Lisa Stebic-Plainfield, IL mother of 2 Part 3

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Seems as if cs is getting more and more how smoothly things are going for him....this is a good thing. He will slip up.....time, more time and he will trip and fall......and we will be there to watch and see this gutless, skell rot!
Another brilliant tactic by his genious lawyer? Guilty or innocent, CS doesn't stand a chance with Mr. Davi. Especially when he makes statements like: "Especially given the fact that there isn't, to my knowledge, anything that points to him other than the fact that he is the last person to have come forward and say that he saw her," Davi said.,4_1_JO14_STEBIC_S1.article

Why would DD say CS was the was the "last" person to come forward and say he saw her,"? They were still living together!!! " DUH!!! LE wouldn't even respond to that comment. None of it makes any sense!

Another one:
Davi said Thursday that his client is trying ensure his children have as normal a summer as possible. "They laugh, they joke, they're visiting relatives," he said. He added that "Craig maintains the statements he has always stated from day one. He is innocent of anything that has happened with Lisa."
OKAYYYYYY......How does he know that anything "has" happened to Lisa. That statement was made before CS became a "person of interest".

You know, DD probably made those irresponsible statements because of the media pressure. But, it's a competent attorney who can handle those kinds of pressures. Given the lack of criminal law knowledge; DD has an Ethical Obligation to CS to bow out, and advice him to hire a criminal lawyer. It could be that he's finally realizing this, or is going to continue on defending the case because he knows CS can't afford both of his services. What a nightmare and imbarrassment if the latter is true. I'd have to go up to LE with my wrists out. "I SURRENDER!! I SURRENDER!!

Something different: I wonder if CS posted on those workout sites using Lisa's name as a premeditative ploy to throw LE off. Has this been discussed previously on this forum?
Yes, that was brought up immediately, BTB...that CS posted pretending to be her.

The mortgage angle is quite possible in forgiving the debt. The vehicles could also have this type of insurance on them, too. (Paid off in the event of a death.) If CS had planned this for a long time, he would have set up a life insurance policy, IMO. He would have kept up the payments no matter what other things he had to let go.
Yes, that was brought up immediately, BTB...that CS posted pretending to be her.

The mortgage angle is quite possible in forgiving the debt. The vehicles could also have this type of insurance on them, too. (Paid off in the event of a death.) If CS had planned this for a long time, he would have set up a life insurance policy, IMO. He would have kept up the payments no matter what other things he had to let go.

Hey SS, Check it out. Part of it validating my suspicions. I wonder if it will next be announced that DD will leave the case? I agree with the mortgage angle also. But, doesn't death have to be proven first? Maybe CS 'fessed up to DD, and they're banking on an innocent verdict should he be arrested. How dumb if true......I SURRENDER!!

Craig Stebic did not attend today's hearing. His attorney, Dion Davi, said the reasons for the motion were that legal fees on both sides were mounting, and the divorce case could not proceed in Lisa's absence. "And yet another DD gem" Davi also said the divorce case was detracting from the ongoing search for the missing woman. How so? He and CS aren't searching!!!",2933,285473,00.html

Back in late June, a source close to the investigation said that they were waiting on new lab DNA findings was the illusion of the article. Timing of the results brought it to the day police announced CS as a POI, but nothing was, or has been said regarding these anticipated new lab results.

Did I miss this?.... or did this story just go away?,2933,285473,00.html

Back in late June, a source close to the investigation said that they were waiting on new lab DNA findings was the illusion of the article. Timing of the results brought it to the day police announced CS as a POI, but nothing was, or has been said regarding these anticipated new lab results.

Did I miss this?.... or did this story just go away?

I haven't seen any results, has anyone else? Why aren't they being made public?
I haven't seen any results, has anyone else? Why aren't they being made public?

I wondered too, so re-read the article. Thanks. I guess the word "completed" was the prime focus of the sentence. Just my take on it.

A source close to the investigation told FOX News that "one" round of testing has been completed, but the lab needed "additional samples." Plainfield, Ill., police expect to have the results of that testing soon.
Let's get it over with. C.S. isn't going to cooperate now or ever. It's time to subpeana the kids before the Grand Jury. It's not going to be easy for the kids either way. Right now, they are in limbo and I don't see how attempting to move the investigation forward is going to be any worse.

