legal cover up, i.e. BDI is covered by Colorado Child Statutes?

Then there is Burke himself who has become a ghost, unlike his father who continually pops up on the media to proclaim IDI.

I reckon I have identified the smoking gun that places Burke and JonBenet together in her bedroom on Christmas Day night.

Probably not enough to allow a jury to assume beyond all probability, etc. Yet as far as I am concerned it completes the jigsaw of forensic evidence that makes the case for BDI, albeit mainly descriptive and circumstantial.


Given your theory JB had to have been lured to the basement by BR if she were indeed struck with the baseball bat or the golf club. Both had fiber evidence linking location (found outside) and/or JB to the basement. The evening between JB and BR could have started out downstairs, led to her bedroom; escalated further into the basement.

Your theory makes sense to me. BR knew/was linked to the crime to much not to be a part of it. It also makes sense with the true bills handed down and serves a purpose for the coverup by both parents.

Yes, indeed.
Given your theory JB had to have been lured to the basement by BR if she were indeed struck with the baseball bat or the golf club. Both had fiber evidence linking location (found outside) and/or JB to the basement. The evening between JB and BR could have started out downstairs, led to her bedroom; escalated further into the basement.

Your theory makes sense to me. BR knew/was linked to the crime to much not to be a part of it. It also makes sense with the true bills handed down and serves a purpose for the coverup by both parents.

Yes, indeed.

Rain on my Parade,
Thanks for your input. I'm agnostic on BR needing to lure JonBenet to the basement as it is one of many possibilities in this scenario.

It really depends on whether BR moved JonBenet to the basement or assaulted her somewhere downstairs?

I reckon BR setup the initial basement staging most of which the parents restructured, i.e. suitcase and contents, barbie nightgown, Burke's toys, JR with his account regarding the broken window.

I'm probably being naive but the baseball bat looks about the right size for the hole in the broken window?

Right from the 911 Call BR appears to be part of the postmortem events as they play out that fateful morning, yet nearly everyone involved says he was never a suspect.

The True Bills and the Cold Case Review suggest other options, particularly as BR refused outright to talk recently with the Cold Case investigators!

Given your theory JB had to have been lured to the basement by BR if she were indeed struck with the baseball bat or the golf club. Both had fiber evidence linking location (found outside) and/or JB to the basement. The evening between JB and BR could have started out downstairs, led to her bedroom; escalated further into the basement.

Your theory makes sense to me. BR knew/was linked to the crime to much not to be a part of it. It also makes sense with the true bills handed down and serves a purpose for the coverup by both parents.

Yes, indeed.

The theory of a 9-yr old makes sense to you?
Rain on my Parade,
Thanks for your input. I'm agnostic on BR needing to lure JonBenet to the basement as it is one of many possibilities in this scenario.

I say “lure” because JB hated going down to the basement.

It really depends on whether BR moved JonBenet to the basement or assaulted her somewhere downstairs?

BR could have drug her body down the basement steps but her autopsy would have shown that. Unless of coarse the cover runs very deep. And he had a possible accomplice.

Perhaps your right .. JB went to the basement that night of her own free will.

I reckon BR setup the initial basement staging most of which the parents restructured, i.e. suitcase and contents, barbie nightgown, Burke's toys, JR with his account regarding the broken window.

Makes sense.

I'm probably being naive but the baseball bat looks about the right size for the hole in the broken window?

Could be. After all it was said to actually be PR softball bat with a basement carpet fiber found on it and BR’s golf club found outside in the backyard had JB hair on it. Master mind, I think I read that from someone posting here recently.

Right from the 911 Call BR appears to be part of the postmortem events as they play out that fateful morning, yet nearly everyone involved says he was never a suspect.

I figure he isn’t a “suspect” because he was just a few weeks away from being 10. So he couldn’t even be considered as such.

The True Bills and the Cold Case Review suggest other options, particularly as BR refused outright to talk recently with the Cold Case investigators!

Do tell, the recent refusal by BR, please.

If your asking me if BR needs and/or has needed psychotherapy; then the answer is yes.