I don't know if they can subpeana him also since he is technically a witness, not suspect, at this time. I'm sure he wouldn't say anything, but it would be nice to see him sweat.
Let's get it over with. C.S. isn't going to cooperate now or ever. It's time to subpeana the kids before the Grand Jury. It's not going to be easy for the kids either way. Right now, they are in limbo and I don't see how attempting to move the investigation forward is going to be any worse.

I don't know if they can subpeana him also since he is technically a witness, not suspect, at this time. I'm sure he wouldn't say anything, but it would be nice to see him sweat.

Hey, close observer, you have indicated previously that you are really close - in fact, I read from your posting that you're probably too close for comfort. Did I read between the lines correctly? Not trying to get you to say how close - I wouldn't either, if I were you. But, if you're that close, perhaps you have an opinion based on observations that you made even before this all came down? If you do, would you share it anonymously? Just curious.

I agree it would be nice to see him sweat. While it's true that one is innocent until proven guilty, my bet is that the court is going to have one heck of a time trying to find jurors that haven't got an opinion on this one!

I really, truly hope that, for the family's sake, this one gets solved. Also, for the neighbors and friends. I'm close, too, but probably not as close as closeobserver.
I think they are waiting for him to bury himself under so much circumstancial evidence that he cannot climb his way out from under it. Being protected by the Attorney, it is just a slower 'death' so to speak. The circumstantial evidence keeps piling up.
Is it me, or are they growin' 'em dumber? Check out the comment by law professor Peabody...I mean Cravise. Who's CS going to talk to about the divorce anyway? And, what's there to even say at this point?? He doesn't talk to anyone now except for spot light lovin' DD. Well??????......, he might be doin' a lot of talkin' to himself these days. I wonder if that counts?!?! Geesh!

HA! I wonder if he's rehearsing in front of the mirror (with tissue in hand, of course) for the big bust. Only a matter of time with Cracker Jack DD on the case. Good grief, that guy is embarrassing.

On Wednesday a Will County judge granted Craig's request to dismiss the divorce petition.
"That sounds like good advice to me," said Leonard Cavise, professor of criminal law and evidence at DePaul University's College of Law. "Anything he said in the course of the divorce would be usable against him if there were ever a criminal case.",6_1_NA19_STEBIC_S1.article
"That sounds like good advice to me," said Leonard Cavise, professor of criminal law and evidence at DePaul University's College of Law. "Anything he said in the course of the divorce would be usable against him if there were ever a criminal case.",6_1_NA19_STEBIC_S1.article
AH OK! So there is another good reason for him not to continue with the divorce case! I never thought about that...but they are right. He could slip up in the divorce and they could use it against him later! Interesting!
AH OK! So there is another good reason for him not to continue with the divorce case! I never thought about that...but they are right. He could slip up in the divorce and they could use it against him later! Interesting!

Hi SS, Yeah but, what about the six months worth of divorce info already known by DD. If CS is indicted, can't the prosecution have that info brought as evidence? After all; the "bitter divorce" was never a secret to anyone. And as we all know; Lisa went missing during that time. It just seems to me that any info possessed by DD shouldn't be considered privileged anymore.

Let me know your thoughts.
Hi SS, Yeah but, what about the six months worth of divorce info already known by DD. If CS is indicted, can't the prosecution have that info brought as evidence? After all; the "bitter divorce" was never a secret to anyone. And as we all know; Lisa went missing during that time. It just seems to me that any info possessed by DD shouldn't be considered privileged anymore.

Let me know your thoughts.

No, only what has been stated in court can be used against him. CS and DD still and will have Atty/client priviledge for the duration. However, now that she is "missing"...his testimony would become even more critical. He would have to skirt around the issue of how, why, etc. she is no longer involved in the case personally while being questioned by the Judge. I would assume they would prefer this not to be a risk they take at this point.
Let's get it over with. C.S. isn't going to cooperate now or ever. It's time to subpeana the kids before the Grand Jury. It's not going to be easy for the kids either way. Right now, they are in limbo and I don't see how attempting to move the investigation forward is going to be any worse.

I don't know if they can subpeana him also since he is technically a witness, not suspect, at this time. I'm sure he wouldn't say anything, but it would be nice to see him sweat.

closeobserver - ITA Surely, it is time.
No, only what has been stated in court can be used against him. CS and DD still and will have Atty/client priviledge for the duration. However, now that she is "missing"...his testimony would become even more critical. He would have to skirt around the issue of how, why, etc. she is no longer involved in the case personally while being questioned by the Judge. I would assume they would prefer this not to be a risk they take at this point.

OK, let me get this right. Even though the divorce proceedings have been dropped; the info is still privileged? DD isn't CS's divorce lawyer anymore, so how can it be? I think I'm having a major brain leak. I don't understand.

Sorry for not getting back sooner. CLOSET CLEANING!! UGH
I could not agree more!!!! :clap: What could be more in the BEST INTEREST of Lisa's children than to find out what really happened to their mother? Yes, it will be difficult. Yes, it will be traumatic. Yes, it will be intimidating. their age...they can handle it and they WANT to help! They WANT plus DESERVE to know! If *cough* their father had a hand in it...they NEED to know! THIS IS IN THEIR BEST INTEREST!

I don't know why they are hedging on the Grand Jury at this point...other than they really are waiting on more evidence. The perp *coughcs* didn't leave much to take to a GJ. You DO have to possess a case which the GJ will accept.

Let's get it over with. C.S. isn't going to cooperate now or ever. It's time to subpeana the kids before the Grand Jury. It's not going to be easy for the kids either way. Right now, they are in limbo and I don't see how attempting to move the investigation forward is going to be any worse.

I don't know if they can subpeana him also since he is technically a witness, not suspect, at this time. I'm sure he wouldn't say anything, but it would be nice to see him sweat.
OK, let me get this right. Even though the divorce proceedings have been dropped; the info is still privileged? DD isn't CS's divorce lawyer anymore, so how can it be? I think I'm having a major brain leak. I don't understand.

Sorry for not getting back sooner. CLOSET CLEANING!! UGH

Think he isn't going to retain this atty as his own? He has other issues in which to include him in proceedings now until he declares an actual criminal defense atty. Besides, as far as my understanding goes...even if the case has been can still count on the "priviledge". If I am wrong, I am sure the legal beagles here will let us know, but it is my understanding.

*Hint...Do what I do when I clean closets...grab a trash bag and say to yourself..."Did I use it or wear it in the last six months?!"...then I pack it up for Goodwill or send it to the dry cleaners! THEN PAINT THE INSIDE OF YOUR CLOSET! This gives you incentive to keep it clean. (I paint weird things on the inside of my closets...go figure...I am an artist so I have to have such outlets. LOL)
Think he isn't going to retain this atty as his own? He has other issues in which to include him in proceedings now until he declares an actual criminal defense atty. Besides, as far as my understanding goes...even if the case has been can still count on the "priviledge". If I am wrong, I am sure the legal beagles here will let us know, but it is my understanding.

*Hint...Do what I do when I clean closets...grab a trash bag and say to yourself..."Did I use it or wear it in the last six months?!"...then I pack it up for Goodwill or send it to the dry cleaners! THEN PAINT THE INSIDE OF YOUR CLOSET! This gives you incentive to keep it clean. (I paint weird things on the inside of my closets...go figure...I am an artist so I have to have such outlets. LOL)

Thanks! I think I get it now.

Funny you mention trash bags. I marched in the BR with a handful determined to get rid of junk. I just started saying while grabbing......Nope it's gotta go......this is nuts! I have three bags full and a ton more clothes to go through. I really hate this. Hey, I think that's so cool being an artist. One of my closest friends in Santa Fe is a professional artist. Oils and bronze work is her speciality. Beautiful stuff. Her work sells for thousands. What is your specialty? I'm sort of an artist in my own right. Only thing......I don't get paid. I do wood craft and give most of it away. I can't say no when someone asks for something. But am very flattered that folks like my stuff. It's a good feeling. I also dabble with poetry. Not paid. I have to tell you something funny. When we were talking about CS spitting for the camera; there was something about Liz's post (403) that just tickled me. I don't know what it was...the way she said it...imagining her as she wrote it...I don't know. It was just one of those simple moments we get for unknown reasons. Anyway, I had a poetic mind dump like you wouldn't believe. I wasn't sure it would be appropriate to post it here. It is clean.
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