No, I'm asking you if UKGuy's theory makes sense to you. He [UKGuy] admitted he was 9 yrs old, thereby making him ineligible to be a member of websleuths.

Age and Who Do You Think Bashed JonBenet on Her Head?


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No, I'm asking you if UKGuy's theory makes sense to you. He [UKGuy] admitted he was 9 yrs old, thereby making him ineligible to be a member of websleuths.

Age and Who Do You Think Bashed JonBenet on Her Head?


By using the Site, you warrant and promise that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age.

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In all honesty I believe he was referring to BR and not himself. But I got your point.
I say “lure” because JB hated going down to the basement.

BR could have drug her body down the basement steps but her autopsy would have shown that. Unless of coarse the cover runs very deep. And he had a possible accomplice.

Perhaps your right .. JB went to the basement that night of her own free will.

Makes sense.

Could be. After all it was said to actually be PR softball bat with a basement carpet fiber found on it and BR’s golf club found outside in the backyard had JB hair on it. Master mind, I think I read that from someone posting here recently.

I figure he isn’t a “suspect” because he was just a few weeks away from being 10. So he couldn’t even be considered as such.

Do tell, the recent refusal by BR, please.

Rain on my Parade,
I say “lure” because JB hated going down to the basement.
Sure, also with nice, warm bedrooms to pick from upstairs, the basement just does not seem to offer any attraction to either BR or JonBenet.

IMO, the basement is simply staging central for the Ramsey's.

BR could have drug her body down the basement steps but her autopsy would have shown that. Unless of coarse the cover runs very deep. And he had a possible accomplice.
Not if she was moved before the blanching effect kicked in?

It's an open question whether BR moved JonBenet downstairs to the basement?

Not an impossible event, assuming he redressed JonBenet in the size-12's and a pair of his own long johns?

Then breaking the window with the baseball/softball bat, he rearranges the forensic evidence, thinking he has done enough to point to an intruder?

Whenever the parents first view the basement staging they know immediately who did it.

The rest is staging and evidence tinkering by both parents, including a RN to explain JonBenet's transfer downstairs from her bedroom?

Note how JR assumes responsibility for the broken window and Patsy plays along stating she told LHP to clean up the glass, etc. In a separate interview BR claims to have been present when JR broke the window!

Does anyone need more proof regarding the culpability of all three Ramsey's in the death and subsequent crime-scene staging of JonBenet's homicide?

Why would Patsy or John select Patsy's niece's size-12 underwear to redress JonBenet when she had a drawer full of her own sized underwear available to hand?

Similarly why would John or Patsy elect to associate BR with his sisters murder by redressing her in a pair of Burke's long johns, JonBenet had a drawer full of nightgowns. It was a homicide staging!

What do the parents gain here, it's meant to be an Intruder kidnapping, so why dress JonBenet in bizarre clothes?

I figure he isn’t a “suspect” because he was just a few weeks away from being 10. So he couldn’t even be considered as such.
You are likely correct. In the early days I thought BR played no role in JonBenet's murder.

He was always protected by the Colorado Child Statutes, so nobody could consider him as a suspect, never mind refer to him as a POI.

Do tell, the recent refusal by BR, please.
It's old news, use your favorite search engine and you should find a News release by the BPD Cold Case Unit stating they requested an interview with BR, which he refused.

BTW for BDI afficionados redressing JonBenet in BR's long johns offers a compelling reason why BR's touch dna might be found on particular areas of JonBenet's body?
Sure, also with nice, warm bedrooms to pick from upstairs, the basement just does not seem to offer any attraction to either BR or JonBenet.

Unless they were searching for toys. As part of the evidence listed:
Partially wrapped FOA Swartz (55KKY)
Partially wrapped FOA Swartz (56KKY)
Partially wrapped FOA Swartz (57KKY)
Of course, there are BR legos but what I wondered about .. are there other packages unwrapped). Seems at the beginning of this case several items were listed and then disappeared. Perhaps it was just speculation?
Unless they were searching for toys. As part of the evidence listed:
Partially wrapped FOA Swartz (55KKY)
Partially wrapped FOA Swartz (56KKY)
Partially wrapped FOA Swartz (57KKY)
Of course, there are BR legos but what I wondered about .. are there other packages unwrapped). Seems at the beginning of this case several items were listed and then disappeared. Perhaps it was just speculation?

Sorry I was finished with the previous post.

IMO, the basement is simply staging central for the Ramsey's.

I can see where this could make sense.

Not if she was moved before the blanching effect kicked in?

What I wonder about then are the several rust colored abrasions/bruising found on JB. IMO, her heart has to be bleeding for that to occur. And the back area most probably occurred dragging her body across the cement floor in wc.

It's an open question whether BR moved JonBenet downstairs to the basement?

Yes, it is. But we started here:
I reckon BR setup the initial basement staging most of which the parents restructured, i.e. suitcase and contents, barbie nightgown, Burke's toys, JR with his account regarding the broken window.

Then breaking the window with the baseball/softball bat, he rearranges the forensic evidence, thinking he has done enough to point to an intruder?

Honestly, I don’t see how this can fly since there were spiders webs hanging to the broken shards of glass in the window sill top right, bottom left; from inside the house.

Whenever the parents first view the basement staging they know immediately who did it.

Are you implying this is how it happened?

Note how JR assumes responsibility for the broken window and Patsy plays along stating she told LHP to clean up the glass, etc. In a separate interview BR claims to have been present when JR broke the window!

When was this interview with BR when he stated this exactly? It seems as though the R’s are covering up something here or are they merely misleading?

What do the parents gain here, it's meant to be an Intruder kidnapping, so why dress JonBenet in bizarre clothes?

Seems a logical question to have asked PR.

You are likely correct. In the early days I thought BR played no role in JonBenet's murder.

He was always protected by the Colorado Child Statutes, so nobody could consider him as a suspect, never mind refer to him as a POI.
Does anyone need more proof regarding the culpability of all three Ramsey's in the death and subsequent crime-scene staging of JonBenet's homicide?

Not I.
At first, upon hearing of JR finding JB; I was in the JDI camp. Then we have ST and the RN; so I was also in the PDI camp. Then, later we have the BR interviews/therapy sessions and I was in the BDI camp. Yep, all three of them.

BTW for BDI afficionados redressing JonBenet in BR's long johns offers a compelling reason why BR's touch dna might be found on particular areas of JonBenet's body?

I must be really out of the loop …. BR touch dna found of particular areas of JB’s body?
Unless they were searching for toys. As part of the evidence listed:
Partially wrapped FOA Swartz (55KKY)
Partially wrapped FOA Swartz (56KKY)
Partially wrapped FOA Swartz (57KKY)
Of course, there are BR legos but what I wondered about .. are there other packages unwrapped). Seems at the beginning of this case several items were listed and then disappeared. Perhaps it was just speculation?

Rain on my Parade,
Yes, definitely there could be more packages. I interpret the gifts being in the basement as this is where the parents dumped the evidence, i.e. the kids could have been fighting over specific gifts?

I reckon the parents explanation regarding Burke's upcoming birthday and the opened gifts as fabricated to explain away the gifts being in the basement.

So there was a fight over gifts upstairs, which the parents later moved downstairs and Patsy claimed she had Partially Opened them, etc. All fake of course.

No Christmas photographs or video is a big red flag, whats to hide?

Rain on my Parade,
When was this interview with BR when he stated this exactly? It seems as though the R’s are covering up something here or are they merely misleading?

Burke Ramsey, Police Interview, June 10-12 1998

Burke's 1998 interview with Detective Dan Schuler, Excerpt
Burke on the basement ...

DS: Would you ever go downstairs and-- downstairs in the basement and play?

BR: Yeah I had a train, electric train there.

DS: How about the last year you lived there, did you play there much?

BR: Um … sort of.

Burke on house-keys/being there when John broke the basement window

DS: Did you ever have any keys that maybe, if you got locked out, you could get somewhere? Some people keep keys kind of hidden under something or out in the yard, or out in the yard or a secret hiding place they can put a key if they get locked out.

BR: I don't remember. One time we did get locked out and there are - this is the basement but there are two windows to the basement, and my dad had to break the window and then go around and unlock the door. 'Cause I mean, when the doors are locked, you can open them from the inside, but not the outside.

DS: Are you talking about the basement windows?

BR: Yeah. He, he -- Okay, he broke basement window, went through there (pointing to a floorplan of the house) and came up around--

DS: And then let you in.

BR: Yeah, I think it was the front door.

DS: Were you with him when that happened? When he had to get in that way?

BR: Yeah I was with him, but I didn't actually go in that way. I just waited--

DS: You waited where?

BR: I don't know where, maybe the front door or this door?

DS: Okay, so he had to let you in that way?

BR: Yeah.

So you can run this two ways: John breaking windows is pretty common and normal, as per BR's account, or BR is assisting JR with an after the fact alibi, and the above account refers to JR breaking the window as related to Fleet White?

Add the above to the parents backtracking on BR being sound asleep and BR agreeing that it sounds like his voice on the 911 tape, is this not postmortem staging?

Yep, all three of them.
Sure, and logically it could be any one of them as there is no smoking gun. Yet PDI and JDI are riddled with inconsistencies, especially when it comes to explaining the redressing of JonBenet.

Does it look like an adult staging a crime-scene so that the detectives will be satisfied JonBenet was wearing her usual domestic clothing?

I must be really out of the loop …. BR touch dna found of particular areas of JB’s body?
No tdna has been reported as found, then again the full report has never been released, but dressing JonBenet in BR's long johns might be a parents convoluted rationale intended to explain away any of BR's tdna found on JonBenet's lower torso?

I'm expecting BR's tdna to be present, similar to the barbie nightgown, again not a smoking gun.

On the basement: I've read accounts where Patsy stages for Burke in the basement then authors the ransom note before notifying JR.

This is possible,but how do we explain away JR's version of events, how he breaks the window, knows the Partially Opened gifts were in the basement, and that Patsy did not know, the suitcase narrative, etc.

June 1998 John Ramsey Interrogation by Lou Smit and Mike Kane
20 JOHN RAMSEY: Well Patsy had gotten a bunch
21 of gifts at FAO Schwartz up in New York in early
22 December, some of which were for them were for
23 Burke's birthday, which was in January. She didn't
24 know they were in the closet exactly,
You get that JR is hinting only he knows the gifts were in the closet, i.e. he put them there?

So, assuming JR is not telepathic, how can he synchronize his version of events with Patsy, knowing what to tell detectives as he answers off the cuff questions.

Conclusion: John and Patsy restaged Burke's prior staging of JonBenet's death.

Redressing JB would, of course, mean undressing her. What she was originally wearing to bed has disappeared or is undisclosed evidence. The size 6 Wed. bloomis? Why was she undressed? Obviously, to remove incriminating material. Would a panicked 9 year old be thinking of forensics? The upper part of JB is correctly attired in the GAP star top. She also wore the new gold jewelry. Plus the extra hair tie that had to be put on after arriving home.

The urine stain outside the WC seems the best indicator of where JB was asphyxiated. There is no such evidence as to where the head blow occurred. Some think that JB was in a prone position when struck. Certainly, this suggests a bedroom...but which? I have wondered if the mess in JAR's room was part of the staging. PR's fibers put her in the center of events. I don't think that the RN bears any relation to the WC. Nothing about the CS points to a kidnapping gone wrong.

Only BR would have need to drag the body about. To go back again to BR's own account - Someone had a knife and took her downstairs. IMO this statement should be seriously considered. The basement may be inhospitable, but it was where the train room was; so, BR thought of it as a place for fun. Where JB had been abused isn't known. The basement might offer required privacy? Maybe that's why JB didn't like to go down there?

It's likely that the SA attack was part of the staging. However, as this aspect was deliberately brought in, the stager had to have known of the chronic SA, otherwise it becomes far too coincidental. The simplest explanation is that the killer and the abuser are the same. But, that does not mean that is the case.
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